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Annotating Text Segments Using a Web-based Categorization Approach


Academic year: 2021

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E.A. Fox et al. (Eds.): ICADL 2005, LNCS 3815, pp. 323–331, 2005. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Categorization Approach

Hsin-Chen Chiao1, Hsiao-Tieh Pu2, and Lee-Feng Chien1 1 Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 115

{hcchiao, lfchien}@iis.sinica.edu.tw

2 Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan 106


Abstract. Conventional automatic text annotation tools mostly extract named

entities from texts and annotate them with information about persons, locations, and dates, etc. Such kind of entity type information, however, is insufficient for machines to understand the context or facts contained in the texts. This paper presents a general text categorization approach to categorize text segments into broader subject categories, such as categorizing a text string into a category of paper title in Mathematics or a category of conference name in Computer Sci-ence. Experimental results confirm its wide applicability to various digital li-brary applications.

1 Introduction

Text mining can be used to add value to unstructured data, like documents in digital library collections. [1] In general, current tools for automatic text annotation mostly extract named entities from texts and annotate them with information about persons, locations, dates and so on. [2] However, this kind of entity type information is often insufficient for machines to understand the facts contained in the texts, thus prevent-ing them from implementprevent-ing more advanced or intelligent applications, such as text mining. [3] In this paper, we try to remedy this problem by presenting a more gener-alized text categorization approach which is pursued to categorize text segments, i.e., meaningful word strings including named entities and other important text patterns such as paper titles and conference names, into broader subject categories.

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is an important technique used in many intelli-gent applications such as information extraction, question answering and text mining. The NER task consists in identifying phrases in text, which are often short in length, e.g., single words or word bigrams, into certain types such as organizations, persons and locations. To deal with such task, effective techniques are required to delimit phrases and exploit various evidences of the candidate strings to classify entities. Fewer investigations or research were found to recognize longer strings, such as paper titles and conference names, and classifying them into broader subject categories of concern. Examples include categorizing a paper title into Mathematics category or a conference name into Computer Science category. This paper addresses the problem


of text segment categorization and presents a feasible approach using the Web as an additional knowledge source.

In this paper, a text segment is defined as a meaningful word string that is often short in length and represents specific concept in a certain subject domain, such as a keyword in a document set and a natural language query from a user. Text segments are of many types, including word, phrase, named entity, natural language query, news event, product name, paper or book title, etc. Categorizing short text segments is a difficult problem given that, unlike long documents, short text segments typically don’t contain enough information to extract reliable features. For longer documents, their subject information can be represented based on the composed words and the similarities to a classifier can be estimated based on the common composed words. However, for text segments, their subject information cannot be simply judged by using the same way due to the fact that text segments are usually short and don’t con-tain enough information in the composed words. Thus, the most challenging task is to acquire proper features to characterize the text segments. For those text segments extracted from documents, e.g., key terms from documents, the source documents can be used to characterize the text segments. However, in real-world cases, such as in dealing with search engine query strings, there may not exist sufficient relevant documents to represent the target segments. In other words, the lack of domain-specific corpora to describe text segments is usually the case in reality.

Fortunately, the Web, as the largest and most accessible data repository in the world, provides rich resources to supplement the insufficiency of information suffered by various text segments. Many search engines constantly crawls Web resources and provides relevant Web pages for large amounts of free text queries consisted of single terms and longer word strings. The major idea of the proposed approach is to use the Web search result snippets to extract related contextual information as the source of features for text segments. In other words, the proposed approach incorporates the search result snippets returned from search engines into the process of acquiring fea-tures for text segments. Often there are some text segments too specific to obtain adequate search results using current keyword-matching-based search engines. This motivates our exploration of a better query processing technique, named query relaxa-tion, which is designed to acquire more relevant feature information for long text segments through a bootstrapping process of search requests to search engines. Initial experiments on categorizing paper titles into Yahoo!’s Computer Science hierarchy has been conduced and the experimental results show the potential and wide adapta-bility of the proposed approach to various applications.

