• 沒有找到結果。

 K.T. Lee Breakthrough Award, IICM, 2004.

 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2004. Citation:Honored for distinguished contributions to the design and modeling of mobile telecommunications networks and for leadership in personal communications services education.

 Recognition of Excellence, Ministry of Economic Affairs, ROC.2004. Citation: In recognition of his significant achievement in setting directions for the wireless communication industry of Taiwan.

 IEE Fellow, 2004

 Member of Editorial Board, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

 Member of Editorial Board, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

 Member of Editorial Board, ACM/KAP Wireless Networks

 Editor, IEEE Personal Communications Magazine

 Senior Technical Editor, IEEE Network

 Advisory Board, Intl. Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing

 Guest Editor IEEE JSAC special issue on Mobile Computing and Networking, 2004

 Guest Editor IEEE Wireless Communications special issue on Mobility and Radio Resource Management, 2004

 Guest Editor ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications Special Issue on Broadnets

 教育部通訊專題製作競賽 大專組 冠軍 (陳懷恩博士帶領), 2004

 NICI IPv6 軟體程式競賽 冠軍 (陳懷恩博士帶領), 2004

 Japan IPv6 Appli-Contest 實作組 冠軍 (陳懷恩博士帶領), 2004

 NCHC 國網盃軟體設計競賽 團體精神獎 (吳坤熹博士帶領), 2004

 教育部通訊專題製作競賽 大專組 冠軍 (陳懷恩博士帶領), 2005

 Quanta's Outstanding Invention Award, 2005

 Guest Editor IEEE Wireless Communications special issue on Voice over Wireless Local Area Network, 2005

 W.Y. Pan Distinguished Research Award, 2005.

 Teco Award, 2005

Y.-C. Tseng (以下併列子計畫三、四,Form 3 中未計入,以免重覆計算)

 Yu-Chee Tseng, Outstanding Research Award (National Science Council, 國科會傑出研究獎, 2003~2005)

 Editorial Board, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2002-present.

 Editorial Board Member, 臺南大學南大學報, 2005.8-2006.7.

 Associate Editor, The Computer Journal, Oxford University Press (2001~present).

 Editorial Board, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 08/2002~07/2005.

EditorialBoard,Int’lJournalofAd Hocand UbiquitousComputing,2004-present.

 Editorial Board, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Wiley, 2004-present.

EditorialBoard,Int’lJournalofPervasiveComputing and Communications,TroubadorPub., 2004-present.

Guest Editor, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Special Issue on “Mobile Computing”,May 2004.

 Associate Editor, Telecommunication Systems, Springer Science Pub. (2005~present).

EditorialBoard Member,Int’lJournalofSensorNetworks(IJSNet),2005-present.

 Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology (2005~present).

 Distinguished Alumnus Award, 2005, The Ohio State University.

 Elite Information Technology Award, Annual Computer Show Org., Republic of China, 2004.


 Outstanding EE Professor Award, The Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, 2005 (中國電 機工程學會, 傑出電機工程教授獎).

 Acer Dragon Paper Award, 2005, by Acer Foundation (第十九屆宏碁龍騰知識經濟論文優等

獎, 2005).

 Excellent Paper Award, The 10th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2004 (J.-R. Jiang, Y.-C. Tseng, and B.-R.Linn,“A Mechanism forQuick Bluetooth DeviceDiscovery”).

 Annual Best Paper Award, 1st place, ChineseInstituteofEE Society,“Event-Driven Messaging Services over Integrated Cellular and Wireless Sensor Networks: Prototyping Experiences of a VisitorSystem”,with Y.K.Liu,2004.(九十三年中國電機工程學會, 青年論文獎第一名,“整

合行動電話網路及無線感測網路之事件驅動訊息系統”, 劉衍谷同學)

 Annual Best Paper Award, 3rd place, Chinese Institute of EE Society, “Decentralized Energy-Conserving and Coverage-Preserving Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks”, with L.-C. Lo, 2005. (九十四年中國電機工程學會, 青年論文獎第三名,“無線感測網路中省電並

維持覆蓋程度之分散式協定”, 羅立竹同學)

 Best Paper Award, National Computer Symposium, 2005 (P.-Y. Wu, Y.-C. Tseng, and H. Lee,

“Design ofQoS and Admission ControlforVoIP TrafficsoverIEEE 802.11eWLANs”)

 National Communication Contest, 1st place, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, "An Ad Hoc Network-Based Home VoIP System", with L. Li, P. H. Lee, J. Z. Chen, and Q. Wu, 2004. (教育 部九十二學年度大專校院通訊科技專題製作競賽, 研究所組, 優勝獎, 吳坤熹, 李淩, 李沛 鴻, 陳建志同學)

NationalCommunication Contest,2nd place,Taiwan,2005,“IndoorSecurity and Emergency Navigation Services by Wireless Sensor Networks”,awarded by Ministry ofEducation,with Y.

Y. Tsai, C. H. Tsai, M. S. Pan, and C. F. Huang. (教育部九十三年「通訊競賽」研究所組優等 奬, 蔡岳洋, 蔡佳宏, 潘孟鉉, 黃啟富, 題目: 以無線感測器網路實作室內安全監控以及緊 急逃生導引系統)

 Demonstration in Keynote Speech, Intel Development Forum, Fall 2005, Taiwan: The iMouse System (intelligent mobile surveillance system by wireless sensor networks).

 國立交通大學 「第 14 屆思源創意競賽」金竹獎, 指導教授, 2005 (獲獎學生:游敦皓, 吳秉 禎 , 林 慧 榛 , 呂 依 璇 , 題 目 : 墓 仔 埔 也 敢 去 - 異 質 位 置 感 知 導 覽 系 統 及 其 應 用 平 台 , Heterogeneous Location-Aware Guide System and Service Platform).

 國立交通大學 「第 14 屆思源創意競賽」銀竹獎, 指導教授, 2005 (獲獎學生:范日中, 顏宗 信, 林素貞, 題目: 晡(ㄅㄨ)晡(ㄅㄨ)加上小蜘蛛—無線攝影車與室內無線感測網路之應用, The Application of Wireless Controlling Car and Sensor Network).
