• 沒有找到結果。

This article would be of most interest to readers who look for information about________

Question 4: What are the difficulties the students experience while conducting

1. This article would be of most interest to readers who look for information about________

APPENDIX C: Expeditious Reading Mock Test

Questions 1-4

First read the following questions.

1. This article would be of most interest to readers who look for information about________.

(A) the background of the author of Great Expectations

(B) the analysis of all characters in the movie of Great Expectations (D) the differences between the novel and movie of Great Expectations (C) the important events that happen in the novel of Great Expectations 2. Which of the following about the movie of Great Expectations is true?

(A) It has more characters than the novel.

(B) Orlick is the main character of the movie.

(C) It shows that money is the most important thing.

(D) David Lean filmed the movie based on the novel.

3. From whose point of view is the novel of Great Expectations told?

(A) Pip. (B) Orlick. (C) Estella. (D) Dickens.

4. How does the movie of Great Expectations end?

(A) Estella gets married and finds out who her parents are.

(B) Estella neither gets married nor finds out who her parents are.

(C) Estella gets married but does not find out who her parents are.

(D) Estella finds out who her parents are but does not get married.

Now read the following text to find the answers to the above questions.

Great Expectations: Novel vs. Movie

In 1946, David Lean made a movie version of Charles Dickens’s novel Great Expectations. Both the book and the movie are set in England and tell the story of a young apprentice named Pip. However, the movie is different from the book because it leaves out certain characters, is told mostly through dialogue instead of narration interesting. In the novel, the reader discovers many strange and different characters

and learns about each character’s background. In contrast, the movie is focused on a single story line.

Another difference between the movie and the book version of Great Expectations is the narration. Dickens wrote the novel from Pip’s point of view. As a narrator, Pip often spends pages describing his thoughts and feelings. For instance, he describes in detail his love for Estella, and he tells about his shock when he discovers his supporter’s identity. On the contrary, Pip in the movie uses actions and dialogues to reveal his thoughts. While these elements help the audience know about Pip’s character, Pip’s feelings in the movie are still not as clear as they are in the book.

The ending of the movie version of Great Expectations is the most significant difference from the book. Although parts of the novel are left out of the movie, Pip and Estella’s stories are not changed much until the ending. In the novel, Estella gets married and never finds out who her parents are. Pip and Estella’s last conversation is in Miss Havisham’s house. Near the end of the movie, Pip and Estella also talk to each other in Miss Havisham’s house, but what they say to each other is very different from the conversation in the novel. Also, Estella finds out who her parents are and does not get married.

Except for the ending, the main story line of the movie Great Expectations is very similar to that of the novel. While the number of characters, the type of narration, and the ending differ, the theme remains the same. In the end, Pip learns that the best people can come from poor circumstances. In both versions, Pip finally comes to value kindness more than wealth.

Questions 5 -8

Choose one of the topic sentences from the list (A-E) for each paragraph.

(A) The audience of a shadow puppet show expects to settle in for a long evening.

(B) Indonesian leather shadow puppets may represent noble humans or evil monsters.

(C) The band and singers who provide the accompanying music are directed by the dalang.

(D) At most puppet shows, the audience sits on one side of the screen and the puppeteer sits on the other.

(E) Behind the scenes, the magic is somewhat weaken, but it can be fascinating to see a dalang, or puppeteer, in action.

Indonesian Shadow Puppets

Do you think that puppet shows are just for children? In some parts of the world, like Indonesia, a puppet show is an interactive activity enjoyed by people of all ages.

___5___ However, at an Indonesian shadow puppet show, the audience can

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choose which side to sit on. From out front, audience members see shadows of

puppets acting out exciting scenes of romance or battle. These people keep the fantasy that “real” events are taking place.

___6___The dalang controls puppets made of buffalo skin by moving attached sticks of buffalo horn or bamboo. Each of a puppet’s arms and the main part of its body has their own stick, but its legs are rarely moved on their own. Besides moving the puppets, the dalang also provides their voices, which may mean memorizing hours of dialog, some in different languages. During a performance, which might last for many hours, a dalang sits cross-legged on a mat behind a cotton screen about the size of a large television set. A strong electric lamp or a coconut-oil lamp shines light from behind the dalang, casting the puppets’ shadows on the screen.

___7___Each puppet has its own voice and its own way of moving. The “good”

puppets usually speak calmly and move gracefully; the “bad” ones have rough voices and move in a funny, jerky way. The stories acted out by the puppets are often based on ancient myths or legends. A specially written puppet show might also celebrate a birth, wedding, or harvest. Sometimes a dalang chooses an old story that he thinks is appropriate for the village where the performance will take place. Before the show, he may ask local people about current events in the village and then use the puppet show to explain possible solutions to local problems.

