• 沒有找到結果。

This ENUM data is used by input variables to motion control instructions.

An enumeration input variable is not actually set to the number, but to the enumerator.

2-1 Variables


2-1-4 Input Variables for Motion Control Instructions

Data type Valid range Description

Corresponding instruc-tion variable



0: _mcAborting 1: _mcBuffered 2: _mcBlendingLow 3: _mcBlendingPrevious 4: _mcBlendingNext 5: _mcBlendingHigh

Specifies the operation for multi-exe-cution of motion control instructions.

0: Aborting 1: Buffered 2: Blending low 3: Blending previous 4: Blending next 5: Blending high


(Buffer Mode Selection)


0: _mcBorder 1: _mcCenter 2: _mcRadius

Specifies the method for circular in-terpolation.

0: Border point 1: Center 2: Radius


(Circular Interpolation Mode)


0: _mcCTNone Specifies the slave axis command value output method when the cam is restarted.

0: No limit or correction


(Cam Transition Selec-tion)


0: _mcCW 1: _mcCCW

Specifies the path direction.

0: CW 1: CCW

PathChoice (Path Choice)


0: _mcAddAxes 1: _mcSubAxes

Specifies the combining method.

0: Addition 1: Subtraction

CombineMode (Combine Mode)


0: _mcACS Specifies the coordinate system.

0: Axis coordinate system (ACS)

CoordSystem (Coordinate System) _eMC_DIRECTION 0: _mcPositiveDirection

1: _mcShortestWay 2: _mcNegativeDirection 3: _mcCurrentDirection 4: _mcNoDirection

Specifies the direction of motion.

0: Positive direction 1: Shortest way 2: Negative direction 3: Current direction 4: No direction specified



0: _mcImmediately (Reserved) ExecutionMode

(Execution Mode)


0: _mcCommandExecution 1: _mcTriggerDetection 2: _mcMasterReach

Specifies the condition for the slave axis to synchronize with the master axis.

0: Start of instruction 1: When trigger is detected

2: When the master axis reaches the master following distance


(Synchronization Start Condition)


0: _mcAbsolute 1: _mcRelative 2: _mcVelocity

Selects the travel method.

0: Absolute positioning 1: Relative positioning 2: Velocity control

MoveMode (Travel Mode)


0: _mcStop Specifies the mode to disable the

synchronized control instruction.

0: Deceleration stop


(Sync End Mode Selec-tion)


Data type Valid range Description

Corresponding instruc-tion variable



0: _mcChkVel 1: _mcChkAcc 2: _mcChkDec 3: _mcPosiChkTrq*1 4: _mcNegaChkTrq*1 5: _mcFELmt 6: _mcChkFELmt 7: _mcSwLmtMode 8: _mcPosiSwLmt 9: _mcNegaSwLmt 10: _mcInPosTime 11: _mcInPosRange*2 12: _mcStartVel*3

Specifies the parameter to write.

0: Velocity Warning Value/Interpola-tion Velocity Warning Value

1: Acceleration Warning Value/Inter-polation Acceleration Warning Value 2: Deceleration Warning Value/Inter-polation Deceleration Warning Value 3: Positive Torque Warning Value 4: Negative Torque Warning Value 5: Following Error Over Value 6: Following Error Warning Value 7: Software Limits

8: Positive Software Limit 9: Negative Software Limit 10: In-position Check Time 11: In-position Range 12: Start Velocity

ParameterNumber (Parameter Number)


0: _mcNonSwLmt

1: _mcCmdDecelerationStop 2: _mcCmdImmediateStop 3: _mcActDecelerationStop 4: _mcActImmediateStop

Enables and disables the software limits and specifies the Stop Mode.

0: Disable software limits

1: Deceleration stopping enabled for command position

2: Enable software limits and perform immediate stop for command position 3: Enable software limits and decel-erate to stop for actual position 4: Enable software limits and perform immediate stop for actual position

SettingValue (Setting Value)


0: _mcCommand 1: _mcFeedback 2: _mcLatestCommand

Specifies the position type.

0: Command position (value calculat-ed in the previous task period*5) 1: Actual position (value obtained in the same task period*5)

2: Command position (value calculat-ed in the same task period*5)


(Position Type Selection) ReferenceTypeMaster (Master Axis Position Type Selection) ReferenceTypeAuxiliary (Auxiliary Axis Position Type Selection) _eMC_START_MO


0: _mcAbsolutePosition 1: _mcRelativePosition

Specifies the coordinate system used by MasterStartDistance (master fol-lowing distance).

0: Absolute position 1: Relative position

StartMode (Start Mode)


0: _mcDeccelerationStop 1: _mcImmediateStop

2: _mcImmediateStopFEReset 3: _mcFreeRunStop

4: _mcNonStop

Specifies the stopping method.

0: Deceleration stop

1: Perform an immediate stop 2: Perform an immediate stop and re-set the following error counter 3: Turn OFF the Servo 4: Do not stop


(Stopping Mode Selec-tion)

2-1 Variables


2-1-4 Input Variables for Motion Control Instructions

Data type Valid range Description

Corresponding instruc-tion variable



0: _mcLatch1 1: _mcLatch2

Specifies which of the two latch func-tions to use.

0: Latch 1 1: Latch 2




0: _mcCount 0: Use the actual current position and update the command current posi-tion.

Home remains defined.


(Command Current Posi-tion Count SelecPosi-tion)


0: _mcTMNone

10: _mcTMCornerSuperimposed

Specifies the path of motion.

0: Transition disabled 10: Superimpose corners

TransitionMode (Transition Mode)


0: _mcDrive 1: _mcController

Specifies the trigger mode.

