• 沒有找到結果。

Numerical Experiments

Although it is common knowledge that temporal radio sig- nals are usually degraded after propagating through the iono- sphere under the scintillation environment, there are very few precise data sets against which the theoretical predictions can be checked. However, there are a number of simulation studies carried out on computers which attempt t o check the theory, t o enhance our physical understanding of the problem, or to elucidate the phenomenon. As described in the previous two sections, both amplitude and phase of a sinusoidal wave will experience fluctuations when there exists scattering from ionospheric irregularities. For propagation of temporal signals, the important point is how the amplitude and phase vary across the signal bandwidth. Let A (0) be the amplitude func- tion and $(a) be the phase function. Then it can be shown that the time delay in the arrival of the pulse is related to the slope of the phase function at the carrier frequency, the pulse spreading is related to the curvature of the amplitude function at the carrier frequency, and the skewness is related to the third derivative of the phase function at the carrier frequency [ 1961, [ 1971. For a particular realization of the turbulent ionosphere corresponding t o an equatorial bubble, A ( w ) and

#(a) may have the behavior shown in Fig. 30 which is obtained numerically [ 1971. Substantial distortions in A and $ can be seen across the frequency band above the 500-MHz carrier frequency. These distortions in A and # are responsible for the instantaneous deviations in time delay, pulsewidth, and skewness. As the-irregularities drift such as in a frozen flow, the time delay, the pulsewidth, and the skewness will fluc- tuate with time. The mean values of these quantities should agree with those derived earlier by using the temporal mo- ments ((5.22) for mean arrival time and (5.27) for mean- square pulsewidth). Such simulation studies have been made and good agreement with the theory has been found [ 1981.

For spread spectrum systems using a direct sequence PN scheme the received degraded signal plus noise is correlated with an approximately delayed PN modulation waveform.

The correlator output under three scintillation levels may




I .4

. 6


0 .

.2676 .3376 .3676 -4376 4876 .5376 .5676 .6376 .6876

.3126 ,3626 . 4 1 M .4626 . 5 1 2 6 . 5 6 2 6 . 6 1 2 6 . 6 6 2 6




5 '-h

E 6 .

I .


0 . 1 . . . : . . : : : : : : . : . .

.2876 .3376 .3876 .4378 .4876 .6576 . S O 7 8 .6378 . E 0 7 6 .3 176


3676 .4 126 .4628 a 6 128 .6826 .6 128 .E626


Fig. 30 The amplitude (a) and the phase (b) of the transfer function aaoss the frequency band centered at a 500-MHz carrier frequency.

The ionosphere is simulated from the in-situ data corresponding to an equatorial bubble. (After Tucker (1971 .)

behave in a manner shown in Fig. 3 1. When the coherence bandwidth is comparable to or greater than the signal band- width (top frame of Fig. 31), the shape of the correlator output suffers little distortion even though the peak value fades up and down with time. With the increased scintillation level, the coherence bandwidth s h r i n k s t o one-fourth (middle frame of Fig. 31) or one-tenth (bottom frame of Fig. 31) of the signal bandwidth; severe distortions in the correlator out- put are possible [ 1991. Such distortions may pose difficult problems t o receiver designers t o assure proper locking and consequently proper decoding. This problem is especially acute in spread spectrum communications because of the wide bandwidth needed t o achieve the desired process gain


The loss of coherence bandwidth with the increased scintilla- tion activity has been experimentally documented by the Wideband Satellite data [ 201. A comb of seven equally spaced frequencies (413.02 5 11.47n MHz, where n = 0, 1,2, 3) were used t o obtain the discrete two-frequency one-position mutual coherence functions under various scintillation levels. The




[207] show that these sharp gradients can indeed be the sources of large amplitude fluctuations beyond those that can be predicted by using the stochastic theory. Large fluctua- tions in amplitude are apparently caused by scattering and diffraction near the sharp gradients and are especially apparent at gigahertz frequencies. The deterministic approach to the problem is new, and further investigations in this area are desirable.

Section I1 reviews structures of ionospheric irregularities.

