• 沒有找到結果。

The Local Symbols

在文檔中 橢圓曲線的二次扭變 (頁 29-39)

In this chapter, we shall define, for each v ∈ T0\ {2}, a group homomorphism Φv : E(Qv)/2E(Qv) −→ fv,


fv ' E(Qv)/ NLv/Qv(E(Lv))

for a particular quadratic extension Lv/Qv. Then we define the local symbol {ϕ}υ := Φv(Pϕv),

for each ϕ ∈ Sel2(E/Q). Also, we denote

Nv = NLv/Qv(E(Lv)). (36) 1. The Archimedean Place

Suppose v = ∞. Then Qv = R and we take Lv = C. Also, since E[2] ⊂ E(Qv), the topological group E(Qv) = E(R) has two components and NC/R(E(C)) is just the identity component of E(R). Therefore, E(Qv)/ NLv/Qv(E(Lv)) ' Z/2Z. Let Φv be the composition

E(Qv)/2E(Qv) −→ E(Qv)/ NLv/Qv(E(Lv))−→ F 2.

Suppose an element [P ] ∈ E(Qv)/2E(Qv) is obtained from a point P = (ξ, η) ∈ E(Qv). Then we have

Φv([P ]) =

(0 ∈ F2, if ξ ≥ b,

1 ∈ F2, otherwise. (37)

From this, we see that Φv([P ]) = 0 if and only if P ∈ 2E(Qv). Therefore, we have the following:

Lemma IV.1. An element ϕ ∈ Sel2(E/Q) has local symbol {ϕ} = 0 if and only if ϕ is unramified.

2. The Split Multiplicative Places

The main reference of this as well as next section is [Sil86], section C.14. Sup-pose v is an odd place at which E has split multiplicative reduction. Then over Qv, E is isomorphic to the Tate curve with some period Qv ∈ Qv so that

E( ¯Qv) ' ¯Qv/QZv (38) as GQv-modules. For an z ∈ ¯Qv, let Pz ∈ E( ¯Qv) denote the point corresponding to z modulo QZv (the Tate’s uniformization).


Let Lv/Qv be the unique unramified quadratic extension. As E[2] ⊂ E(Qv), we have

pQv ∈ Qv. In particular, Qv = (√

Qv)2 ∈ NLv/Qv(Lv), and hence NLv/QvE(Lv) ' NLv/Qv(Lv)/QZv.

This shows that E(Qv)/ NLv/QvE(Lv) ' Qv/ NLv/Qv(Lv) ' Z/2Z. Also, since Lv/Qv is unramified, the local unit group Zv is contained in NLv/Qv(Lv). There-fore, an z ∈ Qv is contained in NLv/Qv(Lv) if and only if the valuation ordv(z) is even, or equivalently, the extension Qv(√

z)/Qv is unramified. Since, by the isomor-phism (38), Qv(√

z) is the same as the field generated by the coordinates of one (and hence all) of the 2-division points of Pz, we see that Pz ∈ E(Qv) is in the norm NLv/QvE(Lv) if and only if some of its 2-division points is rational over an unramified extension of Qv

For a point P = (ξ, η) ∈ E(Qv), we use the formula in Section II.2 to compute a 2-division point Q = (x, y) of P . Then we define Φv so that for the class [P ] ∈ E(Qv)/2E(Qv),

Φv([P ]) =

(0 ∈ F2, if Qv(x, y)/Qv is unramified,

1 ∈ F2, otherwise. (39)

In view of this, we have the following lemma.

Lemma IV.2. Suppose v is an odd place at which E has split multiplicative reduction. An element ϕ ∈ Sel2(E/Q) has local symbol {ϕ}v = 0 if and only if ϕv is unramified. In this case the reduction at v of ϕ([v]) ∈ E[2], where [v] is the Frobenius element at v, is a smooth point on ¯E, the reduction curve of E.