___8___A show may start in the late afternoon and not end until four o’clock the next morning! Children and adults alike may doze off in the middle of a show and wake up hours later to find it still going on. Of course, the dalang must remain alert throughout the show. One dalang remarked, “I have no real sense of time until it’s all over.”

APPENDIX D: Expeditious Reading Questionnaire


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 第三部分:閱讀的困難

說明: 以下 1~6 題為有關當你在作答時可能遇到的困難。若你有該項困 難,請在空格中打勾,若無則留空即可。(可複選)

□ 1. 時間不夠。

□ 2. 文章太長。

□ 3. 對於文章的主題我缺乏足夠的背景知識。

□ 4. 文章中有許多不認識的字詞。

□ 5. 文章中的句子太長或結構太複雜。

□ 6. 題目或選項看不懂。

7. 其他:____________________________



APPENDIX E: Categories and Sources of Reading Strategy Items

Item Category Source

1. 我先瞭解文章的特點,比如說它的文體、


I noted the genre, length, and theme of a text first.

Skimming Mokhtari and Reichard (2002)

2. 我先看文章的標題或副標題。

I read the title or subtitles first.

Skimming Urquhart and Weir (1998) 3. 我先讀首段或尾段。

I read the first paragraph and the last paragraph to grasp the main ideas of a text.

Skimming Urquhart and Weir (1998)

4. 我先讀每一段的首句或尾句。

I read the first sentence and the last sentence of a paragraph to grasp its main idea.

Skimming Urquhart and Weir (1998)

5. 我快速掃視全文或某些段落。

I glanced over the text or some paragraphs.

Skimming /

I read questions first to set goals for finding the gist, a term, or a number.

I read the first sentence of a paragraph to decide if the desired information is in that paragraph.

I searched for the same or similar words in the text that match the words in the question.

Search reading /

I carefully read the sentences where the

Search reading / Scanning

Urquhart and Weir (1998)

I used typographical aids like boldface to identify key information.

Search reading /

I read only the parts that contain the information relevant to the questions.

Skimming /

I read the entire text carefully.

Careful reading:

I tried to figure out the meaning of each unknown word from the clues of the context.

Careful reading:

I tried to understand each sentence by analyzing its grammatical structure.

I went back and forth between the lines to make inference from details.

I had used other reading strategies like:


Open-ended Shen (2003)

APPENDIX F: Sources of Reading Difficulty Items

Item Source

I did not have enough background knowledge for text topics.

Hsu (2004)

4. 文章中有許多不認識的字詞。

There were too many unknown words in the texts.

Hsu (2004)

5. 文章中的句子太長或結構太複雜。

The sentences in the texts were too long or too complex.

Hsu (2004)

6. 題目或選項看不懂。

I could not understand the questions or options.

其他 Other difficulties I had:______________ . Created by the present research.


No. __ was the difficult question because ______

Created by the present research.


No. __ was the easiest question because _______

Created by the present research.

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Appendix G: Quotations of the Participants’ Questionnaire Responses

No. Quote

1 [The items in the manual and book notice were easy because] the formats were clear, and the contents were well-categorized into distinct sections with subtitles.

2 [The item of skimming for gist was easy because] I only had to read the subtitles providing in the text.

3 [Search reading and scanning items were easy because] the answers can be quickly found by matching key words in the questions to the words in the text.

4 [Scanning items were easy because] I did not need to read the passage. I only had to find a sentence containing the words or numbers that also appear in the questions or options.

5 [Items of skimming were difficult because] I had to find out the structure of a text first and integrated what I read at different parts of the text.

6 [Items of skimming for structure were difficult because] we did not practice fill-in sentences often. I was not good at utilizing the context to determine which sentence was appropriate for which blank.

7 [Items in the third passage were difficult because] the text contained many difficult words.

8 [Items in the third and the fourth passage were difficult because] the topics were unfamiliar to me. I did not quite understand what a dust bowl was, and I had never heard of the story about the people who used to live in Hawaii 9 [Items of skimming for gist and for relevance were difficult because] the

options seemed to be very similar. It was difficult to choose the right answer.

10 [Items in the fourth passage were difficult because] the text was too long. I did not have the patience to finish it, and I forgot what I had read. Thus it was more difficult to find the answers that I wanted.
