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Working Set Selection Using Second Order Information for Training Support Vector Machines


Academic year: 2021

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Working Set Selection Using Second Order Information

for Training Support Vector Machines

Rong-En Fan b90098@csie.ntu.edu.tw

Pai-Hsuen Chen r90008@csie.ntu.edu.tw

Chih-Jen Lin cjlin@csie.ntu.edu.tw

Department of Computer Science, National Taiwan University Taipei 106, Taiwan

Editor: Thorsten Joachims


Working set selection is an important step in decomposition methods for training support vector machines (SVMs). This paper develops a new technique for working set selection in SMO-type decomposition methods. It uses second order information to achieve fast con-vergence. Theoretical properties such as linear convergence are established. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is faster than existing selection methods using first order information.

Keywords: support vector machines, decomposition methods, sequential minimal

opti-mization, working set selection

1. Introduction

Support vector machines (SVMs) (Boser et al., 1992; Cortes and Vapnik, 1995) are a useful

classification method. Given instances xi, i = 1, . . . , l with labels yi ∈ {1, −1}, the main

task in training SVMs is to solve the following quadratic optimization problem: min α f (α) = 1 2α TQα − eTα subject to 0 ≤ αi≤ C, i = 1, . . . , l, (1) yTα= 0,

where e is the vector of all ones, C is the upper bound of all variables, Q is an l by l

symmetric matrix with Qij = yiyjK(xi, xj), and K(xi, xj) is the kernel function.

The matrix Q is usually fully dense and may be too large to be stored. Decomposition methods are designed to handle such difficulties (e.g., Osuna et al., 1997; Joachims, 1998; Platt, 1998; Chang and Lin, 2001). Unlike most optimization methods which update the whole vector α in each step of an iterative process, the decomposition method modifies only a subset of α per iteration. This subset, denoted as the working set B, leads to a small sub-problem to be minimized in each iteration. An extreme case is the Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) (Platt, 1998), which restricts B to have only two elements. Then in each iteration one does not require any optimization software in order to solve a simple two-variable problem. This method is sketched in the following:


Algorithm 1 (SMO-type decomposition method)

1. Find α1 as the initial feasible solution. Set k = 1.

2. If αk is an optimal solution of (1), stop. Otherwise, find a two-element working set

B = {i, j} ⊂ {1, . . . , l}. Define N ≡ {1, . . . , l}\B and αk

B and αkN to be sub-vectors

of αk corresponding to B and N , respectively.

3. Solve the following sub-problem with the variable αB:

min α B 1 2α T B (αkN)T  QBB QBN QN B QN N  αB αkN  −eT B eTN αB αkN  = 1 2α T BQBBαB+ (−eB+ QBNαkN)TαB+ constant = 1 2αi αj  Qii Qij Qij Qjj  αi αj  + (−eB+ QBNαkN)T αi αj  + constant subject to 0 ≤ αi, αj ≤ C, (2) yiαi+ yjαj = −yTNαkN, wherehQBB QBN QN BQN N i

is a permutation of the matrix Q.

4. Set αk+1B to be the optimal solution of (2) and αk+1N ≡ αk

N. Set k ← k + 1 and goto

Step 2.

Note that the set B changes from one iteration to another, but to simplify the notation, we

just use B instead of Bk.

Since only few components are updated per iteration, for difficult problems, the decom-position method suffers from slow convergences. Better methods of working set selection could reduce the number of iterations and hence are an important research issue. Existing methods mainly rely on the violation of the optimality condition, which also corresponds to first order (i.e., gradient) information of the objective function. Past optimization research indicates that using second order information generally leads to faster convergence. Now (1) is a quadratic programming problem, so second order information directly relates to the decrease of the objective function. There are several attempts (e.g., Lai et al., 2003a,b) to find working sets based on the reduction of the objective value, but these selection methods are only heuristics without convergence proofs. Moreover, as such techniques cost more than existing ones, fewer iterations may not lead to shorter training time. This paper de-velops a simple working set selection using second order information. It can be extended for indefinite kernel matrices. Experiments demonstrate that the training time is shorter than existing implementations.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we discuss existing methods of working set selection and propose a new strategy. Theoretical properties of using the new selection technique are in Section 3. In Section 4 we extend the proposed selection method to other SVM formulas such as ν-SVM. A detailed experiment is in Section 5. We then in Section 6 discuss and compare some variants of the proposed selection method. Finally, Section 7 concludes this research work. A pseudo code of the proposed method is in the Appendix.


2. Existing and New Working Set Selections

In this section, we discuss existing methods of working set selection and then propose a new approach.

2.1 Existing Selections

Currently a popular way to select the working set B is via the “maximal violating pair:” WSS 1 (Working set selection via the “maximal violating pair”)

1. Select i ∈ arg max t {−yt∇f (α k) t| t ∈ Iup(αk)}, j ∈ arg min t {−yt∇f (α k) t| t ∈ Ilow(αk)}, where Iup(α) ≡ {t | αt< C, yt= 1 or αt> 0, yt= −1}, and Ilow(α) ≡ {t | αt< C, yt= −1 or αt> 0, yt= 1}. (3) 2. Return B = {i, j}.

This working set was first proposed in Keerthi et al. (2001) and is used in, for example, the software LIBSVM (Chang and Lin, 2001). WSS 1 can be derived through the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality condition of (1): A vector α is a stationary point of (1) if and only if there is a number b and two nonnegative vectors λ and µ such that

∇f (α) + by = λ − µ,

λiαi= 0, µi(C − αi) = 0, λi ≥ 0, µi ≥ 0, i = 1, . . . , l,

where ∇f (α) ≡ Qα − e is the gradient of f (α). This condition can be rewritten as

∇f (α)i+ byi ≥ 0 if αi < C, (4)

∇f (α)i+ byi ≤ 0 if αi > 0. (5)

Since yi= ±1, by defining Iup(α) and Ilow(α) as in (3), and rewriting (4)-(5) to

−yi∇f (α)i ≤ b, ∀i ∈ Iup(α), and

−yi∇f (α)i ≥ b, ∀i ∈ Ilow(α),

a feasible α is a stationary point of (1) if and only if

m(α) ≤ M (α), (6)


m(α) ≡ max


−yi∇f (α)i, and M (α) ≡ min


−yi∇f (α)i.

Note that m(α) and M (α) are well defined except a rare situation where all yi = 1 (or

−1). In this case the zero vector is the only feasible solution of (1), so the decomposition method stops at the first iteration.


Definition 1 (Violating pair) If i ∈ Iup(α), j ∈ Ilow(α), and −yi∇f (α)i> −yj∇f (α)j,

then {i, j} is a “violating pair.”

