• 沒有找到結果。

Sampling scheme for target participants for the Overall Study Six target groups were covered in the Overall Study, namely,

Chapter 5 Sampling and Response Rates

5.3 Sampling scheme for target participants for the Overall Study Six target groups were covered in the Overall Study, namely,

(1) School heads

(2) School IT team members who are teachers

(3) All teachers who are not IT team members (including specialists and therapists in Special Schools)

(4) Students (5) Parents

(6) Other stakeholders (for Focus Group/Individual Interview).

Groups 1 to 5 are school-related, whereas group 6 covers a wide spectrum of personnel from schools and the community at large.

School heads

After consultation with EMB, it was agreed that school heads are amongst the most important leaders in promoting and implementing ITEd initiatives at school level. Hence the Project Team decided to survey all school heads via questionnaires. This means that all of the 684 primary school heads, 413 secondary school heads and 72 special school heads were surveyed by questionnaires.

IT team members

All school IT team members who are teachers from those schools selected for the Main Study were included. A self-administered Teacher Questionnaire and an IT Team Member Questionnaire were used to collect the views of these teachers. Assuming an average of 4 IT team members per school, the estimated sample size was around 1,320 (4 × 150 Primary Schools, 4 × 150 Secondary Schools and 4 × 30 Special Schools).

Other teachers/specialists/therapists

All teachers/specialists/therapists from those schools selected for the Main Study who are not IT Team members were surveyed by the self-administered Teacher/Specialist/Therapist Questionnaire.

Assuming that there were 36 such teachers in each primary school, 36 teachers/specialists/therapists in each special school, and 51 teachers in each secondary school, the total sample size for this target group was estimated at around 14,130 teachers/specialists/therapists.

Students and parents

It was agreed that only Primary 3 and Primary 6 needed to be surveyed since these two levels could represent the lower and upper Primary as key stages. Two classes were selected randomly from each of P3 and P6 levels for each primary school included in the Study. Eleven students were selected randomly from each class for guided completion of the questionnaire. Among these students, a quarter was sampled further to take the IT Literacy Assessment. This sampling scheme covered 6,600 Primary students [11 (students) × 4 (classes) × 150 (schools)] for questionnaire survey and 1,650 Primary students for the IT Literacy Assessment. 220 students were selected for the IT Activity Daily Log. For all those students who were selected for IT Literacy Assessment, their parents were selected for a self-administered questionnaire survey. Thus, a total of 1,650 parents were invited to complete the questionnaire survey.

Chapter 5: Sampling and Response Rates


By nomination [Focus Group Interview]

8 teachers:

2 IT Team members & 6 non-IT Team members 150 schools

130 schools 20 schools 8 schools


44 students:

2 classes from each of P.3 and P.6, 11 students per class (2 levels × 2 classes × 11 students)

[IT Literacy Assessment]

11 students:

2 or 3 students per class (1 class × 2 students 3 classes × 3 students) [Questionnaire]

11 parents


44 students:

2 classes from each of P.3 and P.6, 11 students per class (2 levels × 2 classes × 11 students)

[IT Activity Daily Log]

11 students

[Classroom visit]

4 sessions:

2 classes from each of P.3 and P.6, 1 session per class (2 levels × 2 classes × 1 session)

[Focus Group Interview]

8 students:

2 students per class

(2 levels × 2 classes × 2 students) [IT Literacy


11 students:

2 or 3 students per class (1 class × 2 students 3 classes × 3 students) [Questionnaire]

11 parents Legend:

= Random sampling unless specified otherwise

684 schools


Stratified random sampling Stratified random sampling

Figure 5.1: Summary of the sampling scheme for primary school in the Main Study

For the Secondary Schools, two classes were selected randomly from each of S2, S4 and S6 levels for each Secondary School included in the Study. Nine students were selected randomly from each class for guided completion of the questionnaire. This gave a maximum total of 8,100 Secondary students being sampled [9 (students) × 6 (classes) × 150 (schools)] for the questionnaire survey.

Among those students selected for the questionnaire surveys, around a quarter were selected randomly to take the IT Literacy Assessment. This sampling scheme covered 2,100 students. 280 students were selected to complete the IT Activity Daily Log and 2,100 parents were selected for the parent questionnaire.

