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Prefetching for Mobile Web Album

研 究 生:黃泊篙

指導教授:林一平 教授



Prefetching for Mobile Web Album

研 究 生:黃泊篙 Student:Po-Kao Huang

指導教授:林一平博士 Advisor:Yi-Bing Lin

國 立 交 通 大 學

網 路 工 程 研 究 所

碩 士 論 文

A Thesis

Submitted to Institute of Network Engineering College of Computer Science

National Chiao Tung University in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Master


Computer Science May 2013

Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China





指導教授:林一平 博士


摘 要

網路相簿服務允許使用者利用網路上傳照片與檢視其他使用者的網路相簿。藉由 行動寬頻網路,使用者可以在任何地方即時地享用網路相簿的內容。在行動版網路相 簿中的使用者體驗 (user experience) 會被網路傳輸延遲所影響,因為網路傳輸延遲決 定了使用者檢視圖片是否需要等待。針對這個議題,我們提出一個預先擷取圖片的機 制來增強檢視行動版網路相簿上的使用者體驗。我們採用一種類似 TCP 滑動視窗的協 議 (緩衝區大小為 N) ,而當使用者設備裡的滑動視窗緩衝區滿載時,預先擷取會暫 停。緩衝區的大小 N 影響了預先擷取的效能。當 N 值越大,則使用者體驗越佳。然而, 一個大的 N 值代表著很多張圖片會被預先傳輸到手機。如果它們沒有被使用者觀看, 傳輸這些圖片的網路資源則造成浪費。本論文進行效能分析來選擇最小的 N 值 (最佳 的 N 值) 以達成預期的使用者體驗。 關鍵字: 行動,預先擷取,網路相簿



Prefetching for Mobile Web Album

Student:Po-Kao Huang

Advisor:Prof. Yi-Bing Lin

Department of Computer Science,

National Chiao Tung University


A web album service allows a user to publish photo albums on the web and view albums of other users. Through broadband mobile telecom, users can enjoy watching contents of web albums at any place in real time. User experience on mobile web album is affected by the transmission delay of mobile network, which determines whether the user needs to wait to view the images. We propose a prefetching mechanism that enhances user experience on accessing mobile web albums. A TCP-like sliding window protocol (of size 𝑁) is exercised, and when the buffer for the sliding window at the user equipment (UE) is full, prefetching is suspended. The buffer size 𝑁 affects the prefetching performance. The larger the 𝑁 value, the better the user experience. However, a large 𝑁 value means that many images will be prefetched. If they are not actually viewed by the user, the network resources for transmitting these images are wasted. This paper proposes both analytic and simulation models to select the smallest 𝑁 (the optimal 𝑁 value) so that the expected user experience can be achieved.




首先誠摯的感謝指導教授林一平博士,老師悉心的教導使我得以一窺資訊工程領 域的深奧,不時的討論並指點我正確的方向,使我在這些年中獲益匪淺。老師對學問 的嚴謹更是我輩學習的典範。本論文的完成另外亦得感謝劉仁煌學長、蔡尚志學長的 大力協助。因為有你們不厭其煩的指出我研究中的缺失,且總能在我迷惘時為我解惑, 使得本論文能夠更完整而嚴謹。 感謝實驗室裡的所有夥伴,除了讓我的碩士生涯多了許多歡樂之外,也在學習方 面上得到大家許多的幫助,使得我度過一段很有意思的碩士班生活。最後要感謝我的 家人,他們在此段期間給予我全力的支持、協助與體諒,使我能全心全意完成論文。 感謝所有遇見過的人,感謝所有關心我的人。




摘要 ... i Abstract ... ii 誌謝 ... iii Contents ... iv List of Figures ... v 1 Introduction ... 1 1.1 Implementation of CloudPocket ... 1 1.2 Organization ... 5

2 The Prefetching Mechanism ... 6

3 An Analytic Model for Prefetching with N = 2... 10

4 An Analytic Model for Prefetching with N → ∞ ... 17

5 Numerical Examples ... 26

6 Conclusions ... 31

Bibliography ... 33

A Simulation Model ... 35



List of Figures

1.1 CloudPocket in App Store ... 2

1.2 The Architecture of CloudPocket ... 3

1.3 The User Interface of CloudPocket Mobile Client ... 4

2.1 A Simplified Architecture for Wireless Applications ... 7

3.1 Timing Diagram for Prefetching with 𝑁 = 2 ... 11

5.1 Effects of 𝑉𝑉 (𝑁 = 2) ... 28

5.2 Effects of 𝑁 (𝑉𝑉 = 10 𝐸[𝜏𝑉]2) ... 29

5.3 Effects of 𝑉𝑉 and compression (𝑁 = 2) ... 30

5.4 Effects of 𝑁 and compression (𝑉𝑉 = 10 𝐸[𝜏𝑉]2) ... 30



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