From (6), indices {i, j} which most violate the optimality condition are a natural choice of the working set. They are called a “maximal violating pair” in WSS 1. It is known that violating pairs are important in the working set selection:

Theorem 2 (Hush and Scovel, 2003) Assume Q is positive semi-definite. SMO-type

methods have the strict decrease of the function value (i.e., f (αk+1) < f (αk), ∀k) if and

only if B is a violating pair.

Interestingly, the maximal violating pair is related to first order approximation of f (α). As explained below, {i, j} selected via WSS 1 satisfies

{i, j} = arg min

B:|B|=2Sub(B), (7) where Sub(B) ≡ min dB ∇f (α k)T BdB (8a) subject to yBTdB= 0, dt≥ 0, if αkt = 0, t ∈ B, (8b) dt≤ 0, if αkt = C, t ∈ B, (8c) −1 ≤ dt≤ 1, t ∈ B. (8d)

Problem (7) was first considered in Joachims (1998). By defining dT ≡ [dT

B, 0TN], the

objective function (8a) comes from minimizing first order approximation of f (αk+ d):

f (αk+ d) ≈ f (αk) + ∇f (αk)Td

= f (αk) + ∇f (αk)T


The constraint yT

BdB= 0 is from yT(αk+d) = 0 and yTαk= 0. The condition 0 ≤ αt≤ C

leads to inequalities (8b) and (8c). As (8a) is a linear function, the inequalities −1 ≤ dt≤

1, t ∈ B avoid that the objective value goes to −∞.

A first look at (7) indicates that we may have to check all 2l B’s in order to find an

optimal set. Instead, WSS 1 efficiently solves (7) in O(l) steps. This result is discussed in Lin (2001a, Section II), where more general settings (|B| is any even integer) are considered. The proof for |B| = 2 is easy, so we give it in Appendix A for completeness.

The convergence of the decomposition method using WSS 1 is proved in Lin (2001a, 2002).

2.2 A New Working Set Selection

Instead of using first order approximation, we may consider more accurate second order information. As f is a quadratic, f (αk+ d) − f (αk) = ∇f (αk)Td +1 2d T2f (αk)d = ∇f (αk)TBdB+ 1 2d T B∇2f (αk)BBdB (9)


is exactly the reduction of the objective value. Thus, by replacing the objective function of (8) with (9), a selection method using second order information is

min B:|B|=2Sub(B), (10) where Sub(B) ≡ min dB 1 2d T B∇2f (αk)BBdB+ ∇f (αk)TBdB (11a) subject to yTBdB= 0, (11b) dt≥ 0, if αkt = 0, t ∈ B, (11c) dt≤ 0, if αkt = C, t ∈ B. (11d)

Note that inequality constraints −1 ≤ dt ≤ 1, t ∈ B in (8) are removed, as later we will

see that the optimal value of (11) does not go to −∞. Though one expects (11) is better

than (8), minB:|B|=2Sub(B) in (10) becomes a challenging task. Unlike (7)-(8), which can

be efficiently solved by WSS 1, for (10) and (11) there is no available way to avoid checking

all 2l B’s. Note that except the working set selection, the main task per decomposition

iteration is on calculating the two kernel columns Qti and Qtj, t = 1, . . . , l. This requires

O(l) operations and is needed only if Q is not stored. Therefore, each iteration can become

l times more expensive if an O(l2) working set selection is used. Moreover, from simple

experiments we know that the number of iterations is, however, not decreased l times.

Therefore, an O(l2) working set selection is impractical.

A viable implementation of using second order information is thus to heuristically check several B’s only. We propose the following new selection:

WSS 2 (Working set selection using second order information) 1. Select

i ∈ arg max

t {−yt∇f (α


t| t ∈ Iup(αk)}.

2. Consider Sub(B) defined in (11) and select j ∈ arg min

t {Sub({i, t}) | t ∈ Ilow(α

k), −y

t∇f (αk)t< −yi∇f (αk)i}. (12)

3. Return B = {i, j}.

By using the same i as in WSS 1, we check only O(l) possible B’s to decide j. Alternatively,

one may choose j ∈ arg M (αk) and search for i by a way similar to (12)1. In fact, such a

selection is the same as swapping labels y first and then applying WSS 2, so the performance should not differ much. It is certainly possible to consider other heuristics, and the main

concern is how good they are if compared to the one by fully checking all 2l

sets. In Section 7 we will address this issue. Experiments indicate that a full check does not reduce iterations of using WSS 2 much. Thus WSS 2 is already a very good way of using second order information.

1. To simplify the notations, we denote arg M (α) as arg mint∈Ilow(α)−yt∇f(α)t and arg m(α) as


Despite the above issue of how to effectively use second order information, the real challenge is whether the new WSS 2 can cause shorter training time than WSS 1. Now the two selection methods differ only in selecting j, so we can also consider WSS 2 as a direct attempt to improve WSS 1. The following theorem shows that one could efficiently solve (11), so the working set selection WSS 2 does not cost a lot more than WSS 1.

Theorem 3 If B = {i, j} is a violating pair and Kii+ Kjj− 2Kij > 0, then (11) has the

optimal objective value

−(−yi∇f (α


i+ yj∇f (αk)j)2

2(Kii+ Kjj− 2Kij)


Proof Define ˆdi≡ yidi and ˆdj ≡ yjdj. From yTBdB = 0, we have ˆdi = − ˆdj and

1 2di dj Qii Qij Qij Qjj  di dj  +∇f (αk) i ∇f (αk)j  di dj  = 1 2(Kii+ Kjj− 2Kij) ˆd 2 j + (−yi∇f (αk)i+ yj∇f (αk)j) ˆdj. (13)

Since Kii+ Kjj− 2Kij > 0 and B is a violating pair, we can define

aij ≡ Kii+ Kjj− 2Kij > 0 and bij ≡ −yi∇f (αk)i+ yj∇f (αk)j > 0. (14)

Then (13) has the minimum at ˆ dj = − ˆdi = − bij aij < 0, (15) and

the objective function (11a) = − b

2 ij



Moreover, we can show that ˆdi and ˆdj (di and dj) indeed satisfy (11c)-(11d). If

j ∈ Ilow(αk), αkj = 0 implies yj = −1 and hence dj = yjdˆj > 0, a condition required

by (11c). Other cases are similar. Thus ˆdi and ˆdi defined in (15) are optimal for (11).

