• 沒有找到結果。

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations

5.2 Future Recommendations

Finally, aiming at subsequent relevant research, the study puts forth the following practical recommendations:

1. The study mainly investigated Taiwan’s labor insurance system including labor insurance, labor pension and national insurance. It did not cover some other kinds of important social insurance, such as health insurance, civil servant insurance and military insurance, etc. Future studies shall look into the coverage and improvement of other types of social insurance and give a comprehensive exploration, so as to provide more complete reference for well-rounded development of commercial insurance in the future.

2. The study adopted the qualitative research method and designed relevant questionnaires for interviewing all walks of life with different levels of incomes.

Adoption of the quantitative method for future research is recommended, so existing labor insurance income and expenditure systems could be better understood and different points of view from all walks of life could be provided.

3. The study mainly put its focus on qualitative interviews with the general public. It recommends that interviews be made with policy makers and persons in charge, so as to have a more comprehensive understanding about institution of labor related social insurance systems and the key issues required to be considered.


The study mainly explored the issues regarding local labor insurance systems and commercial insurance. Given a close tie between both sides of the Taiwan Straits over economic development and population exchanges, comprehensive research to expand the scope to cover the labor insurance system and commercial insurance development across the Straits is recommended, with which the results could be used as the reference for exploring development of the future insurance market.

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