• 沒有找到結果。

Chapter 5 Findings and Suggestions

5.4 Future Research

Although this article can prove that “Free” can be practical application and can bring more benefits by system dynamics simulation. It still has two issues which are not effectively resolved yet. First, it still doesn’t know how to explain the continuous decline in the average purchase amount of music albums. Second, piracy can’t link together with music industry’s system dynamics model. Although we prove “free” can make a possible and obvious reduce population of piracy, we can not make sure whether the environment will be changed. The two issues can be searched for relevant information. We wish those can be included in the system dynamic model in the future research.


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PartⅠ: Music Purchase (used) Behavior

1. Have you ever bought original music album? □ Yes □ No 2. The reason caused to buy original album (Multiple choice):

□ Favorite singer □ Like the music album □ Packaged □ Law□ Moral constraints

□ Quality □ Collections □ No piracy source □ For listen to music □ Others______

3. The average number of annual albums purchase: □ 1-5 □ 6-10 □ 10-15 □ over 15 4. Buying place(Multiple choice):

□ Record stores □ Second-hand record store □ Convenience stores (7-11, FamilyMart, etc.) □ Purchase on website □ Online auction □ Others_______

5. Have you ever downloaded (exchange) illegal music files? □ Yes □ No 6. The reason caused to use illegal music (Multiple choice):

□ Cheap (Free) □ Easy to use (that can use in mp3 player, computer, etc.)

□ For friendship (exchange file) □ The poor quality of original album

□ Audition music □ Collected music □ Others ______

7. The average number of annual downloaded (exchanged) of illegal music files:

□ 1-100 files □ 101-200 files □ 201-300 files □ 301-400 files □ 401-500 files

□ Over 500 files

8. Getting place (Multiple choice):

□ Download software □ Internet forum □ Friends and family □ Free website (e.g., youtube)

□ Others_______


PartⅡ: The Survey of Music Promotion Channel Impact on Purchase Intention Concert/Autograph session

The following questions, please express your views and position in the appropriate check.

1 1. Have you ever participated the

concert/autograph session?



2. After concert/autograph session, I will

have the intention to purchase the album.

□ □ □ □ □ □

3. After concert/autograph session, I will

actually purchase the album.

□ □ □ □ □ □

TV Program

The following questions, please express your views and position in the appropriate check.

1 1. Have you ever watched variety show of

singing-related on weekend night?


s □

No 2. After watching TV program, I will have

the intention to purchase the album.

□ □ □ □ □ □

3. After watching TV program, I will actually

purchase the album.

□ □ □ □ □ □


The following questions, please express your views and position in the appropriate check.

1 1. Have you ever joined any online music

platform for member (e.g., KKbox).


No 2. Have you ever listen to music on Internet?


No 3. After listening to music online, I will have

the intention to purchase the album.

□ □ □ □ □ □

4. After listening to music online, I will

actually purchase the album.

□ □ □ □ □ □

5. Have you ever par for online music

platform (KKbox, ezPeer+, Kuro, etc.)?


No 6. Do you pay for online music platform now

((KKbox, ezPeer+, Kuro, etc.)?



PartⅢ: The Knowledge of Music Files Downloaded Download Knowledge

The following questions, please express your views and position in the appropriate check.

1 1. I know several different music file-sharing

networks for free.

□ □ □ □ □ □

2. I know how to find and download software

for file-sharing.

□ □ □ □ □ □

3. I know how to deal with errors and

successfully downloaded.

□ □ □ □ □ □

4. I can judge from the music file format

(e.g., flv, rm, wav, wma, etc.).

□ □ □ □ □ □

Ethics and Risk Knowledge

The following questions, please express your views and position in the appropriate check.

1 3. Computer viruses often along with the

music files were downloaded.

□ □ □ □ □ □

4. Sharing music files with others in the network is not fair to producers, and would certainly hurt some people.

□ □ □ □ □ □

PartⅣ: Basic Information Gender: □ Male □ Female

Age: □ Below 11years old □ 12-16 years old □ 17-24 years old □ Over 25 years old Education: □ Junior □ Senior □ College □ University □ Master □ Doctor

Residence: □ North □ Central □ South □ East

Career: □ Manufacturing □ IT industry □ Services □ Free worker □ Student

□ Military and Government personnel □ Housewife □ Others______

Monthly disposable income: □ Below 5000 NT dollars □ 5001~10000 NT dollars

□ 10001~15000 NT dollars □ 15001~20000 NT dollars □ Over 20001 NT dollars



Statistics Questionnaire PartⅠ: Music Purchase (used) Behavior

Q1 Have you ever bought original music album? Yes (157), No (12) Q2 The reason caused to buy original album (Multiple choice):