Note that if K is positive definite, then for any i 6= j, Kii+ Kjj − 2Kij > 0. Using

Theorem 3, (12) in WSS 2 is reduced to a very simple form: j ∈ arg min t  −b 2 it ait

| t ∈ Ilow(αk), −yt∇f (αk)t< −yi∇f (αk)i


where aitand bitare defined in (14). If K is not positive definite, the leading coefficient aij

of (13) may be non-positive. This situation will be addressed in the next sub-section. Note that (8) and (11) are used only for selecting the working set, so they do not have

to maintain the feasibility 0 ≤ αk

i + di ≤ C, ∀i ∈ B. On the contrary, feasibility must

hold for the sub-problem (2) used to obtain αk+1 after B is determined. There are some

earlier attempts to use second order information for selecting working sets (e.g., Lai et al., 2003a,b), but they always check the feasibility. Then solving sub-problems during the


selection procedure is more complicated than solving the sub-problem (11). Besides, these earlier approaches do not provide any convergence analysis. In Section 6 we will investigate the issue of maintaining feasibility in the selection procedure, and explain why using (11) is better.

2.3 Non-Positive Definite Kernel Matrices

Theorem 3 does not hold if Kii+ Kjj − 2Kij ≤ 0. For the linear kernel, sometimes K is

only positive semi-definite, so it is possible that Kii+ Kjj − 2Kij = 0. Moreover, some

existing kernel functions (e.g., sigmoid kernel) are not the inner product of two vectors, so

K is even not positive semi-definite. Then Kii+ Kjj− 2Kij < 0 may occur and (13) is a

concave objective function.

Once B is decided, the same difficulty occurs for the sub-problem (2) to obtain αk+1.

Note that (2) differs from (11) only in constraints; (2) strictly requires the feasibility 0 ≤ αi+

di ≤ C, ∀t ∈ B. Therefore, (2) also has a concave objective function if Kii+ Kjj− 2Kij < 0.

In this situation, (2) may possess multiple local minima. Moreover, there are difficulties in proving the convergence of the decomposition methods (Palagi and Sciandrone, 2005; Chen et al., 2006). Thus, Chen et al. (2006) proposed adding an additional term to (2)’s

objective function if aij ≡ Kii+ Kjj− 2Kij ≤ 0: min αi,αj 1 2αi αj Qii Qij Qij Qjj  αi αj  + (−eB+ QBNαkN)T  αi αj  + τ − aij 4 ((αi− α k i)2+ (αj − αkj)2) subject to 0 ≤ αi, αj ≤ C, (16) yiαi+ yjαj = −yTNαkN,

where τ is a small positive number. By defining ˆdi ≡ yi(αi− αki) and ˆdj ≡ yj(αj − αkj),

(16)’s objective function, in a form similar to (13), is 1

2τ ˆd


j + bijdˆj, (17)

where bij is defined as in (14). The new objective function is thus strictly convex. If {i, j}

is a violating pair, then a careful check shows that there is ˆdj < 0 which leads to a negative

value in (17) and maintains the feasibility of (16). Therefore, we can find αk+1 6= αk

satisfying f (αk+1) < f (αk). More details are in Chen et al. (2006).

For selecting the working set, we consider a similar modification: If B = {i, j} and aij

is defined as in (14), then (11) is modified to: Sub(B) ≡ min dB 1 2d T B∇2f (αk)BBdB+ ∇f (αk)TBdB+ τ − aij 4 (d 2 i + d2j) subject to constraints of (11). (18)

Note that (18) differs from (16) only in constraints. In (18) we do not maintain the feasibility

of αk

t + dt, t ∈ B. We are allowed to do so because (18) is used only for identifying the


By reformulating (18) to (17) and following the same argument in Theorem 3, the optimal objective value of (18) is


2 ij


Therefore, a generalized working set selection is as the following: WSS 3

(Working set selection using second order information: any symmetric K)

1. Define ats and bts as in (14), and

¯ ats≡  ats if ats > 0, τ otherwise. (19) Select i ∈ arg max t {−yt∇f (α k) t| t ∈ Iup(αk)}, j ∈ arg min t  −b 2 it ¯ ait

| t ∈ Ilow(αk), −yt∇f (αk)t< −yi∇f (αk)i

. (20)

2. Return B = {i, j}.

In summary, an SMO-type decomposition method using WSS 3 for the working set selection is:

Algorithm 2 (An SMO-type decomposition method using WSS 3)

1. Find α1 as the initial feasible solution. Set k = 1.

2. If αk is a stationary point of (1), stop. Otherwise, find a working set B = {i, j} by

WSS 3.

3. Let aij be defined as in (14). If aij > 0, solve the sub-problem (2). Otherwise, solve

(16). Set αk+1B to be the optimal point of the sub-problem.

4. Set αk+1N ≡ αk

N. Set k ← k + 1 and goto Step 2.

In the next section we study theoretical properties of using WSS 3.

3. Theoretical Properties

To obtain theoretical properties of using WSS 3, we consider the work (Chen et al., 2006), which gives a general study of SMO-type decomposition methods. It considers Algorithm

2 but replaces WSS 3 with a general working set selection2:

WSS 4 (A general working set selection discussed in Chen et al., 2006) 1. Consider a fixed 0 < σ ≤ 1 for all iterations.

2. In fact, Chen et al. (2006) consider an even more general framework for selecting working sets, but for easy description, we discuss WSS 4 here.


2. Select any i ∈ Iup(αk), j ∈ Ilow(αk) satisfying

− yi∇f (αk)i+ yj∇f (αk)j ≥ σ(m(αk) − M (αk)) > 0. (21)

3. Return B = {i, j}.

Clearly (21) ensures the quality of the selected pair by linking it to the maximal violating pair. It is easy to see that WSS 3 is a special case of WSS 4: Assume B = {i, j} is the set

returned from WSS 3 and ¯j ∈ arg M (αk). Since WSS 3 selects i ∈ arg m(αk), with ¯a

ij > 0

and ¯aj > 0, (20) in WSS 3 implies

−(−yi∇f (αk)i+ yj∇f (αk)j)2 ¯ aij ≤ −(m(α k) − M (αk))2 ¯ aj . Thus, −yi∇f (αk)i+ yj∇f (αk)j ≥ s mint,s¯at,s maxt,s¯at,s (m(αk) − M (αk)),

an inequality satisfying (21) for σ =pmint,sa¯t,s/ maxt,sa¯t,s.

Therefore, all theoretical properties proved in Chen et al. (2006) hold here. They are listed below.

It is known that the decomposition method may not converge to an optimal solution if using improper methods of working set selection. We thus must prove that the proposed selection leads to the convergence.

Theorem 4 (Asymptotic convergence (Chen et al., 2006, Theorem 3 and Corol-lary 1))

Let {αk} be the infinite sequence generated by the SMO-type method Algorithm 2. Then

any limit point of {αk} is a stationary point of (1). Moreover, if Q is positive definite,

{αk} globally converges to the unique minimum of (1).