2 Related Work

2.1 Named Entity Recognition

Effective techniques are required in NER to delimit phrases and exploit various evi-dences of the candidate strings to classify entities. It has been a well-accepted princi-ple that two different types of evidences, i.e., internal and external evidences, are keys in clarifying the ambiguities and improving the robustness and portability. For exam-ple, the internal evidences, such as capitalization, are features found within the


candidate string itself; while the external evidences, such as neighboring words associations, are derived by gathering the local context into which the string appears. A number of approaches have been developed for utilizing external evidences to find functional-similar words and identifying named entities. Usually these approaches rely on analysis of the considered objects’ contextual information obtained from tagged corpus. [4] Instead of using tagged corpus for categorizing word- or phrasal-level objects, the proposed approach exploits Web resources as a feature source to categorize text segments, which might be longer in length, into broader subject cate-gories. Our research assumes that the text segments are formed with a simple syntac-tic structure containing some domains-specific or unknown words. Either conven-tional syntactic sentence analysis or complete grammatical sentence analysis may not be appropriate to this case.

2.2 Text Categorization

Text categorization techniques are often used to analyze relationships among docu-ments. [5] However, as previously mentioned, there is a great difference between document categorization and text segment categorization. Documents normally con-tain more information than text segments do. The similarity between a document and a target category can be estimated based on the difference in the distribution of the words contained in document itself and the training set of the category; whereas the similarity between a short text segment and a target category cannot be estimated in this way. Further, conventional text categorization techniques assume manually-labeled corpora are ready and can be used for training process. In reality, labeling the corpus is laborious and may suffer from the problem of subjectivity. Using the Web as a corpus source proves a better alternative. Our previous work has proposed an approach to train classifiers through Web corpora to build user-defined topic hierar-chies. [6] The proposed approach in this paper extends the previous work, and fo-cuses on the text segment categorization problem.

2.3 Text Mining and Web Corpora

Our research is also related to the work concerning with the knowledge discovery in huge amounts of unstructured textual data from the Web. [7] To name a few related research here, such as automatic extraction of terms or phrases, [8] the discovery of rules for the extraction of specific information patterns, [9] and ontology construction based on semi-structured data. [10] Different from previous works, the proposed approach is to categorize text segments via mining search result pages.

3 The Approach

This section first defines the problem, and then introduces the proposed approach. Given a set of subject categories, C = {c1, c2, …, cn}, a collection of text segments

T = {t1, t2, …, tm}, and also a mapping M : T -> C that describes the correct category a

text segment is supposed to be assigned with. The major concern is to design a one-to-one mapping scheme M’: T –> C that the maximal size of the correct result set is


computational modules: feature extraction and text segment categorization. The ap-proach exploits highly ranked search result snippets retrieved from search engines as the feature sources. The feature extraction module collects features for the text seg-ment of concern. The text segseg-ment categorization module decides appropriate catego-ries for the text segment. Detailed discussion of each module is presented in the fol-lowing subsections.

3.1 Feature Extraction and Representation

To decide the similarity between a text segment and a target subject category, a repre-sentation model is necessary to describe it characteristics. As previously mentioned, a text segment cannot offer sufficient feature terms by itself. In other words, calculat-ing the distance between the text segment and a target category directly is not possi-ble. To overcome this problem, the approach sends the text segment as a query to search engines and use the returned pages as its feature source. Note that, instead of the whole page, only the snippets were used as the sources to save a large number of page accesses. The approach adopts the vector space model to describe the features of both text segments and thematic categories. Suppose that, for each query q (in fact a text segment or some Boolean expressions of category names), the approach collects up to Nmax search result snippets, denoted as SRSq. Each query can be then converted

into a bag of feature terms by applying normal text processing techniques, e.g., re-moving stop words and increasing stemming, to the contents of SRSq. Let T be the

feature term vocabulary, and ti be the i-th term in T. With a simple processing, a

query q can be represented as a term vector vq in a |T|-dimensional space, where vqi is

the weight ti in vq. The term weights in this work were determined according to one

of the conventional tf-idf term weighting schemes, in which each term weight vqi is

defined as:



= ( l + log




) x log


( n / n



where fqi is the frequency of ti occurring in vq’s corresponding feature term bag, n is

the total number of category objects, and ni is the number of category objects that

contain ti in their corresponding bags of feature terms. The similarity between a text

segment and a category object is computed as the cosine of the angle between the corresponding vectors, i.e.,



