• 沒有找到結果。

Suggested Teaching Sequence F

Section 3 aims to link together the understanding of the principles of genetics, the nature and behaviour of chromosomes and the role of genes at the molecular level. They form the basis of current and future genetic applications

3.1 Genetics



Learning objectives Possible learning and teaching activities Expected learning outcomes

Students should learn Students should be able to

3.1.1 Nature and action of the gene

 the structure and chemical nature of DNA to show its role as the genetic material. [Refer to Section 1.1.4.]

 Use models or audiovisual materials to illustrate the double helical structure of DNA.

 Construct simple models of DNA using common materials (e.g. poppit beads, plasticine, cardboard, wire, pipe cleaners).

 Extract DNA (e.g. DNA spooling) using living materials.

 state the role of DNA.

 relate the structure of DNA to its role as the genetic material.

 the semiconservative nature of DNA replication:

mechanism and evidence as illustrated by the work of Meselson and Stahl.

 Use models or audiovisual materials to illustrate the semiconservative mechanism of DNA replication.

 appreciate the process involved in scientific investigation.

 the features of the genetic code.  Discuss with students how to use three letters to construct a large number of words.

 state the features of the genetic code.

 the roles of DNA and RNAs in protein synthesis.  Use models or audiovisual materials to demonstrate the roles of DNA and RNAs in protein synthesis.

 describe the process of protein synthesis.

 explain how genes determine body characteristics.

 Construct more complex models of a section of DNA and a complementary mRNA molecule (e.g.

using commercial kits).

 that genes can be turned on and off.  realise that genes can be turned on and off.

3.1.2 Structure of chromosomes

 the organisation of DNA into chromosomes in eukaryotic cells.

 Observe giant chromosomes (e.g. the salivary glands of Chironomus larvae) in squashed preparations or photomicrographs.

 distinguish between DNA and chromosomes.

3.1.3 Cell cycle

 interphase: duplication of DNA

 nuclear division

(1) Mitosis : behaviour of chromosomes at prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase; the significance of mitosis.

 Observe and identify the different stages of mitosis using squashed tissues, prepared slides, or photomicrographs of root tip.

 describe the process of mitosis.

 identify the different stages of mitosis.


Learning objectives Possible learning and teaching activities Expected learning outcomes

Students should learn Students should be able to

(2) Meiosis : behaviour of chromosomes during first and second divisions of meiosis including chiasma formation; crossing over;

the significance of meiosis.

 Observe meiosis in plant and animal cells using prepared slides or photomicrographs.

 describe the process of meiosis.

 compare the processes of mitosis and meiosis.

 state and explain the significance of mitosis and meiosis.

 an outline of cytoplasmic division in animal and plant cells.

 point out that cell cycle consists of interphase, nuclear division and cytoplasmic division.

3.1.4 Inheritance of discrete characters

 monohybrid and dihybrid crosses. (The pioneer work of Mendel should be referred to.)

 backcross and test cross.

 dominance and recessiveness.

 Incomplete dominance (e.g. the colour of petals in snapdragon).

 codominance (e.g. human blood group AB).

 multiple alleles (e.g. human ABO blood groups).

 sex-linked traits (e.g. haemophilia and red-green colour blindness).

 Discuss how Mendel conceived his theories on the basis of empirical evidence.

 Study the results of monohybrid and dihybrid crosses to illustrate the patterns of inheritance.

 Use computer simulation to study genetic crosses of some organisms (e.g. Drosophila).

 Construct a pedigree of the inheritance of some human traits (e.g. ABO blood groups, tongue rolling, ear lobe of the family).

 Use chi-square test to estimate the matching between observed and expected phenotypic outcomes.

 Provide genetic problem to guide students to interpret and predict the results of genetic crosses.

 appreciate the importance of imagination and evidence in the formulation of hypotheses.

 explain and predict inheritance patterns in monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.

 state the use of backcross and test cross.

 predict the possible phenotypes of the offspring in genetic cross.

 state different patterns of inheritance from results of genetic crosses.

 linkage and crossing over.  relate linkage of genes and crossing over to

chromosomal behaviour during meiosis.

 state the significance of crossing over.

3.1.5 Discontinuous and continuous variations

 the factors contributing to variations between individuals within a species.

 discontinuous variations (e.g. tongue rolling and ABO blood groups in humans) and continuous variations (e.g. height and weight in humans).

 realise that variations occur.

 explain how mutation, meiosis and fertilisation may lead to genetic variations.

 evaluate the importance of genetic factors and environmental factors in causing variations.


