• 沒有找到結果。

Variational Settings

In this section, we give the variational setting for Equation (E ) following [25], and we establish the compactness conditions. Let

X = u2 D1;2 RN j Z


V+u2dx <1

be equipped with the inner product and norm hu; vi =



rurv + V+uvdx; kuk = hu; ui1=2: For > 0; we also need the following inner product and norm

hu; vi = Z

RNrurv + V+uvdx; kuk = hu; ui1=2:

It is clear that kuk kuk for 1:Furthermore, by the Hardy-Sobolev inequality and 0 < V 1

and since V+ b then Vb+ 1, so

We use the variational methods to …nd positive solutions of equation (E ) : Associated

Because the energy functional J ; is not bounded below on X; it is useful to consider the functional on the Nehari manifold

M ; =n

u2 Xn f0g j D

J0; (u) ; uE

= 0o : and de…ne the notation of ; as following

; = inf

Note that M ; contains every non-zero solution of equation (E ) :

Next, we de…ne the Palais–Smale (simply by (PS)) sequences, (PS)–values, and (PS)–

conditions in X for J ; as follows.

De…nition 2.22 (i) For 2 R; a sequence fung is a (PS) –sequence in X for J ; if J ; (un) = + o(1) and J0; (un) = o(1) strongly in X 1 as n ! 1:

(ii) 2 R is a (PS)–value in X for J ; if there exists a (PS) –sequence in X for J ; : (iii) J ; satis…es the (PS) –condition in X if every (PS) –sequence in X for J ; con-tains a convergent subsequence.

We have the following results.

Lemma 2.23 The energy functional J ; is coercive and bounded below on M ; : Fur-thermore, if u0 is a solution of Equation (E ) ; then

Proof. (i)If u 2 M ; ; then

Thus, J ; is coercive and bounded below on M ; : This completes the proof.

Remark 2.1 Proof that (21) (22) :

Proof. We let constants A; B and x = kuk ;where

A = (p 2)(N 2)2 4

(N 2)2 and B = (p q) V+< b

q(2 p)

2 p S qkf+kLq ;

then (21) become 2pAx2 pqBxq and (22) become 2p1 pq1 A2 qqB22q. That is we just proof that

A This completes the proof.

The Nehari manifold M ; is closely linked to the behavior of the function of the form hu : t! J ; (tu) for t > 0: Such maps are known as …bering maps and were introduced by Drábek and Pohozaev in [24]. They are also discussed in Brown and Zhang [20] and Brown and Wu [18, 19]. If u 2 X; we have points of hu correspond to points on the Nehari manifold.

In particular, h0u(1) = 0 if and only if u 2 M ; : Thus, it is natural to split M ;

into three parts corresponding to local minima, local maxima and points of in‡ection.

Accordingly, we de…ne

M+; = fu 2 M ; j h00u(1) > 0g ; M0; = fu 2 M ; j h00u(1) = 0g ; M ; = fu 2 M ; j h00u(1) < 0g : We now derive some basic properties of M+; ; M0; and M ; :

Lemma 2.24 Suppose that u0 is a local minimizer for J ; on M ; and that u0 2 M= 0; : Then, J0; (u0) = 0 in X 1:

Proof. If u0 is a local minimizer of J ; on M ; then u0 is a solution of the optimization problem

minimize J ; subject to =D

J0; (u) ; uE

= 0 Hence, by the Lagrange multipliers,there exists 2 R such that

J0; (u0) = 0 (u0) in X 1

This implies D

J0; (u0) ; u0E

= h 0 (u0) ; u0i since u0 2 M ; ; that is ku0k2 R

RNV u20dx R

RNfju0jqdx R

RN gju0jpdx = 0:

Hence,we have h 0 (u0) ; u0i

= 2 ku0k2 Z


V u20dx q Z


fju0jqdx p Z



= 2 Z


fju0jqdx + Z


gju0jpdx q Z


fju0jqdx p Z



= (2 q) Z


fju0jqdx + (2 p) Z


gju0jpdx6= 0:

Since h 0 (u0) ; u0i 6= 0; thus = 0:i.e.J0; (u0) = 0: This completes the proof.

