• 沒有找到結果。

All the CATtle / are standing like STAtues, All the CATtle / are standing like statues


2. All the CATtle / are standing like STAtues, All the CATtle / are standing like statues

They don't turn their heads they see me ride by But a little brown MAV'rick / is winking her EYE.

Repeat chorus

3. All the sounds of the earth/are like MUsic,-- All the sounds of the EARTH / are like music The breeze is so busy / It don’t miss a tree

And an ol' Weepin' WILler / is laughin' at me.

Repeat chorus

p. 212. n. Partner Practice: Song exercises 1. Word Stress

FOLlow ANimal

golden, meadow, climbing morning, feeling, cattle, standing, statues, mav’rick, music, weeping willow laughing winking

beautiful elephant’s everything

2.Vowel + /r/

are, corn, bright, morning, turn,

3. /r/

/r/ words: mav’rick brown, earth, breeze, their, everything’s

p. 213 Self-quiz.

Circle all the true statements in questions 1 and 2. (They are underlined here.)

1. You can tell the difference between the words fright and fried by the length of the vowel.

a. Fried sounds longer. Fright sounds shorter.

b. The voiced consonant at the end makes the vowel sound longer.

c. The word with the most letters always sounds longer.

2. In related nouns and verbs such as rice and rise or proof and prove, how can you predict the pronunciation?

a. Look at the part of speech. The vowel length in the nouns is shorter than the vowel in the verbs.

b. You can’t predict the pronunciation. There are no rules for this.

c. Look at the final consonant. A voiced consonant makes the vowel longer.

3. True. The last syllable in cotton, certain, and kitten do not have a vowel sound. (syllabic “n”)

4. Fill in 16 or 60 for each statement.

a. For 60 stress the final syllable and lower the pitch a lot.

b. For 16 stress both syllables. Use clear vowels.

5. Sometimes a consonant is inserted to link two vowels, such as “i” and “e” in the word quiet.

Fill in the blanks.

a. Insert the letter _y_ to link the vowels in creative and video.

b. Insert the letter _w_ to link the vowels in persuade and go out.

p. 213. Dictation

1. Would you like half a sandwich and soup?

2. He’ll put the paper bag in the trash.

3. I’d rather walk there and get our car later.

4. You can’t leave your cart in the market.

5. Sixteen percent of her land was full of trees.

Chapter 11 Putting Words Together p. 217. b. Improve Your Monitoring:

1. I’d like to borrow your book.

2. Janet was appointed to the steering committee.

3. What did you think of the outcome?

4. Is her package ready?

5. When did he call?

6. I forgot to bring your tape.

7. Half of his pictures were missing.

8. We dropped them off at the corner.

9. Would you like it now or later?

10. He has a year and a half more to go.

p. 219. Just for fun Caesar = sees her

p. 220. e. Partner Practice Practice: Two short conversations Conversation 1

A. I’m ready to take a break.

B. Good. I’m ready for a Big Mac and a Coke.

A. I’d rather take a walk than eat.

B. O.K. Let’s walk over to McDonald’s. Then we can walk and eat.

Conversation 2

A: Are you ready to order?

B: In a minute. I have to decide what I want to eat.

A: Do you think we ought to get it for here or to go?

B: We’ve got to be back in thirty minutes. Maybe we’d better get it to go.

p. 221. f. Cartoon: Single Slices

“The trouble with dating a soul mate / is that even if you break up /, the souls mate for life./

p. 224. PSA 1: Paul Newman

Close your eyes, / and imagine you’re beside a pure mountain stream /—the water cascading over the stones. / 2 A paradise like this isn’t /easy to come by,/ but it does still exist—/ because “The Nature Conservancy” / works locally / with people like you / to save precious places / around the world—/ forever. 3 That way, / closing your eyes / will never be / the only way to get there. / 4 I’m Paul Newman. / Help save / the “Last Great Places”. / 6 Visit “The Nature Conservancy” / at “nature-dot-org.” /

p. 224. PSA 2: Interview at a farmer’s market

And now / a water-minute/ from the Water Education Foundation./

1-A: Here we are at the farmer’s market / and you’re / you’re holding this / big bundle of oranges, / an..uh.. / Let’s look this up. / How much water does it take to grow / one orange? / Here’s the answer. /

2-B: / 14 gallons of water…/

3-A: / How about / one ounce of almonds? / 4-B: / 80 gallons? /

5-A: / How about / 8 ounces of chicken?/

6-B: / 330 gallons./

7-A: OK,/ what about 4 oz of hamburger? / 8-B: / 616 gallons./

9-A: / Now, / you want to take a guess on steak?/

10-B: /I wouldn’t have a… / 1 don’t know. / 1232 gallons. / 1 can’t believe it! / I never realized,/


11-A: /Well it takes water to grow/ and produce all the food / we eat. /

12-B: /I think more people /should pay attention to, / you know, /where water comes from, /how precious it is./

13A: All Californians /need plenty of water /for home, /industry /and food production. // But there is only so much water. / Use it wisely./ Find out more at water education/dot.org

p. 225: PSA 3: Travis Tritt

1You want to know one of the best ways/ to help kids /do better in school? ‘2Hi /I’m Travis Tritt /

3I visit a lot of schools / both at home / and when I’m on the road. / Unfortunately, / I hear from too many students,/ “aoh school’s so boring.” / 5And I say to them, / “then you haven’t taken enough music courses.”/ 6You know, / exposure to music / opens up the mind / like nothing else.

/7It improves something called Spatial IQ, / which in turn / helps students tackle the challenges of other things / like / math and science. /

8Some night this week, / sit down as a family / and play for your kids some music / that just really turns you on. / 9And then listen to what your kids like. /.Compare notes. /10 Keep an open mind.

/ Find the common ground. /

A Public Service Announcement brought to by MENC, , the National Association for Music Education , Gibson Guitar, Baldwin Piano, and this station. Music, part of a sound education.

p. 225:PSA 4: Alison Krauss, country musician

1What does Alison Krauss / remember about music class / when she was a kid?/

2My finest / uh / memory of music class is kind of / uh, just an overall memory / not a specific instance. / 3 Because / uh, music was something completely different than / any other class in school. / 4It was… I remember it as all being fun. 5And the reward wasn’t , / you know, / a great test score / and it wasn’t a higher grade. / 6t was getting to be a part of an ensemble/ and singing

something at the end where everyone knew their part. /7 It was all fun and games to me. / 8And uh, you made friends,/ you know, / I found that you that you made friends / that lasted a really long time. 9At least the ones that / for me / that have lasted / the longest are ones that I met in school chorus / or music classes / and not who I sat next to in math!/

p. 227. Sing Along: “Leaving on a Jet Plane”
