• 沒有找到結果。

Limitations and Suggestions

There are severallimitations of this study. Firstly, the features of the samples might limit the generalizability of the findings. The inter-collegial student teams in Taiwan were not inter-cultural teams. The student participants never interacted and had no experience in performing tasks on GDSS before the experiment. In practice, different features or different cultures can cause organizational teams to generate different results. Certainly, the level of experience in performing tasks on aDSS can also affect the results. Another limitation was that the researchers adopted the scores of the final reports to veri命 leadership effectiveness. Although the researchers had addressed issues of participation by having participation account for 10% of the semester final score, only 66.7% of the students completed and submitted the final reports. The third limitation is that although the added system could manipulate the leader' s behaviors by automatically sending mail scripts electronically that addressed the individual quantitative performance, the system was not able to behave as a human leader to distinguish the qualitative performance and to communicate with the members. It is necessary to further discuss the function of the system, although it is difficult to systematize human wisdom and experience, i.e., artificial intelligence, in a short time. It is worth noting that the researchers were not able to exclude the misjudgment of a piece of electronic mail as spam, which might induce a certain level of interference in the measurement of leader behaviors. As a further suggestion, the validation of E-mail accounts could be included in the experimental procedure to secure the completeness of the data on leader behaviors.


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