Note: The proof is essentially the same as that in Brown and Zhang [20, Theorem 2.3] (or see Binding et al. [15]).

For each u 2 M ; ;we have

Lemma 2.25 Suppose that the functions f; g and V satisfy the conditions (F 1) ; (G1) and (V 1) (V 4) : Then, for each 0; we have M0; =;:

Proof. Suppose the contrary. Then, there exists 0 such that M0; 6= ;: Then, for u2 M0; (i.e.h00u(1) = 0);by (23) we have

Similarly, using (24) and the Hölder and Sobolev inequalities, we have (N 2)2 4

(N 2)2 kuk2


RNjruj2+ V ; u2dx

= p q

2 q Z


gjujpdx p q

2 q g+



RN jujpdx (p q)kg+k1jfV+< bgj22 p

Sp(2 q) kukp; which implies



Sp(2 q) (N 2)2 4

(p q) (N 2)2kg+k1jfV+ < bgj22 p

#1=(p 2)

: (27)

Hence, combine (26) and (27) implies that

V+ < b 1


2 S (N 2)2 4 1=2

(p q)1=2(N 2)


2 q kg+k1

2 q p 2


p 2#1=2(p q)

which is a contradiction with (V 4). This completes the proof.

Lemma 2.26 (i) For any u2 M+; [ M0; ; we have R

RNfjujqdx > 0:

(ii) For any u2 M ; ; we have R

RNgjujpdx > 0:

Proof. (i) For any u 2 M+; [ M0; ;since M0; = ; implies that u 2 M+; that is h00u(1) > 0:

By (23) ; we have

h00u(1) = (2 p) Z

RNjruj2+ V ; u2dx (q p) Z


fjujqdx > 0

=) (2 p) Z


jruj2+ V ; u2dx > (q p) Z


fjujqdx then by (18) ; implies that



fjujqdx > p 2 p q


RNjruj2+ V ; u2dx

p 2

p q

(N 2)2 4 (N 2)2

! kuk2

Hence, R then by (18) ; implies that


To obtain a better understanding of the Nehari manifold and …bering maps, we consider the function mu : R+! R de…ned by

implies that

and clearly muis strictly increasing on (0; tmax; (u))and strictly decreasing on (tmax; (u) ;1) with limt!1mu(t) = 1. Moreover, if the functions f; g and V satisfy the conditions (F 1) ; (G1) and (V 1) (V 3) ; and 0;then

Thus, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 2.27 Suppose that the functions f; g and V satisfy the conditions (F 1) ; (G1) and (V 1) (V 4) : Then, for each 0 and u 2 Xn f0g withR

(ii) If R

RN fjujqdx > 0; then there are unique

0 < t+ = t+(u) < tmax; (u) < t = t (u)

such that t+u 2 M+; , t u 2 M ; , hu is decreasing on (0; t+), increasing on (t+; t ) and decreasing on (t ; 1). Moreover,

J ; t+u = inf

0 t tmax; (u)

J ; (tu) ; J ; t u = sup

t t+

J ; (tu) : (30)

Proof. Fix u 2 Xn f0g with R

RNgjujpdx > 0:

(i) SupposeR

RN fjujqdx 0:

Then, mu(t) =R

RNfjujqdx has a unique solution t > tmax; (u).

such that

mu(t ) = Z


fjujqdx() t u 2 M ; () h0u t = 0

=) t q 1m0u t = h00u t < 0

and by h00t u(1) = (t )2h00u(t ) < 0: then we know that t u 2 M ; and h0u(t ) = 0.

Hence,hu has a unique critical point at t = t and h00u(t ) < 0. Thus (29) holds.

(ii) SupposeR

RN fjujqdx > 0.