, v


) = cos(v


, v

b), 3.2 Text Segment Categorization

Given a new text segment t, the approach determines a set of categories Ct that are

considered as t’s most related categories. As discussed in previous section, the candi-date text segment t is represented as a feature vector vt. For this categorization task, a

kNN approach was used. kNN has been found to be an effective classification ap-proach to a broad range of pattern recognition and text classification problems. Using the kNN approach, a relevance score between t and candidate category object Ci is


∩ ∈


i k j R t C v j t i kNN







) ( ,






where Rk(t) represents t’s k most-similar category objects, measured by a sim function,

in the whole collection. The categories a text segment being assigned with are deter-mined by either a predefined number of most-relevant clusters or a threshold used to pick those clusters having scores higher than that of the specified threshold value. The performance evaluation of the proposed approach was mainly based on the ex-traction of five most-relevant categories as candidates.

3.3 Query Relaxation

Sometimes there exist text segments that are too specific to obtain adequate search results using current keyword-matching-based search engines. Insufficient snippets may cause the obtained information sparse and not so unreliable, and may even de-crease the relevance measurement among text segments. The case of retrieving in-adequate search results mostly occurs when dealing with long text segments, e.g., paper titles and natural language queries. Compared with a short text segment, a long segment contains more information, i.e., with more terms, and it’s rather difficult to obtain documents exactly matching all of the terms. However, as a long text segment contains more information, not all terms in the segment are equally informative to its intended topic(s). This motivates our invention of a query processing technique, named query relaxation, to acquire more relevant feature information for long text segments through a bootstrapping process of search requests to search engines.

Fig. 1. Examples of paper title and their relaxed versions

To clarify the idea of query relaxation, let’s take the title of this paper as an exam-ple of long text segment: “Annotating Text Segments Using A Web-based Categori-zation Approach.” Suppose that one needs to select a subset of terms as the query that can mostly represent the topical concept of this segment, one most probably selects those of “Annotating Text Segments.” If one needs to further reduce the sub-segment “Annotating Text Segments,” “Annotating Text” seems a better choice. Though this selection process may not be always feasible and may depend on the decisions made, the idea shows that the textual part of a long text segment can be effectively reduced or relaxed. The reduced segment represents a concept that is still close to (or usually it is broader than) the main topical concept of the original segment, and it usually can retrieve more search results due to the reduced segment holds fewer terms. The above


example suggests a possible approach in an inclusion manner, i.e., to select a subset of terms that are most informative from the given text segment. Instead of following such inclusion manner, our approach was designed in an exclusion manner. In other words, when the search results of the given text segment are not adequate, a single term is removed from the segment, and the rest form a new query to search engines. The newly retrieved search results are then augmented into the set of the original search results. For those overlapping entries, they will be deleted and not added. This relaxation process is repeated until the obtained information is considered enough. For illustration, figure 1 shows several examples of paper titles with their relaxed versions obtained using the proposed query relaxation technique.

4 Experiments

To assess the performance of the proposed approach, some initial experiments have been conducted. We used the Yahoo! Computer Science hierarchy as the subject cate-gories of concern. In the hierarchy, there are totally 36 second-level, 177 third-level, and 278 fourth-level categories, all rooted at the category of “Computer Science”. A data set consisting of the academic paper titles were collected from six computer science conferences held in 2002. The experiment tried to categorize them into the 36 first-level categories, such as “Artificial Intelligence” and “Operating Systems”. Table 1 lists the relevant information of this paper data set. For each category, we created a text classi-fier using a training corpus obtained via taking the category name itself and each of its subcategory names as a query to retrieve search result snippets respectively, which is a process similar to that of extracting feature sources for text segments.

To evaluate the categorization accuracy, each conference was assigned to the Ya-hoo! categories to which the conference was considered to belong, e.g., AAAI’02 was assigned to “Artificial Intelligence”, and all the papers from that conference were unconditionally assigned to that category. Notice that this might not be absolutely correct categorization strategy as some papers in a conference may be more related to other domains than the ones assigned. To make the experiment easier to implement, we made this straightforward assumption.

