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Academic year: 2021

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國立臺中教育大學 101 學年度研究所碩士班招生考試


適用學系:教育測驗統計研究所 測驗與評量組

第一部分:選擇題(每題 4.25%,共 34%)

1. 下列何者「不是」試題反應理論裡常用的測驗銜接方法? (A)特徵曲線法 (B)最小卡方法 (C)等百分位數法 (D)難度值固定法 2. 下列哪一種測驗是以因素分析法進行編製而成? (A)卡式十六種人格測驗 (B)孟氏行為困擾調查表 (C)愛德華斯個人興趣量表 (D)青少年心理測驗 3. 下列有關心理測驗的性質,何者正確? (A)肯羅文字聯想測驗是一種認知測驗 (B)未完成語句測驗主要用來測量人格 (C)比西量表是一種團體式智力測驗 (D)畫人測驗主要用來測量美術性向 4. 某國小教師在其課後輔導的課程中使「測驗-教學-再測驗」的方式來進行 補救教學,並觀察學生在多個時間點的學習進步情形,此位教師是運用了下 列哪一種評量技術? (A)檔案評量 (B)動態評量 (C)實作評量 (D)真實評量


第 2 頁,共 4 頁 5. 針對下列資訊教育的能力指標「能利用網際網路、多媒體光碟、影碟等進行 資料蒐集,並結合已學過的軟體進行資料整理與分析。」,哪一種評量方式是 較適當的選擇? (A)開書考試 (B)紙筆測驗 (C)動態評量 (D)宿題評量 6. 下列有關測驗與其適合的信度估計法之配對,何者最為恰當? (A)羅克夏墨漬測驗-α 係數 (B)Likert 式五點量表-庫李信度 (C)主觀統覺測驗-評分者信度 (D)唸名速度測驗-折半信度 7. 已知某一測驗共有 20 題,預試後計算其信度為.70,今某研究者欲加入性質相 近的試題,使其組成之新測驗信度提升為.875,則此研究者最少須加入幾題才 能達到上述目的? (A)60 (B)40 (C)20 (D)10

8. 關於下列 2 參數題組反應模式(2PL testlet response model)的敘述,下列何者 正確? (A)當題組效果γid( j)為 0 時,二題目的答對機率會符合局部獨立 (B)測驗資料可使用 MULTILOG 軟體來進行題組反應模式之分析 (C)題組型測驗若用單向度試題反應理論來分析將會低估能力估計的精準度 (D)屬於同一個題組的二個試題,其答對機率函數中γid( j)可有不同的估計值 )] ( exp[ 1 )] ( exp[ ) , , , 1 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( j id j i j j id j i j j id j j i ij y P













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第 3 頁,共 4 頁

第二部分:名詞解釋(每題 6%,共 30%)

9. MRCML 模式(multidimensional random coefficients multinomial logit


10. DINA 模式(Deterministic Inputs, Noisy And Gate model)

11. 動態評量

12. 試題特徵曲線

13. 電腦化適性測驗

第三部分:(每題 4%,共 36%)

The following table contains descriptive data on two subtests of a math examination, which has two parallel forms, Form A and Form B. Furthermore, the correlation between subtests 1 and 2 is 0.9 for both Form A and B. The correlation between forms A and B is 0.81 for Subtest 1 and 0.6 for Subtest 2.

Please examine these data and answer the following questions.

Subtest 1. Math Computations Subtest 2. Math Problem-Solving Form A Mean of observed score 6 16 SD of observed score 2 4 Number of items 10 20 Form B Mean of observed score 5 15 SD of observed score 1 4 Number of items 10 20

14. For subtest 1 Form A, what is the proportion of observed score variance that may be attributed to variation in examinees’ true score?

15. For Subtest 1 Form B, what is the correlation between true scores and observed score?


第 4 頁,共 4 頁

16. For Subtest 2 Form A, what is the proportion of observed score variance that could be predicted from observed score variance on Form B?

17. What is the reliability coefficient for Subtest 2 Form B?

18. What is the variance of the composite test (by combining Subtest1 and Subtest2) for Form A?

19. What is the estimated reliability value of the composite test (by combining Form A and From B) for Subtest 1 by using Spearman Brown formula?

20. What is the estimated reliability value of the composite test (by combining Subtest 1 and Subtest 2) for Form A by using Cronbach’s Alpha Formula?

21. If Subtest 2 Form A is shortened to be 10 items only, estimate what the reliability value will be for this newly shortened Subtest 2 Form A.

22. If in the reliability study, not all students had time to finish all the 20 items in Subtest 2, is the the Cronbach’s estimate of reliability overestimated or underestimated in this study?



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◦ Lack of fit of the data regarding the posterior predictive distribution can be measured by the tail-area probability, or p-value of the test quantity. ◦ It is commonly computed