• 沒有找到結果。

Colloconstructional distinction

biao3 shi4 表示 2 corresponding to express is in Encoding frame which includes core frame elements Speaker, and Message; biao3 shi4 表示 3 corresponding to represent

4. Case study of the motion verb ZOU (走)

4.2 Colloconstructional distinction

When frame semantic information is insufficient, word senses can only be defined by a careful examination of colloconstruction. As Liu and Wu (2004) have mentioned, collocational association is also an important anchor for sense disambiguation. Adopting their findings, the second module—colloconstruction—is proposed in this paper for the further sense distinction. In this module, first, a search for categorical collocation from Sinica Corpus is executed (see 16 A)6. Then, various categorical collocates of ZOU 走 are found. Several categorical collocates with high frequency are found from the Table (16A) (the shaded statistic data present

5 The same basic patterns also represented in the shaded areas in Table (9), (11) and (12).

6 The statistics and the categories in table (16A) are adopted from Sinica Corpus. The first acronym of the categorical label represents the traditional syntactic categories (such as V(erb), N(oun), P(reposition), and so on ( see appendix IV for all the abbreviations of category ) except for the D and Di which means Adverb and aspectual markers, respectively. The second alphabet of the categorical label specifies the subpart characteristics of the categories.

more frequently co-occurring with target verb), such as D + ZOU 走, ZOU 走 + Di, D + ZOU 走 +Di and so forth (see (16B)). Looking into all the data of ZOU 走 in detail, the highly frequent patterns are generalized as shown in table (16C): (a) Adv(erb)7 + V (also D + V in (16B)), (b) V + Comp(lement) (also V + VH/VC/NeuNf in (16B)), (c) V + Asp(ectual marker) (also V+ Di in (16B).), and (d) Adv(erb) + V + Asp(ectual marker) (also D + V + Di in (16B)). The distribution of these four major patterns varies from sense to sense (see 16 C).


A. Major Categorical Collocates of ZOU 走

category Left

7 In order to search for the significant syntactic patterns, we generalize the highly frequent patterns according to (16B) in terms of traditional syntactical categories (as (16C)). However, the generalization of highly frequent syntactic collocates must come from the statistic information in table (16A) and (16B). The same procedures are also adopted in the following three case studies.

T 29 37 32 23 4 0

270 22 31 24 39 511 2.46

Nc 56 58 50 38 40 0 24 54 58 61 67 506 2.44 Neu 54 49 43 23 0 0

106 86 34 54 35 484 2.33

Others B. High frequency non-core arguments of ZOU 走


C. Distribution of non-core arguments of Four Senses of ZOU 走

Adv + ZOU ZOU + Comp. ZOU + Asp Adv + ZOU + Asp

的製造業勞工自該業中釋放出來。(sense 2 moving)

III. 而今又是一個多霧的天氣,但又有誰願意伴我[Self-mover]再走一趟石 門[Area]?(sense 3 visiting)

IV. 妹妹在一旁說:鬧水災了,再不快走就完了!(sense 4 leaving) b. ZOU + Comp.

I. 阿曼道:「這般大風雪中,諒他也走不遠,勉強掙扎,非死在雪地中不

可。(sense 1 walking)

II. 嘉裕。燁甲特,以及昨日低檔有守的彥武是否能同時走強,則有待觀 察。(sense 2 moving)

III. 塔克金溪縱谷與司馬庫斯部落遙遙相望。我希望下次有機會去走一 趟。(sense 3 visiting)

c. ZOU + Asp

I. 走著走著,珮珍知道自己到家了,卻不敢進屋(sense 1 walking)

II. 現在,我要走了,希望下次再來的時候,住的是一片安全美麗的大地 (sense 4 leaving)

d. Adv + ZOU + Asp

I. 迷宮般的巷道迂迴曲折,我們[Self-mover]紛亂。疲憊地走著 (sense 1


II. 老師聽了馬上吩咐班長管秩序,交代完畢後,就匆匆忙忙的走了。(sense 4 leaving)

Within the dominant collocation type in each sense, we may find the most crucial lexical groups to help identify the sense, and that would be discussed individually in the following sub-sections.

4.2.1 Sense disambiguation: sense 1 vs. sense 3

As mentioned in section 4.2, sense 1 ‘walking’ and sense 3 ‘visiting’ show the problem that they occur in the same basic patterns: Self-mover < Area < * and

Self-mover < * < Area in some cases (such as in examples (13) and (14)). In corpus, several examples are also found, such as in examples (17) and (18)

(17) a. 我[Self-mover]在 滿街 水兵 和 軍 官 們 中 間[Area]

wo zai man jie shui bing han jun guan men zhong jian

I in the stree soldiers and militaries between

走著(sense 1 ‘walking’)

zou zhe

walk ZHE

‘I am walking in the street full of soldiers and the military.

b. 再來我們[Self-mover]到南橫[Area]走一趟 (sense 3’visiting’)

zai lai wo men dao nan hen zou yi tang

then we go to Nanhen walk once

‘Then, we visited at Nanhen.’

(18) a. 東尼[Self-mover]走在他身後 (sense 1 ‘walking’)

dong ni zou zai t ashen hou

Tony walk in his after

‘Tony walked after him.’

b. 我[Self-mover]今天其實打算走一趟〝金洋村〞[Area] (sense 3 ‘visiting’)

wo jin tian qi shi da suan zou yi tang jin yang cun

I today in fact plan walk once ‘Jin Yan village’

‘Today, in fact, I planed to take a visit at ‘Jin Yan village.’

In order to distinguish sense 1 and sense 3 in these cases, we need to go into the second step—colloconstruction. In corpus, it is found that sense 3 ‘visiting’ usually co-occurs with the syntactic collocate: V + Comp. while sense 1 ‘walking’ frequently co-occurs with the syntactic collocate: Adv + V(as shown in (16C)). When look into each collocate, sense 3 ‘visiting’ constantly appears with the verbal measure words,

yitang/yizao 一趟/一遭 ‘once’, while sense 1 ‘walking’ does not have any specific

lexical collocation either in the pattern Adv + V or V + Adv. Consider the following usages of sense 3 ‘visiting’ from the Sinica Corpus:

(19) a. 到 小人國 走一遭,…

dao xiao ren guo zou yi zao

in ‘Xiao Ren Guo’ zou yi zao

‘to take a look at Xiao Ren Guo’

b. 我 今天 其實 打算 走一趟 “金洋村”,…

wo jin tian qi shi da suan zou yi tang jin yang cun

I today in fact plan walk once ‘Jin Yang village’

‘Today, in fact I planned to visit ‘Jin Yan village.’

c. 農委會 建議 民眾, 何妨 走一趟 休閒農場,…

nong wei hui jian yi min zhong he fang zou yi tang xiu xian nong chang

The COA suggest people why not walk once recreation farm

‘The Council of Agricultural suggests people to visit the recreation farm.’

These examples tell us that the measure words, such as yitang/yizao 一趟/一遭

‘once’, are the crucial indicators to trigger the sense ‘visiting’ of ZOU 走 while these collocates are not significant to sense 1 ‘walking’ (consider the Table in (20)).

(20) Frequency of Co-occurring with yitang and yizao