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88 年度下學期期中考


Academic year: 2021

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計算問答題(每小題 1 分,每附一個 *,配分增加 1 分)

注意:所有答案除特別指定外限使用 m、kg、s、N、J、W、Pa、C 、K 與 Hz 為單位 1. (23 分)一長方形大石頭邊長各為 3 m、2 m 與 1 m。石頭的比重為 2.7。一 方形鐵船長寬高(L、W、H)各為 10 m、5 m 與 1 m。船殼厚度為 0.5 cm。鐵 的比重 s = 8。船除船殼外無甲板與其他設備。重力加速度 g = 10 m/s2,水 的密度 w = 1000 kg/m3 (1) 石頭密度 s 為何? (2) 石頭體積 Vs 為何?。 (3) 石頭質量 ms 為何?。 (4) 石頭重量(重力) Ws 為何? (5) 鐵的密度 i 為何? (6) 船殼攤開總面積 Ai 為何? (7) 船殼總體積 Vi 為何? (8) 船質量 mi 為何? (9) 船重量(重力) Wi 為何? (10)船與石頭總重量(重力) Wsi 為何? (11)需要多少浮力 B 方能使載石頭的船浮在水面? (12)船載石頭浮在水面上須排開多少水重 Ww(13)上題的水重相當多少質量 mw(14)所排開的水相當於多少體積 Vw(15)船載石頭浮在水面上吃水 h(船底到水面距離)為何? (16)船可提供的最大浮力 Bmax 為何? (17)船尚可載多少重量而不致沉沒? (18)船尚可載多少質量而不致沉沒? (19)若將石塊吊掛在船底水下,可增加多少浮力? (20)*此時船吃水多少? (21)上題中,船可載重量增加多少? (22)上題中,船可載質量增加多少? 2. (10 分)如圖 1,以裝水皮式管(Pitot tube)量測氣流導管中的壓力,導 管內徑(直徑)為 d = 10 cm,皮式管兩側水柱高度差 h = 40 mm。空氣密 度為 a =1.2 kg/m3,重力加速度為 g = 10 m/s2,水的密度為 w = 1000 kg/m3。假設斷面積上空氣流速均勻,且空氣無黏性。 (1) *導管斷面積 A 為何? (2) 皮式管兩側壓力差 P 為何? (3) ****導管中 A 點附近空氣流速為何?(提示:插入端 B 點前的空氣 流速為 0,利用 Bernoulli 方程式求解,A 與 B 位於同一斷面上)。 (4) *管中空氣流量 Q 為何?。


3 (25 分)鋼材的材料特性如下: 密度  = 7860 kg/m3

楊式模數(Young’s modulus)Y = 2 x 1011 N/m2

剪切模數(shear modulus)S = 8.1 x 1010 N/m2

變形模數(bulk modulus)B = 1.4 x 1011 N/m2

線性熱膨脹係數(linear thermal expansion coefficient) = 12 x 10-6 (C)-1

如圖 2,一鋼絲長 L = 0.5 m,斷面積 A = 1 x 10-5 m2,溫度 25 C,重力加 速度 g = 10 m/s2 (1) 鋼絲質量 ms 為何? (2) 鋼絲彈性係數 k 為何? (3) 在此鋼絲下吊掛一質量 m = 50 kg 的物體,鋼絲受力 F 為何? (4) 吊上物體時,會使鋼絲造成簡諧伸縮,此伸縮之角速度  為何? (5) 同上題,簡諧伸縮之頻率為何? (6) 同上題,簡諧伸縮之週期為何? (7) 同上題,鋼絲伸長量為何? (8) 同上題,此簡諧伸縮之能量為何? (9) 同上題,在簡諧伸縮過程中,物體最大速率為何?(提示:振幅與伸 長量相同) (10)同上題,在簡諧伸縮過程中,物體最大加速率為何?(提示:振幅與 伸長量相同) (11)若以手撥動鋼絲水平部分,會產生波速為何?

