• 沒有找到結果。

Conclusion and Suggestion

First, it is obvious that the conditions of some significant variables in the family structure, such as parents' education, family income, departing of family members, and single-parent family, cannot possibly be changed or controlled immediately or dramatically.

However, parents should not become the models of drug use in the family (i.e., parental drug use), and they should show their children their love, wannth, affection, and support in an acceptable way in order to reduce the chance of the adolescents becoming involved in drug use (i.e., positive affectivity).

Second, at first glance at the variables of (a) parental style, democratic family, authoritarian family, and permissive family and at (b) positive affectivity and negative affectivity, a general picture of "family interaction and atmosphere" will appear. "Family interaction and atmosphere" will be interpreted in a common sense way because family interaction represents the parental style and affectivity implies the family atmosphere during the time of family interaction.

However, the results of tests of significance are somewhat different: positive affectivity, negative affectivity, and permissive family are statistically significantly related to adolescent drug use, but authoritarian family is not, and democratic family is statistically significantly related to adolescent drug use, but in an unexpected direction. From this point of view, parents should pay more attention to what their children feel during the time of family interaction. These unusual results mean that the adolescent psychological mechanisms between the conditions of parental style and affectivity are worthy of being investigated in the future.

Third, if the Zfisher of sibling influence is larger than any other of the family variables,

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Formulas for the Transformation ofInferential Statistics intors

fort, r =



for F(l,dt),

r = ~ p/(p +

df) for chi-square= %2(1),

r = ~


for Z,

r = ~ Z2 /


Formulas for the Transformation of Inferential Statistics into Zs

for t, Z

= ~df



(t2 / df)]} .



for F(l,dt), Z =




(P /df)]} .



for chi-square=%2(1), Z =


forr, t

= r.JN -2/~


/df)]} .


Note: Logarithms are natural logarithms (i.e., logeand not loglO)'

Formula for Convertingr to ZFISHER or ZFISHER tor


formula for the fail-safe number for thep


.05 level of significance Nft(p=·05)

= (IZp/l.64Sf -


Formula for the moderate effects

Note:The statistical software of Advanced BASIC Meta-Analysis (Mullen, 1989) and DSTAT (Johnson, 1993) would be used for data analysis.

~fttj 2003.3.18

~lE 2003.11.24

1i~ 2004.2.27


49-The Impact of Family Factors on Adolescent
