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Mr. Rines演講詞(續前期)


Academic year: 2021

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‘主(煩,聲使同仁均能接受,一講就是兩三個鐘點。為 了防止講課時的胃疼,上課時除拍了一大堆書本講義 一外,必有一筒餅乾,隔了一段時間必定邊吃邊講,以 止胃疼,同仁等見狀多勸其休息片刻再行繼緝亦不聽 。直講至離開試驗所謂職嘉義為止。此事試驗所同仁 們迄今談到猶喘噓感激不己。其後本局人事更動,啟 賢,冗內定為第五區工程處處長,爵了醫好宿疾以便赴 任後可以展開工作及抱負,遂再往公保門華中心詰求、 醫生予以詳加檢驗,以便根拾,經往臺大醫院作了胃 鏡透祖及拍照後,醫生已判斷其為胃癌。惟當時僅告 以胃有潰窩頭立即住院手術'否則有生命危驗。恰於 此時嘉義第五區主程處處長工作剛剛發表,啟賢兄以 手術及接養等約獨時兩個月,責任心畫,途末手術師 赴嘉義工作。兼因到任之朝一切均不熟悉,工作自屬 辛勞,因之胃哀、情形日漸加劇,疼時甚至蹲坐無法站 起,遂由啟賢搜至嘉義接同蓋北榮民總醫院手街,手 術後經過良好,為使其能與家屬合作好好休養,遂將 病症實況告知可經休養月餘後體力多已故復,師再往 嘉義工作。其間由於其工作辛勤及領導得當,使五區 工程處獲得了從未獲得過之榮譽,全省養路競賽第一

EnCD自 faginglnventionand~

Applied Science


the Republicof China'

名,此外並研究改裝各種築路機拔,使五區工程處養 路工作機械化叉更前進了一步。本年元月病發,醫生 囑立即住院詳加核查。於我私下拜訪其主治醫生時, 醫生告以藥物已無法治療,亦無法再作手術。自其復 發起至去世止,其間僅約六個月,其中必最後之兩三 個月最為疼苦,因癌細胞蔓延關係背部應痛異常,惟 不論如何疼痛從未聞其呻時及哼吽一聲也,啟賢嫂於 此兩三個月期間,在不解帶,眠不臥,床,日夜服待, 情極辛勞,同事及友人等均極欽敬。 KA可啟賢兄巳去矣 ,此不僅係其一家之痛,亦係我公路界及整個工程界 之損失也。為留永久,之紀念起見,擬將其生前之各種 著作及蝙譯撰寫之各種文字予以彙集,且稜俟機編印 成冊,藉以流傳,亦所以紀念故友也。 U懼怕賢夫君靈前


- 43 一 三}~講詞係 Mr. Rines 在交大所講。經渠之請求,本學年度 將入交大博士班研究,正由教育部核定中,純為外人申請入中國 博士班研究,空前之舉,亦母校之光榮也。' (續前期)

It 'maybe of further interest to you to learn something

-of the ve


yearly history and development of the


atent-law in the UnitedStates.

It became theduty of Jefferson and the other two mem-bers of his patent board to decide wh~t kind of innovation should, and what kind should not, be rewarded by the grant

-of a patent; that is


which kind of invention


if protected by

.a patent, would contribute to the public good. The before-mentioned first American patent law laiddown the require-ment that, to be patentable, aninvention shouldbe "'su£f ici-ently llsefulalld important.'" But what is "'sufficiici-entlyusefu1?, :and what "'sufficiently important"'? Jefferson put the question

.in the-£oUowing words:

"'for the benefit of society


I know well t_he difficulty of drawing a line betw~en the thingswhich are worth to the public

the embarrassment of an exclusive patent


and those which are not.'"

Jefferson andhis co-members of thapatent board form-ulated severa


undmental considerations to guide them in the task of deciding whether or not


in any particular instance


togrant a patent. I shall dwell upon this topic becauseour experiences in the Dntted Stated may perhaps serve toguide -your OWn Patent Office in its future activities.

- 44 一

AnAddress by David Rines Attorney

Rines and RinesBoston, Massachusetts Chiao Tung Uuiversity


Taipei June 12th







As another example, the thr ee-eleme'nt vacuum tube that was 'invented hyDro Lee DeForest


and which'made po量sible

remarkable advances in commu




was at onetim'e pronounced


in court proceedings


tobeonly ~a worthless piece of glass.~

As still a third example


before theera Of the Wright

,brothers, skilled sci


ntists had ~proved~ mathematically that

a heavier'-than'-airmotor-controlled flying machine was a physical impossibility.

And,·within more recent times, the U. S. Nav歹 could at first see nothing in theconceptof the atomic bomb; andthe mighty' Eastman Kodak Company in either, the elect全ollie

flashphotogsaphy of our client


Professor Harold E. Edgerton


of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology or Edwin Land's Polaroid self-cleve loping camera.