Proof. To prove the last statement, we note that ϕ([v]) = Pz for some z ∈ Zv. That the reduction of such point is smooth is well known for Tate’s uniformization

(see [Sil86], theorem C.14.1(c)). 

3. The Non-Split Multiplicative Places

Suppose v is an odd place at which E has non-split multiplicative reduction and let Lv/Qv be the unique unramified quadratic extension. Then Lv = Qv(√

µ) for some non-square local unit µ ∈ Zv \ (Zv)2 and the quadratic twist Eµ has split multiplicative reduction at v. Thus, as an abstract group, we have

E(Lv) = Eµ(Lv). (40)

Also, since Eµ is the µ-twist of E and Lv = Qv(√

µ), for the natural action of the Galois group Gal(Lv/Qv) =: {τ, id} on Eµ(Lv), we have

E(Qv) = {P ∈ Eµ(Lv) | P +τP = 0}, (41) and

NLv/Qv(E(Lv)) = {P ∈ Eµ(Lv) | P =τQ − Q, for some Q ∈ Eµ(Lv)}. (42)


This shows that E(Qv)/ NLv/Qv(E(Lv)) = H1(Gal(Lv/Qv), Eµ(Lv)) which, by Corol-lary II.5, is the dual group of Eµ(Qv)/ NLv/Qv(Eµ(Lv)). Therefore, from the discus-sion in the previous section, we can deduce that

E(Qv)/ NLv/Qv(E(Lv)) ' Z/2Z.

We can explicitly describe the group NLv/Qv(E(Lv)) as follow. Let P = (ξ, η) ∈ E(Qv). Then P0 = (µξ, µ3/2η) ∈ Eµ(Lv) is the corresponding point under the identification (40). Here as usual, the defining equation for Eµ is

y2 = x(x − µa)(x − µb).

Lemma IV.3. The following conditions are equivalent:

(a) P ∈ NLv/Qv(E(Lv)).

(b) P0 = Pz with z =τt/t for some t ∈ Lv. (c) P0 = Pz with z ∈ OLv.

(d) The reduction ¯P0 is a smooth point on ¯Eµ (e) The reduction ¯P is a smooth point on ¯E.

Proof. That (a) ⇐⇒ (b) is from (42), and (b) ⇐⇒ (c) is from (41) as well as Hilbert’s Theorem 90. Also, (c) ⇐⇒ (d) is by [Sil86], theorem C.14.1(c)), and (d)

⇐⇒ (e) is obvious. 

Then we define Φv so that for the class [P ] ∈ E(Qv)/2E(Qv), Φv([P ]) =

(0 ∈ F2, if the reduction ¯P is a smooth point on ¯E,

1 ∈ F2, otherwise. (43)

Lemma IV.4. Suppose v is an odd place at which E has non-split multiplicative reduction. An element ϕ ∈ Sel2(E/Q) has local symbol {ϕ}v = 0 if and only if ϕv is unramified and the point ϕ([v]) ∈ E[2], where [v] is the Frobenius element at v, has smooth reduction.

Proof. Write Pϕ0 = Pz ∈ Eµ(Lv) for the point corresponding to Pϕ. The local symbol {ϕ}v = 0 if and only if z can be chosen in OLv, or equivalently, the field extension Qv(√

z)/Qv is unramified and[v]√ z ·√

z = u × Qmv where u is a local unit and m ∈ Z.

 4. The Potential Good Additive Places

Suppose v is an odd place at which E has additive reduction so that its πv -twist Eπv, for some prime element πv, has good reduction. Since, for every u ∈ Zv, Ev = (Eπv)u also has good reduction, we see that if Lv/Qv is a ramified quadratic extension with Lv = Qv(√

µ), then Eµ has good reduction. In this case, the equalities (40), (41), (42) also hold, and hence the group E(Qv)/ NLv/Qv(E(Lv)) is dual to the cohomology group H1(Gal(Lv/Qv), Eµ(Lv)). We claim that in this case, E(Qv)/ NLv/Qv(E(Lv)) ' E[2].

