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The Popular Food of Vietnam: Bánh Mì and Coffee


After searching for lots of materials and documents, we sort out several conclusions below:

There are three special features of the Vietnamese coffee, adding condensed milk, adding ice, and using their own special coffee beans. First, in the past, Vietnam didn’t produce milk, because it was expensive and turned sour easily. So they added condensed milk to replace milk, becoming one of the features for drinking coffee. Also, the Vietnamese enjoy a strong taste, and sweet coffee is just what they like for their daily beverage.

Second, ice can reduce the bitter taste of coffee, so they use it

to replace water. Moreover, to drink a cool drink under the hot sun is a best choice for them to keep the heat off. Third, the product of Vietnamese coffee beans is called Robust, its caffeine is twice as high as the one of the average coffee beans, so it is more bitter. That’s why the Vietnamese will drink it slowly and only a small amount of coffee each time.

Initially, the Vietnamese traditional dishes were only popular among their poor citizens. The Vietnamese bread was only seen at roadside stand. The rich people at that time were afraid of being infected by some diseases from ghettos.

Therefore, the rich people didn’t like to eat their stand food.

On the other hand, the poor people didn’t have much money, so they would just eat the Vietnamese bread, which was cheaper than other types of food. In fact, at the same time, some of the Vietnamese couldn’t live in Vietnam because of their low wage and poor living quality, so they moved overseas to find jobs, bringing some Vietnamese food to other countries. Recently, they traded with the Western nations frequently, and the merchants spread their food around the world. Step by step, the Vietnamese food has gradually become an iconic symbol of Vietnam’s culture, which is known to the people around the world.

In conclusion, the connection between the coffee and the bread is that they were both imported and influence by France.

But they made some changes to adapt their culture, which has become their specialties. In the recent decades, the food has been exported to other countries as a result of their migration and trading activities.

III. CONCLUSION (I) Major Findings

Vietnam was influenced by many countries, so their food culture showed diversity. They also made some improvements to overcome the limitation of their natural environment, and

soon it became a specialty of Vietnam. You have to keep an open mind when you want to learn more about a culture.

There are many special eating habits in Vietnam, like adding condensed milk in the coffee. At first, we thought it was a strange way to drink coffee in this way, but it seemed that we had a very narrow viewpoint before. After we did some research about the Vietnamese food, we discovered that adding condensed milk was a means to adapt themselves to their local situation, and then it became a daily feature in Vietnam. Not only the Vietnamese coffee but also the Vietnamese bread was made with lots of ingredients, which would make you associate the dishes with Vietnam’s characteristics.

Besides, it is interesting that a typical dish or beverage, when they get to a new country, those living in the place will change their form to adapt their culture. Vietnam was once deeply influenced by France, and lots of Vietnamese dishes were influenced by the French culture, but they changed these tastes into their specialties, which fit the loca environment and their customs. In fact, there are a lot of unknown cultures around the world, so the best way to live in the global community is to keep an open mind to learn, understand, and appreciate different cultures.

(II) Limitation and Suggestions

The history text book and tour guides will be very useful on the topic of the food. However, if you have a chance to take a trip to Vietnam and taste the local food, you might learn more about the local culture and their customs. It will be very helpful to compose more details for this article.

(III) Our Reflection

We think food is a great topic to research if you want to know more about a country. People need food to survive, so the couture in one country is always based on its food. You can

always find some connection between their food and customs.

When you travel to another country, this topic will help you a lot to understand the historical development and cultural background of a place you are visiting.


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