• 沒有找到結果。

Huey-nah Cindy Chou is an associate professor in the Department of English Language, Literature and Linguistics at Providence University, Taichung, R.O.C.. Her current research interests include affective factors in second language acquisition and integration of service learning into English teacher education.


Questionnaire on GTAs’ English Listening Lab Instruction:

English Version

Directions: Using the scale provided, please complete this questionnaire by indicating the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about GTAs’ ELL instruction.

(1)strongly disagree (2)disagree (3)neither disagree nor agree (4)agree (5)strongly agree

Teaching Performance

_____ 1. The objectives of the course were clearly explained.

_____ 2. The instructor’s presentations were clear and understandable.

_____ 3. The instructor presented the course material clearly.

_____ 4. The instructor used class time well.

_____ 5. The instructor’s presentations were well-organized.

_____ 6. The instructor had a good command of spoken English.

_____ 7. The instructor seemed well-prepared for each class.

_____ 8. The instructor appeared to have a thorough knowledge of the subject.

_____ 9. The instructor summarized or emphasized important points in class.

_____ 10. The instructor demonstrated good communication and presentation skills.

_____ 11. The instructor is enthusiastic about teaching.

_____ 12. The instructor effectively encouraged students to participate in class discussions.

_____ 13. The instructor motivated me to do my best work.

_____ 14. The instructor provided me with an effective range of challenges.

_____ 15. The instructor accepted viewpoints other than his/her own as valid.

Student Learning

_____ 16. I found this class intellectually challenging.

_____ 17. My learning increased in this course.

_____ 18. I made progress toward achieving course objectives.

_____ 19. I learned more in this course than I had expected.

_____ 20. The time spent in class was worthwhile.

_____ 21. I looked forward to coming to class.

_____ 22. I would have taken this course even if it was not required.

_____ 23. I attended class regularly.

_____ 24. I studied and put effort into this course.

_____ 25. I participated actively in class discussions.

Course Design

_____ 26. The grading system was clearly explained.

_____ 27. The type of assessment used in this course was

appropriate for the course objectives.

_____ 28. The instructor evaluated my work fairly.

_____ 29. My grades accurately reflect my performance in the course.

_____ 30. The class activities prepared me for the exams.

_____ 31. I knew which content topics were to be included on the exams.

_____ 32. Answers to the exam questions were adequately explained after the exam.

_____ 33. Exams were reasonable in difficulty.

_____ 34. The assigned textbook was useful.

_____ 35. The assignments were relevant to course objectives.

_____ 36. I was challenged by the course assignments.

_____ 37. The amount of information covered in this course was reasonable.

_____ 38. The course content was presented at a satisfactory level of difficulty.

_____ 39. I found this course challenging enough to be stimulating.

_____ 40. I was very satisfied with the educational experience this instructor provided.

_____ 41. Overall, I learned a great deal from this course.

_____ 42. Overall, I rate this instructor an excellent teacher.

_____ 43. Overall, I rate this an excellent course.


Questionnaire on GTAs’ English Listening Lab Instruction:

Chinese Version

指示 指示 指示

指示:::: 以下敘述是關於您對於英語聽講實習課研究生教學助理英語聽講實習課研究生教學助理英語聽講實習課研究生教學助理英語聽講實習課研究生教學助理 的教學意見。請針對每一項陳述表達你的意見。

(1)非常反對 (2)反對 (3)不反對也不同意 (4)同意 (5)非常同意 請在讀完每一項陳述之後,選擇你的答案 1-5。

Teaching Performance 教學教學教學 教學

_____ 1. 任課老師清楚地說明本課程的教學目的

_____ 2. 任課老師上課講解清楚且易懂

_____ 3. 任課老師清楚地講解上課教材

_____ 4. 任課老師恰當地使用上課時間

_____ 5. 任課老師授課組織分明

_____ 6. 任課老師有不錯的英語口語能力

_____ 7. 任課老師每節課都準備充分

_____ 8. 任課老師明顯地對教學內容有充分的知識

_____ 9. 任課老師會總結或強調上課內容重點

_____ 10. 任課老師表現出不錯的溝通與授課能力

_____ 11. 任課老師對於教學充滿熱誠

_____ 12. 任課老師善於鼓勵學生參與課堂討論

_____ 13. 任課老師會鼓勵我盡力而為

_____ 14. 任課老師提供我相當的學習挑戰

_____ 15. 任課老師可以接受跟他不同的意見或答案

Student Learning 學習學習學習 學習

_____ 16. 這堂課對我具有學習挑戰性

_____ 17. 我在這堂課的學習有進步

_____ 18. 我有達到本課程的教學目的

_____ 19. 在這堂課學到的東西比我之前預期的還要多

_____ 20. 上這堂課的時間相當值得

_____ 21. 我期待上這堂課

_____ 22. 即使這堂課不是必修課,我還是會選修這堂課

_____ 23. 我按時上這堂課

_____ 24. 我會花時間準備這堂課

_____ 25. 我主動參與課堂討論

Course Design 課程課程課程課程

_____ 26. 任課老師清楚地說明這堂課的評分標準

_____ 27. 這堂課的評分方式與其教學目的相配合

_____ 28. 任課老師公平地評量我的各項作業

_____ 29. 我的成績確實地反映出我的課堂表現

_____ 30. 上課內容有助於我準備這堂課的考試

_____ 31. 我清楚準備考試的方向

_____ 32. 任課老師會在考試後清楚地講解試題答案

_____ 33. 考試的難易度適中

_____ 34. 上課指定教材很有幫助

_____ 35. 作業與課程目的有相關聯

_____ 36. 課程作業對我具有挑戰性

_____ 37. 這堂課所涵蓋的內容分量適中

_____ 38. 上課內容難易度適中

_____ 39. 這堂課對我具有挑戰性並能激發學習

_____ 40. 我對老師所提供的課程學習感到滿意

_____ 41. 總體而言,我在這堂課學到很多東西

_____ 42. 總體而言,我認為任課老師非常優秀

_____ 43. 總體而言,我對這堂課有高度評價

英 英 英

英聽 聽 聽實習學生對研究生助教授課 聽 實習學生對研究生助教授課 實習學生對研究生助教授課 實習學生對研究生助教授課