Since v is odd, the formal group bEµ(OLv) is divisible by 2, and from the exact sequence

0 −→ bEµ(OLv) −→ Eµ(Lv) −→ ¯Eµ(Fv) −→ 0

induced from the reduction map, where Fv is the residue field, we deduce that H1(Gal(Lv/Qv), Eµ(Lv)) ' H1(Gal(Lv/Qv), ¯Eµ(Fv)).

The Galois group Gal(Lv/Qv) acts trivially on Fv, as Lv/Qv is totally ramified.

Therefore, H1(Gal(Lv/Qv), ¯Eµ(Fv)) is isomorphic to E[2] and the claim is proved.

Then we make another claim that E(Qv)/2E(Qv) ' E[2], too. To see this, we apply the exact sequence ([Sil86], VII, §2)

0 −→ bE(Zv) −→ E0(Qv) −→ ¯Ens(Fv) −→ 0,

where ¯Ens(Fv) ' Fv is the subgroup consisting of non-singular points. It implies that E0(Qv) is 2-divisible. On the other hand, the Kodaira and N´eron’s theorem (see [Sil86],p. 183 Theorem 6.1) implies that E(Qv)/E0(Qv) is a finite group of order at most 4. Since E[2] is a subset of E(Qv), we have E0(Qv) = 2E(Qv) and the claim is proved.

The above two claims together imply E(Qv)/2E(Qv) ' E(Qv)/ NLv/Qv(E(Lv)), if Lv/Qv is ramified. Suppose Lv/Qv is the unramified quadratic extension. Then over Lv, our elliptic curve E also has additive reduction, and an argument similar to the above one shows that E0(Lv) is two divisible and E(Lv)/2E(Lv) ' E[2]. Then we also have E(Qv)/ NLv/Qv(E(Lv)) = E(Qv)/2E(Qv). We summarize as follow.

Lemma IV.5. If Lv/Qv is a quadratic extension, then NLv/Qv(E(Lv)) = E0(Qv) = 2E(Qv) and the composition

E[2] −→ E(Qv) −→ E(Qv)/ NLv/Qv(E(Lv)) is an isomorphism.

We let fv = E[2] and define Φv so that for the class [P ] ∈ E(Qv)/2E(Qv), Φv([P ]) = A ∈ E[2], if the reduction P − A is a smooth point on ¯E.

Thus, for ϕ ∈ Sel2(E/Q), the local symbol {ϕ}v = 0 if and only if Pϕv ∈ 2E(Qv).

Hence, we have the following:

Lemma IV.6. Suppose v is an odd place at which E has potential good additive reduction. An element ϕ ∈ Sel2(E/Q) has local symbol {ϕ}v = 0 if and only if ϕv = 0.

5. The map s For simplicity, denote

T00= T0\ {2}.

6. THE d-TWIST OF E FOR d = ±p OR d = ±pq 33

In the previous sections, we have defined, for each v ∈ T00, the groups Nv ⊂ E(Qv), fv ' E(Qv)/Nv and the local symbol {ϕ}υ. Now, we set

f = M



and define

s: Sel2(E/Q) −→ f,

by putting s(ϕ) = ({ϕ}υ)v∈T00 ∈ f for each ϕ ∈ Sel2(E/Q).

Lemma IV.1, Lemma IV.2, Lemma IV.4, and Lemma IV.6 together imply the following:

Lemma IV.7. If ϕ ∈ Sel2(E/Q) with {ϕ}v0 = 0 for some v0 ∈ T00, then ϕ is unramified at v0.

Corollary IV.1. The kernel of s is contained in Hom(Gal(Q(√

2)/Q), E[2]).

