• 沒有找到結果。

Background/ Objectives and Goals

在文檔中 弱勢者教育提供之有效性 (頁 26-30)

Adolescent Achievement Growth: Roles of Parenting, Gender and Socioeconomic Status

1. Background/ Objectives and Goals

一、 參加會議經過


二、 與會心得

1. 此會議名稱為「第五屆國際教育、心理學與社會研討會(the 5th International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Society)」,由「高等教育論壇(Higher Education Forum)」公司主 辦,其會議網頁 (http://www.isepst.org/index.asp)。與該公司工作人員談,發現此公司為臺灣

Adolescent Achievement Growth: Roles of Parenting, Gender and Socioeconomic Status

Mei-Shiu Chiu

Department of Education, National Chengchi University, Taiwan E-mail address: meishiuchiu@gmail.com

1. Background/ Objectives and Goals

This study aimed to identify effective father and mother parenting strategies of involvement and conflict solutions in predicting adolescent achievement growth. Adolescent gender and socioeconomic status (SES) are considered as background factors that take roles in adolescent achievement growth.

2. Methods

Longitudinal data (n = 4,163) were obtained from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey, which collected mathematics achievement data during adolescent grades 7, 9, 11 and 12 and parenting data during grades 7 and 11. A growth modeling analysis examined grade-7 parenting strategies predicting the start (intercept) of achievement and grade-11 ones predicting the growth (slope), controlling for adolescent gender and SES in both

計畫編號 MOST 104-2410-H-004-143-MY2

(英文) the 5th International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Society


(中文) 青少年成就增長:父母教養、性別和社會經濟地位的角色

(英文) Adolescent achievement growth: Roles of parenting, gender and socioeconomic status


The analysis revealed that the effective parenting strategies for the start of achievement were father ending conflicts without results, mother monitoring, and no mother-adolescent conflicts. The effective strategies for the growth of achievement were father monitoring, mother listening to adolescent voices, and mother resolving conflicts by persuading, forcing or discussing with adolescents with or without solutions. All SES indicators took roles in the start of achievement, and gender and culture-related SES indicators took roles in the growth.

The findings suggest that in Taiwan, fathers take fewer but more moderating roles than mothers do in both the start and growth of adolescent achievement. Early adolescence achievement requires mother monitoring without conflicts and father open conflict solutions. Later adolescence achievement growth requires mother acceptance and strong conflict solutions, and father monitoring. Culture may state part of the reasons for the results.

Keywords: achievement, adolescence, parenting, SES

四、 建議

1. 此次的學者大多來自亞洲,尤其東南亞,由東南亞學者報告的論文,可見其論文水準有更為進 步的趨勢。

2. 有一位來自南亞的大學教師,就其國家的工程教育政策、工程發展、國家 GDP 做分析,同時 也報告目前其政府與各部門的投入,並預測未來的投入與發展。由此可見東南亞國家的經濟發 展與高教發展。

3. 除了工程領域,來自東南亞的論文發表者也包括大學的一般教育學者、心理諮商領域的工作 者、中學教師。由此可見近年東南亞國家對高等教育、中小學教育之教學品質提升與研究之投 入,包括理工文科社會各領域,值得注意。


紙本:會議手冊(紙本),含會議簡介、會議相關資訊、議程(含時間安排、所有與會者名單、論文名 稱等)。






一、 參加會議經過

6 月 28-30 日:註冊,發表論文,參加 keynote speech、其他學者的論文發表、會議安排的學術與交流 活動。

二、 與會心得

1、此會議為 2017 國際高等教育教學與學習協會 - 蘇格蘭西部大學會議 (2017 International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association – University of the West of Scotland Conference)「http://uwshetl2017.uws.ac.uk/)」,主辦為 University of the West of Scotland。

這是第一次參加蘇格蘭大學所舉辦的學術會議,辦得很用心,其 E 化程度很高,包括用 和 inclusion 的議題,大會主題「Creating Inclusion and Diversity in Higher Education」。與 其他學者的討論中得知每個大學在增加 diversity 和 inclusion 的做法和理念,既拓展了思 考,也增進對不同文化與學校脈絡的了解,收穫良多。

日 會議地點 University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, Scotland, UK


(中文) 2017 國際高等教育教學與學習協會 - 蘇格蘭西部大學會議

(英文) 2017 International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association – University of the West of Scotland Conference


(中文) 以校內排序進入大學來增收弱勢群體:在台灣醫學生為例

(英文) Basing University Admission on Within-School Ranks to Increase Inclusion of the Disadvantaged: The Case of Medical Students in Taiwan


Abstract (limit 50 words)

This study investigates whether the ‘Stars University Admission Policy’ basing on student within-school ranks increases the inclusion of medical students in Taiwan. The results of data cross-referencing and logistic regression revealed that the policy widened the participation of students from non-elite schools but failed to benefit the disadvantaged.

Presentation proposal (limit 500 words)

Purpose. This study investigates whether the ‘Stars University Admission Policy’ or ‘Stars Policy’, which bases on student within-school ranks to recruit university students, can increase the inclusion of medical students in Taiwan. The Stars Policy formally starting from 2011 aims to increase inclusion and diversity in higher education and fulfill the ideal of educational equality by widening student participation from diverse high schools, especially those from disadvantaged regions of Taiwan. The Stars Policy assumes that all high schools should be equally good with equally able students and have an equal number of students entering the most top-achieving universities and departments (mainly medical departments), by which ‘stars’ come from almost all high schools, rather than from a limited number of traditionally elite public or private high schools.

The Stars Policy, therefore, sets student ranks within each high school as the first criterion for entering universities and the second criterion is General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) results. On the other hand, the

‘Application University Admission Policy’ uses the GSAT results as the first criterion for entering universities and the second criterion is interview results.

Research questions. 1. Which high schools are benefited by the Stars Policy for medical students? 2. Do high school types (public or private schools) and regions (ranging from advantaged to disadvantaged) distinguish the Stars-Policy benefited from non-benefited high schools for medical students?

Method. The data sources included government high school lists, university admission lists, and high school announcements from the Internet. The data were cross-referenced and -validated to identify each medical students’ names, high schools, universities, and the university admission policies that the students used to enter their medical departments.

Study 1 results. The first data analysis identified students with their schools as being benefited by the Stars

在文檔中 弱勢者教育提供之有效性 (頁 26-30)
