• 沒有找到結果。

„ University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge is rich in history - its famous Colleges and University buildings attract visitors from all over the world. But the University's museums and collections also hold many treasures which give an exciting insight into some of the scholarly activities, both past and present, of the University's

academics and students.

The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world and one of the largest in the United Kingdom.

Its reputation for outstanding academic achievement is known world-wide and reflects the intellectual achievement of its students, as well as the world-class original research carried out by the staff of the University and the Colleges.

Many of the University's customs and unusual terminology can be traced to roots in the early years of the University's long history, and this booklet looks to the past to

find the origins of

much that is distinctive in the University of today.



Cavendish Lab

A building on the Cambridge University West Cambridge site houses the Cavendish Laboratory's Microelectronics Research Centre and the Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory. The research is concentrated on electron device physics and on devices based on novel concepts.

There are state-of-the-art facilities for fabricating nanostructures and unique and comprehensive facilities for measurements and inspection. These include ultra high resolution electron beam lithography, ultra-fast measurement systems, cryostats and dilution refrigerators, scanning electron microscopes, STMs and AFMs.

Currently the main research themes are single electronics, ultra-fast phenomena and nanotechnology for electronics. Research projects on nanoscale sensors are also underway and novel infrared sensors have been fabricated in silicon and GaAs. The physics and fabrication of superconductor/semiconductor interfaces and the properties of quantum nanopillars are also being studied.

Nanoscience Center

The Nanoscience Centre is a new building occupying a site at the north east corner of the Cavendish Laboratories on the University's West Cambridge Site. The main activity in the

center is making individual devices or structures which are only a few nanometres in size and then measuring how they work.

The aim of the Centre is to provide a contral focus for nanoscience research in Cambridge, housing both a wide range of research equipment and office accomodation for researchers working on interdisciplinary nanotechnology projects.

V. 綜合討論與建議

這次的拜訪,讓我們對英國這個過去曾經極盛一時的貴族國度有了一番重新的認識,某些方面,幾 乎所有我們接觸的產業與學界的人士,都保有英國公民所特有的高人一等的貴氣,而他們也的確在深度研究 與基礎研究上,保持著這種優勢,且深以其擁有悠久歷史與文化為傲。

從拜訪Queen’s 大學與 ECIT 中習得其產學合作模式是相當成功的,台灣產學合作似乎常受侷限於 數點因素:如大部份台灣廠商和學校合作的心態比較”務實”,所以不會找學校做”基礎”的技術研究,如做消

費性產品的IC 廠商,可能就不會透過學校再針對 AD/DA 技術作深入的探討,一般只請學校協助解決其應用

時無法解決的問題,所以題目大都不會太前瞻或深入。在”Amphion”這一個優良例子下,如何落實”技術前 瞻”的產學合作是值得台灣借鏡探討的。而 Connexant 這種 leverage 別人技術能量與人力資源的運作方式,

對於目前面臨人才不足,基礎科學又紮根不實的台灣IC 產業,應是一個很不錯的運作模式。

另在通訊產業方面,無論是有線或無線、系統或是IC,台灣在 cryptography 和 telecommunication software 方面, 幾乎都購自國外,不像英國有較深廣的技術層面。未來樂見台灣 SoC 產業利用現已發展有 成的SoC 技術外(如 digital 製程技術),DSP、CPU、RF 技術(特別是 Modeling)及製程技術、AD/DA、OS 軟體---這些發展 SoC 產業的”基礎”技術,都可多多透過國家型計劃及產學研合作模式多多投入。在

application 方面,台灣除目前消費性產品需鞏固外,應也可對新的應用領域多一點嘗試,如汽車、醫療、甚 至國防等。

就IP Business 來說, 以 ARC 為例, 據其所述, 從 1998 成立到今年(2005)才收支平衡,若只單純 發展一個CPU core 據說只需 5 個資深工程師,3 個月到 6 個月就可完成。但要發展成一個可以商用的 CPU core 所需的時間就不只 3~6 個月,且投資的金額也超過十倍。ARC 經營了 8 年才損益平衡,十年才賺錢,

IP Business 真的不容易。台灣若定位自己要成為世界級的 SoC implementation Center, 如何突破 IP Business 這一層,也是一個重要課題。

這次訪察中,NSoC 黃威主任受邀於倫敦第一屆舉辦的 The 1st IEE International Conference on Commercialising Technology and Innovation 兩天的研討會中演講。會中來自世界各國,如 Intel、Philip、

Nokia、MIT、Bell Lab、Sony…等之技術或管理階層之高層主管,各自對於未來技術創新與價值提出方向 與做法。黃主任也於會中介紹台灣半導體設計發展現況,並特別說明國家系統晶片發展二期計劃,將如何

帶領台灣未來技術創新發展與策略,分享與會的500 多位嘉賓,為台灣半導體發展再於國際展露頭角與光 芒。

VI. 結語

此次拜訪歐洲技術市場的前哨站--英國, 深度了解其目前 SoC 技術發展,其在 ICT 產業競爭力,實 不容忽視。雖然當地廠商的製造產值與營業規模並不大,硬體產品品牌也未有出色者,但其紮根之基礎科 學,輔以蘊藏於學術單位與民營企業的技術與創意,仍然強力吸引者投資者的注目焦點。

英國的無線通訊發展,在全球高科技聲浪中也已有其代表性地位。其IP 與 IC 設計之發展,也幾


英國的研發與設計導向的廠商,營運規模或許不大,但卻不乏全球產業的核心技術供應商,如全 球第一大IP 供應商的 ARM, 以及此次拜訪的 ARC 與 Imagination Technology,其營運模式是值得我們再 深入探討的。台灣應該再深入探討如何將其技術運用於台灣產品,增加產品之附加價值。對於基礎科學,


整體來說, 這一次訪察對英國學界,目前的研究進展,有了進一步的了解,產學研合作模式與成 果,值得學習。至於產業界,下次可以再多深入拜訪幾家廠商,或者在當地辦一場技術研討會,邀集更多 廠商參與,較能有通盤的了解,以掌握技術合作與商機合作的模式。



b. 行程

. Ireland- London SoC Delegation • 10




September 2005 •

Visiting Program

Date Time Activities Venue Remarks

10th Sept.


Departure for N. Ireland


Sun. Giant’s Causeway Antrim 12

Mon. ECIT(The Institute of Electronics,

Communications and lnformation Technology

QUB(Queen’s University Belfast)

The Innovation Center Amphion Corp.


Northern Ireland Science Park, Queen’s Island, Belfast

Hosted by: Prof. John McCanney

Invest Northern Ireland, Director Asia

Delegation arrives in London, UK

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in London city tour

NI/ Belfast Æ London
