• 沒有找到結果。

Latest Development: Updating KLA Curriculum Guides and Related Documents

In response to the ongoing curriculum renewal, the Basic Education Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 - 6) was updated in 2014. The corresponding Secondary Education Curriculum Guide (i.e. this Guide) and the updated curriculum guides for the eight KLAs have been available in 2017. The Basic Education Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 - 6) will also be further updated. As curriculum renewal is an ongoing process, schools are encouraged to refer to the latest curriculum guides prepared by the CDC for holistic planning and implementation of the school curriculum. For details and

updates, please refer to the EDB website (www.edb.gov.hk/renewal).

Schools are encouraged to sustain, deepen and focus on areas deemed essential for further improving students’ independent learning capabilities. Schools may formulate their plans to incorporate these curriculum updates, taking into consideration the school contexts, teachers’ readiness and students’ needs.

Reflective Questions

As a school head, how should you lead your teaching staff to embrace the ongoing curriculum renewal?

As a prefect of studies/academic master/mistress, how would you integrate and prioritise the focal points in the course of whole-school curriculum planning?



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