Tables 2 shows the results of the achieved top 1-5 inclusion rates, where the top n inclusion rate is the rate of the test text segments (paper titles) whose highly ranked n

Table 1. The information of the paper data set

Conference # Papers Assigned Category AAAI’02 29 CS: Artificial Intelligence

ACL’02 65 CS: Linguistics

ICML’02 87 CS: Artificial Intelligence JCL’02 69 CS: Lib. & Info. Sci.

SIGCOMM’02 25 CS: Networks


candidates contain the correct category. This experiment was conducted without using the query relaxation technique. From Table 2, it shows that the achieved accu-racy was promising.

Table 2. Top 1-5 inclusion rates for categorizing paper titles

Conference Top-1 Top-2 Top-3 Top-4 Top-5

AAAI’02 .6897 .7586 .8621 .8966 .9301 ACL’02 .5321 .7077 .7692 .8 .8153 ICML’02 .5172 .6437 .7701 .8161 .8391 JCDL’02 .2753 .4493 .4927 .5072 .5217 SIGCOMM’02 .88 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 SIGGRAPH’02 .8599 .9552 .9552 .9701 .9701 AVG .5965 .7193 .7690 .7953 .8187

Table 3 further lists some wrongly categorized examples and it can be observed that not all of the miss-categorized papers might be incorrect. In some cases, they were more related to the result subject categories than those we assigned to them. This experiment reveals a great potential of using the proposed approach to categoriz-ing paper titles and organizcategoriz-ing academic papers on the Web.

Table 3. Selected examples of miss-categorized paper titles.

It was also observed in the experiment that many paper titles were too long and the search engine did not provide a sufficient number of Web pages, which undoubtedly lowered the accuracy rate. Our study was thus interested in whether the query relaxa-tion technique could overcome this problem. We adjusted the values of Nmin and Nmax,

i.e., the minimal and maximal number of Web pages to describe the text segments, and conducted the same experiment again. Table 4 lists the archived result. Note that the result achieved without using the query relaxation technique can be taken as ap-plying query relaxation vacuously, i.e., Nmax = 100, Nmin = 0. From this table, it can be


the extent of the improvement is limited. Another interesting observation can be made from the table is that the size of the training data to describe text segments doest not necessarily bear a positive influence on the performance of our approach. Fewer pages sometimes describe a text segment more precisely – a possible conclusion con-sidering that the more pages, the more noises may occur.

Table 4. Top 1 inclusion rate applying the proposed query relaxation technique

#Snippets Nmin = 0 = 25 = 50 = 75

Nmax = 25 .6550 N/A N/A N/A

50 .6199 .6374 N/A N/A

75 .6082 .6082 .6140 N/A

100 .5965 .5965 .5965 .6082

Fig. 2. A prototype information summarization system allowing users to browse documents

with the categorized key terms and user-defined categories

The proposed approach is independent of language differences. Currently, the ap-proach has been applied to developing a system called LiveSum, which allows users to browse Chinese documents through the categorized key terms and user-defined categories. As shown in Figure 2, the system extracts key terms from documents (a set of documents collected in a digital library or retrieved from a search engine), and classifies them into user-defined categories. The corresponding classifiers can be


developed using the Web mining approach proposed by Huang, Chuang & Chien (2004). As noted, the system accepts a list of file names as given at the upper-right corner. These documents are displayed at the left part of the browser, and some key terms are extracted and classified into user-defined categories as at the lower-right corner. This provides a new way of information summarization. As the authors ob-served, it can benefit a lot when a user wants to quickly browse the important con-cepts embedded in a set of documents.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we have addressed the problem of text segment categorization and pre-sented a feasible approach dealing with the problem by using the Web as an addi-tional knowledge source. The proposed approach is able to categorize text segments into broader subject categories and is more generalized than conventional named entity recognition approaches. Some initial experiments on categorizing paper titles into Yahoo!’s Computer Science hierarchy has been conducted and the achieved ex-perimental results confirm the potential and its wide adaptability to various digital library applications.


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Table 1. The information of the paper data set
Table 2. Top 1-5 inclusion rates for categorizing paper titles
Table 4. Top 1 inclusion rate applying the proposed query relaxation technique



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