• 沒有找到結果。

General Support

在文檔中 Contents Preface (頁 30-36)

Announcements to Students

When the preparation work of crisis management is completed, schools should inform students of the incident as soon as possible. Delayed announcement may cause unnecessary speculation and anxiety. Schools can decide on the appropriate method of announcement in regard to the nature of the incident, actual circumstances, students’ needs, etc. Schools should ensure that the information announced to students is accurate and consistent and students in need can receive appropriate support immediately. In most of the circumstances, class teachers can make the announcement to students in the classrooms, especially when suicide is involved or it is very likely that the incident may trigger strong emotional reactions among students, so that class teachers could observe students’ response closely and provide support to students in need immediately. Please note the following when making an announcement:

1. Keep it simple and direct;

2. Provide adequate information (such as class and surname of the victim) for students to identify the victim, so that the identification of students in need could be facilitated. If needed, explain to the parent of the victim that the arrangement is crucial for providing counselling to students in need;

3. Briefly explain what actions the school is taking or going to take;

4. Briefly introduce appropriate strategies to cope with the reactions brought by the crisis;

5. If the incident involves death, the school principal can give a short memorial speech;

6. If the incident involves suicide, the school should avoid describing the details of the suicidal behaviour to prevent unnecessary fear or imitative behaviour.

While maintaining a non-judgmental attitude, schools should also avoid glorifying the incident. At the same time, schools should encourage students to face difficulties with positive attitudes and remind them to seek help when needed.

30 Annex 8 Announcement to Students (Sample 1)

We received a call from the police at 7:30 this morning and were notified that three of our S2 students were injured in a traffic accident while they were on the way to school. They have been sent to the hospital and are now in stable condition. We have expressed our concerns and offered our assistance to their families. The police are investigating the incident at the moment. We should not make any speculation or draw any conclusion on the incident at this stage.

The principal and teachers are deeply shocked and saddened by this unexpected incident. We understand that you may have different feelings after being informed about this. Some of you may feel very sad, some may feel disturbed or panicky, and some of you may not have any special feelings. You may recall this incident from time to time or may be unable to concentrate on your learning temporarily. All of these are common reactions.

The principal and teachers are very concerned about all of you. If you feel like talking about this incident with us, you may come to Room . Our school social workers or teachers are all ready to listen to your thoughts and feelings.

At last, I would like to take this opportunity to express our greatest sympathy for the students injured and their families and wish them speedy recovery.

31 Annex 9 Announcement to Students (Sample 2)

This morning we heard the extremely sad news that a boy was found lying unconsciously on the podium of his residential building. He was sent to a hospital and was subsequently certified dead.

After verification, he is Mr. Chan, a student from class 5A of our school. We are all saddened by his death. The police are conducting an investigation at the moment. We should not make any speculation or draw any conclusion on the incident at this stage.

We understand that you may have different feelings after being informed about this. Some of you may feel very sad, some may feel disturbed or panicky, and some of you may not have any special feelings. You may recall this incident from time to time or may be unable to concentrate on your learning temporarily. All of these are common reactions.

We may encounter adversity in our life. When you feel stressed, we hope you adopt a positive attitude and seek help from others. You may also talk with your parents, social workers or teachers. If you want to talk to the school social workers or teachers regarding the incident, you may go to ________ (the venue). We are willing to listen to all your thoughts and feelings.

At last, I would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest sorrow and hope that his family members could settle their emotion soon. Let us close our eyes and offer a moment of silence for him.

Brief Class Meeting

Students may have doubts about the crisis after its occurrence. Therefore, schools may organise Brief Class Meeting to give them the basic information of the incident and answer their questions. By doing so, students can acknowledge the facts. The schools can minimise the speculation among students and continue to observe their emotional and behavioural reactions. Schools are advised to gather the accurate information of the crisis incident in advance so that the class teachers can answer students’ questions during the Brief Class Meeting. In case of emotional disturbance of students, schools should evaluate

32 students’ needs and provide appropriate support to them, e.g. arrange group or individual emotional counselling.

Objectives of Brief Class Meeting are as follows:

 Inform students of the basic information and facts about the crisis incident;

 Answer questions related to the crisis incident raised by students to dispel their worries;

 Inform students of the ways to seek help;

 Identify students who need further support.

Annex 10 Content of Brief Class Meeting

1. Provide concise information about the incident

 Report the verified facts gathered by the school

 Clarify news that are untrue, e.g. information from newspapers

 If the incident involves suicide, teachers should explain that the incident is under police investigation and it is inappropriate to make any speculation.

Teachers should also point out that suicide is a complex phenomenon influenced by multiple interacting factors and causal pathways. No single cause or stressor is sufficient to explain a suicidal act in most circumstances.

At the same time, teachers should emphasise that life is precious and students should actively seek help when they encounter difficulties

2. Answer students’ queries

 Let students ask questions. Avoid describing unnecessary or disturbing details when answering the questions;

 Only provide verified basic information and facts;

 Answer students' questions as far as possible. If teachers are uncertain or do not know the answers of the questions instantly, clarify and get back to the students later;

 Do not ask students to recall/share their crisis experiences.

3. Introduce channels to seek help, for example, they can seek help from the school guidance personnel, teachers or parents.

