• 沒有找到結果。

Calculate the price of a 3-year at-the-money American put option on the stock


For Questions 44 and 45, consider the following three-period binomial tree model for a stock that pays dividends continuously at a rate proportional to its price. The length of each period is 1 year, the continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 10%, and the continuous dividend yield on the stock is 6.5%.

108 Solution to (44) Answer: (D)

By formula (10.5), the risk-neutral probability of an up move is



If the put option is European, not American, then the simplest method is to use the binomial formula [p. 358, (11.17); p. 618, (19.1)]:


 

     

 


 

 

 *(1 *) (300 183.75) 0 0

2 ) 3 9 . 102 300 (

*) 1 3 (

3 3 2

p p


= er(3h)(1  p*)2[(1  p*) × 197.1 + 3 × p* × 116.25)]

= er(3h)(1  p*)2(197.1 + 151.65p*) = e0.1 × 3 × 0.389782 × 289.63951 = 32.5997 

Solution to (45) Answer: (C)

Formula (13.16) is

d u

d u



 . By formula (13.15) (or (10.1)), .

) (


d u S

C e h Cu d

 

908670 .

147 0 5 . 262

153 0002 . 41

186279 .

5 0 . 262 75 . 468

0002 . 41 0

1 065 . 0 δ

1 065 . 0 δ

 

 

 

 

 

 

S e S

P e P

S e S

P e P

dd ud

dd ud h d

ud uu

ud h uu



004378 .

210 0 375

908670 .

0 186279 .

0 

 

Remark: This is an approximation, because we wish to know gamma at time 0, not at time 1, and at the stock price S0 = 300.

61022 . 210 0



* 300

1 ) 065 . 0 1 . 0 ) (

δ ( 0 )



 

 



S e

S d u

d p e

d u

d h h r


300 (39.7263)



210 (76.5997) 90

468.75 (0)

262.5 (41.0002)

147 (133.702) 153

585.9375 (0)

328.125 (0)

183.75 (116.25)

102.9 (197.1) Option prices in bold italic signify

that exercise is optimal at that node.


46. You are to price options on a futures contract. The movements of the futures price are modeled by a binomial tree. You are given:

(i) Each period is 6 months.

(ii) u/d = 4/3, where u is one plus the rate of gain on the futures price if it goes up, and d is one plus the rate of loss if it goes down.

(iii) The risk-neutral probability of an up move is 1/3.

(iv) The initial futures price is 80.

(v) The continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 5%.

Let CI be the price of a 1-year 85-strike European call option on the futures contract, and CII be the price of an otherwise identical American call option.

Determine CII  CI.

(A) 0

(B) 0.022

(C) 0.044

(D) 0.066

(E) 0.088

110 Solution to (46) Answer: (E)

By formula (10.14), the risk-neutral probability of an up move is .

Substituting p*  1/3 and u/d  4/3, we have


Hence, and .

The two-period binomial tree for the futures price and prices of European and American options at t  0.5 and t  1 is given below. The calculation of the European option prices at t  0.5 is given by

455145 .



1 ( 0

* 4 . 1 [

72841 . 10


1 ( 4 . 1

* 2 . 30 [

5 . 0 05 . 0

5 . 0 05 . 0

p p


p p


Thus, CII  CI  e0.050.5  (11  10.72841)  p* = 0.088.


(i) .CIe0.050.5[10.72841p*0.455145(1 p*)]3.78378 . 87207 . 3


1 ( 455145 .


* 11


. 0 05 .

0   

e p p


(ii) A futures price can be treated like a stock with  = r. With this observation, we can obtain (10.14) from (10.5),

1 .

* ( ) ( )

d u

d d

u d e

d u


p e r h r r h

 

 

Another application is the determination of the price sensitivity of a futures option with respect to a change in the futures price. We learn from page 317 that the price sensitivity of a stock option with respect to a change in the stock price is

( )

h Cu Cd

e S u d


 . Changing  to r and S to F yields

( )

rh Cu Cd

e F u d

 , which is the same as the expression erh given in footnote 7 on page 333.

1 /

1 / 1

* 1

 

 

d u

d d

u p d

1 3 / 4

1 / 1 3 1

d  9



d u(4 / 3) d 1.2



(10.72841) 11



115.2 (30.2)

86.4 (1.4)

64.8 (0) An option price in bold italic signifies

that exercise is optimal at that node.




Several months ago, an investor sold 100 units of a one-year European call option on a nondividend-paying stock. She immediately delta-hedged the commitment with shares of the stock, but has not ever re-balanced her portfolio. She now decides to close out all positions.

You are given the following information:

(i) The risk-free interest rate is constant.


Several months ago Now

Stock price $40.00 $50.00

Call option price $ 8.88 $14.42 Put option price $ 1.63 $ 0.26 Call option delta 0.794

The put option in the table above is a European option on the same stock and with the same strike price and expiration date as the call option.