(12)上題之波動為橫波(transverse wave)抑或縱波(longitude wave)? (13)假設鋼絲兩端固定,上題之波動在鋼絲上產生駐波,最大波長為何? (14)同上題,次長之波長為何? (15)同上題,基音頻率(fundamental frequency)為何? (16)同上題,第一泛音頻率(波長次高之駐波)為何? 以下題目係針對每邊長 1 m 的鋼塊: (17)於鋼塊一側敲擊,聲音於鋼塊內部的傳遞速度為何? (18)上述聲音為橫波亦或縱波? (19)當溫度自 25 C 升高至 50 C 時,鋼塊每邊長伸長量為何? (20)當溫度自 25 C 升高至 50 C 時,鋼塊體積增加多少? (21)****若將鋼塊四周全部密封固定,不使其膨脹,在上述狀況下鋼塊內 部壓力為何? 4. (26 分)n = 0.05 mole,溫度 TA = 27 C,壓力 PA = 1 x 105 Pa 之空氣送入 一引擎燃燒。引擎每轉動一週期依序完成下列動作: (1) 等溫(isothermal)壓縮,直到壓力增加到 8 x 105 Pa(此時空氣壓力、 體積與絕對溫度分別變成 PB、VB 與 TB)。 (2) 燃燒,等壓(isobaric)增溫,直到溫度升高至 727 C(此時空氣壓 力、體積與絕對溫度分別變成 PC、VC 與 TC) (3) 等溫膨脹,直到體積回到與步驟 (1) 相同(此時空氣壓力、體積與絕對


溫度分別變成 PC、VC 與 TC)。 (4) 等容降壓(isochoric),直到壓力回到與步驟 (1) 開始前相同(此時 空氣壓力、體積與絕對溫度分別變成 PA、VA 與 TA)。 氣體常數 R = 8.31 J/(moleK),空氣等壓比熱 Cp = 7R/2,等容比熱 Cv = 5R/2,1 cal = 4.186J,0C = 273 K。假設空氣為理想氣體,且燃料的加入 不影響引擎內的空氣。回答以下問題(提示:儘可能利用 PiVi = PfVf、Vi/Ti = Vf/Tf、Pi/Ti = Pf/Tf 等關係,非不得以不使用 PV = nRT﹔但要注意這些關 係的適用條件): (1) ****在縱軸為壓力,橫軸為體積的圖上描繪上述步驟引擎中空氣壓力 體積變化情形,並標明各步驟所涵蓋的範圍以及 A、B、C 與 D 四點。 (2) 進行步驟 (1) 前,空氣體積(VA)為何? (3) 步驟 (1) 完成時,空氣體積(VB)為何? (4) *步驟 (1) 期間,需使用多少能量進行壓縮? (5) 步驟 (2) 完成時,空氣體積變為為多少(VC)? (6) *步驟 (2) 期間,空氣對引擎作功為何? (7) 步驟 (3) 完成時,空氣壓力(PD)變成多少? (8) *步驟 (3) 期間,空氣對引擎作功為何? (9) *步驟 (4) 期間,空氣對引擎作功為何? (10)上述所有步驟完成後,空氣對引擎所作淨功 Wnet 為何? (11)*步驟 (2) 期間,引擎內空氣吸收多少熱量(Q2)?以 J 為單位。 (12)步驟 (2) 期間,引擎內空氣吸收多少熱量?以 cal 為單位。 (13)*步驟 (4) 期間,引擎內空氣放出多少熱量?以 J 為單位。 (14)步驟 (4) 期間,引擎內空氣放出多少熱量?以 cal 為單位。 (15)*引擎的效率  = Wnet/Q2 為何? 5. (8 分)人之體表面積為 1.5 m2,戶外溫度為 0 C,體溫為 37 C,全身 以厚 0.005 m 之羊毛衣覆蓋。羊毛之熱傳導係數(thermal conductivity) kw = 0.04 J/smC,空氣之熱傳導係數 ka = 0.024 J/smC (1) **體溫經羊毛衣之散失率 Q 為何? (2) ****若改穿兩件厚度各為 0.0025 m 之全身羊毛衣,兩羊毛衣之間上有 一 0.001 m 厚的空氣夾層。體溫散失率為何?(提示:如圖 3 右,令 外界空氣、空氣層外側、空氣層內側與體溫各為 T1、T2、T3 與 T4,於是 散熱率 Q= kwA(T4 – T3)/x34 = kaA (T3 – T2)/x23= kwA (T2 – T1)/x12,其中 A 為面積,xij 為各層厚度。將上式改寫成 T2 – T1 = ...Q,T3 – T2 =...Q,T4 – T3 =...Q 等再全部相加即得 T4 – T1 = ...Q ,再反推得 Q )

