• 沒有找到結果。

○ Other (please specify)

○ None of the above

● Q12 How frequently do you look at social media?

○ I don't use social media

● Q13 On average, how much time a day do you spend on social media?

○ Less than 30 minutes

In the following question we ask you about your opinion on the 2020 military conflict between the United States and Iran. Please do not worry if you have not heard about this issue or you have not followed the news about it. Please read a short introduction of this issue below:

Tensions between the two countries escalated for 7 days in January 2020 after the U.S. government assassinated the Iranian commander Qassim Suleimani on the 3rd of January. In retaliation, on 8 January 2020 the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps launched missile attacks against two Iraqi military bases housing U.S. soldiers. On 10 February, the Pentagon confirmed that more than 100 U.S. service members were injured from the attack.

Upon initial assessments of no U.S. casualties, the U.S. government reduced tensions by temporarily ruling out a direct military response but announcing new sanctions.

● Q14 Have you heard about this issue before reading about it just now?

○ Yes / No

● Q15 Have you discussed this issue with others before?

○ Yes / No

● Q16 How frequently do you discuss international issues and news stories with others?

○ Never

● Q17 Do you support or oppose the actions the United States have taken in the 2020 Iran–U.S. military conflict? If you don't feel well informed enough on this issue, please select 4 – I am neutral.

○ 1 – I strongly oppose the U.S. military actions.

○ 2 – I oppose the U.S. military actions.

○ 3 – I somewhat oppose the U.S. military actions.

○ 4 – I am neutral on this issue

○ 5 – I somewhat support the U.S. military actions.

○ 6 – I support the U.S. military actions.

○ 7 – I strongly support the U.S. military actions.

Now we will ask you about your opinion on the media coverage of the 2020 military conflict between the United States and Iran (USIC). Please think of your primary news source when answering.

● Q19 Please rate how much you agree with the statements. (1–5)

○ The topic of the 2020 US-Iran conflict (USIC) received the necessary attention.

○ The topic of USIC was assigned an adequate status.

○ The frequency with which USIC is covered was adequate.

○ The topic is covered on the necessary regular basis.

● Q20 Please rate how much you agree with the statements. (1–5)

○ The essential points are included.

○ The focus is on important facts.

○ All important information regarding the topic of USIC is provided.

○ Reporting includes different points of view.

● Q21 Please rate how much you agree with the statements. (1–5)

○ The information in a report would be verifiable if examined.

○ The reported information is true.

○ The reports recount the facts truthfully.

○ The facts that I receive regarding USIC are correct.

● Q22 Please rate how much you agree with the statements. (1–5)

○ Criticism is expressed in an adequate manner.

○ The journalists’ opinions are well-founded.

○ The commentary regarding USIC consists of well-reflected conclusions.

○ I feel that the journalistic assessments regarding the topic of USIC are useful.

News source credibility

● Q23 Now, please think of your preferred source of news media and rate how much you agree with the questions below. Do you agree that... (1–5)

○ The news stories on your preferred news source are balanced?

○ The news stories on your preferred news source report the whole story?

○ The news stories on your preferred news source are objective?

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l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y

○ The news stories on your preferred news source are accurate?

● Q24 Now let us ask you about Facebook as a news source. Try to think of the overall impression that news stories and articles that show up on your feed have made on you.

Do you agree that... (1–5)

○ The news stories on Facebook are balanced?

○ The news stories on Facebook report the whole story?

○ The news stories on Facebook are objective?

○ The news stories on Facebook are fair?

○ The news stories on Facebook are accurate?

○ The news stories on Facebook are honest?

○ The news stories on Facebook are believable?

○ The news stories on Facebook are trustworthy?

○ The news stories on Facebook are up-to-date?

○ The news stories on Facebook are current?

○ The news stories on Facebook are timely?

Hostile Media Perception

This is the last section of the survey, thank you so much for sticking with us! Please look at the Facebook news post below and answer the following questions.

[Participants saw 1 of 2 versions of the stimulus material at random]

● Q25 Would you say that the portrayal of the strike in this post is strictly neutral, or is it biased in favor of one side or the other?

● Q26 Would you say that the journalist responsible for this post was strictly neutral, or were they biased in favor of one side or the other?

● Q27 Please estimate.... In your opinion, what percentage of the Facebook post was favorable​ towards the U.S. military actions?

● Q28 Please estimate.... In your opinion, what percentage of the Facebook post was unfavorable​ towards the U.S. military actions?

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● Q29 We are almost done! Please answer the same questions as before, but now about this specific Facebook post. Do you agree that... (1–5)

○ The news story in this Facebook post is balanced?

○ The news story in this Facebook post report the whole story?

○ The news story in this Facebook post is objective?

○ The news story in this Facebook post is fair?

○ The news story in this Facebook post is accurate?

○ The news story in this Facebook post is honest?

○ The news story in this Facebook post is believable?

○ The news story in this Facebook post is trustworthy?

○ The news story in this Facebook post is up-to-date?

○ The news story in this Facebook post is current?

○ The news story in this Facebook post is timely?

Finally, please take a look at the Facebook news post again.

● Q33 Please check all segments of the post that caused you to believe that this post was biased (in favor of either side). Choose as many as you think applies.

○ The text written by the journalist. (“Iran’s top security and intelligence commander…”) / (“America shocked and angry…”)

○ The text written by Reuters. ("Breaking News: The U.S. confirmed...")

○ The title of the article. (“The US Orders Strike…”)

○ The description of the article. (“Suleimani was planning…”)

○ The photo accompanying the article.

○ The number of likes on this post.

○ The number of comments on this post.

○ The number of shares on this post.

○ Something else (please specify)

○ None of the above Q34 Finally, please take a look at the Facebook news post again.