Calculate her profit.

(A) $11 (B) $24 (C) $126 (D) $217 (E) $240

112 Solution to (47) Answer: (B)

Let the date several months ago be 0. Let the current date be t.

Delta-hedging at time 0 means that the investor’s cash position at time 0 was 100[C(0)  C(0)S(0)].

After closing out all positions at time t, her profit is

100{[C(0)  C(0)S(0)]ert – [C(t)  C(0)S(t)]}.

To find the accumulation factor ert, we can use put-call parity:

C(0) – P(0)  S(0) – KerT, C(t) – P(t)  S(t) – Ker(Tt), where T is the option expiration date. Then,

ert  ( ) ( ) ( ) (0) (0) (0) S t C t P t


 

  = 50 14.42 0.26 40 8.88 1.63

 

  = 35.84

32.75 = 1.0943511.

Thus, her profit is

100{[C(0)  C(0)S(0)]ert – [C(t)  C(0)S(t)]}

 100{[8.88  0.794 × 40] × 1.09435 – [14.42  0.794 × 50]}

 24.13  24

Alternative Solution: Consider profit as the sum of (i) capital gain and (ii) interest:

(i) capital gain  100{[C(0)  C(t)]  C(0)[S(0) – S(t)]}

(ii) interest  100[C(0)  C(0)S(0)](ert – 1).


capital gain  100{[C(0)  C(t)]  C(0)[S(0) – S(t)]}

 100{[8.88  14.42]  [40 – 50]}

 100{5.54 + 7.94}  240.00.

To determine the amount of interest, we first calculate her cash position at time 0:

100[C(0)  C(0)S(0)]  100[8.88  400.794]

 100[8.88  31.76] = 2288.00.


interest = 2288(1.09435 – 1) = 215.87.

Thus, the investor’s profit is 240.00 – 215.87 = 24.13  24.

Third Solution: Use the table format in Section 13.3 of McDonald (2006).

Position Cost at time 0 Value at time t Short 100 calls 100  8.88 = –888 –100  14.42 = 1442 100 shares of stock 100  0.794  40 = 3176 100  0.794  50 = 3970

Borrowing 3176  888 = 2288 2288ert = 2503.8753

Overall 0 24.13


Remark: The problem can still be solved if the short-rate is deterministic (but not necessarily constant). Then, the accumulation factor ert is replaced by


0tr s s( )d ], which can be determined using the put-call parity formulas

C(0) – P(0) = S(0) – K


0Tr s s( )d ], C(t) – P(t) = S(t) – Kexp[ T ( )d ]

t r s s


If interest rates are stochastic, the problem as stated cannot be solved.


48. The prices of two nondividend-paying stocks are governed by the following stochastic differential equations:

1 1

d ( )

0.06d 0.02d ( ), ( )

S t t Z t

S t  

2 2

d ( )

0.03d d ( ), ( )

S t t k Z t

S t  

where Z(t) is a standard Brownian motion and k is a constant.

The current stock prices are S1(0) 100 and S2(0) 50. The continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 4%.

You now want to construct a zero-investment, risk-free portfolio with the two stocks and risk-free bonds.

If there is exactly one share of Stock 1 in the portfolio, determine the number of shares of Stock 2 that you are now to buy. (A negative number means shorting Stock 2.)

(A) – 4 (B) – 2 (C) – 1 (D) 1 (E) 4

115 Solution to (48) Answer: (E)

The problem is a variation of Exercise 20.12 where one asset is perfectly negatively correlated with another.

The no-arbitrage argument in Section 20.4 “The Sharpe Ratio” shows that 02

. 0

04 . 0 06 .

0 

= k

04 . 0 03 .

0 

or k = 0.01, and that the current number of shares of Stock 2 in the hedged portfolio is

 (0)

) 0 (

2 1 1

S k


 = 

50 ) 01 . 0 (

100 02 . 0

 = 4,

which means buying four shares of Stock 2.

Alternative Solution: Construct the zero-investment, risk-free portfolio by following formula (21.7) or formula (24.4):

I(t)  S1(t)  N(t)S2(t)  W(t),

where N(t) is the number of shares of Stock 2 in the portfolio at time t and W(t) is the amount of short-term bonds so that I(t)  0, i.e.,

W(t)  [S1(t) + N(t)S2(t)].

Our goal is to find N(0). Now, the instantaneous change in the portfolio value is dI(t)  dS1(t)  N(t)dS2(t)  W(t)rdt

 S1(t)[0.06dt + 0.02dZ(t)]  N(t)S2(t)[0.03dt  kdZ(t)]  0.04W(t)dt

 (t)dt  (t)dZ(t), where

(t)  0.06S1(t)  0.03N(t)S2(t)  0.04[S1(t)  N(t)S2(t)]

 0.02S1(t)  0.01N(t)S2(t), and

(t)  0.02S1(t)  kN(t)S2(t).

