• 沒有找到結果。

Conclusions and Future Work

Parallel and distributed computing is a good strategy to solve large scale computational intensive problems. Since the idle computing unit will increase the computation time, load balancing is the key to the design of parallel and distributed algorithms. In this dissertation, we used parallel strategy to solve three important problems in Bioinformatics, Cheminformatic, and data mining field. They are minimum ultrametric tree (MUT) construction problem, chemical compound inference (CCI) problem, and frequent pattern mining (FPM) problem respectively. We also develop difference load balancing facilities depending on the problem.

For MUT problem, we designed and implemented a parallel branch-and-bound algorithm named PBBU on master/slave architecture computing system. Two pools, Global Pool and Local Pool, were designed for PBBU to balance the workload among computing nodes. Since centralized Global Pool was used, therefore, PBBU could execute on heterogeneous computing system, e.g., Grid system. It could reduce the communication between slave node and master node by the mechanism of Local Pool. We used random generated distance matrix, Human+Chimpanzee Mitochondrial DNAs, and Bacteriophage T7 DNAs to verify the performance and correctness of PBBU. Comparing the results of Bacteriophage T7, it can be seen the branching orders are correct. For the performance issues, the experimental results show that the PBBU found an optimal solution for 36 species on 16 PCs within a reasonable time. Moreover, the PBBU achieved satisfying speed-up ratios for most of test cases.

77 For CCI problem, we designed and implemented a multi-process branch-and-bound algorithm on multi-core computing system named BMPBB-CCI. In order to efficiently exchange different type of data structure among computing unit, we designed a socket-based manager process. Manager process not only could hold various types of data structures but also could easily be extended to distributed memory computing system. The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) Compound database was used to validate the performance of BMPBB-CCI. The experimental results showed that the computation time reduced went along with more processes launched. Moreover, proposed algorithm also achieved satisfying speed-up ratio for most of the test cases. In addition, we also reconstructed the NA inhibitors of influenza virus A and used the pharmacophore model to calculate the estimated IC50. The results showed that the inferred compound may be a candidate NA inhibitor for influenza A virus.

For FPM problem, we designed and implemented two parallel algorithms for Cluster system and Grid system named Tidset-based Parallel FP-tree (TPFP-tree) and Balanced Tidset-based Parallel FP-tree (BTP-tree) respectively. Transaction identification set (Tidset) was used to speed up the exchanging transactions by direct selecting transactions instead of scanning database. Since Grid system is a heterogeneous computing system, performance index was designed in BTP-tree and used to measure the computing capabilities of given dataset. We adopt the data generated by IBM data generator to verify the performance of proposed frequent pattern mining algorithm. The experimental results showed TPFP-tree can reduce the execution time related to PFP-tree on PC cluster when the database size grows.

Moreover, BTP-tree can shorten the execution time significantly and has better loading balance capability than TPFP-tree and PFP-tree on multi-cluster grid.

The characteristics of each proposed solution was shown in Table 6-1.


Table 6-1: Characteristics of MUT, CCI, and FPM


Parallel Strategy




Method Strategy

Branch and bound

Load balancing 1. Global Pool 2. Local Pool

1. Global Queue

2. Local Queue Performance Index Programming






1. Random 2. 135 Human + one Chimpanzee Mitochondrial DNAs

1. KEGG 2. NA inhibitor

IBM synthetic data generator



In the future, we plan to work on the following directions:

For MUT problem: (1) Improving the performance of the PBBU by adding other strategies to decrease the communication cost or by pruning the unnecessary branching nodes.

(2) Analyzing the relationships between the execution time of the PBBU and input distance matrices. This can help to choose suitable strategies for various test cases.

For CCI problem: (1) Extending BMPBB-CCI algorithm to Cluster and Grid computing system. (2) Improving the performance of BMPBB-CCI by adding other strategies to reduce the tree searching spaces.

For FPM problem: (1) Improving the degree of accuracy of performance index to balance the workload among computing units better. (2) Analyzing the relationship between execution time and input dataset.



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