Exuerimental evidence for their existence is abundant. How-

r - T T - - T 7


- --.T -&- ever, the quantitative characterization of these irregularities


Fig. 31. The correlator output in a direct sequency spread spectrum re- (a) The coherence bandwidth o f the ionospheric propagation channel ceiver as a function o f time for three levels o f scintillation activities.

is comparable t o the PN spread spectrum signal bandwidth. (b) The (c) The coherence bandwidth is about one-tenth of the signal band- coherence bandwidth is about one-fourth o f the signal bandwidth.

width. (After Bognsch er al. [ 1991.)

results show good agreement with the theory [ 2011. Using these experimentally obtained discrete mutual coherence func- tions, the approximate waveform of a synthesized pulse is obtained, from which the mean time delay can be computed and checked against the theory. Again good agreement has been obtained.


We have reviewed in this paper both theories and experiments of radio wave scintillations after transversing the ionosphere.

This review attempts to update the information previously reviewed using radio star observations [38] and satellite trans- missions [ 391, [ 2021, [ 2031. This review opens with a discus- sion of the motivation for stochastic formulation, on which the scintillation theory is based. Even though the scintillation theory agrees in a large measure with the experimental results, there are areas in which the stochastic approach may not be fruitful. Irregularities inside the equatorial bubbles show wedgelike structures with steep gradients [ 2041, [ 2051. These steep gradients show high coherence and do not appear to be statistically homogeneous. Crain er ai. [206] note that these sharp gradients can provide a refractive scattering mechanism whereby gigahertz scintillation can be explained. By numeri- cally solving the parabolic equation in a deterministic ion*

sphere model constructed from the in-situ data, W e d et ai.

is improving. For applications in which the frozen flow as- sumption is adequate, the three-dimensional spectrum is known to be of the form @ N ( K ) Q K - ~ with p = 4 1 [421,

[ 1571. There is some evidence t o indicate the dependence of the spectral index p on the strength of fluctuations or the local time in the equatorial region. The outer scale, if it exists, is not known, although tens of kilometers have been used in many computations. It is possible that other prevailing iono- spheric perburbations of different origins, such as traveling ionospheric disturbances, may have prevented the true outer scale from experimental disclosure. On the other hand, radar measurements [ 541, [ 551 strongly suggest the existence of an inner scak-and a possible change of spectral law far yery small irregularities. Very liffle is known a b u t the nonfrtJzen flow nature of the ionospheric irregularities. Radar returns show a Doppler shift, indicative of the ionospheric drift, and a Doppler broadening, indicative of turbulent motion. The review of Section I1 stresses irregularity characterization, but it does not touch the production mechanisms for these irregularities. It is generally believed that some plasma instability mechanism is responsible for initiating irregularities. This subject matter is covered in several reviews [48], [208], [ 2091.

Section 111 is concerned with the scintillation theories.

Ionospheric scintillations differ from the usual discussion of random medium propagation in at least two aspects. The first difference is that the background medium is highly dispersive, so that severity of scintillation is frequency dependent. The second difference is the propagation geometry. Since the ionospheric irregularities can be anisotropic, the propagation path can make an arbitrary angle relative t o the irregularities.

Also the existence of free space below the ionosphere allows diffraction effects to take place after the wave has traversed the irregular region. The theories under weak-scatter regime seem to be well at hand. The S4 scintillation index, the mutual coherence functions, and the spectra can be computed using the phase screen or Rytov approximations as long as the scin- tillation is weak. When the scintillation is strong, some of the moment equations are difficult to solve. Some numerical solutions do exist and they have been helpful in indicating the nature of behavior in the strong scatter regime. Work is still needed to develop a comprehensive theory which would indi- cate regorously the probability distribution of the scintillating signal. Several heuristic arguments have been used in support of some probability distribution models. Chi-square tests of these models have been devised using experimental data. The results as reviewed in Section IV indicate the preference of a bivariate distribution that would reduce to the product of a Nakagami-m distribution for the intensity and a normal dis- tribution for the phase in the limit of zero correlation between the two variates [ 1671.