0: Drive Mode 1: Controller Mode



0: _mcEncoderMark 1: _mcEXT

Specifies the trigger signal in Drive Mode.

0: Z-phase signal 1: External input


(Trigger Input Signal)


0: _mcHomeSwTurnHomeSwOff 1: _mcHomeSwTurnHomeSwOn 4: _mcHomeSwOff

5: _mcHomeSwOn 8: _mcLimitInputOff

9: _mcHomeSwTurnHomeMask 11: _mcLimitInputOnly

12: _mcHomeSwTurnHolding-Time

13: _mcNoHomeSwHoldingHo-meInput

14: _mcHomePreset

Specify the new setting of the Homing Method.

0: Proximity reverse turn/home prox-imity input OFF

1: Proximity reverse turn/home prox-imity input ON

4: Home proximity input OFF 5: Home proximity input ON 8: Limit input OFF

9: Proximity reverse turn/home input mask distance

11: Limit inputs only

12: Proximity reverse turn/holding time

13: No home proximity input/holding home input

14: Zero position preset

--- _eMC_HOME_IN-PUT*6

0: _mcZPhase 1: _mcExternalSignal

Select the input to use for the home input signal.

0: Use Z-phase input as home.

1: Use external home input.


0: _mcErrorStop

1: _mcRevImmediateStop 2: _mcRevDecelerationStop

Sets the stopping method when the limit input turns ON during homing.

0: No reverse turn/minor fault stop (Stop according to Limit Input Stop Method parameter.)

1: Reverse turn/immediate stop 2: Reverse turn/deceleration stop

---Data type Valid range Description

Corresponding instruc-tion variable

(Meaning) _eMC_CAM_CUR


0: _mcConstantLine 1: _mcStraightLine 2: _mcParabolic

3: _mcModifiedConstantVel 4: _mcModifiedTrapezoid 5: _mcModifiedSine 6: _mcCycloidal 7: _mcTrapecloid 8: _mcReverseTrapecloid 9: _mcSimpleHarmonic 10: _mcDoubleHarmonic 11: _mcReverseDoubleHarmonic 12: _mcNC2Curve

13: _mcPolynomic3 14: _mcPolynomic5

Specifies the shape of the cam curve to the node point.

0: Constant 1: Straight line 2: Parabolic

3: Modified constant velocity 4: Modified trapezoid 5: Modified sine 6: Cycloidal 7: Trapecloid 8: Reverse trapecloid 9: Simple harmonic 10: Double harmonic 11: Reverse double harmonic 12: NC2 curve

13: Polynomic 3 14: Polynomic 5


(Curve Shape)


0: _mcAccDecOverBuffer 1: _mcAccDecOverRapid 2: _mcAccDecOverErrorStop

Sets the operation for when the maxi-mum acceleration/deceleration rate would be exceeded after excessive acceleration/deceleration during ac-celeration/deceleration control of the axis because stopping at the target position is given priority.

0: Use rapid acceleration/decelera-tion. (Blending is changed to Buf-fered.) *8

1: Use rapid acceleration/decelera-tion.

2: Minor fault stop *9


0: _mcReverseModeDecelera-tionStop

1: _mcReverseModeImmediate-Stop

Specifies the operation for reversing rotation for multi-execution of instruc-tions, re-execution of instrucinstruc-tions, and interrupt feeding.

0: Deceleration stop 1: Immediate stop


0: _mcCountModeLinear 1: _mcCountModeRotary

Sets the count mode for the position.

0: Linear Mode (finite length) 1: Rotary Mode (infinite length)

---_eMC_UNITS*7 0: _mcPls 1: _mcMm 2: _mcUm 3: _mcNm 4: _mcDeg 5: _mcInch

Sets the unit for command positions.

0: pulse 1: mm 2: μm 3: nm 4: degree 5: inch


0: _mcCalcCamDistanceDiff Specifies information on the cam op-eration to be monitored.

0: Displacement following error cal-culation

---*1. This parameter is enabled only for torque control.

2-1 Variables


2-1-4 Input Variables for Motion Control Instructions

*2. A CPU Unit with unit version 1.01 or later and Sysmac Studio version 1.02 or higher are required to use this setting.

*3. A CPU Unit with unit version 1.10 or later and Sysmac Studio version 1.12 or higher are required to use this setting.

*4. To use _mcLatestCommand, the following condition must be met for the master and slave axes.

When you use mcLatestCommand, the axis number set for the master axis in the system-defined variable for motion control must be lower than the axis number set for the slave axis in the system-defined variable for motion control.

*5. The task period is the primary period if the task is the primary periodic task and the task period of the priority-5 periodic task if the task is the priority-5 periodic task.

*6. A CPU Unit with unit version 1.03 or later and Sysmac Studio version 1.04 or higher are required to use this variable.

*7. A CPU Unit with unit version 1.08 or later and Sysmac Studio version 1.09 or higher are required to use this variable.

*8. For a CPU Unit with unit version 1.10 or later, blending is not changed to Buffered. For details, refer to the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Motion Control User’s Manual (Cat. No. W507).

*9. For a CPU Unit with unit version 1.10 or later, the axis does not stop with an error and operation continues if blending operation is used. For details, refer to the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit Motion Control User’s Manual (Cat. No. W507).

*10. If you use an NX102 CPU Unit, the CPU Unit with unit version 1.32 or later and Sysmac Studio version 1.28 or higher are required to use this variable.

If you use an NX1P2 CPU Unit or NJ-series CPU Unit, the CPU Unit with unit version 1.21 or later and Sysmac Studio version 1.28 or higher are required to use this variable.