4. Understand and observe students’ reactions, identify students in need of additional follow-up and support

 Identify students who show excessively intense emotional or behavioural reactions (e.g. depressed mood, anger, blaming of self or others)

 Observe reactions of students who have close relationship with the victim (good friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, siblings or peers with unsatisfactory relationship with the victim)

 Refer students in need of additional support to school guidance personnel

33 Special Class Period

After the crisis incident, apart from providing basic support to the majority of the students, such as reporting facts in the abovementioned Brief Class Meeting, schools should arrange Special Class Period to students who are possibly mildly affected. At the initial stage after the crisis incident, it is common for students to experience emotional, cognitive, physiological, social and behavioural changes (Refer to Reference 1A and 1B). Schools can make use of the Special Class Period to provide students with psychoeducation, to teach them the common cognitive, emotional and behavioural reactions, coping strategies and ways to seek help, as well as to continue observing their reactions. If it is noticed in the process that some students suffer from more significant emotional disturbance, schools can arrange additional support to them, e.g. arrange group or individual counselling.

In general, it is more appropriate for class teachers to conduct the Special Class Period in the classroom. Since class teachers know the students more and they are the adults whom students are more familiar with, they can notice students’ emotional reactions and changes more easily, and students tend to be more willing to express their thoughts and feelings to their class teachers. Thus, it is more appropriate for the class teachers to conduct the Special Class Period. If the teachers in charge need assistance from guidance teachers in conducting the Special Class Period, schools should make arrangements accordingly.

Objectives of Special Class Period are as follows:

 Inform students of the basic information and facts about the crisis incident;

 Provide psychoeducation to students on the common crisis reactions and warning signs indicating the need for further support;

 Inform students of the coping strategies and ways to seek help;

 Identify students who need further follow-up and support.

Annex 11 Content of Special Class Period

1. Provide concise information about the incident

 Report the verified facts gathered by the school;

 Clarify news that are untrue, e.g. information from newspapers;

 If the incident involves suicide, teachers should point out that the incident is under police investigation and it is inappropriate to make any speculation.

Teachers should also point out that suicide is a complex phenomenon influenced by multiple interacting factors and causal pathways. No single cause or stressor is sufficient to explain a suicidal act in most circumstances.

At the same time, teachers should emphasise that life is precious and students should actively seek help when they encounter difficulties

34 2. Answer students’ queries

 Let students ask questions. Avoid describing unnecessary or disturbing details when answering the questions;

 Only provide verified basic information and facts;

 Answer students' questions as far as possible. If teachers are uncertain or do not know the answers of the questions instantly, clarify and get back to the students later;

 Do not ask students to recall/share their crisis experiences.

3. Prepare students for the common reactions after crisis incident

 Emphasise shock, sadness, self-blaming, anger and unsettling reactions, etc.

are common responses; (References 1A and 1B);

 State that different people react to the same incident in different ways;

students should respect the different crisis reactions of peers;

 Remind students the importance to seek help when they display enduring warning signs or excessively intense reactions (Reference 1D).

4. Share proper coping strategies and channels to seek help with students (Reference 3 and 4)

 Teach adaptive coping strategies (e.g. relaxation techniques and seeking social support);

 If the incident involves suicidal behaviours, emphasise that committing suicide is not an appropriate coping strategy;

 Learn about students’ social support network to ensure that they are able to receive appropriate support;

 Share channels to seek help with students, for example, they can seek help from the school guidance personnel, teachers or parents;

 Encourage students to seek help from their family or teachers as soon as possible when they experience emotional disturbance or encounter difficulties.

5. Understand and observe students’ reactions, identify students in need of additional follow-up and support

 Identify students who show excessively intense emotional or behavioural reactions (e.g. depressed mood, anger, blaming of self or others);

 Observe reactions of students who have close relationship with the victim (good friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, siblings or peers with unsatisfactory relationship with the victim);

 If the crisis incident involves suicide, be aware if there are students who identify with the suicidal behaviour of the deceased

 Refer students with strong emotional reactions to school social worker or guidance teachers

 Teachers can refer to Reference 2 for suggestions for responding to students’

emotional reactions towards a crisis incident.

35 Teachers’ Feedback after Brief Class Meeting / Special Class Period

After the Brief Class Meeting / Special Class Period, teachers in charge can fill in the Feedback Form and pass it to the SCMT for discussion and follow-up at the Evaluation Meeting.

Annex 12 Brief Class Meeting/ Special Class Period *: Teachers’ Feedback Form

(* Delete whichever is inappropriate)

Please complete the following and pass the completed form to _____________.

Date: ________________________

Class: ________________________

Class Teacher/ Person-in-charge: ________________________

1. Did any student show strong emotional reactions or unusual behaviours in class periods?

□ Yes Please specify:

□ No

2. Is/Are there any student(s) in need of referral for follow-up support?

□ Yes Name of Student(s):

□ No

3. What are students’ views or reactions towards this crisis incident?


4. What are your opinion on leading the class periods?

Length of time was appropriate: Agree Disagree Documents & reference materials provided are useful: Agree Disagree Did you encounter any difficulties?

 Yes, please specify:______________________________________________

 No

5. Other suggestions/ observations:


在文檔中 Contents Preface (頁 30-36)