So it is no longer necessary, according tothe law in tne United States


thatan invention be ~important~, in order to be patentable. It is sufficient that it be novel and useful.



been worked out in the U nitedStates is that the" subj-ect-matter as a ~whole that is sought to be• patented would not have been obvious at thetinre theinvention wasniade to a persOri having ordinary skill inthe art to which said subject-matter pertains. If..itwould have beensoobvious


the public must be deemed tohave the right to use it, and it can not




be permitted to become contr6lledby a patent.

It is still the law


in the United States




in order that an invention may be patentable


,it mustpossess' ihes'e

three 主equiiementsof novelty


utility and unobviousness.

Much has been writtenon the theme that the 'day of the little inventor is over


and that indentions are now niade only by. the 'research departments of the great corporations.This is not true. It is still a fact 'that,most important inventions

aremade by the little fellow


often a university en




r"esearcher, and usually all that the great corporationsate

able to' contribute is to perfect these little-fel1owinventions 一的一

For 'oDe.}hirig ,]e£fer益。且這量的 ffnt;bo'ard'requited that an invention


to he patentab扭, must first of all be new. Patents

r ha在 beengranted ♂ lon g- before; 、iii th區 nidther count旬, Great



but for.items notnecessariLy having any bearing upon novelty. The British Crown hadgranted patents to favorites Cnotinventors) ; for example


for the exclusive right to dealing in salt


and to manufacture ,playing cards. One of

揖 the copc1usions that the patent board arrived at




was that nopaterit ,shouldbeg


antedunlessthe invention

introduced something new in the' teahri. Things i1ia:twere already commercialized were to belong to thepublic


and were not to be controlled by,a patent.

A secoridrequirement that the patent hoard laid down for patentability was that the invention must beuse£uI. Patents were notto be granted for crack-pot trivialities.

It is in order to point out






though the first pat巴nt law of the United States la沾 down, as one of the criteria for patentability


that the invention must be "'suffici-ently useful and imp()rtant~, it is no longer a, requirement

for patentability in theUnited States that the inventionbe

~important~.Experience has demonstrated that it is impossible

for anybody to know, in adv平 nCe of experience, how ~impor­

tant~ 'an invention may turn out to be in the future. As an



the telephone


invented by AlexanderGrah且m Bell


is today consIdered to have been a very ~important~invention. At the time that it was originated, however, it was regarded asmerelyan interesting toy


without any future commercial value whatever


and its promoters experienced great difficulty 'in their efforts to raise capital for the Pllrpose of exploiting it. A very prominent Ametican, Chauncy Depew, was offered hy these promoters a one.-.sixth interest in this:telephone invention for only ten thousand dolloar~, and he refused the of£eLWouldyou today refusetobuy a one':":sixth intHest in the IIluHi-billion dollar telephone industryforonly ten thou-sand dollars?

And a third requirenientf6r patentability that has grad--45 一

一, /一


I;lology laboratories,were patented and widely licensed toleading

comoanies. With the aid of these inventionsand also the inve-ntions of others, incluιing those of Bell Telephone Laborator-ies, inthe radar. communicatications and industrial fields, these companies and others developed microwave technology to its present state. The microwave waveguide and horn came to the aid oCthe Allies during the lastwar as a most potent weapons contribution. This fm'ther stimulated Professor Chu




to develop his own microwave and antenna manufacturing company

, _

Chu Associates in the town of Harvard


Massachus-etts. And Dr. Chu'spersonal contributions to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and many other universities


including here in Taiwan, are legend.

Another of our clients


a very famous inventor in


amQng other fields


the field of sonar and radio communications



• the late Professor George Washington Pierce,_of Cruft

Labor-atory; Harvard University. Professor Pierce consideredit to be so important that his studentsshould acquire a knowledge of patent.law that he arranged that first I


and then later _my sort, should lecture to his students on the elements of thatfield of law. Professor Pierre~alsostimulated .):~is students_to make



during the depression years


when jobswere

hard to find


-his encouragement took tangible form in thathe employed them

, _

at his OWD. expense


to help him with his own inventions. He developedthe magnetostriction sonar oscillator and driver


and the piezoelectric crystal oscillator thateven today still bears his name These inventions, the patents on which r.eturned him millions of dollars in licensing royalties~

also helped the commercial developmentof several small com-panies


such as the General Radio Company of Concord


Mass-achusetts. Pierce's inventions



, _

aided _giant compa-nies like RCA, the American Telephone and Telegraph

Com-pany, Bend汰, Motorola and many others to develop two-way

radiocommunication. These inventions also provided significant

~le<;tronic t.ools for warfare thatenabled our Navy to protect the Allied Merchant fleets from the lurking menace ofen~eIllY












This has been demonstrated over ad over again-Zthas been

demonstrated, inde~d,

ill my ownpraetiee and thatof .my son. Let me give youseveral illustrations. /

d Among our clients has been the before-heatiOIled profr



EdgertGIl-with the collarboration of hi-two

students,戶 Kenneth 工 Germeshausen and Herbert E. Grier,

inpa主tnetship, he pioneeredεlectronic-flashcircuits useful for stroboscopy and photography.They started out a consultaRts


and then bezan InaziufMturing products embodying their inventions. They also. began licensing others to manufacture. Their business now has matured into a very large corporation,





, _

employing thousands of technical and business



with branches all over the world. Itwas the patent system that prevented piracy and copying of their ideas


during the infancy of their business and that enabled them -to make this significant commercial contribution to their country

and the world.



in time of strife


their inventions went into wide use as instruments of war to help their nation--in radar


reconnais-1立ce photography


exploding mechanisms


and other applications. Besides reaping considerable fiuaucial reward for themselves'

、the have ger1erouslykadowed the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology and other institutions of learning. The newHarold E. Edgerton Building and Kenneth ]. Germeshausen Chair are two among their lastingcontributions.