As the decomposition method only asymptotically approaches an optimum, in practice, it is terminated after satisfying a stopping condition. For example, we can pre-specify a small tolerance ǫ > 0 and check if the maximal violation is small enough:

m(αk) − M (αk) ≤ ǫ. (22)

Alternatively, one may check if the selected working set {i, j} satisfies

− yi∇f (αk)i+ yj∇f (αk)j ≤ ǫ, (23)

because (21) implies m(αk) − M (αk) ≤ ǫ/σ. These are reasonable stopping criteria due to

their closeness to the optimality condition (6). To avoid an infinite loop, we must have that under any ǫ > 0, Algorithm 2 stops in a finite number of iterations. The finite termination of using (22) or (23) as the stopping condition is implied by (26) of Theorem 5 stated below. Shrinking and caching (Joachims, 1998) are two effective techniques to make the decom-position method faster. The former removes some bounded components during iterations, so smaller reduced problems are considered. The latter allocates some memory space (called

cache) to store recently used Qij, and may significantly reduce the number of kernel


Theorem 5 (Finite termination and explanation of caching and shrinking tech-niques (Chen et al., 2006, Theorems 4 and 6))

Assume Q is positive semi-definite.

1. The following set is independent of any optimal solution ¯α:

I ≡ {i | −yi∇f ( ¯α)i> M ( ¯α) or − yi∇f ( ¯α)i < m( ¯α)}. (24)

Problem (1) has unique and bounded optimal solutions at αi, i ∈ I.

2. Assume Algorithm 2 generates an infinite sequence {αk}. There is ¯k such that after

k ≥ ¯k, every αk

i, i ∈ I has reached the unique and bounded optimal solution. It remains

the same in all subsequent iterations and ∀k ≥ ¯k:

i 6∈ {t | M (αk) ≤ −yt∇f (αk)t≤ m(αk)}. (25)

3. If (1) has an optimal solution ¯α satisfying m( ¯α) < M ( ¯α), then ¯α is the unique

solution and Algorithm 2 reaches it in a finite number of iterations.

4. If {αk} is an infinite sequence, then the following two limits exist and are equal:



k) = lim

k→∞M (α

k) = m( ¯α) = M ( ¯α), (26)

where ¯α is any optimal solution.

Finally, the following theorem shows that Algorithm 2 is linearly convergent under some assumptions:

Theorem 6 (Linear convergence (Chen et al., 2006, Theorem 8)) Assume problem (1) satisfies

1. Q is positive definite. Therefore, (1) has a unique optimal solution ¯α.

2. The nondegenency condition. That is, the optimal solution ¯α satisfies that

∇f ( ¯α)i+ ¯byi = 0 if and only if 0 < ¯αi < C, (27)

where ¯b = m( ¯α) = M ( ¯α) according to Theorem 5.

For the sequence {αk} generated by Algorithm 2, there are c < 1 and ¯k such that for all

k ≥ ¯k,

f (αk+1) − f ( ¯α) ≤ c(f (αk) − f ( ¯α)).

This theorem indicates how fast the SMO-type method Algorithm 2 converges. For any

fixed problem (1) and a given tolerance ǫ, there is ¯k such that within


k + O(1/ǫ) iterations,

|f (αk) − f ( ¯α)| ≤ ǫ.

Note that O(1/ǫ) iterations are necessary for decomposition methods according to the

anal-ysis in Lin (2001b)3. Hence the result of linear convergence here is already the best worst

case analysis.

3. Lin (2001b) gave a three-variable example and explained that the SMO-type method using WSS 1 is linearly convergent. A careful check shows that the same result holds for any method of working set selection.


4. Extensions

The proposed WSS 3 can be directly used for training support vector regression (SVR) and one-class SVM because they solve problems similar to (1). More detailed discussion about applying WSS 4 (and hence WSS 3) to SVR and one-class SVM is in Chen et al. (2006, Section IV).

Another formula which needs special attention is ν-SVM (Sch¨olkopf et al., 2000), which solves a problem with one more linear constraint:

min α f (α) = 1 2α T subject to yTα= 0, (28) eTα= ν, 0 ≤ αi ≤ 1/l, i = 1, . . . , l,

where e is the vector of all ones and 0 ≤ ν ≤ 1.

Similar to (6), α is a stationary point of (28) if and only if it satisfies

mp(α) ≤ Mp(α) and mn(α) ≤ Mn(α), (29)


mp(α) ≡ max


−yi∇f (α)i, Mp(α) ≡ min


−yi∇f (α)i, and

mn(α) ≡ max


−yi∇f (α)i, Mn(α) ≡ min


−yi∇f (α)i.

A detailed derivation is in, for example, Chen et al. (2006, Section VI).

In an SMO-type method for ν-SVM the selected working set B = {i, j} must satisfy

yi = yj. Otherwise, if yi 6= yj, then the two linear equalities make the sub-problem have

only one feasible point αk

B. Therefore, to select the working set, one considers positive (i.e.,

yi = 1) and negative (i.e., yi = −1) instances separately. Existing implementations such as

LIBSVM(Chang and Lin, 2001) check violating pairs in each part and select the one with

the largest violation. This strategy is an extension of WSS 1. By a derivation similar to that in Section 2, the selection can also be from first or second order approximation of the objective function. Using Sub({i, j}) defined in (11), WSS 2 in Section 2 is modified to WSS 5 (Extending WSS 2 for ν-SVM) 1. Find ip∈ arg mp(αk), jp∈ arg min t {Sub({ip, t}) | yt= 1, αt∈ Ilow(α k), −y t∇f (αk)t< −yip∇f (α k) ip}. 2. Find in∈ arg mn(αk), jn∈ arg min t {Sub({in, t}) | yt= −1, αt∈ Ilow(α k), −y t∇f (αk)t< −yin∇f (α k) in}.


Problem #data #feat. Problem #data #feat. Problem #data #feat.

image 1,300 18 breast-cancer 690 10 abalone∗ 1,000 8

splice 1,000 60 diabetes 768 8 cadata∗ 1,000 8

tree 700 18 fourclass 862 2 cpusmall∗ 1,000 12

a1a 1,605 119 german.numer 1,000 24 mg 1,385 6

australian 683 14 w1a 2,477 300 space ga∗ 1,000 6

Table 1: Data statistics for small problems (left two columns: classification, right column:

regression). ∗: subset of the original problem.

3. Check Sub({ip, jp}) and Sub({in, jn}). Return the set with a smaller value.

By Theorem 3 in Section 2, it is easy to solve Sub({ip, t}) and Sub({in, t}) in the above


5. Experiments

In this section we aim at comparing the proposed WSS 3 with WSS 1, which selects the maximal violating pair. As indicated in Section 2, they differ only in finding the second element j: WSS 1 checks first order approximation of the objective function, but WSS 3 uses second order information.

5.1 Data and Experimental Settings

First, some small data sets (around 1,000 samples) including ten binary classification and five regression problems are investigated under various settings. Secondly, observations are further confirmed by using four large (more than 30,000 instances) classification problems. Data statistics are in Tables 1 and 3.