Because mu(tmax; (u)) > R

RNfjujqdx, the equation mu(t) = R

RNfjujqdx has ex-actly two solutions t+ < tmax; (u) < t


For t+2 (0; tmax; (u)) and mu(t) is strictly increasing on (0; tmax; (u)),that is mu(t+) =



fjujqdx() t+u2 M ; () h0u t+ = 0

=) t+ q 1m0u t+ = h00u t+ > 0

and by h00t+u(1) = (t+)2h00(t+) > 0: then we know that t+u2 M+; : CaseII:

For t 2 (tmax; (u) ;1) and mu(t)is strictly decreasing on (tmax; (u) ;1),that is mu(t ) =



fjujqdx() t u 2 M ; () h0u t = 0

=) t q 1m0u t = h00u t < 0

thus, t u 2 M ; and by h00t u(1) = (t )2h00u(t ) < 0: then we know that t u 2 M ; : Hence, there has critical points at t = t+and t = t with h00u(t+) > 0and h00u(t ) < 0:

Thus, hu is decreasing on (0; t+) ; increasing on (t+; t ) and decreasing on (t+;1) : Therefore, (30) must hold. This completes the proof.

We remark that it follows from Lemma 2.25 that M ; = M+; [ M ;

for all > 0. Furthermore, by Lemma 2.27, it follows that M+; and M ; are non-empty and, by Lemma 2.23, we may de…ne


Moreover, we have the following result.

Theorem 2.28 Suppose that the functions f; g and V satisfy the conditions (F 1) ; (G1) and (V 1) (V 4) : Then, for each 0; there exists bC0 > 0 such that +; < 0 < bC0 <

then by (24) u 2 M ; (i.e. h00u(1) < 0) ;we have

and by(18) and (33) and the Sobolev inequality, (2 q) (N 2)2 4 Then we substitute (34) into (32) ; we have

J ; (u)

Thus, using the condition (V 4) and if 0;then

; > bC0 for some bC0 > 0: This completes the proof.

Lemma 2.29 For each u 2 M ; , there exists > 0 and a di¤erentiable function : B (0; ") Xn f0g ! R such that (0) = 1; the function (v) (u v)2 M ; and

h 0(0) ; vi = 2 R

RNrurv + V ; uvdx qR

RNfjujq 2uvdx pR

RNgjujp 2uvdx (2 q) R

RNjruj2+ V ; u2dx + (q p)R

RNgjujpdx ; (35) for all v 2 Xn f0g :

Proof. For u 2 M ; ;de…ned a function F : R Xn f0g ! R by Fu( ; w)

= J0; ( (u w)) ; (u w)

= 2


RNjr (u w)j2+ V ; (u w)2dx q Z


fju wjqdx p Z


gju wjpdx

Then Fu(1; 0) = J0; (u) ; u = 0 and d

d Fu(1; 0) = 2 Z


jruj2 + V ; u2dx q Z


fjujqdx p Z



= (2 q) Z


jruj2 + V ; u2dx + (q p) Z


gjujpdx6= 0 and using L0Hôpital’s rule



RNfju (w + tv)jqdx R

RNfju wjqdx t

= lim

t!0q Z


fju (w + tv)jq 2[u (w + tv)] ( v) dx

= q Z


fju wjq 2(u w) vdx; (36)




RNgju (w + tv)jpdx R

RNgju wjpdx t

= p Z


gju wjp 2(u w) vdx; (37)

then using Gâteaux derivative, (36) and (37)

According to the implicit function theorem , there exists > 0 and a di¤erentiable function : B (0; ") Xn f0g ! R such that (0) = 1; which is equivalent to

J0; ( (v) (u v)) ; (v) (u v) = 0 for all v 2 B (0; ") ; that is, (v) (u v)2 M ; :

Lemma 2.30 For each u 2 M ; ;there exist > 0 and a di¤erential function : B (0; ") Xn f0g ! R such that (0) = 1; the function (v) (u v)2 M ; and

Proof. Similar to the argument in Lemma 2.29, there exist > 0 and a di¤erential function : B (0; ") Xn f0g ! R such that (0) = 1; the function (v) (u v)2 M ; for all v 2 Xn f0g. Since u 2 M ; means that h00u(1) < 0;that is

h00u(1) =kuk2 Z


V u2dx (q 1) Z


fjujqdx (p 1) Z


gjujpdx < 0:

Thus, by the continuity of the function , then we have h00 (v)(u v)(1) = (v) (u v) 2