Chapter 5: Sampling and Response Rates

Stratified random sampling Stratified random sampling

By nomination [Focus Group Interview]

8 teachers:

2 IT Team members &

6 non-IT Team members


150 schools

130 schools 20 schools 8 schools


54 students:

2 classes from each of S.2, S.4 and S.6, 9 students per class

(3 levels × 2 classes × 9 students)

[IT Literacy Assessment]

14 students:

2 or 3 students per class (4 classes × 2 students 2 classes × 3 students) [Questionnaire]

14 parents

[IT Activity Daily Log]

14 students

[Classroom visit]

6 sessions:

2 classes from each of S.2, S.4 and S.6, 1 session per class

(3 levels × 2 classes × 1 session)

[Focus Group Interview]

9 students:

1 class from each level, 3 students per class

(3 levels × 1 class × 3 students) [Questionnaire]

54 students:

2 classes from each of S.2, S.4 and S.6, 9 students per class

(3 levels × 2 classes × 9 students)

[IT Literacy Assessment]

14 students:

2 or 3 students per class (4 classes × 2 students 2 classes × 3 students) [Questionnaire]

14 parents


= Random sampling unless specified otherwise

413 schools

Figure 5.2: Summary of the sampling scheme for secondary schools in the Main Study

For the Special Schools, 15 students per school were selected randomly. A total of 460 students [15 (students) × 29 (schools) + 5 (students) × 5 (hospital school centers)] were invited to complete the questionnaire and the IT Literacy Assessment, which were guided by an interviewer. Four students randomly selected from the above group were further invited to attend an Individual Interview. A total of 121 students (4 students × 29 schools + 1 student × 5 hospital school centers) were covered in the Individual Interviews. 165 students (15 students × 11 schools) were selected for the IT Activity Daily Log. Seven parents per school type were drawn randomly from amongst the selected students of a Special School to participate in-individual interviews. The total number of parents interviewed was 77.

Fig. 5.3 summaries the sampling scheme for Special School in the Main Study (excluding hospital schools).

Chapter 5: Sampling and Response Rates

(a) Focus group interview was conducted for teachers nominated by 10 schools selected for more in-depth study, as well as from one hospital school (Hong Kong Red Cross Hospital School)

(b) Focus group interview was conducted for IT team members nominated by 10 schools selected for more in-depth study as well as from one hospital school (Hong Kong Red Cross Hospital School)

Figure 5.3: Summary of the sampling scheme for special school (excluding hospital schools) in the Main Study

Stratified random sampling (by type of disability)

10 schools, one for each of the

10 types

By nomination


29 schools

19 schools

[Individual interview]

4 students

[Classroom visit]

4 sessions

[Focus Group Interview]

4 students

[Focus Group Interview]

1 teacher (a)

[IT Activity Daily Log]

15 students

[Individual interview]

4 students

[Individual interview]

7 parents [Questionnaire]

[IT Literacy Assessment]

15 students


= Random sampling unless specified otherwise

7 students

[Focus Group Interview]

1 specialist / therapist (if applicable)

All 71 schools


[IT Literacy Assessment]

15 students

[Focus Group Interview]

1 IT team member (b)

(a) Focus group interview was conducted for teachers nominated by 10 schools selected for more in-depth study, as well as from one hospital school (Hong Kong Red Cross Hospital School)

(b) Focus group interview was conducted for IT team members nominated by 10 schools selected for more in-depth study as well as from one hospital school (Hong Kong Red Cross Hospital School)

(c) Altogether 7 parents were selected for Individual Interviews, i.e. one parent from each of the 5 selected students for individual-interviews, and one parent from the remaining 4 selected students for accomplishing [Questionnaire]was selected randomly from the “3 centers with more than 1 type of wards” and from the “2 centers with 1 type of ward”.

Figure 5.4: Summary of the sampling scheme for special school (hospital schools) in the Main Study

By nomination

16 centers [Focus Group


1 teacher for all centers (a)


[IT Literacy Assessment]

5 students

3 centers

[Classroom visit]

1 session


= Random sampling unless specified otherwise

3 centers with more than 1 type of wards

13 centers with 1 type of ward

1 center

[Focus Group Interview]

4 students

[IT Activity Daily Log]

3 students [Individual interview]

1 student [Questionnaire]

[IT Literacy Assessment]

5 students

2 centers

[Classroom Visit]

1 session 1 center

[Focus Group Interview]

4 students

[Individual interview]

1 parent (c) [IT Activity

Daily Log]

3 students [Individual interview]

1 student

[Individual interview]

1 parent (c )

[Focus Group Interview]

1 IT Team member for all centers (b)

Chapter 5: Sampling and Response Rates

The estimated sample sizes for the various instruments by school sectors are shown in Tables 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 below.

Table 5.3: Estimated sample size for the various instruments for Primary Schools in Overall Study Subject groups Instruments Estimated Sample size

150 schools Students’


6,600 students (22 from P3, 22 from P6: 11 students x 4 classes

× 150 schools) IT Literacy


1,650 students (randomly select one fourth of the sample selected for Questionnaire)

School Visit 20 schools

Classroom Visit 80 sessions (2 sessions for P3 and 2 for P6: 2×2×20) IT Activity Daily


220 students (11 students with 5 or 6 from P3 and P6, for those 20 schools selected for school visit, 11 × 20)


Focus Group Interview

160 students (20 groups, each group comprising 8 students, 4 from P.3 and 4 from P.6)



6,000 teachers (40 × 150 schools) IT Team Members’


