• 沒有找到結果。



We address two parts for future improvements of our system, the first part is the sampling step.

In performing SV clustering, because the clustering time is too long so we adopt the way that we do sampling and dimension reduction by FCM and PCA for every category. By doing so the clustering time is decreased very much but at the same time we must perform another strategy to compensate it. We must face the problem that it may happen that the clustering result is not good when comparing to the case that we use the original raw data to perform SV clustering.

We hope that by using techniques like SV mixture or other methods, we can use the original data to perform SV clustering and use the clustering result to do the text categorization.

The second part of our future work is the training of the expert node classifiers.

We see that category like commodity contains 53 sub-categories, this results in poor performance in classification. Perhaps we can find another useful and powerful method to train these kind of classifiers and promote its accuracy in classification.


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APPENDIX A Stop-word List

There are totally 306 stop words used in this thesis.

a about above across after afterwards again against albeit all almost alone along already also although always among amongst an

and another any anyhow anyone anything anywhere are around as at b be became because become becomes becoming been before

beforehand behind being below beside besides between beyond both but by c can cannot co could d down during


each eg eight either eleven else elsewhere enough etc even ever every everyone everything everywhere except f few five for

four former formerly from further g h had has have he hence her here hereafter hereby herein hereupon hers herself

him himself his how however i

ie if in inc indeed into is it its itself j k l last latter latterly least less ltd

m many may me meanwhile might more moreover most mostly much must my myself n namely neither never nevertheless next

nine no nobody none nor

not nothing now nowhere o of often on once one only onto or other others otherwise our ours ourselves out over own p per perhaps

q r rather s said same seem seemed seeming seems seven several she should since six so some somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhere still

such t ten than that the their them themselves then thence there thereafter thereby therefore therein thereupon these they this those though three through throughout

thru thus to today together too toward towards two twelve u under until up upon us v v very via w was we well were

what whatever whatsoever when whence whenever whensoever where whereafter whereas whereat whereby wherefrom wherein whereinto whereof whereon whereto whereunto whereupon wherever wherewith whether which whichever

whichsoever while whilst whither who whoever whole whom whomever whomsoever whose whosoever why will with within without would x y year years yes yesterday yet

you your yours yourself yourselves z


There are totally 37 part-of-speech tags.

Part-of-Speech Tag Meaning

1 CC Coordinating Conjunction

2 CD Cardinal number

3 DT Determiner

4 EX Existential there

5 FW Foreign word

6 IN Preposition subordinating conjunction

7 JJ Adjective

8 JJR Adjective, comparative

9 JJS Adjective, superlative

10 LS List item marker

11 MD Modal

12 NN Noun, singular or mass

13 NNS Noun, plural

14 NNP Proper noun, singular

15 NNPS Proper noun, plural

16 PDT Predeterminer

17 POS Possessive ending

18 PRP Personal pronoun

19 PRP$ Possessive pronoun

20 RB Adverb

21 RBR Adverb, comparative

22 RBS Adverb, superlative

23 RP Particle

24 SYM Symbol

25 TO To

26 UH Interjection

27 VB Verb, base form

28 VBD Verb past tense

29 VBG Verb gerund or present participle

30 VBN Verb, past participle

31 VBP Verb, non-3rd person singular present 32 VBZ Verb, 3rd person singular present

33 WDT Wh-determiner

34 WP Wh-pronoun

35 WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun

36 WRB Wh-adverb

37 . Period