The portfolio is risk-free means that N(t) is such that (t) = 0. Since I(t)  0, the no-arbitrage condition and the risk-free condition mean that we must also have (t)  0, or

) ( 01 . 0

) ( 02 . ) 0 (

2 1

t S

t t S

N  .

In particular,

5 4 . 0

2 ) 0 ( 01 . 0

) 0 ( 02 . ) 0 0 (


1  


N S .

Remark: Equation (21.20) on page 687 of McDonald (2006) should be the same as (12.9) on page 393,

option  || × .

Thus, (21.21) should be changed to  sign() ×

option option


 .

 r




You use the usual method in McDonald and the following information to construct a one-period binomial tree for modeling the price movements of a nondividend-paying stock. (The tree is sometimes called a forward tree).

(i) The period is 3 months.

(ii) The initial stock price is $100.

(iii) The stock’s volatility is 30%.

(iv) The continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 4%.

At the beginning of the period, an investor owns an American put option on the stock. The option expires at the end of the period.

Determine the smallest integer-valued strike price for which an investor will exercise the put option at the beginning of the period.

(A) 114 (B) 115 (C) 116 (D) 117 (E) 118


Solution to (49) Answer: (B)

 1.173511  0.869358 S  initial stock price  100

The problem is to find the smallest integer K satisfying

K S  erh[p*  Max(K Su, 0) + (1 p*)  Max(K Sd, 0)]. (1) Because the RHS of (1) is nonnegative (the payoff of an option is nonnegative), we have the condition

K S  0. (2)

As d  1, it follows from condition (2) that Max(K Sd, 0)  K Sd, and inequality (1) becomes

K S  erh[p*  Max(K Su, 0) + (1 p*)  (K Sd)]. (3) If K ≥Su, the right-hand side of (3) is

erh[p*  (K Su) + (1 p*)  (K Sd)]

 erhK ehS

 erhK S,

because the stock pays no dividends. Thus, if K ≥Su, inequality (3) always holds, and the put option is exercised early.

We now investigate whether there is any K, S  K  Su, such that inequality (3) holds. If Su  K, then Max(K Su, 0)  0 and inequality (3) simplifies as

K S  erh × (1 p*)  (K Sd), or

K 


* 1 ( 1


* 1 ( 1

p e

d p e

rh rh

S. (4)

The fraction


* 1 ( 1


* 1 ( 1

p e

d p e

rh rh

can be simplified as follows, but this step is not necessary. In McDonald’s forward-tree model,

1  p*  p*×e h, from which we obtain

1  p* 

e h

 1

1 .

(r )h h rh h (0.04 / 4) (0.3/ 2) 0.16

u e e e e

(r )h h rh h (0.04 / 4) (0.3/ 2) 0.14

de e e e

118 Hence,


* 1 ( 1


* 1 ( 1

p e

d p e

rh rh

rh h

rh h

e e

d e e

 1 1

h rh

h h

e e

e e

 1

1 because   0

 1e herh

1 .

Therefore, inequality (4) becomes K


h e


 1

1 S

 0.15 0.01 1


e e S  1.148556×100  114.8556.

Thus, the answer to the problem is 114.8556  115, which is (B).

Alternative Solution:

 1.173511  0.869358 S  initial stock price = 100

p* = = 0.46257.

Then, inequality (1) is

K 100  e0.01[0.4626 × (K 117.35)+  0.5374 × (K 86.94)+], (5) and we check three cases: K ≤ 86.94, K ≥ 117.35, and 86.94  K  117.35.

For K ≤ 86.94, inequality (5) cannot hold, because its LHS  0 and its RHS  0.

For K ≥ 117.35, (5) always holds, because its LHS  K 100 while its RHS  e0.01K 100.

For 86.94  K  117.35, inequality (5) becomes

K 100  e0.01 × 0.5374 × (K 86.94), or

K  100 86.94

1 0.5374

e e

  

   114.85.

Third Solution: Use the method of trial and error. For K  114, 115, … , check whether inequality (5) holds.

Remark: An American call option on a nondividend-paying stock is never exercised early. This problem shows that the corresponding statement for American puts is not true.

(r )h h rh h (0.04 / 4) (0.3/ 2) 0.16

u e e e e

(r )h h rh h (0.04 / 4) (0.3/ 2) 0.14

de e e e

0.3/ 2 0.15

1 1 1 1


1 1

1 e hee

 

119 50. Assume the Black-Scholes framework.

You are given the following information for a stock that pays dividends continuously at a rate proportional to its price.

(i) The current stock price is 0.25.

