• 沒有找到結果。

4. Method

4.2. Art Tour Research

4.2.1 Art Tour Via Travel Agency

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4.2.1 Art Tour Via Travel Agency

  Figure 16: Urban Adventure-Taiwan Art Tour Page

The Urban adventure(http://www.urbanadventures.com/) is a portal for tourists to have a light city tour worldwide. In Taiwan, it has cooperated with Topology travel (http://www.topologytravel.com/) I have prepared the itinerary of the art tour and the urban adventure editor revised the itinerary and uploaded it to the web page. The following two pages are the content of the itinerary shown on the website. By allying with the website, I have guests coming from Australia, U.K., U.S.,and Hong Kong. This portal allows me and the travel agency access to different type of visitors.

Start of the content---


Did you know that Taipei has been nominated as the world design capital for 2016? Taipei might not be the first place you’d think of as an art lover’s destination, but in recent years the arts scene in this thriving city has developed and matured into something that’s definitely worth paying attention to. If you’re an art fanatic and looking for something fresh, cutting edge, and offbeat - you just found it!

This Taipei art tour will take you through a number of galleries in the city, all independently-owned and within walking distance from each other. As well as having a local guide by your side to talk to, the staff at the galleries will be happy to answer questions where possible, and if you’re lucky you might even get to meet an artist or two!

Your first stop on this Taipei city tour will take you to a gallery that was established in 1984 and focuses on printmaking artists. This simple and elegant space is full to the brim with prints to satisfy your art cravings, and here your guide will give you plenty of time to peruse the works. This gallery is located in the financial district, giving it an interesting juxtaposition between art and business.

The next stop on this Taipei tour will take you to the very first gallery to have opened in Taiwan, back in 1978. This gallery marked the beginning of the arts movement in both Taiwan and Taipei, making it unmissable for any art lover in the area. Here you’ll find a range of artwork including oils, watercolours, ink work, and pastels, so it’s fair to say that there will be something for everyone! This gallery is also used for musical performances from time to time,

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making it a very happening place in the city of Taipei.

The next gallery you’ll visit was established in 1987, and will take you into the world of sculpture in Taiwan. Here, you’ll be able to admire sculptures made from wood, steel, jade, and stone, giving you some fascinating insights into Taiwanese sculpture. Not only that, but there are numerous modern expressionist artworks here as well, and with the help of your local guide you’ll be able to ask any questions you may have about the pieces on show.

The final stop on this Taipei city tour will give you a chance to rest up, sip on some tea, and discuss your thoughts on the art you’ve seen in the galleries. Here your local guide will also be able to answer any more questions you may have, whilst you fill your stomach with delicious Taiwanese treats from a local café. Once you’ve had your food and art fix for the day, your local guide will be happy to give you some more tips for things to do in the Taipei, or point you in the direction of the route back to your accommodation.

End of the content---

The next page is a practical demonstration of how the prototype can be practiced in reality.Art tour-Taipei Zhongxiao Donoghue is a sample of how an art tour can be conducted.

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April. 30 Art Tour-Taipei Zhongxiao Donghue 1. 形而上畫廊 Metaphysical ART Gallery

2014.04.19~05.18 路邊劇場 台北市敦化南路一段 219 號 7 樓

2. 百藝畫廊 Gallery 100 2014.3.29~4.27 集食行樂

台北市大安區敦化南路一段 252 巷 13 號

  3. 赤粒藝術 Red Gold fine art

2014.04.18~5.31 究竟無極

台北市大安區大安路一段 116 巷 15 號


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Figure 17: Rachel Visiting Apollo Gallery

On January 5th, 2014, Rachel from Perth, Australia booked first art gallery tour via urban adventure. I have prepared materials according to the prototype I used. The galleries I planned

we went to includes Apollo gallery, IMAVISION gallery and East gallery, all located in the Apollo building. These galleries are famous for its rich in collecting the older generation of Taiwanese artists as they witness the booming era of the gallery business in the 1990 prosperity.

And later, we went to Chini gallery, which has an exhibition for Jo Hsieh’s non space. This exhibition impressed Rachel as the curator is both from Australia and the artist Jo also has different expression of art. Let alone the gallery prepared a piano concert as well as afternoon tea.

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