• 沒有找到結果。

※ The questions below aim to understand your beliefs in grammar

instruction and error correction. Based on your own beliefs, please choose the most suitable one between strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree, and disagree.


Strongly Disagree

Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 1. I believe that learning grammar is

essential to eventual mastery of English.

□ □ □ □

2. I believe that grammar should be the main focus of the English class in junior high school, and developing

communicative competence is secondary.

□ □ □ □

3. I believe that the study of grammar is helpful to me.

□ □ □ □

4. I believe that practicing grammar is the most effective way to improve my

communicative competence.

□ □ □ □

5. I believe that junior high school teachers should spend more time teaching grammar rules.

□ □ □ □

6. I like to study grammar. □ □ □ □

7. I believe that in order to learn better in junior high school, teachers should emphasize on grammar as soon as I start learning English in elementary school.

□ □ □ □

8. I like teachers to tell me grammar rules and word usages directly.

□ □ □ □

9. I believe that understanding the grammar rules in the text helps me learn better than getting the main idea.

□ □ □ □

Disagree Disagree Agree

Strongly Agree 10. I believe that understanding the

commonly-used terms (such as subject, verb, and object) is essential to my learning.

□ □ □ □

11. I believe that understanding all the terms (such as subject, preposition, and adjective clause) is essential to my learning.

□ □ □ □

12. I believe that after explaining the grammar rules, letting me do pattern practices over and over is helpful to my learning.

□ □ □ □

13. I believe that after explaining grammar rules, letting me practice English in a real-life situation (such as interviews, and role-plays) can help me learn better.

□ □ □ □

14. I believe that after explaining grammar rules, the teacher should offer activities to let us do oral practices in groups.

□ □ □ □

15. I believe that after explaining grammar rules, the teacher should offer activities to let us do writing practices in groups.

□ □ □ □

16. I believe that after explaining grammar rules, the teacher should offer activities to let us do oral practices alone.

□ □ □ □

17. I believe that after explaining grammar rules, the teacher should offer activities to let us do writing practices alone.

□ □ □ □

18. I believe that error correction is very important to me.

□ □ □ □

Disagree Disagree Agree

Strongly Agree 19. I believe that when I make spoken

errors, the teacher should correct them.

□ □ □ □

20. I believe that when I make written errors, the teacher should correct them.

□ □ □ □

21. I believe that I like to be corrected by the teacher in class

□ □ □ □

22. I believe that I prefer to be corrected by other students in group activities.

□ □ □ □

23. I believe when I make errors in

grammar, the teacher should not correct me as long as the errors do not obstruct


□ □ □ □

24. I believe that when I make errors in grammar, the teacher should correct them immediately.

□ □ □ □

25. I believe that if my errors in grammar are not the main focus in this lesson, the teacher should not correct them


□ □ □ □

26. I believe that the teacher should collect students’ errors and discuss how to correct them during a certain period of time in class to help me learn better.

□ □ □ □

27. I believe that when I make errors in grammar, the teacher should provide me explanations and correct usages


□ □ □ □

Disagree Disagree Agree

Strongly Agree 28. I believe that when I make errors, the

teacher should use hints to let me notice my own errors and self-correct.

□ □ □ □

29. I believe that using Chinese to explain my errors is more helpful to me than using English.

□ □ □ □

30. I believe that if the teacher does not correct my written errors, I will think that the teacher did not read through it


□ □ □ □

31. I believe that if the teacher does not correct my spoken errors, I will think that the teacher did not listen to me carefully.

□ □ □ □

32. I believe that when the teacher corrects my errors, it benefits me.

□ □ □ □

33. I believe that when the teacher corrects the errors made by other students, it also benefits me.

□ □ □ □

Part III Further Suggestions

Except the questions stated above, if you have any other opinions about grammar instruction and error correction, please write them down here:

【This is the end of the questionnaire. Please double-check to make sure that you have done every question. Thank you for your participation.】

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APPENDIX D: The Chinese Teacher Questionnaire


首先要感謝您參與這項研究。本問卷主要是想瞭解國中英語教師對 於文法教學與錯誤訂正的看法。所得的資料純粹做為學術研究之用,不 會對外公佈個人填答資料,請安心作答。您的意見非常寶貴,請您仔細 閱讀作答,依照個人理念和想法,逐題填寫。非常感謝您在百忙中撥冗 協助!