Q3 The average number of annual albums purchase:

Q4 Buying place(Multiple choice)

Q5 Have you ever downloaded (exchange) illegal music files? Yes (153), No (16) Q6 The reason caused to use illegal music (Multiple choice):

Q7 The average number of annual downloaded (exchanged) of illegal music files:

Q8 Getting place (Multiple choice):

PartⅡ: The Survey of Music Promotion Channel Impact on Purchase Intention Concert/Autograph session

Q1 Have you ever participated the concert/autograph session? Yes (69), No (100)


Q2 After concert/autograph session, I will have the intention to purchase the album.

Q3 After concert/autograph session, I will actually purchase the album.

TV Program

Q1 Have you ever watched variety show of singing-related on weekend night?

Yes (148), No (21)

Q2 After watching TV program, I will have the intention to purchase the album.

Q3 After watching TV program, I will actually purchase the album.


Q1 Have you ever joined any online music platform for member (e.g., KKbox).

Yes(82) No(87)

Q2 Have you ever listen to music on Internet? Yes(162) No(7)

Q3 After listening to music online, I will have the intention to purchase the album.

Q4 After listening to music online, I will actually purchase the album.


Q5 Have you ever par for online music platform (KKbox, ezPeer+, Kuro, etc.)?

Yes (43), No (126)

Q6 Do you pay for online music platform now ((KKbox, ezPeer+, Kuro, etc.)?

Yes (12), No (157)

PartⅢ: The Knowledge of Music Files Downloaded Download Knowledge

Q1 I know several different music file-sharing networks for free.

Q2 I know how to find and download software for file-sharing.

Q3 I know how to deal with errors and successfully downloaded.

Q4 I can judge from the music file format (e.g., flv, rm, wav, wma, etc.).

Ethics and Risk Knowledge

Q1 Sharing music files is immoral.

Q2 Sharing music files is a legally risky thing.


Q3 Computer viruses often along with the music files were downloaded.

Q4 Sharing music files with others in the network is not fair to producers, and would certainly hurt some people.

PartⅣ: Basic Information Gender:

Male (68), Female (101)


Below 11years old 1

12-16 years old 1

17-24 years old 120 Over 25 years old 47


Junior 1 Senior 6 College 2 University 88 Master 71 Doctor 1


North 47 Central 39

South 78 East 5


Manufacturing 8

IT industry 4

Services 13

Free worker 5

Student 133 Military and

Government personnel 4 Housewife 0 Others 2

Monthly disposable income:

Below 5000 NT dollars 57 5001~10000 NT dollars 68 10001~15000 NT dollars 17 15001~20000 NT dollars 1 Over 20001 NT dollars 26


Data Source

Item Source

Average concert/autograph session hold of an album Chiang(2002)

Average concert/autograph session participators Chiang(2002), Taiwan Institute of Economic Research(2008) Average published albums Government Information Office(2003, 2009), Chiang(2002)

Audience rating Nielsen Audience Measurement

Over 4 age of population of Taiwan National Statistics, R.O.C.(Taiwan) Average album propagandize expense Chiang(2002)

The rate of purchasing intention via TV channel Questionnaire Survey The rate of purchasing intention via

concert/autograph session Questionnaire Survey

Rate of ADSL user base grow Taiwan Network Information Center

Percentage of payment Government Information Office(2010), Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (2008) The rate of purchasing intention via music platform

user base Questionnaire Survey

The rate of purchasing intention via platform

payment Questionnaire Survey

Item Source

The rate of purchasing intention via digital piracy Questionnaire Survey

Entity piracy rate RIT(Recording Industry Foundation in Taiwan)

Rate of purchase behavior Questionnaire Survey

Population of 12-24 years old in Taiwan National Statistics, R.O.C.(Taiwan) Historic album sales volume Recording Industry Foundation in Taiwan Average charge of music platform Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (2008) Average price of album Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (2008)

Average participator in booking concert Government Information Office(2010),Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (2008)

Number of booking concerts ERA and KHAM Ticket System

Average price of ticket ERA and KHAM Ticket System

Average cost of manufacturing an album Lee(2008) Average cost of recording an album Chiang(2002)

Staff number Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (2008)

Average salary Lee(2008)

Entity piracy rate Government Information Office(2003, 2006, 2009)