Learning objectives Possible learning and teaching activities Expected learning outcomes

Students should learn Students should be able to

 the normal distribution curve.

 the use of standard deviation as a measure of the variation of a sample.

 Collect and analyse data on continuous and discontinuous variations using appropriate statistical software.

 demonstrate statistical skills in data analysis.

 the outline of polygenic inheritance and the effects of environment on it.

 outline polygenic inheritance.

 state the effects of environment on phenotypes.

3.1.6 Mutation

 gene mutation: the effect of gene mutation on amino acid sequence (e.g. sickle-cell anaemia).

 chromosome mutation: changes in chromosome structure and chromosome number (e.g. Down syndrome).

 Display pictures showing the symptoms of some diseases caused by gene mutation and

chromosome mutation.

 Show photomicrographs of karyotypes of chromosome mutation.

 point out that mutation can take place at different levels.

 the types of mutation: spontaneous and induced mutations.

 that mutations can be enhanced by ionising radiations and chemicals. [Refer to Section 6.]

 Use available evidence to assess the nature of risks involved in exposure to mutagens.

 Discuss the precautionary measures in using X-ray in medical examination.

 Search for information on the sources of mutagenic agents and their effects on human health.

 state the different causes of mutation.

 practise ways to minimise the risk of developing mutation.

 develop a concern for the proliferation of mutagenic agents.

 significance of mutation.  explain the importance of mutation in the

mechanism of evolution.

3.1.7 Applications of genetics

 human genetics:

(1) Pedigree analysis (e.g. colour blindness).  Analyse pedigrees to trace the inheritance of some human traits.

 apply the principles of genetics in pedigree analysis.

(2) Genetic screening (e.g. detection of Down syndrome).

 Search for information on the kinds of genetic diseases that can be detected by screening test.

 appreciate the use of genetic screening in detecting some genetic diseases.

 Conduct a small survey or project on the available screening services for the detection of common genetic diseases in Hong Kong.


Learning objectives Possible learning and teaching activities Expected learning outcomes

Students should learn Students should be able to

(3) Prenatal and postnatal counselling of genetic diseases (e.g. glucose6phosphate

dehydrogenase deficiency and thalassaemia).

 Search for information on the provision of prenatal and postnatal counselling of genetic diseases in Hong Kong.

 Visit a prenatal and postnatal genetic counselling check-up clinic.

 develop an awareness of the importance of genetic counselling.

(4) Gene therapy as a potential treatment of genetic diseases (e.g. cystic fibrosis).

 Search for information on examples of gene therapy and the prospects of gene therapy in relation to the Human Genome Project.

 appreciate the potential use of gene therapy.

(5) The implications of the Human Genome Project.

 Debate on the pros and cons of the Human Genome Project (HGP) or discuss the ethical and social concerns brought about by the HGP.

 discuss the contributions and concerns of the findings of the Human Genome Project.

 plant and animal breeding

(1) Artificial selection and breeding for selected traits to produce desirable varieties. Hybrid vigour and polyploidy.

 Use audiovisual materials to show artificial insemination and cloning.

 Search for information on selective plant breeding, e.g. miracle rice.

 Search for information on modern technological advances in the selective breeding of domestic animals, e.g. the use of sperm banks, artificial insemination, and embryo transplants.

 appreciate the application of making appropriate genetic crosses to produce progeny with desirable traits.

 explain the biological principles behind artificial selection.

(2) Cloning. [Refer to Section 12.]  Read about tissue culture in plant cloning, e.g.


 Search for information on animal cloning.

 appreciate the application of cloning in

maintaining desirable traits in selected plants and animals.

 the outline of the principle of recombinant DNA technology and its applications.

 Use diagrams or flow charts to illustrate the principle of recombinant DNA technology.

 outline the principle of recombinant DNA technology.

 cite examples of the applications of recombinant DNA technology.

 the outline of the principle of DNA fingerprinting, and its forensic use, e.g. parentage test.

 Carry out separation of DNA or polypeptides by electrophoresis.

 Use audiovisual materials to illustrate the process of DNA fingerprinting.

 outline the principle of DNA fingerprinting.

 state the applications of DNA fingerprinting.


Learning objectives Possible learning and teaching activities Expected learning outcomes

Students should learn Students should be able to

 Examine cases or discuss the use of DNA fingerprinting in forensic science.

 implications of genetic manipulation: the potential benefits, hazards and ethical issues.

 Debate on the pros and cons of genetic engineering or genetically modified food.

 discuss potential benefits, hazards and ethical issues related to genetic manipulation.

 appreciate that genetic engineering has made possible the development of new biotechnologies and careers.