• 沒有找到結果。

Chapter 6: Conclusion

6.2 Suggestions

Cross cultural issues are not easy to handle, because often it involves sensitive subjects and not always work-related. Difficult grasp it with official tools, but here I collected some ideas on human resource and on organizational level.

Human resource management should focus on recruiting people who has knowledge about the both culture, preferably speak both languages. Problem based team building should be organised to enhance the cooperation, for example escape rooms or orienteering races. It improves teamwork, helps co-workers realize each other’s potential and reduces the cultural differences.

Trainings should have follow up test or anything to verify that the training was successful. Also could have e-learning like platform, where workers can get vocational trainings. Language trainings should also be available.

Human resource should operate welfare programs to protects employees health from the negative effect of stress and constant pressure. There are health insurance packages for organizations, for example MediCover. They provide medical examinations and diagnostics in close to 30 specialties without waiting list. Also, in Hungary there is a service called All you can move card. Companies can apply for it and then the employees for a very generous monthly fee can access many sport centre and can practice different sports. That would result more active, healthier, less stressed employees.

On corporate level, employees should access information about the country they are assigned to, the work and responsibility of their own and their colleagues and about the systems they work with. So organization should create a database to summarize all those

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country-specific, cultural differences, such as geography, climate, language, culture, religion, historical background and so on. This would help expatriates understand their local culture and reach a higher level of cultural understanding. Also would help locals to understand their international colleague’s behaviour.

Also create a database of the job descriptions, job specifications and other personnel management documents. It would help to colleagues who are in need of help to find the proper person and not waste each other’s time when they are not qualified, but still try to help unsuccessfully. Also, this would help to people with less experience understand their responsibilities and duties.

Finally create a database of the system manuals. Trainings about the systems usually just include the introduction of a new process or method via the system, but fail to provide a full picture of the system. Also to comprehend the relations between the system and who, where has the authority to change or modify.

I hope that my study helped to get some insight in the cross cultural management and how Huawei used this aspect of the internationalization process in Hungary. In the future I would like to use these conclusions and help many Chinese and Hungarian co-working company to improve the internal cooperation and continue to grow. As the Huawei Terminals’ often mentioned slogan says: Make it possible!

BAB.LA: The importance of cross cultural


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Cultural Guidance on the first day of work, infographic by Yang Liu (Source:

