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OA&M for the GSM network


Academic year: 2021

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Yi-Bing Lin, National Chiao Tung University


This article p r o v i d e s a r o a d m a p to understand the GSM operation, administration, a n d m a i n t e n a n c e (OABM) m a n a g e m e n t . W e d e s c r i b e h o w the t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n m a n a g e m e n t n e t w o r k (TMN) c o n c e p t i s a p p l i e d t o the GSM OABM. The h o m e location registration a n d c a l l r e c o r d i n g m a n a g e m e n t a r e used as e x a m les to illus- trate how GSM OA&M functions c a n b e implemented under the TMN p



lobal System for Mobile Communications


(GSM) i s a wireless digital signaling network standard designed by standardization commit- tees from the major European telecommunica- tions operators a nd manufacturers. T h e GSM standard provides a common set of compatible services and capabilities to all mobile users worldwide. Different aspects of GSM have been introduced in the literature [l, 21. This article provides an overview to the operations, administration, and mainte- nance (OA&M) aspects of GSM.

Figure 1 illustrates the GSM network architecture. The net- work consists of:

Databases such as home location register (HLR), visitor location register (VLR), equipment identity

register (EIR), and authentication center Switches such as mobile switching centers

(MSCs) and gateway MSCs (GMSCs) Th e radio system or base station system

(BSS), including base station controllers (BSCs), base transceiver stations (BTSs), and mobile stations (Mss)

The details of the GSM architecture can be (AuC)




The TMN architecture is illustrated in Fig. 2. Some of the TMN components are introduced in this section. The reader is referred to [5] for complete TMN model treatment:

Operations system -With the operations system function (OSF), the operations system (OS) is responsible for overall TMN management. The OSFs can be billing, accounting, manage- ment of mobile equipment, HLR measurement, and so on.

Network Element - The network elements (NEs) in GSM a r e H L R , V L R, MSC, EIR, A u C , BSC, a n d BTS. T h e

found in [l-31.

GSM, like other telecommunication sys- tems, requires OA&M functions. These func- tions a r e n ot specific t o GSM. To be compatible with other telecommunication sys- tems, GSM follows the standard telecommu- nication manage m ent network ( T M N ) concept [4] developed by the International Telecommunications Union - Telecommuni- cations Standardization Sector (ITU-T). The g e n e r a l T M N concept will be briefly described. Then we focus on the GSM-specif- ic features implemented on top of the TMN

platform. Figure 1 . The GSMarchitecture.


N E s a r e m o n i t o r e d o r contr ol l ed by t h e OS. The network element functions (NEFs) in t h e N E re pre se nt t h e telecommunica- tions and support functions to be managed by the OS.

Data Communication Network - The OSs, NEs, and other TMN elements communicate through the da ta communication network (DCN) by using the data communication func- tion (DCF). The DCN technology can be wide a re a network (WAN), local ar ea network (LAN), or others.

Mediation Device - The mediation device (MD) adapts the OS to the specific NEs. It uses the mediation function (MF) to route or pass information between standardized inter- faces. For example, the BTSs are connected to the management network through their BSC (Fig. 3). Thus, the BSC acts as the MD for the BTSs under its control.

The relationship between components of TMN functions are defined by using the refer-

encepoints. The q 3 point connects an OSF to an M F or an

NEF. The qx points connect an MF to an NEF.






In GSM TMN, some common management functions (see i in Fig. 4) are used to support other specific functions such as hlr- Function and vlrFunction (see a-h in Fig. 4). All these func-

tions are derived from the managedElement class defined in

[6] (see j in Fig. 4). The managedElement class is derived from theplmnNetwork class defined in [4] (see k in Fig.


and the

plmnNetwork class is derived from the network class defined in

[6] (see 1 in Fig. 4 ). The common management functions for GSM are classified into three categories.

Forwarding of Event Notifications - GSM managed object classes (in an NE) emit event notifications (to the OS) follow- ing the Event Report Systems Management Function [7]. The

object class Event Forwarding Discriminator (EFD) in the NE manages the forwarding of event notifications (to be elaborat- ed in the next section).

W Figure 2. A simplified TMN architecture.

W Figure 3. The TMN connection for the GSM base station system.

Information logging - Information generated by the NE may be stored in a record filestore in the NE. The information can subsequently be retrieved by the NE or the OS. The GSM NE

follows the standard Log ControE Systems Management Func- tion [8] to allow the OS to control the logging of selective

event notifications.

Bulk Data Transfer behween the OS and NE -The data trans-

fer between the OS and NE uses the common management information service element (CMISE) control of file transfer access and management (FTAM) [9]. The data transfer is controlled by the OS.

Th e specific GSM network manage- ment functions (Fig. 4) include

bssFunction [lo, 111 for BSS manage-

ment (the function resides in the BSC in Fig. 1)

hlrFunction [lo, 121 for HLR manage-

ment (the function resides in the HLR in Fig. 1)

vlrFunction [11, 131 for VLR manage-

ment (the function resides in the VLR in Fig. 1)

mscFunction [lo, 131 for MSC manage- ment (the function resides in the MSC and the GMSC in Fig. 1)

eirFunction [lo, 121 for EIR manage- ment (the function resides in the EIR in Fig. 1)

callRecordingFunction [13] for call

recording management (the function resides in all GSM components illus- Figure A. GSMmanaged object class containment. trated in Fig. 1)


aucFunction [lo, 121 for AuC management (the function

sms-GJW-Function [ 101 for short message service manage-

This article will use callRecordingFunction and hlrFunction as

examples to illustrate the GSM network management concept. The sidebar lists all abbreviations used in this article.

resides in the AuC)

ment (the function resides in the GMSC in Fig. 1)


Recording Functions

GSM operation, the billing of mobile subscribers, and


statistics of service usage and roaming traffic must be moni- tored by the OS [13]. This information is provided by NEs such as the MSCs, BSSs, and location registers (VLR/HLR), and is managed by the tariff and charging administration

defined in [14].

The administration includes the following services.

Service Provision - (a in Fig. 5 )


This OSF introduces new or modified services to the GSM network. The modifications to the existing services may be partly based on the service usage statistics provided by the NEs (e.g., MSC).

Bihng - (b in Fig. 5) - Based on the data collected from the NEs, this OSF determines the charge for the services.

Accounting - (c in Fig. 5) - GSM accounting consists of two parts:

Inter-PLMN accounting is required for roaming traffic man-

agement, which is settled by means of the transfer account

W Figure 5. Tariff and charging administration.


procedure (TAP) [l5]. TAP records are regularly exchanged between a GSM network and other networks. For a visitor from another GSM net- work, the mobile-originated call charges are calculated and converted to an agreed-on accounting currency such as special drawing rights (SDRs) before they are stored in the TAP. The mobile-terminated calls f or the visitor may o r may not be charged, but the rerouting charges

must be considered. The GSM net- work may receive the TAPs of its

customers roaming in other networks. These TAPs will be processed by the billing OSF.

Fixed-network accounting manages call traffic (between

mobile stations and fixed networks) and signaling traffic (e.g., for location updates). The charges for the above traf- fic are based on the call records provided by the NEs (such as MSCs).

W Figure 6. Measuremc

Customer Administration - (d in Fig. 5) - This OSF handles customer queries such as billing complaints.

An important aspect of the tariff and charging administra- tion OS is that normal operation of the system should not be interrupted when it is modified. This goal is achieved by creat- ing a duplicate copy of the OSF using the “tsCopyTariffSys- tem” action defined in [16].

Tariff Administration

The tariff administration function in the OSF (e in Fig. 5) provides tariff administration information to the NEs (specifi- cally, the MSCs). The information is then passed from the MSC to the MS (g, h, and i in Fig. 5) to support the advice of charge (AoC) described in [16, 171.

The OSF uses the tariff class management functions to

assign a tariff class with service, distance, and time-based tar-

iff-dependent charging parameters. These dependencies are elaborated below.

The service charging dependencies are defined based on the customized AoC. The AoC service definition may consist of one or more service types (basic and/or supplementary), radio channel types, connection type (call origination or termination), and so on.

Distance dependencies are defined based on origins, desti- nations, and charging zones.

The time-based tariff dependences are based on tariff peri- ods (holidaylworkday, off-peaklpeak, and so on).

Data Collection

The data collection functions in the OSF (fi n Fig. 5) provides specifications of the collected data to the NEs through data generation control (including record generation, event report-

ing, and log controls; j in Fig. 5) in the NEF, and collects the data from these NEs through the data transfer control (k in

Fig. 5) in the NEF. In the NEF, the

:nt attribute modifications in location update.

via FTAM in real time. One or more class types (billing, accounting, and so on) are defined for the transferred records.

The records may be saved in a log file (n in Fig. 5 ) , and later accessed by the OSF using the log control [SI.

The records may also be passed to the EFDs controlled by the event reporting function [17] for short-term event reporting (o in Fig. 5)


Performance Measuremenf



e performance of the GSM network should be evaluated


based on the data provided by the NEs. The data include the userisignaling traffic levels, network configuration verification, resource access measurements, quality of service, and so on [lo]. The measurement task is achieved by administrating the

measurement jobs. A measurement job is created, modified,

displayed, suspended, resumed, and deleted in the OS. This job is scheduled in a period to accumulate the measurement data for inspection. The measurement job instructs the mea-

vurement function objects in the NEs to collect the data. In measurement management, the data exchanges between the OS and NEs follows a mechanism similar to that illustrated in Fig. 5.

Consider the location update measurements of HLR as an example (Fig. 6). In this example, the VLR sends a GSM MAP message MA-UPDATE-LOCATION (i.e., an SS7 message) [3] to the HLR. The HLR updates the location information as well as two measurement attributes, and sends the GSM MAP message MAP-UPDATELOCATION-ack back to the VLR. The measurement job created in the OS is implemented as a “sim- pleScanner” object defined in [18]. Both the HLR measure- ment job (the “simpleScanner”) and the hlrMeasurementFunction (Fig. 7) is derived from the hlrFunction class (which is derived

from the managedElement class in Fig. 4). The simplescanner

object has the following attributes.

M e a s u r e m e n t Types - In our example (Fig. 6), the measure- ment types are attlocatioizUpdate (the number of the attempt- ed location updates) and succLocationUpdate (the number of

successful location updates). Both

. . . - __ .- . . . . . ...~



r e ( ~ ) r ( / i q tirncrion ( I i n fzig. 5 )

pen c rii tr‘\ pot c ti t i;c I c.21 I1 ii n d e\’c ti I r c c o r d s based on the iliicrnal

t c l c c o m ti1 U nicniioii L . V ~ I I I > o f ilic N t . ‘l‘he record generation control determints where the records ;ire \en[. Thr‘rc. iirc three po’rsihiliric.;:

‘l’hc records m a y be forwartled i o tlie record filc\torc. ( m i i i Fiku. 5 ) arid ihen transferred io the O S F

r- attrihutcs arc ‘\inglc-intcyer value’\.

T 11 c U I I 1, o (‘ti I iorr Uptlcr I P v ;I 1 U e is

incrementcd by one ( a in Fig. h ) iervicc indication 13) is received.

I‘he succLocationUpdate value is

iiicrcnicntcd I,! one ( h i n Fig. ( I )

\V 11 C I1 111 e MAP-UP DATE-LOCAT I ON bervicc‘ response is received without the “user error” parnmctcr v;iIuc..


(Measurement job)

- .... .

/ u i / ~ r i ? e / ~ / .

. . -. . .


Figure 8 . HLR subscriber administration object class containment

Measured Network Resources - In Fig. 6, t h e network resource is the HLR.

Measurement Function - The simplescanner specifies one or more measurement functions in the NEs to collect the desired data. In our example, this attribute is hlrMeasurementFunc


t i o n in the HLR (Fig. 7). The measurement functions must he created before the simplescanner i s instantiated.

In our example, the hlrMeasurementFunction has a con- ditional package called 1ocationUpdatePackaqe. This pack- age consists of two attributes, a t t L o c a t i o n U p d a t e and succLocationUpdate (these two attributes are the measure- ment types of the simplescanner).

Measurement Schedule - This attribute specifies the start time and stop time of the active measurement period. The measurement should be started within 90 days after the mea- surement job is created.

Granularity Period - This attribute specifies the frequency (or, more accurately, the interval) of sending measured data from the NE (HLR in Fig. 7) to the OS. The granularity peri- od should be longer than 5 min, and cannot be changed dur- ing the lifetime of the simplescanner. If this attribute is not specified (i.e., it has the value O), the measured data are gath- ered by request of the OS.

Scan Report ~ At the end of every granularity period, a scan report is sent from the NE to the OS. The report includes the timestamp (when the report is sent to the OS) and the mea- surements (in Fig. 7, the numbers of the attempted and suc- cessful location updates) collected by all the measurement functions defined in the simplescanner.

Other performance management and measurement func- tions include the functions for BSC, BTS, MSC, GMSC, VLR, and EIR. The details can be found in







e GSM subscriber and service data management



defines th e management for N E s such as AuC, H L R , VLR, and EIR. Under this management, the managed data in different NEFs may depend on each other. For example,

to create a subscriber profile in the H L R , the subscriber data should already exist in the AuC. If not, the creation in the HLR fails. We will use the HLR as an example to illus- trate the GSM subscriber and service data management. Fig- ure 8 shows the HLR subscriber administration object class hierarchy. Basically, t h e mobile station ISDN numbers (MSISDNs) and the subscribers represented by the interna- tional mobile subscriber identities (IMSIs) are managed in the HLR.

Blocks of available MSISDNs are provided in a n HLR. The information of the MSISDN is stored in m s is d n H l r (a in Fig. 8). An MSISDN may be coiiiiected to a subscriber (IMSI), and can be disconnected when the IMSI is removed from the service. An MSISDN can be associated with several basic services; an association is established between t h e msi sd n H lr object andl the b a s i c S e r v i c e I n H l r objects (d in Fig. 8).

When a customer subscribes to the GSM services, a sub- scriber profile and thus the s u b s c r i b e r I n H l r object (b in Fig. 8) is created in the HLR, and an IMSI is assigned to the customer. One or more MSISDNs are allocated to the IMSI (the association is made between the msisdnHlr objects and the s u b s c r i b e r I n H l r object). For every basic service the customer subscribes, a b a s i c S e r v i c e I n H l r object and the relevant basicServiceGroupInHlr object (c and d in Fig. 8) are created. Similarly, for every supplementary service (e.g., call waiting or call forwarding), a s u p p l e m e n t a r y s e r v i - c e I n H l r object (e.g., ssInHlrCW or ssInHlrCFU; e and f in

Fig. 8) is created. Somse supplementary services are specified with parameters, in which case the s u p p l e m e n t a r y s e r v i - c e I n H l r object will contain the ssITnHlrParameter object. For example, the ssInHlrCFU object contains the s s I n H l r - ParmCFU (g in Fig. 8) with attributes such as forwardedTo- Number. The subscriber data may be modified (e.g., when a basic or a supplementairy service is withdrawn or a ncw scrvice added). When a subscriber is deleted from the HLR, the cor-

responding subacriberInHlr object and all its contained

objects are removed. The attribute of the corresponding msisdnHlr is modified (the MSISDN is no longer associated with the IMSI).

Other subscriber and service data management functions include the functions for AuC, VLR, and EIR. The details can be found in [12].



is article provided an overview of GSM O&AM manage- call recording and HLR management. Complete descriptions (e.g., network security [19], network configuration [20], etc.) of GSM OA&M management can be found in the 12 series of GSM technical specifications. An excellent introduction to and history of t h e GSM TMN a re given in [21, 221. T h e details of the mobility databases (such as VLR and HLR) can be found in [23, 241.

One of the major challenges in GSM OA&M is feature interaction with user mobility. New telecommunications ser- vice features may interact with GSM user mobility procedures, and the standard OA&M functions will need to be significant- ly modified to support these services.


