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Language Skills and Language Development Strategies for Key Stage 4 (Secondary 4 – 6)

Appendix 4

Language Skills and Language Development Strategies for Key Stage 4


Understand, Interpret and Analyse a Variety of Written and Multimodal Texts

 use linguistic and contextual clues, knowledge of features of different text types and knowledge of the world to determine the meaning of the text

 identify main and supporting ideas

 relate cause to effect

 relate evidence to conclusions

 recognise the rhetorical functions performed by sentences in the development of a text

 follow and evaluate the development of a point of view or argument

 distinguish different points of view and arguments

 discriminate between different degrees of formality

 appreciate the stylistic variations between text types

 interpret how linguistic and structural devices as well as visual elements achieve certain effects

 understand and appreciate the tone, mood and intention of the writer and his/her attitude to the theme or topic*

 understand the different types of meaning of words, and the semantic associations that exist among words*

 detect faulty or misleading arguments*

 evaluate critically views and attitudes*


Present Information, Ideas, Views, Attitudes and Feelings Clearly, Coherently and Appropriately in a Variety of Written Texts

 plan and produce coherent and structured texts

 organise and integrate information and ideas, and create written and multimodal texts appropriate to the context, purpose and audience

 present different views and arguments clearly and logically

 present and elaborate main ideas and supporting details through exemplifications, paraphrases, explanations, etc.

 relate events and their causes and effects

 adjust the balance of ideas and the length of text to meet the requirements of different text types

 draft, revise and edit a piece of writing

 use appropriate discourse markers to signal the development of ideas

 use appropriate linguistic and structural devices, a variety of structures, an appropriate range of vocabulary and visuals to achieve desired purposes

 use the salient features of a range of text types appropriately

 use persuasive devices effectively*

 use appropriate style and register in writing*

*Note: These items are more demanding and require considerable teacher support.


Language Development Strategies

Develop thinking skills

- use reasoning skills (e.g. analysing for a particular purpose, making inferences, using induction and deduction, drawing conclusions)

- explore and speculate about possibilities

- analyse data and situations systematically for better understanding or to solve problems - generate criteria and principles for action and judicial thinking

Develop reference skills

- use the library and the Internet regularly to collect information and develop research skills - identify relationships (e.g. grouping/differentiating, cause/effect, priority/sequence/order,

similarities/differences) between the ideas expressed within texts

Develop information skills

- collect, evaluate and store information systematically - identify biased and stereotypic information

- make appropriate and ethical use of information from different sources for specific purposes

- adapt materials, text types and systems for supporting and illustrating various topics - employ graphic forms (e.g. pie charts, animations, maps) to organise information and aid

the presentation of ideas

- make notes from spoken and written sources using abbreviations as far as possible (e.g.

i.e., &)

- take down main points and important supporting details - make precise and concise notes

Develop enquiry skills

- ask for advice and suggestions on how to complete an assignment, and take note of such advice and suggestions

- use appropriate tones and approaches when asking for information and explanation - repeat questions and seek clarification politely and pleasantly

- use appropriate opening remarks and formulaic expressions

- request explanation when there is misunderstanding, or pose questions in a polite and pleasant way

- understand the use of different tones and degrees of formality - ask follow-up questions appropriate to the occasion

- ask for information or material, both formally and informally, by writing simple notes or letters

Plan, manage and evaluate one’s own learning

- set meaningful and realistic goals, and determine what resources are available for improving one’s language proficiency

- seek or create opportunities to learn and use English in natural, realistic settings such as making use of community resources and support

- make arrangements for broadening and deepening one’s learning (e.g. researching job prospects, finding out about opportunities for further education locally and overseas) - evaluate one’s own progress and note one’s strengths and weaknesses

- make use of appropriate learning strategies to achieve learning goals

- identify ideas and data that support opposite views, weighing pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages

- look for ideas and information by using printed texts, online bibliographic databases, the Internet and the media

Develop self-motivation

- identify tangible goals for self-development

- take every opportunity to practise as much as possible, and try to look out for or create these opportunities

- develop endurance, tolerance and resilience in the face of hardships

- overcome shyness and inertia by deliberately urging oneself to face challenges

Work with others

- communicate to the point (e.g. explaining precisely and clearly, giving clear and precise descriptions, justifications or illustrations)

- ask others for help and offer help to others

- employ negotiation skills to solicit support, bargain, reach consensus, compromise or solve problems

- listen to different opinions and respond appropriately

- express views and suggestions, draw conclusions and make decisions


Appendix 5

Attitudes Specific to English Language Learning for Key Stages 1 – 4 (Primary 1 – Secondary 6)

Attitudes to be developed at Key Stage 1

(Primary 1 – 3)

Attitudes to be developed at Key Stage 2

(Primary 4 – 6)

Attitudes to be developed at Key Stage 3

(Secondary 1 – 3)

Attitudes to be developed at Key Stage 4

(Secondary 4 – 6)

 Enjoyment of reading

 Confidence in using English

 Keenness to participate in activities leading to improvement of knowledge and skills in the language

 Sensitivity towards language use in the process of


 Appreciation of the beauty of the language

 Enjoyment of reading independently

 Awareness of English as an international language of communication

 Respect for the different cultures of the English speaking world

 An awareness of the use of English to achieve different purposes through the employment of appropriate tone, style and register

 An awareness of the potential influences (both positive and negative) of language use on other people’s feelings and

direction of thinking

 A serious attitude towards learning English

 An open-minded attitude towards different cultures, ideologies and points of view and a willingness to share ideas with different people

 A serious attitude towards language learning with an attempt to improve one’s capability

 A critical attitude towards the ideas and values encountered in spoken and written English texts

 An awareness of the value and power of language

 A cautious and critical attitude towards the use of language to achieve the desired effect

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