• 沒有找到結果。

Suggestions for Future Research

The present study focused on one male Taiwanese EFL college teacher’s teaching belief and his code-switching practice, but some issues are still waiting to be solved. First, future researchers would invite two or more teachers to investigate their teaching beliefs and code-switching practice. Every teacher comes from different educational background, so their beliefs about code-switching and actual practices are different. Therefore, future researchers could compare and contrast different teachers’ teaching beliefs and their code-switching practice.

Second, the teacher of this study was a college English teacher. Teachers who teach students with different English proficiency levels may have different beliefs about code-switching. Hence, future researchers could invite some teachers who


teach English in elementary school, junior high school, high school, or even in cram schools. Their beliefs about code-switching and actual practices in the classroom would be very different.

Finally, students’ voices could be included in the future study. Besides the teacher’s teaching beliefs about code-switching, future researchers would also ask the students’ opinions about code-switching in the classroom. And then, after observing the classroom, the researchers would compare and contrast the differences between the teacher’s and the students’ belief and actual practice about

code-switching in the classroom.



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Appendix A-1
