• 沒有找到結果。



Although perceived crowding did not affect hedonic shopping value in this study, it probably made impact on satisfaction, willingness to return to the store, customers’

emotions etc. There are many dependent variables that could be measured besides hedonic shopping value. Besides, perceived crowding was not divided into perceived human crowding and perceived spatial crowding in the study. The differences of the two kinds of perceived crowding could be tested in future research. The experiment was taking place through internet and the on-line shopping behavior was more popular than before, therefore, perceived psychological (ex: waiting time in the internet, the speed of the website and so on) crowding in an on-line environment could be examined.

Sales promotions were classified as monetary and nonmonetary promotions.

Since sales promotions did influence impulse buying, future research could keep investigating which type of sales promotions has the strongest impact on hedonic shopping value or utilitarian shopping value. The relationship between utilitarian shopping and sale promotion and the relationship between utilitarian shopping value and impulse buying both could be discussed in future research.

The study also found that the relationship between hedonic shopping value and

impulse buying was significant but explained only 5.5% of variances. There are many other factors influencing people buying impulsively such as product attributes, packaging elements, display design, even personality and mood. Future research might be conducted to figure them out. To make the topic about impulse buying more comprehensive, behaviors after impulse buying could be examined.


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(scenarios 1 and 2 showing in Appendix II)

◎ 請先看一段影片,此影片的內容為 A 賣場當天的狀況 (因為網路速度不同,可能需要麻煩您等一小段時間,謝謝!!!) (Appendix III)


首先十分感謝您撥空填寫此問卷,這是一份研究消費行為的學術性問卷。問卷中的題目並無標 準答案,請詳細閱讀問卷中之情境,並且想像您是故事中的主角,完全以自己主觀的感覺回答 問題。



敬祝 萬事如意

國立交通大學管理科學研究所 指導教授: 張家齊 博士 研究生: 江秋君 敬上



數字1~7 代表感到侷限的程度-- 寬敞的 1_2_3_4_5_6_7 侷限的 5*

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


(scenarios 1 and 2 showing in Appendix II)

請想像你就是某甲,現在在此A 賣場中,你覺得某甲應該怎麼辦?


未婚 已婚 分居 離婚 你的教育程度


國中以下 高中 大學

研究所以上 請 註 明:

你的職業 32*


專業人員(如:醫生, 律師) 學術界/教育界

電腦資訊/工程 服務行業

銷售/業務/市埸部 金融銀行業 學生

軍人 待業 農業 其他

必 須 回 答 有 '*' 記 號 的 問 題


全 卷 完


(1) Scenario 1 (without a sales promotion)


剩下1000 元可以過日子,除了三餐之外,為了參加這禮拜的一個戶外活動,他

還需要去買一雙保暖的襪子。下班後,他和他的朋友乙一起去A 賣場買襪子,


他覺得彷彿是為他量身訂做的,價格是2000 元。現在請你幫某甲做個決定,想


(2) Scenario 2 (with a sales promotion)


剩下1000 元可以過日子,除了三餐之外,為了參加這禮拜的一個戶外活動,他

還需要去買一雙保暖的襪子。下班後,他和他的朋友乙一起去A 賣場買襪子,


他覺得彷彿是為他量身訂做的,剛好是每日一物,正在促銷中,特價2000 元。



The pictures were cut from the films manipulating perceived crowding.

(1) High level of perceived crowding

(2) Low level of perceived crowding