Problems german.numer and australian are from the Statlog collection (Michie et al., 1994). We select space ga and cadata from StatLib (http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets). The data sets image, diabetes, covtype, breast-cancer, and abalone are from the UCI ma-chine learning repository (Blake and Merz, 1998). Problems a1a and a9a are compiled in Platt (1998) from the UCI “adult” data set. Problems w1a and w8a are also from Platt (1998). The tree data set was originally used in Bailey et al. (1993). The problem mg is a Mackey-Glass time series. The data sets cpusmall and splice are from the Delve archive

(http://www.cs.toronto.edu/∼delve). Problem fourclass is from Ho and Kleinberg (1996)

and we further transform it to a two-class set. The problem IJCNN1 is from the first problem of IJCNN 2001 challenge (Prokhorov, 2001).

For most data sets each attribute is linearly scaled to [−1, 1]. We do not scale a1a, a9a, w1a, and w8a as they take two values 0 and 1. Another exception is covtype, in which 44 of 54 features have 0/1 values. We scale only the other ten features to [0, 1]. All data are available

at http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/∼cjlin/libsvmtools/. We use LIBSVM (version 2.71)

(Chang and Lin, 2001), an implementation of WSS 1, for experiments. An easy modification to WSS 3 ensures that two codes differ only in the working set implementation. We set


Different SVM parameters such as C in (1) and kernel parameters affect the training time. It is difficult to evaluate the two methods under every parameter setting. To have a fair comparison, we simulate how one uses SVM in practice and consider the following procedure:

1. “Parameter selection” step: Conduct five-fold cross validation to find the best one within a given set of parameters.

2. “Final training” step: Train the whole set with the best parameter to obtain the final model.

For each step we check time and iterations using the two methods of working set selection. For some extreme parameters (e.g., very large or small values) in the “parameter selection” step, the decomposition method converges very slowly, so the comparison shows if the proposed WSS 3 saves time under difficult situations. On the other hand, the best parameter usually locates in a more normal region, so the “final training” step tests if WSS 3 is competitive with WSS 1 for easier cases.

The behavior of using different kernels is a concern, so we thoroughly test four commonly used kernels: 1. RBF kernel: K(xi, xj) = e−γkxi−xjk 2 . 2. Linear kernel: K(xi, xj) = xTi xj. 3. Polynomial kernel: K(xi, xj) = (γ(xTi xj+ 1))d. 4. Sigmoid kernel: K(xi, xj) = tanh(γxTi xj+ d).

Note that this function cannot be represented as φ(xi)Tφ(xj) under some parameters.

Then the matrix Q is not positive semi-definite. Experimenting with this kernel tests if our extension to indefinite kernels in Section 2.3 works well or not.

Parameters used for each kernel are listed in Table 2. Note that as SVR has an additional parameter ǫ, to save the running time, for other parameters we may not consider as many values as in classification.

It is important to check how WSS 3 performs after incorporating shrinking and caching strategies. Such techniques may effectively save kernel evaluations at each iteration, so the higher cost of WSS 3 is a concern. We consider various settings:

1. With or without shrinking.

2. Different cache size: First a 40MB cache allows the whole kernel matrix to be stored in the computer memory. Second, we allocate only 100K, so cache misses may happen and more kernel evaluations are needed. The second setting simulates the training of large-scale sets whose kernel matrices cannot be stored.


Kernel Problem type log2C log2γ log2ǫ d RBF Classification −5, 15, 2 3, −15, −2 Regression −1, 15, 2 3, −15, −2 −8, −1, 1 Linear Classification −3, 5, 2 Regression −3, 5, 2 −8, −1, 1 Polynomial Classification −3, 5, 2 −5, −1, 1 2, 4, 1 Regression −3, 5, 2 −5, −1, 1 −8, −1, 1 2, 4, 1 Sigmoid Classification −3, 12, 3 −12, 3, 3 −2.4, 2.4, 0.6 Regression −3, 9, 3 γ = 1 #features −8, −1, 3 −2.4, 2.4, 0.6

Table 2: Parameters used for various kernels: values of each parameter are from a uniform discretization of an interval. We list the left, right end points and the space for

discretization. For example, −5, 15, 2 for log2C means log2C = −5, −3, . . . , 15.

For each kernel, we give two figures showing results of “parameter selection” and “final training” steps, respectively. We further separate each figure to two scenarios: without/with shrinking, and present three ratios between using WSS 3 and using WSS 1:

ratio 1 ≡ # iter. by Alg. 2 with WSS 3

# iter. by Alg. 2 with WSS 1,

ratio 2 ≡ time by Alg. 2 (WSS 3, 100K cache)

time by Alg. 2 (WSS 1, 100K cache),

ratio 3 ≡ time by Alg. 2 (WSS 3, 40M cache)

time by Alg. 2 (WSS 1, 40M cache).

Note that the number of iterations is independent of the cache size. For the “parameter selection” step, time (or iterations) of all parameters is summed up before calculating the ratio. In general the “final training” step is very fast, so the timing result may not be accurate. Hence we repeat this step several times to obtain more reliable timing values. Figures 1-8 present obtained ratios. They are in general smaller than one, so using WSS 3 is really better than using WSS 1. Before describing other results, we explain an interesting observation: In these figures, if shrinking is not used, in general

ratio 1 ≤ ratio 2 ≤ ratio 3. (30)

Under the two very different cache sizes, one is too small to store the kernel matrix, but the other is large enough. Thus, roughly we have

time per Alg. 2 iteration (100K cache) ≈ Calculating two Q columns + Selection, time per Alg. 2 iteration (40M cache) ≈ Selection.

(31) If shrinking is not used, the optimization problem is not reduced and hence

time by Alg. 2


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg

Ratio Data sets time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg


Data sets

time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter

Figure 1: Iteration and time ratios between WSS 3 and 1 using the RBF kernel for the “parameter selection” step (top: without shrinking, bottom: with shrinking).

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg

Ratio Data sets time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg


Data sets

time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter

Figure 2: Iteration and time ratios between WSS 3 and 1 using the RBF kernel for the “final training” step (top: without shrinking, bottom: with shrinking).


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg

Ratio Data sets time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg


Data sets

time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter

Figure 3: Iteration and time ratios between WSS 3 and 1 using the linear kernel for the “parameter selection” step (top: without shrinking, bottom: with shrinking).

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg

Ratio Data sets time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg


Data sets

time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter

Figure 4: Iteration and time ratios between WSS 3 and 1 using the linear kernel for the “final training” step (top: without shrinking, bottom: with shrinking).


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg

Ratio Data sets time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg


Data sets

time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter

Figure 5: Iteration and time ratios between WSS 3 and 1 using the polynomial kernel for the “parameter selection” step (top: without shrinking, bottom: with shrinking).

