• 沒有找到結果。


0 50 100 150 200 250

0 50 100 150 200

T [GeV]


A S(T)and¯v

B S(T)[GeV]

¯ v(T )


vSB(T )


vSA(T )

0 50 100 150 200 250

0 50 100 150 200 250

T [GeV]


A S(T)and¯v

B S(T)[GeV]

¯ v(T )


vSB(T )


vSA(T )

FIG. 3: Evolution of VEV’s as a function of T using the high-T e↵ective potential in Type-(a) EWPT with a1 6= 0 (Left) and Type-(c) EWPT with a1 = 0 (Right). For the former, the A ! B transition is first-order, with T2 = TC = 90.4 GeV and


v(TC) = 158.2 GeV. For the latter, the O ! A transition is second-order while the A ! B transition is first-order. It is found that T1 = 224.6 GeV, T2 = TC = 99.8 GeV and ¯v(TC) = 167.0 GeV.

where nB(t) is the baryon number density at a time t af-ter the onset of the transition, nB(0) is the initial baryon number density, and tEW is the duration of the EWPT.

Requiring that S > exp( X), one obtains the baryon number preservation criterion, or BNPC [34]:


TC 7 ln v(T¯ C) TC >

ln X ln ⇣ tEW tH

⌘ + ln QF + ln  , (23)

where tH is the Hubble time,  is the fluctuation deter-minant about the classical sphaleron solution, and Q and F encode the e↵ects of rotational and translational zero modes as well as the unstable mode about the sphaleron4. It is convenient to express Esph in terms of an energy scale ⌦(T ) associated with the EWSB that is typically of order TC. To this end, we write

Esph(T ) = 4⇡⌦(T )

g2 E(T ) . (24)

When the only scalar fields in the theory are SU(2)L doublets, the natural choice for ⌦(T ) is


v(T ). For the cxSM, there exists a second possibil-ity:



v2(T ) + (¯vSA(T ) v¯SB(T ))2. Either choice is ac-ceptable, as the BNPC depends on Esph and the dif-ference in the choice of ⌦(T ) will be compensated by

4 The quantity X parametrizes the degree to which the initial baryon asymmetry may be diluted by sphaleron processes. Its value will depend on the initial value of the asymmetry obtained from a computation of the CPV transport dynamics in a given model.

the corresponding convention for E(T ). Here we follow Refs. [19, 43] where it is argued that ⌦(T ) = ¯v(T ) en-capsulates the primary T -dependence of the sphaleron energy. Nevertheless, we find that the residual T -dependence of E can be non-negligible in some cases. The detailed calculation of Esph(T ) is given in Appendix A.

From these considerations, one obtains from the BNPC (23) a requirement on the ratio ¯v(TC)/TC:



TC & ⇣sph(TC) . (25) In the literature, one often finds this requirement quoted as v(TC)/TC & 1, where v(TC) is computed using the full one-loop e↵ective potential Ve↵ rather than V high-T [44–

47]. As discussed in Ref. [34], this procedure, as well as the conventional method for computing TC, introduces an unphysical gauge dependence. In what follows, we will perform a gauge-invariant computation. We also address the impact of the µ-dependence by implementing a RG-improved analysis. These and other theoretical issues associated with the BNPC and N are discussed below.



Here, we delineate the gauge-invariant treatment for EWPT and sphaleron rate. Determination of TC and ¯vC using the high-T e↵ective potential is obviously gauge independent. Beyond this order, however, the potential barrier inherently depends on the gauge fixing parameter, which may lead to the gauge-dependent TC and vC as in the ordinary method. Nevertheless, the gauge-invariant TC can still be obtained by use of a method advocated in



0 50 100 150 200 250

0 50 100 150 200

T [GeV]


A S(T)and¯v

B S(T)[GeV]

¯ v(T )


vSB(T )


vSA(T )

0 50 100 150 200 250

0 50 100 150 200 250

T [GeV]


A S(T)and¯v

B S(T)[GeV]

¯ v(T )


vSB(T )


vSA(T )

FIG. 3: Evolution of VEV’s as a function of T using the high-T e↵ective potential in Type-(a) EWPT with a1 6= 0 (Left) and Type-(c) EWPT with a1 = 0 (Right). For the former, the A ! B transition is first-order, with T2 = TC = 90.4 GeV and


v(TC) = 158.2 GeV. For the latter, the O ! A transition is second-order while the A ! B transition is first-order. It is found that T1 = 224.6 GeV, T2 = TC = 99.8 GeV and ¯v(TC) = 167.0 GeV.

where nB(t) is the baryon number density at a time t af-ter the onset of the transition, nB(0) is the initial baryon number density, and tEW is the duration of the EWPT.

Requiring that S > exp( X), one obtains the baryon number preservation criterion, or BNPC [34]:


TC 7 ln v(T¯ C) TC >

ln X ln ⇣ tEW tH

⌘ + ln QF + ln  , (23)

where tH is the Hubble time,  is the fluctuation deter-minant about the classical sphaleron solution, and Q and F encode the e↵ects of rotational and translational zero modes as well as the unstable mode about the sphaleron4. It is convenient to express Esph in terms of an energy scale ⌦(T ) associated with the EWSB that is typically of order TC. To this end, we write

Esph(T ) = 4⇡⌦(T )

g2 E(T ) . (24)

When the only scalar fields in the theory are SU(2)L doublets, the natural choice for ⌦(T ) is


v(T ). For the cxSM, there exists a second possibil-ity:



v2(T ) + (¯vSA(T ) v¯SB(T ))2. Either choice is ac-ceptable, as the BNPC depends on Esph and the dif-ference in the choice of ⌦(T ) will be compensated by

4 The quantity X parametrizes the degree to which the initial baryon asymmetry may be diluted by sphaleron processes. Its value will depend on the initial value of the asymmetry obtained from a computation of the CPV transport dynamics in a given model.

the corresponding convention for E(T ). Here we follow Refs. [19, 43] where it is argued that ⌦(T ) = ¯v(T ) en-capsulates the primary T -dependence of the sphaleron energy. Nevertheless, we find that the residual T -dependence of E can be non-negligible in some cases. The detailed calculation of Esph(T ) is given in Appendix A.

From these considerations, one obtains from the BNPC (23) a requirement on the ratio ¯v(TC)/TC:



TC & ⇣sph(TC) . (25) In the literature, one often finds this requirement quoted as v(TC)/TC & 1, where v(TC) is computed using the full one-loop e↵ective potential Ve↵ rather than V high-T [44–

47]. As discussed in Ref. [34], this procedure, as well as the conventional method for computing TC, introduces an unphysical gauge dependence. In what follows, we will perform a gauge-invariant computation. We also address the impact of the µ-dependence by implementing a RG-improved analysis. These and other theoretical issues associated with the BNPC and N are discussed below.



Here, we delineate the gauge-invariant treatment for EWPT and sphaleron rate. Determination of TC and ¯vC using the high-T e↵ective potential is obviously gauge independent. Beyond this order, however, the potential barrier inherently depends on the gauge fixing parameter, which may lead to the gauge-dependent TC and vC as in the ordinary method. Nevertheless, the gauge-invariant TC can still be obtained by use of a method advocated in



benchmark point:




= 230 GeV, v


= 40 GeV,

↵ = 20.5 , a


= (110 GeV)


minima of V

high T



; T )

HT vs. PRM







> v(T ¯


) T


TCHT = 90.4 GeV, ¯v(TCHT) = 158.2 GeV

TC = 83.1 GeV, ¯v(TC) = 180.2 GeV


0 50 100 150 200 250

0 50 100 150 200

T [GeV]


A S(T)and¯v

B S(T)[GeV]

