• 沒有找到結果。

According to hypothesis 1 to 10 defined in chapter two, the research models are illustrated in Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2. Model 1 contains the five major components: (1) Positive Emotions (PE), (2) Trust, (3) Online Social Network (OSN) Adoption, (4) Individual Benefits (IB), (5) moderators that are Gender and Involvement. There are also five major components in Model 2 which are (1) Negative Emotions (NE), (2) Trust, (3) Online Social Network (OSN) Adoption, (4) Individual Benefits (IB), and (5) moderators include Gender and Involvement.

In this study, research models include three independent variables: (1) the sub-factors of PE are Alert, Inspired, Determined, Attentive, and Active. (2) NE has five sub-factors including Upset, Hostile, Ashamed, Nervous, and Afraid. (3) Trust. The dependent variables are OSN adoption, and IB: Relationship Maintenance and Development, Information and Knowledge Sharing, and Use Satisfaction. Figure 3-1 and 3-2 are research models, and there are ten major hypotheses are defined accordingly, they are presented as follow.

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Figure 3-1: Research Model 1 (The Group of Positive Emotions)

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Figure 3-2: Research Model 2 (The Group of Negative Emotions)


3.1.1 Hypotheses of Model 1 (The Group of Positive Emotions)

H1: Online social network adoption is significantly related to individual benefits.

H1a: Online social network adoption is significantly related to the relationship maintenance and development.

H1b: Online social network adoption is significantly related to the information/ knowledge sharing.

H1c: Online social network adoption is significantly related to the use satisfaction.

H2: Positive emotions are significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H2a: Alert is significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H2b: Inspired is significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H2c: Determined is significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H2d: Attentive is significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H2e: Active is significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H3: Trust are significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H4: Gender has a significant moderating effect on H1, H2, and H3.

H4a: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and individual benefits.

H4a1: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and the relationship maintenance and development.

H4a2: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and information/ knowledge sharing.

H4a3: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and the use satisfaction.

H4b: Gender significantly influences the relationship between positive emotions and the online social network adoption.

H4b1: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the alert and the online social network adoption.

H4b2: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the inspired and the online social network adoption.

H4b3: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the determined and the online social network adoption.

H4b4: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the attentive and the online social network adoption.

H4b5: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the active and the online social network adoption.

H4c: Gender significantly influences the relationship between trust and the online social network adoption.

H5: Involvement has a significant moderating effect on H1, H2, and H3.

H5a: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and Individual benefits.

H5a1: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and the relationship maintenance and development.

H5a2: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and information/ knowledge sharing.

H5a3: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and the use satisfaction.

H5b: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between positive emotions and the online social network adoption.

H5b1: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the alert and the online social network adoption.

H5b2: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the inspired and the online social network adoption.

H5b3: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the determined and the online social network adoption.

H5b4: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the attentive and the online social network adoption.

H5b5: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the active and the online social network adoption.

H5c: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between trust and the online social network adoption.


3.1.2 Hypotheses of Model 2 (The Group of Negative Emotions)

H6: Online social network adoption is significantly related to individual benefits.

H6a: Online social network adoption is significantly related to the relationship maintenance and development.

H6b: Online social network adoption is significantly related to the information/ knowledge sharing.

H6c: Online social network adoption is significantly related to use satisfaction.

H7: Negative emotions are significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H7a: Upset is significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H7b: Hostile is significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H7c: Ashamed is significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H7d: Nervous is significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H7e: Afraid is significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H8: Trust are significantly related to the online social network adoption.

H9: Gender has a significant moderating effect on H6, H7, and H8.

H9a: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and individual benefits.

H9a1: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and the relationship maintenance and development.

H9a2: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and information/ knowledge sharing.

H9a3: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and the use satisfaction.

H9b: Gender significantly influences the relationship between negative emotions and the online social network adoption.

H9b1: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the upset and the online social network adoption.

H9b2: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the hostile and the online social network adoption.

H9b3: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the ashamed and the online social network adoption.

H9b4: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the nervous and the online social network adoption.

H9b5: Gender significantly influences the relationship between the afraid and the online social network adoption.

H9c: Gender significantly influences the relationship between trust and the online social network adoption.

H10: Involvement has a significant moderating effect on H6, H7, and H8.

H10a: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and Individual benefits.

H10a1: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and the relationship maintenance and development.

H10a2: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and information/ knowledge sharing.

H10a3: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the online social network adoption and the use satisfaction.

H10b: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between negative emotions and the online social network adoption.

H10b1: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the upset and the online social network adoption.

H10b2: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the hostile and the online social network adoption.

H10b3: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the ashamed and the online social network adoption.

H10b4: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the nervous and the online social network adoption.

H10b5: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between the afraid and the online social network adoption.

H10c: Involvement significantly influences the relationship between trust and the online social network adoption.