6. The d-Twist of E for d = ±p or d = ±pq

In this section, we assume that the integers a and b in the defining equation (1) have at most one odd common prime factor. Let q denote such prime, if it exists.

We shall consider the d-twist of E with either d = ±p or d = ±pq for some p 6∈ T0. Note that if q exists, then E has potential good additive reduction at q and we are in the situation of Section IV.4. In particular, the map that sends each P ∈ E[2]

to the local symbol {ϕP}q is an isomorphism

E[2] ' E(Qq)/2E(Qq).


Sel2(E/Q) = {ϕ ∈ Sel2(E/Q) | {ϕ}q = 0}


T00 = T00\ {q}.

If q does not exist, we denote Sel2(E/Q) = Sel2(E/Q) and T00 = T00. In either case, let s denote the composition

Sel2(E/Q) −→ f −→ fs := Y



where the last arrow is the projection.

Assume that s is injective. Then so is s. For each subset Θ ⊂ T00, set fΘ :=Y


fv ⊂ f.

By the Gaussian elimination, we can find a subset Θ0 ⊂ T00 so that fΘ0, considered as a subspace of f, forms a direct summand of the image Im(s). Namely, we have Im(s) ∩ fΘ0 = {0}, and Im(s) + fΘ0 = f. (44) Let L = Q(√

d). In this case, we have T = T0∪ {p}. Suppose d is chosen so that Θ0∪ {2} = {v ∈ T | L/Q splits at v}. (45)

For each v ∈ T0\ (Θ0∪ {2}), we recall the notation in the previous sections and put Lv = Lv. Then NLv/Qv(E(Lv)) = Nv. For v ∈ Θ0∪ {2}, we have NLv/Qv(E(Lv)) = E(Qv). Thus, the condition (44) actually implies that the equality (19) holds so that

Im(RT0) + (NL/Q(ET0(L))/2ET0(Q)) = ET0(Q)/2ET0(Q).

By Lemma I.1, the extension L/Q is independent and tL = 2, and Theorem III.1 says that Edhas rank zero over Q. For v ∈ T00, x ∈ Z, let (xv) denote the Lengendre symbol in the sense that if v = ∞, then (xv) = 1 for x > 0 and (xv) = −1 for x < 0.

Then the condition (45) is equivalent to d ≡ 1 (mod 8), d In the above condition, the value of the symbol (d) determines the sign of d, and others give congruent conditions for p. Obviously, the density of positive prime numbers p satisfying these congruent conditions is (12)m(E)+1.

Assume that s is injective but not surjective. Then our Θ0 is non-empty, and we choose a subset Θ1 ⊂ Θ0 so that |Θ1| = |Θ0| − 1. An argument similar to the above shows that if L = Q(√

d) with d satisfying the condition d ≡ 1 (mod 8), d then L/Q is an independent extension and we have tL= 3. Hence, by Theorem III.1, if the Parity Conjecture holds for Ed over Q, then then rk(Ed(Q)) = 1. Again, the condition (47) not only determines the sign of d but also defines a set of congruent conditions for positive prime numbers of density (12)m(E)+1. We summarize the above discussion as follows.

Proposition IV.1. Suppose s is injective and Θ0 is chosen so that (44) holds.

Then for d = ±p or d = ±pq satisfying the condition (46), the d-twist Ed has zero rank over Q. Furthermore, if s is not surjective and Θ1 is a subset of Θ0 with cardinality less by one, then for d = ±p or d = ±pq satisfying the condition (47), the d-twist Edshould have rank one over Q unless the Parity Conjecture fails to hold for Ed over Q. In both cases, the set of prime number p satisfying the corresponding conditions has density (12)m(E)+1.

7. An Example

Let the elliptic curve E/Q given by the Weierstrass equation E : y2 = x(x − 15)(x − 77).


T0 = {∞, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 31}

E[2] = {O, P0 = (0, 0), P15 = (15, 0), P77= (77, 0)}.