¯ v(T )


vSB(T )


vSA(T )

0 50 100 150 200 250

0 50 100 150 200 250

T [GeV]


A S(T)and¯v

B S(T)[GeV]

¯ v(T )


vSB(T )


vSA(T )

FIG. 3: Evolution of VEV’s as a function of T using the high-T e↵ective potential in Type-(a) EWPT with a1 6= 0 (Left) and Type-(c) EWPT with a1 = 0 (Right). For the former, the A ! B transition is first-order, with T2 = TC = 90.4 GeV and


v(TC) = 158.2 GeV. For the latter, the O ! A transition is second-order while the A ! B transition is first-order. It is found that T1 = 224.6 GeV, T2 = TC = 99.8 GeV and ¯v(TC) = 167.0 GeV.

where nB(t) is the baryon number density at a time t af-ter the onset of the transition, nB(0) is the initial baryon number density, and tEW is the duration of the EWPT.

Requiring that S > exp( X), one obtains the baryon number preservation criterion, or BNPC [34]:


TC 7 ln v(T¯ C) TC >

ln X ln ⇣ tEW tH

⌘ + ln QF + ln  , (23)

where tH is the Hubble time,  is the fluctuation deter-minant about the classical sphaleron solution, and Q and F encode the e↵ects of rotational and translational zero modes as well as the unstable mode about the sphaleron4. It is convenient to express Esph in terms of an energy scale ⌦(T ) associated with the EWSB that is typically of order TC. To this end, we write

Esph(T ) = 4⇡⌦(T )

g2 E(T ) . (24)

When the only scalar fields in the theory are SU(2)L doublets, the natural choice for ⌦(T ) is


v(T ). For the cxSM, there exists a second possibil-ity:



v2(T ) + (¯vSA(T ) v¯SB(T ))2. Either choice is ac-ceptable, as the BNPC depends on Esph and the dif-ference in the choice of ⌦(T ) will be compensated by

4 The quantity X parametrizes the degree to which the initial baryon asymmetry may be diluted by sphaleron processes. Its value will depend on the initial value of the asymmetry obtained from a computation of the CPV transport dynamics in a given model.

the corresponding convention for E(T ). Here we follow Refs. [19, 43] where it is argued that ⌦(T ) = ¯v(T ) en-capsulates the primary T -dependence of the sphaleron energy. Nevertheless, we find that the residual T -dependence of E can be non-negligible in some cases. The detailed calculation of Esph(T ) is given in Appendix A.

From these considerations, one obtains from the BNPC (23) a requirement on the ratio ¯v(TC)/TC:



TC & ⇣sph(TC) . (25) In the literature, one often finds this requirement quoted as v(TC)/TC & 1, where v(TC) is computed using the full one-loop e↵ective potential Ve↵ rather than V high-T [44–

47]. As discussed in Ref. [34], this procedure, as well as the conventional method for computing TC, introduces an unphysical gauge dependence. In what follows, we will perform a gauge-invariant computation. We also address the impact of the µ-dependence by implementing a RG-improved analysis. These and other theoretical issues associated with the BNPC and N are discussed below.



Here, we delineate the gauge-invariant treatment for EWPT and sphaleron rate. Determination of TC and ¯vC using the high-T e↵ective potential is obviously gauge independent. Beyond this order, however, the potential barrier inherently depends on the gauge fixing parameter, which may lead to the gauge-dependent TC and vC as in the ordinary method. Nevertheless, the gauge-invariant TC can still be obtained by use of a method advocated in



benchmark point:


Caution: v(T


) is subject to uncertainties of T





= 230 GeV, v


= 40 GeV,

↵ = 20.5 , a


= (110 GeV)


minima of V

high T



; T )

HT vs. PRM







> v(T ¯


) T


TCHT = 90.4 GeV, ¯v(TCHT) = 158.2 GeV

TC = 83.1 GeV, ¯v(TC) = 180.2 GeV
