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A 3D Model Retrieval System Based On The Cylindrical Projection Descriptor


This research was supported in part by the National Science Council, R.O.C. under Contract NSC 98-2221-E-216-039.

Table 1. Comparison of the proposed and other descriptors on the PSB database in terms of the recall value(%) and DCG(%). NL denotes the number of retrieval models.

Method Re



(NL=4Ti) DCG

RDD 41.71 62.05 71.60

CPD 36.91 55.59 67.59

RDD+CPD Sim1 43.53 62.27 72.05 Sim2 42.75 61.75 71.15

ED[22] 35.48 56.03 67.04

AED [24] 38.61 60.29 70.29

DED[22] 36.19 55.87 66.92

CED[22] 37.32 57.80 68.04

PPD [12] 34.23 55.35 65.86

SH [3] 27.06 41.02 58.35

SSD [5] 15.87 26.64 48.07

GD2 [7] 28.30 47.61 60.91

Table 2. Comparison of the proposed method and other descriptors on the PSB database in terms of DCG(%).

(Note that the approaches marked with * are implemented by Akgul et al. and originally appeared in [28])

Method DCG Method DCG

RDD+CPD Sim1 72.05 DSR [27]* 66.50

EGI [25] 43.80 DBF [28] 65.90

CRSF [17] 66.80 DSR+DBF [28] 70.20

LF [9] 64.30 SWD [29]* 65.40

SH-GEDT [26] 58.40 SIL [27]* 59.70 DBI [27]* 66.30 3DHT [30]* 57.70 RISH [11]* 58.40 CAH [31]* 43.30 SHIST [13]* 54.50 REXT [32]* 60.10 AVC [33] 60.20 6. REFERENCES

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計畫名稱: 整合三維頻率特徵及相關與非相關模型之自動選擇機制於3D模型檢索系統 計畫主持人: 石昭玲

計畫編號: 99-2221-E-216-045- 學門領域: 圖形辨識


99 年度專題研究計畫研究成果彙整表

計畫主持人:石昭玲 計畫編號:99-2221-E-216-045-

計畫名稱:整合三維頻率特徵及相關與非相關模型之自動選擇機制於 3D 模型檢索系統 量化

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