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg

Ratio Data sets time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg


Data sets

time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter

Figure 6: Iteration and time ratios between WSS 3 and 1 using the polynomial kernel for the “final training” step (top: without shrinking, bottom: with shrinking).


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg

Ratio Data sets time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg


Data sets

time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter

Figure 7: Iteration and time ratios between WSS 3 and 1 using the sigmoid kernel for the “parameter selection” step (top: without shrinking, bottom: with shrinking).

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg

Ratio Data sets time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancerdiabetes fourclass german.numerw1a abalone cadata cpusmall space_ga mg


Data sets

time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter

Figure 8: Iteration and time ratios between WSS 3 and 1 using the sigmoid kernel for the “final training” step (top: without shrinking, bottom: with shrinking).


RBF kernel Linear kernel

Shrinking No-Shrinking Shrinking No-Shrinking

Problem #data #feat. Iter. Time Iter. Time Iter. Time Iter. Time

a9a 32,561 123 0.73 0.92 0.75 0.93 0.86 0.92 0.88 0.95

w8a 49,749 300 0.48 0.72 0.50 0.81 0.47 0.90 0.53 0.79

IJCNN1 49,990 22 0.09 0.68 0.11 0.43 0.37 0.91 0.41 0.74

covtype∗ 100,000 54 0.37 0.90 0.37 0.76 0.19 0.59 0.22 0.52

Table 3: Large problems: Iteration and time ratios between WSS 3 and WSS 1 for the

16-point parameter selection. ∗: subset of a two-class data transformed from the

original multi-class problem.

Since WSS 3 costs more than WSS 1, with (31),

1 ≤ time per Alg. 2 iteration (WSS 3, 100K cache)

time per Alg. 2 iteration (WSS 1, 100K cache)

≤ time per Alg. 2 iteration (WSS 3, 40M cache)

time per Alg. 2 iteration (WSS 1, 40M cache).

This and (32) then imply (30). When shrinking is incorporated, the cost per iteration varies and (32) may not hold. Thus, though the relationship (30) in general still holds, there are more exceptions.

With the above analysis, our main observations and conclusions from Figures 1-8 are in the following:

1. Using WSS 3 significantly reduces the number of iterations. The reduction is more dramatic for the “parameter selection” step, where some points have slow convergence. 2. The new method is in general faster. Using a smaller cache gives better improvement. When the cache is not enough to store the whole kernel matrix, kernel evaluations are the main cost per iteration. Thus the time reduction is closer to the iteration reduction. This property hints that WSS 3 is useful on large-scale sets for which kernel matrices are too huge to be stored.

3. The implementation without shrinking gives better timing improvement than that with, even though they have similar iteration reduction. Shrinking successfully reduces the problem size and hence the memory use. Then similar to having enough cache, the time reduction does not match that of iterations due to the higher cost on selecting the working set per iteration. Therefore, results in Figures 1-8 indicate that with effective shrinking and caching implementations, it is difficult to have a new selection rule systematically surpassing WSS 1. The superior performance of WSS 3 thus makes important progress in training SVMs.

Next we experiment with large classification sets by a similar procedure. As the parame-ter selection is time consuming, we first use 10% training instances to identify a small region of good parameters. Then a 16-point search using the whole set is performed. The cache


size is 350M except 800M for covtype. We experiment with RBF and linear kernels. Table 3 gives iteration and time ratios of conducting the 16-point parameter selection. Similar to results for small problems, the number of iterations using WSS 3 is much smaller than that of using WSS 1. The training time of using WSS 3 is also shorter.

6. Maintaining Feasibility in Sub-problems for Working Set Selections

In Section 2, both the linear sub-problem (8) and quadratic sub-problem (11) do not require

αk+ d to be feasible. One may wonder if enforcing the feasibility gives a better working set

and hence leads to faster convergence. In this situation, the quadratic sub-problem becomes Sub(B) ≡ min dB 1 2d T B∇2f (αk)BBdB+ ∇f (αk)TBdB subject to yTBdB= 0, (33) −αkt ≤ dt≤ C − αkt, ∀t ∈ B.

For example, from some candidate pairs, Lai et al. (2003a,b) select the one with the smallest value of (33) as the working set. To check the effect of using (33), here we replace (11) in WSS 2 with (33) and compare it with the original WSS 2.

From (9), a nice property of using (33) is that Sub(B) equals the decrease of the objective

function f by moving from αkto another feasible point αk+d. In fact, once B is determined,

(33) is also the sub-problem (2) used in Algorithm 1 to obtain αk+1. Therefore, we use the

same sub-problem for both selecting the working set and obtaining the next iteration αk+1.

One may think that such a selection method is better as it leads to the largest function value reduction while maintaining the feasibility. However, solving (33) is more expensive than (11) since checking the feasibility requires additional effort. To be more precise, if

B = {i, j}, using ˆdj = − ˆdi = yjdj = −yidi and a derivation similar to (13), we now must

minimize 12¯aijdˆ2j + bijdˆj under the constraints

− αk

j ≤ dj = yjdˆj ≤ C − αkj and − αik≤ di = −yidˆj ≤ C − αki. (34)

As the minimum of the objective function happens at −bij/¯aij, to have a solution satisfying

(34), we multiply it by −yi and check the second constraint. Next, by dj = −yiyjdi, we

check the first constraint. Equation (20) in WSS 3 is thus modified to

j ∈ arg min


 1 2a¯itdˆ


t + bitdˆt| t ∈ Ilow(αk), −yt∇f (αk)t< −yi∇f (αk)i,


dt= ytmax(−αkt, min(C − αkt, −ytyimax(−αki, min(C − αki, yibit/¯ait))))

o .


Clearly (35) requires more operations than (20).

In this section, we prove that under some minor assumptions, in final iterations, solving (11) in WSS 2 is the same as solving (33). This result and experiments then indicate that there is no need to use the more sophisticated sub-problem (33) for selecting working sets.


0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

image splice tree a1a australianbreast-cancerdiabetesfourclassgerman.numerw1a abalonecadata cpusmallspace_gamg


Data sets

time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter

(a) The “parameter selection” step without shrinking

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

image splice tree a1a australianbreast-cancerdiabetesfourclassgerman.numerw1a abalonecadata cpusmallspace_gamg


Data sets

time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter

(b) The “final training” step without shrinking

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

image splice tree a1a australianbreast-cancerdiabetesfourclassgerman.numerw1a abalonecadata cpusmallspace_gamg


Data sets

time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter

(c) The “parameter selection” step with shrinking

0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

image splice tree a1a australianbreast-cancerdiabetesfourclassgerman.numerw1a abalonecadata cpusmallspace_gamg


Data sets

time (40M cache) time (100K cache) total #iter

(d) The “final training” step with shrinking Figure 9: Iteration and time ratios between using (11) and (33) in WSS 2. Note that the

ratio (y-axis) starts from 0.6 but not 0.