6. (12 分)The scuba gear consists of a 0.0250 m3 tank filled with compressed

air at an absolute pressure of 1.0 x 107 Pa. Assuming that air is consumed at a

rate of 0.0300 m3 per minute (no matter what the pressure is) and that the

temperature is the same at all depths. The pressure at the surface is assumed to be 1 x 105 Pa, and the gravity acceleration is g = 10 m/s2.


(2) *What is the volume of the air becomes after it is released from the tank at a depth of 20 m, if the temperature does not change (ispthermally)?

(3) *How long the diver can stay at a depth of 20 m? (There must be 0.0250 m3 of air left in the tank which cannot be used)

(4) *What is the pressure at a depth of 40 m?

(5) *What is the volume of the air becomes after it is released from the tank at a depth of 40 m, if the temperature does not change (ispthermally)?

(6) *How long the diver can stay at a depth of 40 m? (There must be 0.0250 m3 of air left in the tank which cannot be used)

7. (6 分)During a fireworks display, a rocket explodes high in the air. Assume that the sound spreads out uniformly in all directions and that reflections from the ground can be ignored. When the sound reaches listener 1, who is r1 = 500

m away from the explosion, the sound has an intensity of I1 = 0.04 W/m2.

(1) *What is the corresponding intensity level in decibels?

(2) *What is the sound intensity detected by listener 2, who is r2 = 100 m away

from the explosion?

(3) *What is the corresponding intensity level in decibels at r2 = 100 m away

from the explosion?

8. (6 分)*A garden hose has an unobstructed opening with a cross-sectional area of 3 x 10-4 m2, from which water fills a bucket in 25.0 s. The volume of the

bucket is 1 x 10-2 m3 (see Figure 4). Find (1) *the flow rate Q through the hose,

(2) *the speed of the water that leaves hose through the unobstructed opening and (3) *through an obstructed opening that has only half as much area.

9. (3 分)The prairie dogs maintain a difference in the shapes of two entrances to the burrow, and because of the difference, the air ( = 1.29 kg/m3) blows

past the openings at different speeds, as Figure 5 indicates. Assuming that the openings are at the same vertical level, find the difference in air pressure between the openings and indicate which way the circulates.

10. ( 9 分 ) The diaphragm of a loudspeaker moves back and forth in simple harmonic motion to create sound. The frequency of the motion is f = 500 Hz, and the amplitude is A = 1.0 x 10-4 m. Find (1) *the corresponding angular

velocity  of the frequency, (2) *the maximum acceleration and (3) *the maximum speed of the diaphragm.