V (v) (u v) 2dx (q 1)



f (v) (u v) qdx (p 1) Z


g (v) (u v) pdx

< 0

if su¢ ciently small,this implies that (v) (u v)2 M ; : Proposition 2.31 For 0; then

(i) there exists a minizing sequence fung M ; such that J ; (un) = +; + o (1) ; J0; (un) = o (1) in X 1;

(ii) there exists a minizing sequence fung M ; such that J ; (un) = ; + o (1) ; J0; (un) = o (1) in X 1:

Proof. (i) By Lemma 2.23 and Eklend variational principle.There exists a minizing sequence fung M ; such that

J ; (un) < +; + 1

n (39)


J ; (un) < J ; (w) + 1

n kw unk for each w 2 M ; (40) By taking n large, from Theorem 2.28 , we have

J ; (un) = p 2 2p



jrunj2+ V ; u2ndx p q pq




< +; + 1 n < ;

2 < 0: (41)

This implies Consequently, un6= 0 and by(42) we have

kuk > pq

and putting together (41) (42) and (18), we obtain

p 2 Now we will show that

J0; (un)

and by mean value theorem , we have D

then (45) become to D

J0; (un) ; w E

+ ( n(w ) 1)D

J0; (un) ; (un w )E 1

n un + o un (46)

From n(w ) (un w )2 M ; we have

J0; ( n(w ) (un w )) ; n(w ) (un w ) = 0

implies that D

J0; ; (un w )E

= 0 substitute into (46) ; it follows that

J0; (un) ; u

kuk + ( n(w ) 1)D

J0; (un) J0; ; (un w )E 1

n un + o un :


J0; (un) ; u kuk


n + o un

+( n(w ) 1) D

J0; (un) J0; ; (un w )E

; (47) since

un = k n(w ) (un w ) unk

= k n(w ) (un) n(w ) w unk

= kun[ n(w ) 1] n(w ) w k j n(w ) 1j kunk + j n(w )j ; and


j n(w ) 1j = lim


j n(w ) n(0)j lim


j n(0 + ) n(0)j = 0n(0) :

If we let ! 0 in (47) for a …xed n, then by (44) we can …nd a constant C > 0; which is independent of ; such that

J0; (un) ; u kuk


n 1 + 0n(0) :

We are done once we show that 0n(0) is uniformly bounded in n. By(35) ; (44) and Hölder inequality, we have

h 0(0) ; vi bkvk

(2 q) R

RNjruj2+ V ; u2dx + (q p)R

RNgjujpdx for some b > 0:

We only need to show that (2 q) for some c > 0 and n large.We argue by way of contradiction.Assume that there exists a subsequence fung such that

(2 q) Combing (49) with (43) ;we can …nd a suitable constant d > 0 such that


Let I ; : M ; ! R and K (p; q) = 2 qp q

However,by (50)and (52). We get

I ; (un) = K (p; q)

J0; (un) ; u kuk


n 1 + 0n(0) :

We have that it contradicts to (53). Consequently,this show that fung is a (PS) + -sequence for J ; .

(ii) Similarly, we can use Lemma 2.30 to prove (ii). We will omit deltailed proof here.

3 Proof of Theorem 1.1

Theorem 3.1 Suppose that 2 < p < 2 and the functions f; g and V satisfy the con-ditions (F 1) ; (G1) and (V 1) (V 5) : Then for each 0; the functional J ; has a minimizer u+; 2 M+; M ; and it satis…es

(i) J ; u+ = + = infu2M ; J ; (u) < 0;

(ii) u+ is a positive solution of equation (E ; ) :

Proof. By Theorem 2.28 and the Ekeland variational principle [26] (or see Wu [40, Proposition 1]), there exists fung M+; such that it is a (PS) +–sequence for J ; . Moreover, Lemma 2.23, fung is bounded in X : Therefore, there exist a subsequence fung and u+ in X such that

un * u+ weakly in X ;

un ! u+ strongly in Lrloc RN ; for 2 r < 2 :