In addition to reviewing the signal statistics in Section IV, other experimental results have also been summarized. Experi-


mentally measured or deduced irregularity structures are sum- marized first. The structure information includes not only irregularity spectra but also the dimensions of irregularity patches and the propagation geometry. In the weak scintilla tion limit, a frequency law of the form S4 a f - ” , n = ( p


2)/4, has been confirmed. For any level of scintillation a universal solution can be constructed by adopting the Rytov scintilla- tion index S40 as an ordering parameter [ 11 51. In this way the true scintillation index S4 can be scaled from the universal curve if the Rytov scintillation index S40 is known.

Because of the saturation of scintillation due to multiple scattering, the spectral index n for the frequency dependence of the scintillation index becomes frequency dependent itself.

Experimental results are shown to agree with theoretical pre- dictions. Phase fluctuations seem to follow the geometric optics result which predicts the l/f behavior for rms fluctua- tions of the phase. The data show that except for intense scin- tillation cases, the departure from l/f dependence is not appreciable. This is the consequence of the dominance of phase fluctuations in ionospheric scintillations by large-scale irregularities.

The correlation distance (or coherence time) of the intensity fluctuations is controlled by two competing factors: Fresnel filtering and multiple scattering. In the weak scintillation re- gime, the f-’/’ dependence of the correlation distance is an indication that the controlling factor is the Fresnel filtering.

As the frequency decreases, decorrelation due t o multiple scattering becomes important and the correlation distance decreases with frequency. The maximum correlation distance will occur at a frequency somewhere between those two limit- ing cases. Experimental data clearly bear out this prediction.

For phmeflwfCtUgfhns, since the Fresnel filtering is not effee tive, the correlation time is almost a constant with possible decomhtion effects at the low end of the frequency spectrum when multiple scattering becomes important.

The power spectra for the intensity, the phase as well as the quadrature components of the field are also studied in Section IV. In the case of weak scintillation, the theoretical predic- tions agree very well with observational results. For strong scintillations, however, only qualitative comparisons are possible.

Some experimental results on the average field and the coherence function are also presented in Section IV and com- pared with theoretical computations.

In studying the temporal behavior of the signal in Section V, the importance of one-position two-frequency mutual coher- ence function is stressed. One convenient way of describing the temporal behavior is t o use temporal moments. For many applications one is interested only in quantities such as the mean arrival time, the mean pulsewidth, and the pulse skew- ness. These quantities can be related t o temporal moments.

A method developed to compute these temporal moments is reviewed in Section V. Although the method is general and capable, at least formally, of computing temporal moments to any order, the algebraic complexities increase rapidly as one moves to higher order moments. At present, analytical expres- sions up to the fifth order have been derived in the literature.

Once the beginning few moments are known, an orthogonal polynomial expansion technique can be used t o construct the approximate mean pulse shape. Very few data sets are avail- able against which accurate comparison can be made t o verify these theoretical results. Some numerical experiments are available, which suggest good agreement.


The subject matter reviewed in this paper is expected t o have applications in transionospheric communications. These appli- cations are only touched upon in this review. Interested readers should consult several publications [ 199

I ,

[ 2 101.

Another topic that has not been included in this review is the subject of generating mechanisms for the ionospheric ir- regularities. There are fast developing activities in that area.

Interesting readers are referred t o several recent review papers on that subject 1481, [2091.

It is fair t o state that, thanks to the coordinated observa- tional programs and advances in theoretical studies, our under- standing of the phenomenon of radio wave scintillation in the ionosphere has improved quite significantly. We are now in a better position t o apply this knowledge t o the two major areas mentioned in the Introduction that have helped t o sustain the interests of ionospheric scintillation study. The first is the application t o improve the transionospheric communication systems, involving channel modeling prediction, design of adaptive system, etc. The other area is the application to the investigation of the geophysical processes that generates these irregularities. This will involve the search for more effective methods t o deduce from scintillation data the important geophysical parameters, in other words, the inversion problem, Future progresses is expected in these two directions,


C. H. Liu would like t o thank the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, for their hospitality and assistance during his stay in the Department where part of the work was carried out.


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