• 沒有找到結果。

5. Conclusion

5.2 Suggestions of Future Studies

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5.2 Suggestions of Future Studies

This research is the preliminary introduction of the past 40 years of Taiwan by using On the Happiness Road as an example. The film tried to go through the most important historical moments in Taiwan. There were four former Taiwanese Presidents mentioned in the film and arranged with the corresponding plots on purpose; however, there are some missing parts in Taiwan history. For instance, the film did not show any description of political figure Lee Teng-hui who was the President after Chiang Ching-kuo and before Chen Shui-bian. But in fact, he was one of the important political figures in advocating the process of modernization and democratization in Taiwan. Lee was the first local Taiwanese President and elected by the people on their own. At the time of his governance, there was an atmosphere of rising the political status of local Taiwanese in society. Later, he also made his statement of considering Taiwan as a domestic and independent country. But On the Happiness Road does not include this important political figure in the film. Moreover, the director touches upon many important issues in Taiwan, but she is not able to go deeper than the common understanding of these social issues by the reason of her limited personal perspective and experience. Therefore, it would be the future director’s responsibility to develop a deeper discussion in this kind of animated film.

In addition to the absence of Lee Teng-hui, On the Happiness Road only depicted the Taiwanese people’s American dream and the influence after the Post-Cold War period, but there is not much indication of the threat from China and their complicated relationship with Taiwan in the past. In fact, there has been the ambiguity in the

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relationship between Taiwan and China for a long time. At that time, the KMT government considered that they had the sovereignty as a legal governance of mainland China. This statement is gradually denied after the democratization started. It resulted in the awkward situation of Taiwan is still the diplomatic isolated nation in the world.

However, On the Happiness Road is not a perfect story, but it remains its crucial meaning and value in presenting Taiwan’s history. It triggered the Taiwanese audience and the society thinking over about the past of their birthplace and pay much more attention on the potential of producing local Taiwanese animation. On the Happiness Road did not include everything in this film so that the future animators may still work out new Taiwanese animated film in this direction. The film ended around in 2014, but there are still many events happened continuously after five years now in 2019.

Taiwanese animators can also try to dig in the inspiration behind these social events in the Taiwan society, but focus on shorter time-span in order to depict the story deeper.

On top of that, there were other Taiwanese films using animation to represent Taiwan’s history. For example, Hand in Hand (牽阮的手,2011) is the documentary of Tian Chao-ming (田朝明) and Tian Meng-shu (田孟淑) who were the married couple and the activist in Taiwanese social movement. Another one example is Taiwan History: I Am Not the Only One Seeing This! (台灣史!不能只有我看到,2018) which is the animation series about Taiwan history in short episodes. It was produced by PTS as well as Taiwan Bar and released on YouTube. Both of them chose animation as media to represent Taiwan’s history. The future study may categorize these Taiwanese

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animated films and further discuss the effects of using animation dealing with tough historical issues among the youth.

Last, the director put in various political, social and cultural elements to recall the audience’s collective memory. But it was mostly my personal observation. Thus, it is worthy of for the future research to conduct the reception analysis of the audience with an interview in order to know how the audience in different generation interpret and feel after seeing this film.

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