敬祝 平安喜樂

國立政治大學英國語文學系英語教學碩士在職專班 指導教授:余明忠 博士 研 究 生:洪安嫻 敬上

第一部份 基本資料

說明: 請在最符合的□中打勾。

1. 性別:□ 男 □ 女

2. 教學年資: □ 5 年以下 □ 6~10 年 □ 11~20 年 □ 21 年以上 3. 最高學歷: □ 大學 □ 碩士班研究生 □ 國內碩士 □ 國外碩士

□ 博士班研究生 □ 國內博士 □ 國外博士 □ 其他

4. 畢業科系: □ 英語系/ 外文系 □教育系 □ 其他科系:

5. 個人經歷: □ 未曾在國外居住或留學 □曾在英語語系國家居住或留學

□ 曾在非英語語系國家(國名: )居住或留學

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APPENDIX E: The Chinese Student Questionnaire


本問卷旨在瞭解你對於國中英語文法教學和錯誤訂正的看法,以 作為學術研究之用。這不是考詴,不會影響你的成績,也沒有標準答 案,只要依照自己的想法回答就可以了!你所填的任何資料會絕對保 密,請放心填答。請你依順序耐心填寫所有題目!謝謝你的協助。

祝 健康快樂 學業進步

國立政治大學英國語文學系英語教學碩士在職專班 指導教授:余明忠 博士 研 究 生:洪安嫻 謹上

第一部份 基本資料

說明: 請在符合的□中打勾。

1. 性別: □ 男 □ 女

2. 年級: □ 七年級 □ 八年級 □ 九年級 3. 個人經歷: □ 未曾在國外居住或上學

□ 曾在說英語的國家居住或上學

□ 曾在國外居住或上學,但不是說英語的國家(國 名: )

4. 家庭背景: □ 爸爸和媽媽兩人的母語是國語/台語/客家語

□ 爸爸或媽媽其中一人的母語是英語

□ 爸爸和媽媽兩人的母語都是英語

□ 其他:

5. 學習經歷: □ 從未去過補習班或是請家教加強英文。

□ 有去補習班或請家教加強練習校內的英文課程。

□ 有去補習班或請家教額外加強課外的英文能力。

□ 有去補習班或請家教同時加強校內的英文課程與課外的英 文能力。

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APPENDIX F: A Start List for Coding

Structured List of Categories 1. GRAMMAR INSTRUCTION

1.1 Grammar and English Learning 1.1.1 Importance

1.1.2 Communicative Competence 1.1.3 Usefulness

1.1.4 Efficiency 1.1.5 School Course 1.1.6 Learner Preference 1.1.7 Starting Point 1.2 Grammar Rules 1.2.1 Deductive 1.2.2 Inductive 1.2.3 Efficacy 1.2.4 Examples 1.2.5 Method 1.2.6 Speed 1.2.7 Difficulty

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1.3 Grammar Terminology 1.3.1 Importance 1.3.2 Necessity

1.3.3 Students’ Acceptance 1.3.4 Teaching Application 1.4 Grammar Practices

1.4.1 Pattern Practice 1.4.2 Situation Simulation 1.4.3 Oral Practices 1.4.4 Writing Practices 1.4.5 Group Practices 1.4.6 Individual Practices 2. ERROR CORRECTION

2.1 Error Correction and English Learning 2.1.1 Importance

2.1.2 Benefit

2.1.3 Spoken Error Correction 2.1.4 Written Error Correction

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2.2 The Suitable Corrector 2.2.1 Teacher Corrector 2.2.2 Peer Corrector 2.2.3 Other Correctors 2.3 The Suitable Time 2.3.1 Proactive 2.3.2 Preemptive 2.3.4 Reactive 2.3.5 Lesson Focus 2.3.6 Fluency

2.3.7 Activity Purposes 2.3.7 In Public or In Private 2.4 The Suitable Way

2.4.1 Collect and Discuss 2.4.2 Teachers’ Explanations 2.4.3 Hints and Self-correct 2.4.4 Chinese or English 2.4.5 Face-saving

2.4.6 Depend on Error Source

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2.5 Students’ Expectation 2.5.1 Oral Correction 2.5.2 Written Correction 2.5.3 Benefit Individuals 2.5.4 Benefit Others 3. OTHER FINDINGS

3.1 Four Basic Skills 3.1.1 Listening 3.1.2 Speaking 3.1.3 Reading 3.1.4 Writing 3.2 Other Issues 3.2.1 Conversation 3.2.2 Vocabulary 3.2.3 Textbooks

3.2.4 Immersion of English 3.2.5 Classroom Setting 3.2.6 Educational System
