• 沒有找到結果。

Comparison Between Newton and Stochastic Gradient Methods 56

VI. Experiments

6.1 Comparison Between Newton and Stochastic Gradient Methods 56

In this chapter, the goal is to compare SG methods with the proposed subsampled Newton method for CNN. For SG methods, we consider mini-batch SG with momen-tum. We use the python deep learning library, Keras (Chollet et al., 2015), to implement it. To have a fair comparison between SG and subsampled Newton methods, the fol-lowing conditions are fixed.

• Initial points.

• Network structures.

• Objective function.

• Regularization parameter.

The training mini-batch size is 128 for all SG experiments. The initial learning rate is selected from {0.003, 0.001, 0.0003, 0.0001} by five-fold cross validation.2 When

2We split the training data by stratified sampling for the cross validation.

Table 6.2: Structure of convolutional neural networks. “conv” indicates a convolutional layer, “pool” indicates a pooling layer, and “full” indicates a fully-connected layer.

model-3-layers model-5-layers

filter size #filters stride filter size #filters stride

conv 1 5 × 5 × 3 32 1 5 × 5 × 3 32 1

pool 1 2 × 2 - 2 2 × 2 - 2

conv 2 3 × 3 × 32 64 1 3 × 3 × 32 32 1

pool 2 2 × 2 - 2 - -

-conv 3 3 × 3 × 32 64 1 3 × 3 × 32 64 1

pool 3 2 × 2 - 2 2 × 2 - 2

conv 4 - - - 3 × 3 × 64 64 1

pool 4 - - -

-conv 5 - - - 3 × 3 × 64 128 1

pool 5 - - - 2 × 2 - 2

conducting the cross validation and training process, the learning rate is adapted to the Keras framework’s default scheduling with a decaying factor 10−6 and the momentum coefficient is 0.9.

From the results shown in Table 6.3, we can see that

Table 6.3: Test accuracy for Newton method and SG. For Newton method, we trained for 250 iterations; for SG, we trained for 1000 epochs.

model-3-layers model-5-layers

Newton SG Newton SG

MNIST (99.15, 99.25)% 99.15% 99.46% 99.35%

SVHN (92.91, 92.99)% 93.21% 93.49% 94.60%

CIFAR10 (77.85, 79.41)% 79.27% 76.7% 79.47%

smallNORB (98.14, 98.16)% 98.09% 97.68% 98.00%



In this study, we establish all the building blocks of Newton methods for CNN. A simple and elegant MATLAB implementation is developed for public use. Based on our results, it is possible to develop novel techniques to further enhance Newton methods for CNN.


APPENDIX A. List of Symbols

Notation Description

yi The label vector of the ith training instance.

Z0,i The input image of the ith training instance.

l The number of training instances.

K The number of classes.

θ The model vector (weights and biases) of the neural network.

ξ The loss function.

ξi The training loss of the ith instance.

f The objective function.

C The regularization parameter.

L The number of layers of the neural network.

Lc The number of convolutional layers of the neural network.

Lf The number of fully-connected layers of the neural network.

nm The number of neurons in the mth layer (Lc< m ≤ L).

n The total number of weights and biases.

am the height of the data at the mth layer (0 ≤ m ≤ Lc).

bm the width of the data at the mth layer (0 ≤ m ≤ Lc).

dm the depth (or the number of channels) of the data at the mth layer (0 ≤ m ≤ Lc).

hm the height (width) of the filters at the mth layer.

Wm The weight matrix in the mth layer.

bm The bias vector in the mth layer.

Notation Description

Sm,i The output matrix of the function (Wm)Tφ(Zm−1,i) + bm1Tambmin the mth layer for the ith instance (1 ≤ m ≤ Lc).

Zm,i The output matrix (element-wise application of the activation function on Sm,i) in the mth layer for the ith instance (1 ≤ m ≤ Lc).

sm,i The output vector of the function (Wm)Tzm−1,i+ bmin the mth layer for the ith instance (Lc< m ≤ L).

zm,i The output vector (element-wise application of the activation function on sm,i) in the mth layer for the ith instance (Lc< m ≤ L).

σ The activation function.

Ji The Jacobian matrix of zL,iwith respect to θ.

I An identity matrix.

αk A step size at the kth iteration.

ρk The ratio between the actual function reduction and the predicted reduction at the kth iteration.

λk A parameter in the Levenberg-Marquardt method.

N (µ, σ2) A Gaussian distribution with mean µ and variance σ2.

APPENDIX B. Alternative Method for the Generation of φ(Z



For the alternative method here, we use MATLAB’s im2col with sm = 1 and extract a sub-matrix as φ(Zm−1,i).

We now explain each line of the program. To find Pφm−1, from (2.9) what we need is to extract elements in Zm−1,i. Some elements may be extracted multiple times. For the

extraction it is more convenient to chapter on the linear indices of elements in Zm−1,i. Following MATLAB’s setting, for an a × b matrix, the linear indices are

[ 1, . . . , a, a + 1, . . . , ab ] ,

where elements are mapped to the above indices in a cloumn-wise setting. In line 2, we start with obtaining the linear indices of the first row of Zm−1,i, which corresponds to the first channel of the image. In line 3, we use im2col to build φ(Zm−1,i) under sm = dm−1 = 1, though contents of the input matrix are linear indices of Zm−1,i rather than values. For φ(Zm−1,i) under sm = dm−1 = 1, the matrix size is

hmhm× ¯am¯bm,

where from (2.4),


am = am−1 − hm+ 1, ¯bm = bm−1− hm+ 1.

From (2.9), when a general sm is considered, we must select some columns, whose column indices are the following subset of {1, . . . , ¯am¯bm}:

where am and bm are defined in (2.4). More precisely, (B.1) comes from the following

mapping between the first row of φ(Zm−1,i) in (2.9) and {1, . . . , ¯am¯bm}:

Next we discuss how to extend the linear indices of the first channel to others. From (2.5), each column of Zm−1,i contains values of the same pixel in different channels.

Therefore, because we consider a column-major order, indices in Zm−1,i for a given pixel are a continuous segment. Then in (2.9) for φ(Zm−1,i), essentially we have dm−1 segments ordered vertically and elements in two consecutive segments are from two consecutive rows in Zm−1,i. Therefore, the following index matrix can be used to extract all needed elements in Zm−1,i for φ(Zm−1,i).

linear indices of Zm−1,ifor 1st channel of φ(Zm−1,i) The implementation is in line 10 and we use a property of MATLAB to add a matrix and a vector. Thus the ⊗ operation in the second term in (B.2) is not needed.

Listing B.1: Matlab implementation for Pφm−1 1 function indicator = indicator_im2col(a,b,d,h,s) 2 input_idx = reshape(([1:a*b]-1)*d+1,a,b);

3 output_idx = im2col(input_idx,[h,h],'sliding');

4 a_bar = a - h + 1;

5 b_bar = b - h + 1;

6 a_idx = 1:s:a_bar;

7 b_idx = 1:s:b_bar;

8 select_idx = repelem(a_idx,1,length(a_idx)) + a_bar*repmat(


9 output_idx = output_idx(:,select_idx);

10 output_idx = repmat(output_idx,d,1) + repelem([0:d-1]',h*h ,1);

11 end


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