The author would like to thank the reviewers for their valu- able comments and assistance in preparing this article. This work was supported in part by Microelectronics and Informa- tion Systems Research Center, NCTU, and National Science Council, Contract No. NSC 86-2213-E-009-074.



ment following the TMN concept. We specifically discussed

[ l ] Y.-B. tin, "No Wires Attached: Reaching out with GSM," lEEE Potentials, [2] M. Mouly and M.-B. Pautet, The GSM System for Mobile Communications, [3] ETSI/TC Rec. GSM 09.02, "Mobile Application Part (MAP) Specification," [4] ETSI/TC Rec. GSM 12.00, "European Digital Cellular Telecommunication;

[5] R. H. Glitho and S. Hayes S. "Making TMN a Reality," lEEE Commun. Mag., [6] ITU-T Rec. M.3100, 'TMN Management Services: Generic Network Informa- [7] ITU-T Rec. X.734, "Event Report Management Function,", ITU-T, 1996. [8] ITU-T Rec. X.735, "Log Control Function," 1993.

Oct./Nov. 1995; http://liny.csie.nctu.edu.tw.

M. Mouly, 49 rue Louise Bruneau, Pabiseau, France, 1992. 4.8.0, 1994.

System (Phase 2); Objectives and Structure of GSM PLMN Management, 1993.

vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 55-89, 1996. tion Model," 1992.

[9] ETSI/TC Rec. GSM 12.01, "European Digital Cellular Telecommunications System (Phase 2): Common Aspects of PLMN Network Management," 1993. [ l o ] ETSI/TC Rec. GSM 12.04, "European Digital Cellular Telecommunications

System (Phase 2); Performance Management and Measurements for a GSM PLMN," 1993.

111 ETSI/TC Rec. GSM 12.21, "European Digital Cellular Telecommunications System (Phase 2); Network Management Procedures and Messages on the A-bis Interface," 1993.

I21 ETSI/TC Rec. GSM 12.02, "European Digital Cellular Telecommunications System (Phase 2): Subscriber, Mobile Equipment and Service Data Adminis- tration," 1993.

131 ETSI/TC Rec. GSM 12.05, "European Digital Cellular Telecommunications System (Phase 2): Subscriber Related Call and Event Data," 1994.

[ 141 ITU-T Rec. M.3200, "TMN Management Services: Overview," 1996. [15] ITU-T Rec. D.93, "Charging Accounting in the International Land Mobile [ 161 ETSI/TC Rec. GSM 12.24, "European Digital Cellular Telecommunications [17] ETSI/TC Rec. GSM 12.86, "European Digital Cellular Telecommunications

[ 181 ITU-T, Rec. X.738, "lngormcltion Technology - Open Systems Interconnec- [ 191 ETSI/TC Rec. GSM 12.03, "European Digital Cellular Telecommunications [20] ETSI/TC Rec. GSM 12.06, "European Digital Cellular Telecommunications [21] T. T. Towle, "TMN as Applied to the GSM Network," /E€€ Commun. Mag., [22] ITU-T Rec. M.1168, "Framework of FPLMTS Mona ement," 1996. [23] Y.-B. tin, "Mobility Management for Cellular Tefephony Networks," /€€E

Parallel Dist. Tech., vol. 4, no. 4, Nov. 1997, pp. 65-73.

[24] Y:B. tin, and S. K. DeVries, "PCS Network Si naling Using SS7," /€E€ Pen. Commun. Mag., June 1 995, pp. 44-55; see a i o http://liny.csie,nctu.edu.tw. Telephone Service Provided via Cellular Radio Systems," 1 988.

System (Phase 2): Description of Advice of Charge," 1993. system (Phase 2): Char ing Supplementary Services," 1993. tion


Systems Manogement: Summarization Function," 1 992. System (Phase 2): Security Management," 1994.

System (Phase 2): Network Configuration Management," 1 994. March 1995, pp. 68-73.


YI-BING LIN [SM] received his B.S.E.E. degree from National Chiao Tung Univer- sity in 1983, and his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Washington in 1990. From 1990 to 1995, he was with the Applied Research Area at Bell Communications Research (Bellcore), Morristown, New Jersey. In 1995, he was appointed full professor of the Department of Computer Science and Information En ineering, National Chiao Tung University. His current research interests inJude design and analysis of ersonal communications ser- vices networks, mobile computing, distributed simufzition, and performance mod- eling. His e-mail address is liny@csie.nctu.edu.tw. plain


Figure 1 illustrates the GSM network architecture. The net-  work consists of:
Fig. 5) in the NEF. In the NEF, the
Figure  8 .   HLR subscriber administration object class containment



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