600 IT team members (4×150 schools) Focus Group


80 teachers (2 groups conducted in Pilot Study and 8 groups conducted in Main Study; each group comprising 2 IT Team members, 6 non-IT Team members from the same school) School Visit 20 schools


Classroom Visit 80 sessions (same sessions as those for students above) (2 sessions for P3 and 2 for P6)

School Heads’


684 school heads (All school heads) School Heads

Individual Interview 10 school heads (2 individual interview conducted in Pilot Study and 8 individual interview conducted in Main Study) Parents Parents’


1,650 parents (all parents of those students selected for IT Literacy Assessment)

Table 5.4: Estimated sample size for the various instruments for Secondary Schools in Overall Study Subject groups Instruments Estimated Sample size

(150 schools) Students’


8,100 students (18 from S2, 18 from S4, 18 from S6:

9 students × 6 classes × 150 schools) IT Literacy


2,100 students (around a quarter of the students chosen for questionnaire: 14 students × 150 schools)

School Visits 20 schools

Classroom Visit 120 sessions (2 sessions for S2, 2 for S4 and 2 for S6: 2 × 3 × 20) IT Activity Daily


280 students (14 students with 4 or 5 from S2, S4 and S6 for those 20 schools selected for school visit,: 14 × 20)


Focus Group Interview

180 students (20 groups, each group comprising 9 students, 3 from S2, 3 from S4 and 3 from S6 in the same school)



8,250 teachers (55 teachers × 150 schools) IT Team



600 IT Team members (4 IT Team members × 150 schools)

Focus Group Interview

80 teachers (2 groups conducted in Pilot Study and 8 groups conducted in Main Study; each group comprising 2 IT Team members, 6 non- IT Team members from the same school) School Visit 20 schools


Classroom Visit 120 sessions (same sessions as those for students above) (2 sessions for S2, 2 for S4 and 2 for S6)

School Heads’


413 school heads (All school heads) School Heads

Individual Interview

10 school heads (2 individual interview conducted in Pilot Study and 8 individual interview conducted in Main Study)

Parents Parents’


2,100 parents (all parents of those students who have been selected for IT Literacy Assessment)

Chapter 5: Sampling and Response Rates

Table 5.5: Estimated sample size for the various instruments for Special Schools in Overall Study Subject groups Instruments Estimated Sample size

(30 schools) Students’


460 students (15 students × 29 school + 5 students × 5 hospital school centers)

IT Literacy Assessment

460 students (same as those selected for Questionnaire) IT Activity Daily


165 students (15 students × 11 schools, 1 school per school type) School Visit 11 schools

Classroom Visit 45 sessions Individual


121 students (4 students × 29 schools + 1 student × 5 hospital school centers)


Focus Group Interview

48 students (4 students per school: 4 × 10 schools + 4 × 2 hospital school centers)





1,200 teachers (40 teachers/specialists/therapists × 30 school)

IT Team Members’


120 IT Team members (4 IT team members × 30 schools)

Focus Group Interview (a)

5 teachers/IT team members and 5 specialists/therapist were invited to participate in the Pilot Study

11 teachers, 11 IT team members, and 11 specialists/therapists were invited to participate in the Main Study

School Visit 11 schools (one school from each school type) Teachers/



Classroom Visit 45 sessions School Heads’


72 school heads (All school heads) School heads

Focus Group Interview (a)

16 school heads (5 school heads were invited to participate in the Pilot Study and 11 school heads were invited to participate in the Main Study)

Parents Individual Interview

77 parents (7 parents from each school, one school per school type:

7 × 11 school types)

(a) No of participants for each focus group interview was around 4-8.

Table 5.6: Summary of the estimated number of responses per instrument set to be collected per target group in the Overall Study

Stakeholder groups Primary

School Sector

Secondary School Sector

Special School Sector Quantitative Instruments

School Heads’ Questionnaire 684 413 72



6,000 8,250 1,200

IT Team Members’ Questionnaire 600 600 120

Parents’ Questionnaire 1,650 2,100 N/A

Students’ Guided Questionnaire 6,600 8,100 460

IT Literacy Assessment 1,650 2,100 460

IT Activity Daily Log 220 280 165

Qualitative Instruments School Heads Individual Interview

10 10 N/A

School Heads Focus Group Interview

N/A N/A 2-3 groups (5 school heads in

the Pilot Study, and 11 school heads in the Main Study) Teachers/IT Team Members/

Specialists/Therapists Focus Group Interview

10 groups (80 teachers/IT

Team Members)

10 groups (80 teachers/IT Team


7-8 groups (5 teachers/IT team members and 5 specialists/therapist were invited to participate in the Pilot Study;

11 teachers, 11 IT team members, and 11

specialists/therapists were invited to participate in the Main Study)

Students Focus Group Interview 20 groups (160 students)

20 groups (180 students)

12 groups (48 students)

Individual Interview- Students N/A N/A 121

Individual Interview- Parents N/A N/A 77

School Visit 20 20 11

Classroom Visit 80 120 45