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Chapter III Research Methodology

3.2 Research Procedure

立 政 治 大 學

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l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y

H3. Individual with lower self-confidence is more likely to purchase genuine luxury bag.

H4. Individual who has a high consideration of moral concern is less likely to purchase counterfeit luxury bag.

H5. Individual who is more sociable is more likely to purchase genuine luxury bag.

H6. Individual who has a higher product involvement is more likely to purchase genuine luxury bag.

3.2 Research Procedure

3.2.1 In-depth Interview

In-depth interviews are conducted to obtain insights of various factors that may influence consumer’s purchase intention toward either genuine luxury bags or counterfeit bags. With the aid of interview, researcher can make sure hypotheses are significant and can clearly understand which variables cause consumers to have different purchase intention toward genuine and counterfeit luxury bag. Selection Criteria of Interviewees

The purpose of this interview is to investigate significant explanatory variables

立 政 治 大 學

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of luxury bags are included in the in-depth interview. These six interviewees are ages between 20 and 45. The Table 1 summarizes the background information about the participants of the in-depth interview.

Table 1. Information Regarding Participants in In-depth Interview

Code Name Age Status

Date of Interview Participant A Grace 25 Employee of headhunter company

2018/5/12 Participant B Nicole 43 Employee of global company

Participant C Joe 23 Student

Participant D Yichen 36 Project planner Participant E Michelle 33 Flight attendant

Participant F Amy 29 Employee of CTCB

During the interview, every recruited individual will be given few questions, they will be interviewed in the same time and will last approximately 20 minutes in total.

Furthermore, the procedure will be carried out as interviewer presents variables, including motivation, individual differences and product involvement, then ask questions to find out whether variables are factors to trigger consumers purchase intention.

立 政 治 大 學

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l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y Interview Questions and Summarize

There will be seven interview questions in total to further verified the reliability of variables. Interview questions are developed,

Q1. Have you ever purchased genuine and counterfeit luxury bag?

Q2. Will you purchase luxury bag to show off your social status or fashion sense, and consider buying counterfeit one as well?

Q3. Will you consider buying luxury bag as a self-gratification for yourself, and how about purchasing counterfeit one?

Q4. Will you view product involvement as an index of purchasing genuine or counterfeit luxury bag? for example, if an individual has a higher recognition of certain product that whether he/she only willing to purchase genuine one or not.

Q5. Is a moral concern being one of factor for you to refuse purchasing counterfeit luxury bag?

Q6. Is an amount of social activities influencing your choice between purchasing genuine and counterfeit luxury bag?

Q7. Do you view yourself as an individual who has higher or lower self-confidence character? Is this factor influencing your choice of buying genuine or counterfeit luxury bag?

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To sum up the interview results, respondents tend to purchase luxury bag to represent social status and sometimes they may view it as an item to show-off, further, they tend to consider purchasing counterfeits if other people cannot recognize it is the fake one. Buying luxury bags can also be explained as “treat myself well” for such participants, but they are unlikely to choose counterfeits when it comes to self-satisfaction only if it is cost-effective.

Moreover, product and brand involvement is an essential factor for interviewees, they will only consider purchasing genuine one when they have high recognition on certain brand or design. However, respondents all agree moral concern would have negative influence on purchasing counterfeit products, additionally, individual who has high sociability would tend to purchase genuine items to display social status and wealth when they participant in social events. For the last question, respondents who view themselves as a low self-confidence person would rather purchasing expensive genuine bags because this purchase behavior would boost up their confidence.

Therefore, hypotheses are constructed and examined to make sure the result is significant related based on the result of in-depth interview.

3.2.2 Questionnaire Survey

After the in-depth interviews, questionnaire survey is the main data collection method used in this study for the purpose of quantitative data analysis.

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l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y Sampling and Questionnaire Design

The researcher conducts a survey to find out the differences of consumers’

purchase intention toward genuine and counterfeit luxury bags in Taiwan, and questionnaire will all be completed by female between 20 and 45years old who whether has purchase experience of genuine and counterfeit luxury bags. The research wish to collect data from at least 200 respondents who have purchase intentions for either genuine or counterfeit luxury bags.

The survey will both use English and Mandarin, and the distribution is via internet because online distribution provides an easy access to reach the targeting sample.

Moreover, questionnaire will be posted on several luxury bag related websites so as to include interested respondents (See Figure 2). In addition, movie ticket will be a lottery prize as the incentive for individual who fill up the survey.

Figure 2. Example of Targeting Sample (Social Media’s Group/Page)

respondents’ demographic profile, and the second section will evaluate respondents’

motivation factors. Moreover, the third section is individual differences, including self-confidence, moral concern and sociability, and the last section will measure how product involvement influence individual’s purchase intention toward genuine and counterfeit luxury bags.