For finite place v, let pv be the corresponding prime number. For infinite place

∞, let p = −1. The field Q(2)T0 defined in the Section II.4 is generated by √ pv


where v ∈ T0. Let G(2)

Q,T0 be the Galois group of Q(2)T0 over Q. For v ∈ T0 we choose σv ∈ G(2)

Q,T0 such that


p) =  −√

p , if p = pv

√p , if p 6= pv.

Then G(2)

Q,T0 is generated by {σv | v ∈ T0}. As in (26), we choose the set AT0 := {ρ(pv,P0), ρ(pv,P15)| v ∈ T0}.


ρ(v,P0)p) =  P0 , if p = pv O , if p 6= pv.

In order to compute Sel2(E/Q), we need to find B in (25). For each v ∈ T0, let Q(2)v be the maximal abelian extension of Qv with exponent 2 and G(2)v the Galois group of Q(2)v /Qv. If v = ∞, then G(2) is generated by σ. When v is odd, let τv

be the non-trivial element in G(2)v which fixes Qv(√

v). Then G(2)v is generated by σv and τv. When v is even, let δ−1 (resp. δ3) be the non-trivila element in G(2)2 fixed

√2 and √

3 (resp. √

2 and √

−1). Then G(2)2 is generated by σ2, δ−1 and δ3. Since Bv is contained in Hom(G(2)v , E[2]), we use the method described in the Section II.2 and list in the following tabel.

Table IV.1 Bv

No. σv τv

3.1 O P77

3.2 P77 O

5.1 O P77

5.2 P77 P0

7.1 O P15

7.2 P15 P0

11.1 O P15

11.2 P15 P0

31.1 O P0

31.2 P0 P15

Table IV.2 B2

No. σ2 δ−1 δ3

2.1 P0 P15 P77

2.2 O O P15

2.3 P0 P77 O

Now, we use the Proposition II.2 to compute the values of the pairings and list it in the following table.

Table IV.3

be the solutions to the system of linear equations over F2



< ϕv, ψv >Qv ·xϕ = 0, ψv ∈ Bv, v ∈ T0.

A basis for V and the corresponding element in Sel2(E/Q) are listed in following.

Table IV.4


Now, we need to determine the local symbols for the generators listed above.

For an odd place v in T0, the Frobenius element [v] at v is given by [v] =X

p σp,

where p runs through T0 with Legendre symbol pv = −1. Thus we may use the Lemma IV.1, IV.2 and IV.4 in the above sections to determine the local symbols.

Table IV.6

From the above table, we see that map s is injective but not surjective and Im(s) is a subspace of f with dimension 4. Thus the set Θ0satisfying condition (44) contains two elements. The above table tell us that the choice of Θ0 is not unique, but an arbitrary choice of two elements of T00 might not work. If we choose Θ0 consisting of ∞ and 31, then the condition (46) tell us that S0 in Main Theorem I consists of the primes p satisfying the condition (47) tell us that S1 consists of the primes p satisfing


3 = p5 = p7 = 11p = 31p

= −1

p ≡ 1 mod 8, (48)

and ε1 = 1. The Main Theorem I implies that if p is an element in S1 so that the Parity Conjecture holds for Ep/Q, then Ep has rank 1 over Q. For example, we find three primes 17, 1097 and 4457 satisfying the condition (48) and list the curves and points with infinite order in the following.

• p = 17

– E17: y2 = x(x − 255)(x − 1309) – (17493, 2209116)

• p = 1097

– E1097 : y2 = x(x − 16455)(x − 84469)

– (19874174293991588311797

70557598472000809 ,2274823994119540883954733398081412 18741989309475259908083627 )

• p = 4457

– E4457 : y2 = x(x − 66855)(x − 343189) – (50492119267754085453

146019164977921 ,27953176195024774075593726564 1764472080507635918719 )


在文檔中 橢圓曲線的二次扭變 (頁 29-39)
