• 沒有找到結果。

Probabilistic Outputs for One-class SVM

Without the label information, it is difficult to obtain probabilistic outputs for one-class SVM. Que and Lin (2022) broadly checked existing approaches for two-one-class classification, but showed that almost none of them are suitable for one-class SVM.

They suggest that a feasible setting is to have probabilities mimic to the decision values of training data. The idea is to group instances with negative values to five bins and instances with positive values to five bins. Then we obtain 11 marks corre-sponding to probability values

0 0.1 . . . 1.

In the prediction phase, we check that the decision value ˆf of a test instance x is the closest to which mark. The corresponding value is our estimate of the probability of being a normal instance (i.e., not an outlier). Specifically, after solving (8), we sort decision values of training data in ascending order and obtain the following points.


m01 . . . m¯5 = 0 . . . m¯10



mi, i = 0, . . . , 4 are the 20 × i percentile of sorted negative decision values



mi, i = 6, . . . , 10 are the 20 × (i − 5) percentile of sorted positive decision values.

The setting of ¯m5 = 0 follows from the assumption that P (normal| ˆf = 0) = 0.5.

By defining

mi = m¯i+ ¯mi+1

2 , i = 0, . . . , 9,

identifying the closest ¯mi is equivalent to checking which of the following intervals the decision value falls into.

fˆ (−∞, m0) [m0, m1) [m1, m2) · · · [m10, ∞)

P (normal| ˆf ) 0 0.1 0.2 · · · 1

In our implementation, ˆf is sequentially compared with mi to locate the interval and thus the corresponding probability value.

9 Parameter Selection

To train SVM problems, users must specify some parameters. LIBSVM provides a simple tool to check a grid of parameters. For each parameter setting, LIBSVM obtains cross-validation (CV) accuracy. Finally, the parameters with the highest CV accuracy are returned. The parameter selection tool assumes that the RBF (Gaussian) kernel is used although extensions to other kernels and SVR can be easily made. The RBF kernel takes the form

K(xi, xj) = e−γ∥xi−xj2, (50) so (C, γ) are parameters to be decided. Users can provide a possible interval of C (or γ) with the grid space. Then, all grid points of (C, γ) are tried to find the one giving the highest CV accuracy. Users then use the best parameters to train the whole training set and generate the final model.

We do not consider more advanced parameter selection methods because for only two parameters (C and γ), the number of grid points is not too large. Further, because SVM problems under different (C, γ) parameters are independent, LIBSVM provides a simple tool so that jobs can be run in a parallel (multi-core, shared memory, or distributed) environment.

Figure 3: Contour plot of running the parameter selection tool in LIBSVM. The data set heart scale (included in the package) is used. The x-axis is log2C and the y-axis is log2γ.

For multi-class classification, under a given (C, γ), LIBSVM uses the one-against-one method to obtain the CV accuracy. Hence, the parameter selection tool suggests the same (C, γ) for all k(k − 1)/2 decision functions. Chen et al. (2005, Section 8) discuss issues of using the same or different parameters for the k(k − 1)/2 two-class problems.

LIBSVM outputs the contour plot of cross-validation accuracy. An example is in Figure 3.

10 Conclusions

When we released the first version of LIBSVM in 2000, only two-class C-SVC was supported. Gradually, we added other SVM variants, and supported functions such as multi-class classification and probability estimates. Then, LIBSVM becomes a complete SVM package. We add a function only if it is needed by enough users. By

keeping the system simple, we strive to ensure good system reliability.

In summary, this article gives implementation details of LIBSVM. We are still actively updating and maintaining this package. We hope the community will benefit more from our continuing development of LIBSVM.


This work was supported in part by the National Science Council of Taiwan via the grants NSC 89-2213-E-002-013 and NSC 89-2213-E-002-106. The authors thank their group members and users for many helpful comments. A list of acknowledgments is at http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/acknowledgements.


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