1 m



圖 1 圖 2 x 人 空氣 人 空氣 x T1 T2 T3 T4 圖 3 圖 4 圖 5



1. (1) s = sw = 2.7 x 1000 = 2700 kg/m3 (2) Vs = 3 x 2 x 1 = 6 m3 (3) ms = s Vs = 6 x 2700 = 1.62 x 104 kg (4) Ws = msg = 1.62 x 104 = 1.62 x 105 N (5) i = iw = 8 x 1000 = 8000 kg/m3 (6) Ai = 10 x 5 + 2 x 5 x 1 + 2 x 10 x 1 = 80 m2 (7) Vi = 80 x 0.005 = 0.4 m3 (8) mi = i Vi = 8000 x 0.4 = 3.2 x 103 kg (9) Wi = mig = 3.2 x 103 = 3.2 x 104 N (10) Wsi = Ws + Wi = 1.62 x 105 + 3.2 x 104 = 1.94 x 105 N (11) B = Wsi = 1.94 x 105 N(力平衡) (12) Ww = B = 1.94 x 105 N(阿基米德定律) (13) mw = Ww/g = 1.94 x 105/10 = 1.94 x 104 kg (14) Vw = mw/w = 1.94 x 104 /1000 = 19.4 m3 (15) h = Vw/W/L = 19.4/10/5 = 0.388 m(排水體積/浸水面積) (16) Bmax = wgLWH = 1000 x 10 x 10 x 5 x 1 = 5 x 105 N (17) 船尚可載重量 = Bmax – Wsi = 5 x 105 - 1.94 x 105 = 3.06 x 105 N (18) 船尚可載質量 = 船尚可載重量/g = 3.06 x 105/10 = 3.06 x 104 kg (19) 浮力增加量 = 石頭排開水重 = wVsg = 1000 x 6 x 10 = 6 x 104 N (20) 船吃水體積減少量 = 石頭排水體積 = Vs = 6 m3 船吃水減少量 = Vs/W/L = 6/10/5 = 0.12 m 船吃水 = h -船吃水減少量 = 0.388 – 0.12 = 0.268 m (21) 船載重量增加量 = 浮力增加量 = 6 x 104 N (22) 船可載質量增加量 =船載重量增加量/g= 6 x 104/10 = 6 x 103 kg 2. (1) A = d2/4 =  (0.1)2/4 = 7.854 x 10-3 m2 (2) P = wgh = 1000 x 10 x 0.04 = 400 N/m2 (Pa) (3) 2 2 2 2 B a B A a A V P V P    VB = 0 VA  2(PBPA)/a  2P/a  2400/1.2 25.82m/s (4) Q = A x VB = 7.854 x 10-3 x 25.82 = 0.203 m3/s 3. (1) ms = sLA = 7860 x 0.5 x 1 x 10-5 = 0.0393 kg (2) k = YA/L = (2 x 1011) (1 x 10-5)/0.5 = 4 x 106 N/m (3) F = mg = 50 x 10 = 500 N (4) k/m 4106/50 282.8 s-1 (5) f = /(2) = 282.8/(2) = 45.0 s-1 (6) T = 1/f = 1/45 = 0.0222 s (7) A = x = F/k = 500/4 x 106 = 1.25 x 10-4 m (8) E = kx2/2 = 0.03125 J (9) vmax = A = 1.25 x 10-4 x 282.8 = 0.03536 m/s 另解: /2 /2 max / 0.03536 2 max 2 mv v A k m A kA m/s (10) amax = A2 = 1.25 x 10-4 x (282.8)2 = 10 m/s2


另解:amax = g = 10 m/s2(最大加速度發生於最大位移處,此時鋼絲彈力為 零,但有向下加速度) (11) m/s 76 . 79 5 . 0 / 0393 . 0 500 /    L m F v s (12) 橫波 (13) 1 = L/21 = 2L = 1 m (14) 2 = L2 = L = 0.5 m (15) f1 = v/1 = 79.76/1 = 79.76 s-1 (16) f2 = v/2 = 79.76/0.5 = 159.5 s-1 (17) v B/ 1.41011/78604220m/s (18) 縱波 (19) L = L0T = 1 x 12 x 10-6 x (50 - 25) = 3 x 10-4 m (20) V = V0T = V03T = 1 x 3 x 12 x 10-6 x (50 - 25) = 9 x 10-4 m-4 另解:

3 4 3 3 4 0 3 0 (1 3 10 ) 1 9 10         L L L m3 (21) P = -BV/V0 = -1.4 x 1011 x (-9 x 10-4)/1 = 1.26 x 108 Pa (N/m2) (將已熱膨脹 的體積再壓回原來體積,故 V 取負值,使用 P = -BV/V 計算亦可,V = 1 + 9 x 10-4,結果近似) 4. (1) V P A B C D 1 2 3 4 T = 300 K T = 1000 K P = 8 x 105Pa (2) VA = nRTA/PA = 0.05 x 8.31 x (27 + 273)/1 x 105 = 1.25 x 10-3 m3 (3) PAVA = PBVB (適用於 TA = TB)VB = PAVA/PB = VA/8 = 1.56 x 10-4 m3 (4) W1 = nRTAln(VB/VA) = 0.05 x 8.31 x (27 + 273) ln(1/8) = - 259 J (公式適用於等 溫過程,負值代表空氣接受能量) (5) VB/TB = VC/TC (適用於 PA = PB) VC = TCVB/TB = 1000 VB/300 = 5.19 x 10-4 m3 (6) W2 = PB(VC - VB) = 8 x 105 x (5.19 x 10-4 – 1.56 x 10-4) = 291 J (公式適用於等 壓過程) (7) PCVC = PDVD (適用於 TC = TD)且 VD = VAPD = PCVC/VA = 8 x 105 x 5.19 x 10-4/1.25 x 10-3 = 3.33 x 105 Pa (N/m2) (8) W3 = nRTCln(VD/VC) = nRTCln(VA/VC) = 0.05 x 8.31 x (727 + 273) ln(1.25 x 10 -3/5.19 x 10-4) = 364 J (公式適用於等溫過程) (9) W4 = 0 J (適用於等容過程) (10) Wnet = W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 = -259 + 291 + 364 + 0 = 396 J (11) Q2 = nCpT = 0.05 x 7 x 8.31/2 x (727 - 27) = 1020 J (12) cal 243 J 186 . 4 cal 1 J 1020 2         Q (13) Q4 = nCvT = 0.05 x 5 x 8.31/2 x (27 - 727) = -727 J (負值代表空氣放出熱 量) (15)  = Wnet/Q2 = 396/1020 = 0.388 = 38.8% 5 (1) 444W 005 . 0 0 37 5 . 1 04 . 0       dx dT A k Qw (2)              0025 . 0 5 . 1 04 . 0 001 . 0 5 . 1 024 . 0 0025 . 0 5 . 1 04 . 0 T4 T3 T3 T2 T2 T1 Q


             Q T T Q T T Q T T    0417 . 0 0278 . 0 0417 . 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 全部相加後得 T4 T1 3700.111Q  333 111 . 0 / 37   Q W 6. (1) P = P0 + wgh = 1 x 105 + 1000 x 10 x 20 = 3 x 105 N/m2 (Pa)

(2) PtankVtank = PV V = PtankVtank /P = 1 x 107 x 0.025/3 x 105 = 0.833 m3 (3) (0.833 – 0.025)/0.03 = 26.9 min

(4) P = P0 + wgh = 1 x 105 + 1000 x 10 x 40 = 5 x 105 N/m2 (Pa) (5) PtankVtank = PV V = PtankVtank /P = 1 x 107 x 0.025/5 x 105 = 0.5 m3 (6) (0.5 – 0.025)/0.03 = 15.8 min 7. (1) 106 10 1 04 . 0 log 10 12         dB (2) 1 100 500 04 . 0 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1                      r r I I r r I I W/m2 (3) 120 10 1 1 log 10 12        dB 8. (1) Q = 1 x 10-2/25 = 4 x 10-4 m3/s (2) v = Q/A = 4 x 10-4/3 x 10-4 = 1.33 m/s (3) v = Q/A = 4 x 10-4/(0.5 x 3 x 10-4) = 2.67 m/s 9.

8.5 1.1

45.8Pa(N/m ) 2 29 . 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1             v P v P P P v v P    10. (1)  = 2f = 2x 500 = 3142 s-1 (2) amax = A2 = 1.0 x 10-4x 31422 = 987 m/s2 (3) vmax = A = 1.0 x 10-4x 3142 = 0.3142 m/s


圖 1 圖 2 x 人空氣 人空氣xT1T2T3 T 4 圖 3 圖 4 圖 5



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