On a somewhat less massive, but-equally important, scale,

is the story of the effQrts of our beloved before-mentioned Professor Lan Jen Chu. Aided by myso泣, Robert H. Rines, and the Academyof Applied Science of Cambridge,"Mass<;l.chusetts,

he. has been endeavouring to get this same kind of cycle started here inTaiwan. While a graduate student, at the Massachusetts,

Institute of Technology, Dr. Chu pioneered microwave waveg-uide andelectromagnetichorn techniques with Professor Wilmer





later Vice-President of the SperryRand Corporation. Theseinventions, testedin the


assachusetts Institute of Tech一



submarines and achieved reliable air'-to air and other g'-vehicle radio communieation.

Again, our nation and theworld,

commercial companies, and the inventor rewarded.

Thereis also the exaIJ.1ple of AN W ANG, one of your illustrious alumni


and reknowed inveiuor of unmorycores


who alsostarted


is oun compa斗y Wang laboratories.

And we sincerely hope that the provision of university rese


rchlaboratoryfacilities, such as thosebeing dedicated at the National Taiwan University and insway at Chiao. Tung University, may provide similar stimulation here. Coupled with your own vigor, imaginationand enthusi


sm,' and t-he encouragement of your patentlaws


this >maywell serve to bringthis same kind of creative entrepreneurshipto the Reoublic of China.

Youanot, at the present time, lack investments by great our universiti告s, our were all most amply



corporations. You should not


howev~t, h~;e despaired even if th~ehad,been such a lack. I have described several examples

of,great benefits、 conferred upon the world by the little-fellow

inv~ntors who were not connected withany great corporation.

you have always throughout the ages had,' and still have,

great inventive ability among your individual selves-Many of our most important inventionswere made in Chin包 long, long befo;e they werere-invented in the W叫人11 that you need


in order toget your inventive brains working again, is to stimulate yOllr potentia.l inventors. The inauguration of .your Patent Office indicates' that you areaware of thisfact.


日期 •• 五十八年十月十四日下午四時 地點 •• 臺北市鐵路招待所 出席 •• 陳樹曦張仁滔章紹周唐慧貞 玉章清(段清濤代)段清濤 葉佩蘭(唐慧貞代) 郭宗太(出國)繆超鳳(出國 )L 列席 •• 李盛春李孟遲王迺基一翁兆慶 主席 •• 陳樹曦紀錄 •• 王迺基 事項 鈕伯…芙 甲、報告 、一一、主席報告、(略) 一一、總幹事報告 L 同學通訊錄,現正在積極校對中 1 預一封五十九 年元,且可以出版。、 且本會會址,已於本年八月二十日遷至臺北市西 的學北路六號新扯辦公。並於八月二十五日報請 社會局備案,副本抄送自政部在案。 qa 本會所存早期友聲,已著手清理,餘自一一七〕 期起每期保存十冊痺,其餘已分別包札 R侯內 2 部清理後,列冊分贈母校及同學。 4 本會所在舊夫建申今-尚多值得保存,需再加


I have found a number of parallelsbetween your country and mine. Insofar as the parallel relating to encouragement of invention is concerned, it has contributed materially, in my country


toprosperity such as has never before been witnessed in thehistory of theworld. I bespeak for you a similar attai"': nment.Ithas also led to numerous ·miiitary achievementsιin



r.' You' rnayhave needofsimilar military achievements in the'future; 一鈞一 察闊,俟整理完畢後,當提請理監事會決定去 閉目。 丘第十七及第十八屆理事會新舊任總幹事,會計 主任幹事等,業於八月十九日辦理交接竣事。 &凌最學長擔任總幹事兩年來,為會務推進,不 遺餘力,備極辛勞,已遵照上次理監事會決議 ,專函致謝。 1 本年、歡迎同國學人朱蘭成、劉大中、彭松村三 位學長茶會,已於九月十一日下午四時假臺北 市西寧北路六號舉行,由鍾常務理事故光主持 ,是日適逢大雨,出席同學,仍達卅餘 λ 。 oa 母校為歡迎歐陽藻學長同國講學,定於十月十 八日下午四時假臺北市西寧北路六號舉行茶會 ,由母校主辦。 G山王孝思、孫源楷兩學長先後逝世, --A 會由徐前 院長承摸學長,鍾常務理事故光學長,分別率 在臺各學長參加公祭。 M 費臨時學長、王章請學長毛、宋家治學長,張祖璿 學一長心中刀闊啟學長榮任新職!本會已分別馳電 道賀 i。 三、會計主任幹事報告 h見肘表 V

一 5。一



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