6.1 Solutions of (11) and (33) in final iterations

Theorem 7 Let {αk} be the infinite sequence generated by the SMO-type decomposition

method using WSS 2. Under the same assumptions of Theorem 6, there is ¯k such that for

k ≥ ¯k, WSS 2 returns the same working set by replacing (11) with (33).

Proof Since K is assumed to be positive definite, problem (1) has a unique optimal solution ¯

α. Using Theorem 4,



k= ¯α. (36)

Since {αk} is an infinite sequence, Theorem 5 shows that m( ¯α) = M ( ¯α). Hence we can

define the following set


As ¯α is a non-degenerate point, from (27), δ ≡ min

t∈I′(¯αt, C − ¯αt) > 0.

Using 1) Eq. (36), 2) ∇f ( ¯α)i = ∇f ( ¯α)j, ∀i, j ∈ I′, and 3) Eq. (25) of Theorem 5, there is


k such that for all k ≥ ¯k,

|αki − ¯αi| < δ 2, ∀i ∈ I ′, (37) | − yi∇f (αk)i+ yj∇f (αk)j| Kii+ Kjj− 2Kij < δ 2, ∀i, j ∈ I ′, K ii+ Kjj− 2Kij > 0, (38) and

all violating pairs come from I′. (39)

For any given index pair B, let Sub(11)(B) and Sub(33)(B) denote the optimal objective

values of (11) and (33), respectively. If ¯B = {i, j} is a violating pair selected by WSS 2 at

the kth iteration, (37)-(39) imply that di and dj defined in (15) satisfy

0 < αk+1i = αki + di < C and 0 < αk+1j = α


j + dj < C. (40)

Therefore, the optimal dB¯ of (11) is feasible for (33). That is,

Sub(33)( ¯B) ≤ Sub(11)( ¯B). (41)

Since (33)’s constraints are stricter than those of (11), we have

Sub(11)(B) ≤ Sub(33)(B), ∀B. (42)

From WSS 3,

j ∈ arg min

t {Sub(11)({i, t}) | t ∈ Ilow(α

k), −y

t∇f (αk)t< −yi∇f (αk)i}.

With (41) and (42), this j satisfies j ∈ arg min

t {Sub(33)({i, t}) | t ∈ Ilow(α

k), −y

t∇f (αk)t< −yi∇f (αk)i}.

Therefore, replacing (11) in WSS 3 with (33) does not affect the selected working set. This theorem indicates that the two methods of working set selection in general lead to a similar number of iterations. As (11) does not check the feasibility, the implementation of using it should be faster.

6.2 Experiments

Under the framework WSS 2, we conduct experiments to check if using (11) is really faster than using (33). The same data sets in Section 5 are used under the same setting. For simplicity, we consider only the RBF kernel.


Similar to figures in Section 5, here Figure 9 presents iteration and time ratios between using (11) and (33):

# iter. by using (11)

# iter. by using (33),

time by using (11) (100K cache)

time by using (33) (100K cache),

time by using (11) (40M cache)

time by using (33) (40M cache).

Without shrinking, clearly both approaches have very similar numbers of iterations. This observation is expected due to Theorem 7. Then as (33) costs more than (11) does, the time ratio is in general smaller than one. Especially when the cache is large enough to store all kernel elements, selecting working sets is the main cost and hence the ratio is lower.

With shrinking, in Figures 9(c) and 9(d), the iteration ratio is larger than one for several problems. Surprisingly, the time ratio, especially that of using a small cache, is even smaller than that without shrinking. In other words, (11) better incorporates the shrinking technique than (33) does. To analyze this observation, we check the number of removed variables along iterations, and find that (11) leads to more aggressive shrinking. Then the reduced problem can be stored in the small cache (100K), so kernel evaluations are largely saved. Occasionally the shrinking is too aggressive so some variables are wrongly removed. Then recovering from mistakes causes longer iterations.

Note that our shrinking implementation is by removing bounded elements not in the

set (25). Thus, the smaller the interval [M (αk), m(αk)] is, the more variables are shrunk.

In Figure 10, we show the relationship between the maximal violation m(αk) − M (αk) and

iterations. Clearly using (11) reduces the maximal violation more quickly than using (33). A possible explanation is that (11) has less restriction than (33): In early iterations, if a set

B = {i, j} is associated with a large violation −yi∇f (αk)i+ yj∇f (αk)j, then dB defined in

(15) has large components. Hence though it minimizes the quadratic functions (9), αk


is easily infeasible. To solve (33), one thus changes αk

B+ dB back to the feasible region

as (35) does. As a reduced step is taken, the corresponding Sub(B) may not be smaller

than those of using other sets. On the other hand, (11) does not require αk

B + dB to be

feasible, so a large step is taken. The resulting Sub(B) thus may be small enough so that B is selected. Therefore, using (11) tend to select working sets with large violations and hence may more quickly reduce the maximal violation.

Discussion here shows that (11) is better than (33). They lead to similar numbers of iterations, but the cost per iteration is less by using (11). Moreover, (11) better incorporates the shrinking technique.

6.3 Sub-problems Using First Order Information

Under first order approximation, we can also modify the sub-problem (8) to the following form, which maintains the feasibility:

Sub(B) ≡ min dB ∇f (α k)T BdB subject to yTBdB= 0, (43) 0 ≤ αi+ di ≤ C, i ∈ B.


0 5 10 15 20 25 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 (11) (33) (a) tree 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 (11) (33) (b) splice 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 (11) (33) (c) diabetes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 (11) (33) (d) german.numer

Figure 10: Iterations (x-axis) and maximal violations (y-axis) of using (11) and (33).

Section 2 discusses that a maximal violating pair is an optimal solution of minB:|B|=2Sub(B),

where Sub(B) is (8). If (43) is used instead, Simon (2004) has shown an O(l) procedure to obtain a solution. Thus the time complexity is the same as that of using (8).

Note that Theorem 7 does not hold for these two selection methods. In the proof, we

use the small changes of αk

i in final iterations to show that certain αki never reaches bounds

0 and C. Then the sub-problem (2) to find αk+1 is indeed the best sub-problem obtained

in the procedure of working set selection. Now no matter (8) or (43) is used for selecting

the working set, we still use (2) to find αk+1. Therefore, we cannot link the small change

between αkand αk+1to the optimal d

B in the procedure of working set selection. Without

an interpretation like Theorem 7, the performance difference between using (8) and (43) remains unclear and is a future research issue.