Moreover, J0; u+ = 0: First, we claim that u+ 6 0: Suppose the contrary, then by (18) ; the condition (F 1) ; the Egorov theorem and the Hölder inequality, we have



fjunjqdx! 0 as n ! 1;

which implies that Z

RNjrunj2+ V ; u2ndx = Z


gjunjpdx + o (1) and

J ; (un) = 1 2



jrunj2+ V ; u2ndx 1 q



fjunjqdx 1 p



gjunjpdx (p 2) (N 2)2 4

2p (N 2)2 kunk2 + o (1) ;

this contradicts limn!1J ; (un) = ; < 0: Thus, by Lemma 2.26 (i) ;R

RN f u+ q > 0:

In particular, u+ is a nontrivial solution of Equation (E ) : Now we prove that un! u+ strongly in X : Suppose the contrary, then by (18) ;


Proposition 3.2 Suppose that 2 < p < 2 and the functions f; g and V satisfy the conditions (F 1) ; (G1) and (V 1) (V 2) : Then for each D > 0 there exists 0 = (D) > 0 such that J ; satis…es the (PS) –condition in X for all < D and > 0:

Proof. Let fung be a (P S) -sequence with < D: By Lemma 2.23, there exists C such that kunk C : Thus, there exist a subsequence fung and u0 in X such that

un * u0 weakly in X ;

un ! u0 strongly in Lrloc RN for 2 r < 2 :

Moreover, J ; (u0) = 0: Thus, by the condition (F 1), Hölder inequality and Egorov’s theorem, then

Hence, we have Z

RN Then, by the Hölder and Sobolev inequalities, we have


and by (54) ; we let hn= fjun u0jq (a) hn ! 0;

(b) let n:= 2q 1f (ju0jq junjq)! := 2pfju0jq; we have n! ; (c) hn n :

Since (a) to (c) and by Generalized Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem,we have Z

jhn 0j ! 0 as n ! 1;

that implies Z


fjvnjqdx! 0:

By the conditions (F 1) ; (G1) and Brezis-Lieb Lemma, we have

n!1lim Z

junjp+ Z

jun u0jp = Z

ju0jp; implies

J ; (u0) = lim

n!1[J ; (un) J ; (vn)] : Hence,

J ; (vn) = J ; (un) J ; (u0) + o (1) and J ; (vn) = o (1) : Consequently, by this together with (54) and Lemma 2.23, we obtain

1 2

1 p



gjvnjp = 1 2

1 p



gjvnjpdx 1 q

1 2



fjvnjqdx + o (1)

= J ; (vn) 1 2


J0; (vn) ; vnE

+ o (1)

= J ; (u0) + o (1) D + K0+ o (1) ; where

K0 = 2 q 2pq

(N 2)2

(N 2)2 4 (p 2)

!q=(2 q)0

@(p q)jfV+ < bgj

q(2 p)

2 p kf+kLq


1 A

2=(2 q)

and so Z


gjvnjp 2p

p 2(D + K0) + o (1) : (56)

Because J0; (vn) ; vn = o (1) ; it follows from (18) ; (55) and (56) that

Note that if the functions f; g and V satisfy the conditions as in Theorem 1.1, then by Lemma 2.27, we may choose 2 C01( g) ;which the function

this implies D0 for 0: Moreover, we have the following result.

Theorem 3.3 Suppose that the functions f; g and V satisfy the conditions as in Theo-rem 1.1. Then for each > 0; the functional J ; has a minimizer u ; in M ; and it satis…es

(i) J ; u ; = ; ;

(ii) u ; is a positive solution of equation (E ; ) :

Proof. By the Ekeland variational principle [26] (or see Wu [40, Proposition 1]), there exists fung M ; such that it is a (PS) –sequence for J ; . Then, by Proposition 3.2, there exists a subsequence fung and u 2 M ; is a non-zero solution of equation (E ) ; such that un ! u strongly in X and J ; u = : Because J ; u = J ; u and u 2 M ; ; by Lemma 2.24 we may assume that u is a positive solution of equation (E ) :

We can now complete the proof of Theorem 1.1: by Theorems 2.28, 3.1 and 3.3, Equation (E ) has two positive solutions, u+; ; u ; ; such that u+; 2 M+; and u ; 2 M ; with

J ; u+; = +; < 0 < bC0 < J ; u ; = ; : This completes the proof of Theorem 1.1.


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