(ii) The stock’s volatility is 0.35.

(iii) The continuously compounded expected rate of stock-price appreciation is 15%.

Calculate the upper limit of the 90% lognormal confidence interval for the price of the stock in 6 months.

(A) 0.393 (B) 0.425 (C) 0.451 (D) 0.486 (E) 0.529

120 Solution to (50) Answer: (A)

This problem is a modification of #4 in the May 2007 Exam C.

The conditions given are:

(i) S0 = 0.25, (ii)   = 0.35, (iii)   = 0.15.

We are to seek the number S such that 0.5U Pr(S0.5S0.5U ) = 0.95.

The random variable ln(S0.5/ 0.25) is normally distributed with mean (0.15 ½ 0.35 ) 0.5 0.044375,2

standard deviation 0.35 0.5 0.24749.

    

  

Because N−1(0.95)  1.645, we have

0.044375 0.24749 N1(0.95) 0.4515 . Thus,


S = U 0.25e0.45150.3927.

Remark The term “confidence interval” as used in Section 18.4 seems incorrect, because St is a random variable, not an unknown, but constant, parameter. The expression

Pr(StLStStU) 1  p

gives the probability that the random variable St is between StL and S , not the tU

“confidence” for St to be between StL and S . tU

121 51. Assume the Black-Scholes framework.

The price of a nondividend-paying stock in seven consecutive months is:

Month Price 1 54 2 56 3 48 4 55 5 60 6 58 7 62

Estimate the continuously compounded expected rate of return on the stock.

(A) Less than 0.28

(B) At least 0.28, but less than 0.29 (C) At least 0.29, but less than 0.30 (D) At least 0.30, but less than 0.31 (E) At least 0.31

122 Solution to (51) Answer: (E)

This problem is a modification of #34 in the May 2007 Exam C. Note that you are given monthly prices, but you are asked to find an annual rate.

It is assumed that the stock price process is given by d ( )

( ) S t

S t  dt  dZ(t), t  0.

We are to estimate , using observed values of S(jh), j  0, 1, 2, .. , n, where h  1/12 and n  6. The solution to the stochastic differential equation is

S(t)  S(0)exp[(½t  Z(t)].

Thus, ln[S((j+1)h)/S(jh)], j  0, 1, 2, …, are i.i.d. normal random variables with mean (½)h and variance h.

Let {rj} denote the observed continuously compounded monthly returns:

r1 = ln(56/54) = 0.03637, r2 = ln(48/56) = 0.15415, r3 = ln(55/48) = 0.13613, r4 = ln(60/55) = 0.08701, r5 = ln(58/60) = 0.03390, r6 = ln(62/58) = 0.06669.

The sample mean is r =

n j


n 1

1 =

n 1


( ) ln ( )

S tnh

S t = 1 6


54 = 0.023025.

The (unbiased) sample variance is

 

n j

j r n 1 r


1 (

1 = 2 2


1 ( )


n j j

r nr


 

 

 

 = 6 2 2


1 ( ) 6

5 j r j r

 

 

 

 = 0.01071.

Thus,   (½) + ½ is estimated by

(0.023025 + ½ × 0.01071) × 12  0.3405.

123 Remarks:

(i) Let T = nh. Then the estimator of ½ is r

h = 1 nh

ln ( ) (0) S T

S = ln[ ( )] ln[ (0)]




 .

This is a special case of the result that the drift of an arithmetic Brownian motion is estimated by the slope of the straight line joining its first and last observed values.

Observed values of the arithmetic Brownian motion in between are not used.

(ii) An (unbiased) estimator of 2 is


1 2 2


1 ( )


n j j

r nr


 

 

 

 = T1 2 2


1 ( )

( ) ln

1 1 (0)

n j j

n S T

n r n S

   

  

     

 

T 1

1 n n

2 1

( )

n j j


for large n (small h)


T 1

1 n

nn1{ln[ ( / ) / (( 1) / )]}2


S jT n S j T n


which can be found in footnote 9 on page 756 of McDonald (2006). It is equivalent to formula (23.2) on page 744 of McDonald (2006), which is

= 1

h 1


nn1{ln[ ( / ) / (( 1) / )]}2


S jT n S j T n


(iii) An important result (McDonald 2006, p. 653, p. 755) is: With probability 1,



2 1

{ln[ ( / ) / (( 1) / )]}

n j

S jT n S j T n

= 2T,

showing that the exact value of  can be obtained by means of a single sample path of the stock price. Here is an implication of this result. Suppose that an actuary uses a so-called regime-switching model to model the price of a stock (or stock index), with each regime being characterized by a different . In such a model, the current regime can be determined by this formula. If the price of the stock can be observed over a time interval, no matter how short the time interval is, then  is revealed immediately by determining the quadratic variation of the logarithm of the stock price.
