• 沒有找到結果。

Chapter Five –Discussion

Chapter 6 Conclusion and Limitation

6.3 Research Contributions

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live streaming platform. Second, in this research I focus on only talent show genre.

However, there are more popular live streaming categories in this field such as gaming and sports. Future study is suggested to include more categories in live streaming field to compare difference between them. More details about different content influence should be conducted in future study. Third, in this research we mainly conduct a research on the watching intention. However, factors that motivate people to watch and spend money would be different. Current study hasn’t cover all motivation of spending. Thereby, further study is suggested to conduct a research on the factors which affect user’s spending intention. Finally, regarding the proposed research framework, future studies can explore more additional moderator and control variable such as gender, age, and education to develop a more complete model of live streaming platform. Besides, future research are suggest to add group interviews to further understand to mindset of live streaming users.

6.3 Research Contributions

This study contributes to extent study on mobile live streaming research in following aspects. First, live streaming nowadays gain more and more attention whilst still hasn‘t received enough attention in academic filed. This study is the first research on live streaming app in Taiwan. Furthermore, not only apply the use and gratification theory into live streaming field but also combine social-psychological theory into this research.

More and more marketing department in live streaming industry in Taiwan want to know more about their audience. Before conducting this research, they can only get data from

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their data base and didn’t know how to utilize them the do better analysis. This research provide them with a direction to better understand their users. To further investigate users on live streaming app, we collect usage data to know whether different motivation will result in different usage type. By applying U&G theory to live streaming app in Taiwan, we can know the reason why people in Taiwan enjoy live streaming app so much. We thought that people might use live streaming app as a escapism. However, we found out that in live streaming platform the social community is more important in live streaming context.

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□ 少於台幣 500

□ 台幣 500-1500 間

□ 台幣 1500-4500 間

□ 台幣 4500-15000 間

□ 台幣 15000 以上

9. 請問您每月可支配收入約為?____________元(月收入百分比)

10. 請問您時常觀看直播的類型為?

□ 才藝(歌唱、舞蹈、脫口秀等)

□ 聊天談心

□ 星座命理

□ 遊戲電玩

□ 寵物

□ 搞笑趣聞

□ 科技3C

□ 保養美妝

□ 運動健身