7. Discussion and Conclusions

In Section 2, the selection (10) of using second order information may involve checking 2l

pairs of indices. This is not practically viable, so in WSS 2 we heuristically fix i ∈ arg m(αk)

and examine O(l) sets to find j. It is interesting to see how well this heuristic performs and whether we can make further improvements. By running the same small classification problems used in Section 6, Figure 11 presents the iteration ratio between using two selection methods:

# iter. by Alg. 2 and checking 2l pairs


0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancer diabetes fourclass german.numer w1a

Ratio Data sets parameter selection final training (a) RBF kernel 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

image splice tree a1a australian breast-cancer diabetes fourclass german.numer w1a


Data sets

parameter selection final training

(b) Linear kernel

Figure 11: Iteration ratios between using two selection methods: checking all 2l pairs and

WSS 2. Note that the ratio (y-axis) starts from 0.4 but not 0.

We do not use shrinking and consider both RBF and linear kernels. Figure 11 clearly shows that a full check of all index pairs causes fewer iterations. However, as the average of ratios for various problems is between 0.7 and 0.8, this selection reduces iterations of using WSS 2 by only 20% to 30%. Therefore, WSS 2, an O(l) procedure, successfully returns a working

set nearly as good as that by an O(l2) procedure. In other words, the O(l) sets heuristically

considered in WSS 2 are among the best in all 2l candidates.

Experiments in this paper fully demonstrate that using the proposed WSS 2 (and hence WSS 3) leads to faster convergence (i.e., fewer iterations) than using WSS 1. This result is reasonable as the selection based on second order information better approximates the objective function in each iteration. However, this argument explains only the behavior per iteration, but not the global performance of the decomposition method. A theoretical study showing that the proposed selection leads to better convergence rates is a difficult but interesting future issue.

In summary, we have proposed a new and effective working set selection WSS 3. The SMO-type decomposition method using it asymptotically converges and satisfies other useful theoretical properties. Experiments show that it is better than a commonly used selection WSS 1, in both the training time and iterations.



This work was supported in part by the National Science Council of Taiwan via the grant NSC 93-2213-E-002-030.

Appendix A. WSS 1 Solves Problem (7): the Proof

For any given {i, j}, we can substitute ˆdi ≡ yidi and ˆdj ≡ yjdj to (8), so the objective

function becomes

(−yi∇f (αk)i+ yj∇f (αk)j) ˆdj. (44)

As di = dj = 0 is feasible for (8), the minimum of (44) is zero or a negative number. If

−yi∇f (αk)i > −yj∇f (αk)j, using the condition ˆdi+ ˆdj = 0, the only possibility for (44) to

be negative is ˆdj < 0 and ˆdi > 0. From (3), (8b), and (8c), this corresponds to i ∈ Iup(αk)

and j ∈ Ilow(αk). Moreover, the minimum occurs at ˆdj = −1 and ˆdi = 1. The situation of

−yi∇f (αk)i < −yj∇f (αk)j is similar.

Therefore, solving (7) is essentially the same as

minnmin yi∇f (αk)i− yj∇f (αk)j, 0

i ∈ Iup(αk), j ∈ Ilow(αk)


= min −m(αk) + M (αk), 0.

Hence, if there are violating pairs, the maximal one solves (7).

Appendix B. Pseudo Code of Algorithm 2 and WSS 3

B.1 Main Program (Algorithm 2) Inputs:

y: array of {+1, -1}: class of the i-th instance

Q: Q[i][j] = y[i]*y[j]*K[i][j]; K: kernel matrix

len: number of instances // parameters

eps = 1e-3 // stopping tolerance

tau = 1e-12 // main routine

initialize alpha array A to all zero initialize gradient array G to all -1 while (1) {

(i,j) = selectB() if (j == -1)


// working set is (i,j)

a = Q[i][i]+Q[j][j]-2*y[i]*y[j]*Q[i][j] if (a <= 0)


b = -y[i]*G[i]+y[j]*G[j] // update alpha

oldAi = A[i], oldAj = A[j] A[i] += y[i]*b/a

A[j] -= y[j]*b/a

// project alpha back to the feasible region sum = y[i]*oldAi+y[j]*oldAj if A[i] > C A[i] = C if A[i] < 0 A[i] = 0 A[j] = y[j]*(sum-y[i]*A[i]) if A[j] > C A[j] = C if A[j] < 0 A[j] = 0 A[i] = y[i]*(sum-y[j]*A[j]) // update gradient

deltaAi = A[i] - oldAi, deltaAj = A[j] - oldAj for t = 1 to len

G[t] += Q[t][i]*deltaAi+Q[t][j]*deltaAj }

B.2 Working Set Selection Subroutine (WSS 3) // return (i,j) procedure selectB // select i i = -1 G_max = -infinity G_min = infinity for t = 1 to len {

if (y[t] == +1 and A[t] < C) or (y[t] == -1 and A[t] > 0) { if (-y[t]*G[t] >= G_max) { i = t G_max = -y[t]*G[t] } } } // select j j = -1 obj_min = infinity for t = 1 to len {

if (y[t] == +1 and A[t] > 0) or (y[t] == -1 and A[t] < C) { b = G_max + y[t]*G[t]


if (-y[t]*G[t] <= G_min) G_min = -y[t]*G[t] if (b > 0) { a = Q[i][i]+Q[t][t]-2*y[i]*y[t]*Q[i][t] if (a <= 0) a = tau if (-(b*b)/a <= obj_min) { j = t obj_min = -(b*b)/a } } } } if (G_max-G_min < eps) return (-1,-1) return (i,j) end procedure References

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Table 1: Data statistics for small problems (left two columns: classification, right column:
Figure 1: Iteration and time ratios between WSS 3 and 1 using the RBF kernel for the
Figure 3: Iteration and time ratios between WSS 3 and 1 using the linear kernel for the
Figure 5: Iteration and time ratios between WSS 3 and 1 using the polynomial kernel for the “parameter selection” step (top: without shrinking, bottom: with shrinking).



include domain knowledge by specific kernel design (e.g. train a generative model for feature extraction, and use the extracted feature in SVM to get discriminative power).

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning.. 3 Distributed clustering

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning?. 3 Distributed clustering

Numerical results are reported for some convex second-order cone programs (SOCPs) by solving the unconstrained minimization reformulation of the KKT optimality conditions,

Chen, “Alternative proofs for some results of vector- valued functions associated with second-order cone,” Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, vol.. Chen, “The convex and

Abstract We investigate some properties related to the generalized Newton method for the Fischer-Burmeister (FB) function over second-order cones, which allows us to reformulate

We have provided alternative proofs for some results of vector-valued functions associ- ated with second-order cone, which are useful for designing and analyzing smoothing and

• focused on using CEHRT to improve health outcomes by implementing protected health information, e-prescribing, clinical decision support, computerized provider order entry,