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A histogram-based moment-preserving clustering algorithm for video segmentation


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A histogram-based moment-preserving clustering

algorithm for video segmentation

Chi-Chun Lo


, Shuenn-Jyi Wang

Institute of Information Management, National Chiao-Tung University, 1001 Ta Hsueh Road, Hsinchu 30050, Taiwan Received 12 July 2001; received in revised form 29 November 2002


Video segmentation is the first step of creating video indices for a video retrieval system. A segmentation algorithm is used to identify shots from video data. In this paper, we propose a histogram-based moment-preserving (HBMP) clustering algorithm for segmenting video data. This algorithm is a hybrid of the shot change detection approach and the clustering approach. The computational results indicate that the proposed algorithm is both effective and efficient with respect to various types of video sequence.

Ó 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Video segmentation; Clustering; Moment preserving

1. Introduction

With the advances in computer technologies, such as the increasing speed of CPU, the capacity of the storage device, and various compression methods, digital video is becoming more and more common in almost every aspect of our life, including education, entertainment, communica-tions, etc. For the ever-increasing amount of video data, a systematic approach of retrieving video data is needed. A video retrieval system consists of two major subsystems for indexing and querying, respectively. In the indexing process, video

seg-mentation is used to segment video sequence into shots where each shot represents a sequence of frames having the same contents. Once shots are identified, key frames are extracted from each shot for indexing (Jain et al., 1999; Zhang and Lu, 2002). By using the indices, the query process provides a means of retrieving video data.

In order to find the right number of shots and select the optimal set of key frames from each shot, a video segmentation algorithm has to detect shot changes (SCs) correctly. There are two types of SC, abrupt and gradual. An abrupt SC resulting from editing cuts is usually easy to be detected. A gradual SC resulting from chromatic edits, spatial edits, or combined edits is in general hard to be detected (Idris and Panchanathan, 1997; Jiang et al., 1998; Lupatini et al., 1998). Exiting video segmentation algorithms can be classified into two


Corresponding author. Tel.: 5731909; fax: +886-3-5723792.

E-mail address:cclo@faculty.nctu.edu.tw(C.-C. Lo).

0167-8655/03/$ - see front matterÓ 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0167-8655(03)00048-5


groups: the shot change detection (SCD) approach by which a threshold has to be pre-assigned, and the clustering approach with which a prior knowl-edge of the number of clusters is required. The major problem of SCD lies on the difficulty of specifying the correct threshold which affects the perfor-mance of SCD. As to the clustering approach, the right number of clusters is hard to be identified. Different clusters may lead to completely different results.

In this paper, we propose a histogram-based moment-preserving (HBMP) clustering algorithm for segmenting video data. This algorithm is a hybrid of the two approaches aforementioned, and is designed to overcome the drawbacks of both approaches. The HBMP clustering algorithm is composed of three phases: the feature extraction phases, the clustering phase, and the SC identifi-cation phase. In the first phase, differences between color histograms are extracted as features. In the second phase, the moment-preserving equations (Tsai, 1985) are used to group features into three clusters: the SC cluster, the suspected shot change (SSC) cluster, and the no shot change (NSC) cluster. In the last phase, the shot change frames (SCFs) are identified from the SC and the SSC, and then are used to segment video sequence into shots; finally, a key frame is selected from each shot. The computational results indicate that the proposed algorithm is both effective and efficient with respect to various types of video sequence.

In the following section, existing video seg-mentation algorithms are examined. The HBMP clustering algorithm is detailed in Section 3. In Section 4, the computational results are presented and analyzed. In the last section, we conclude this paper with possible research directions.

2. Literature review

A number of video segmentation algorithms have been reported in the literature (Sethi and Patel, 1995; Nagasaka and Tanaka, 1992; Zhang et al., 1993; Shahraray, 1995; Swanberg et al., 1993; Joshi et al., 1998; Gunsel et al., 1998). In general, these algorithms can be classified into two major groups: the SCD approach and the clustering approach.

2.1. Shot change detection

The SCD algorithm is based on a threshold. An inter-frame difference is obtained by measuring the differences between pixels, histograms, or blocks. If the inter-frame difference is greater than the pre-assigned threshold, a SC is declared.

The pixel-based algorithm (Sethi and Patel, 1995) compares the pixels of two frames across the same location. The pixel-based algorithm is sensi-tive to noise, object motion, or camera operation. The intensity/color histogram of a gray/color frame f is a n-dimensional vector fH ðf ; kÞjk ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; ng where n is the number of levels/colors, and Hðf ; kÞ the number of pixels of level/color k in frame f . To illustrate the difference between two frames across a cut, Nagasaka and Tanaka (1992) proposed the chi-square test to compare two his-tograms, Hðfi; kÞ and H ðfj; kÞ. Zhang et al. (1993)

suggested the so-called ‘‘twin-comparison’’ tech-nique to detect the gradual SC. The histogram-based algorithm is sensitive to a local motion or noise.

In the block-based algorithm (Shahraray, 1995; Swanberg et al., 1993), each frame fiis partitioned

into a set of k blocks, called sub-frames. Rather than comparing frame i with frame j, every sub-frame of fi is compared with the corresponding

sub-frame of fj. The difference between sub-frames

can be measured by either the pixel-based or the histogram-based algorithm. Whenever the differ-ence between a sub-frame of fi and the

corre-sponding one of fjis greater than the pre-assigned

threshold, it is marked as a changed sub-frame. A SC is declared whenever the number of the chan-ged sub-frames is greater than a given lower bound. Usually, the block-based algorithm is less sensitive to a local motion or noise than the his-togram-based algorithm.

2.2. Clustering

The clustering technique (Jain and Dubes, 1998) is used to organize data according to the pre-as-signed criteria. The k-means clustering algorithm (Bezdek, 1981; Hanjalic and Zhang, 1999) and the fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm (Bezdek, 1981; Joshi et al., 1998) are two most noticeable


clus-tering algorithms. In the k-means clusclus-tering algo-rithm (Hanjalic and Zhang, 1999), a sample is assigned to one and only one cluster, so a clear partition is possible. As to the fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm, a sample is assigned a mem-bership function for each cluster, so a fuzzy par-tition is made. The moment-preserving clustering algorithm (Appendix A) using an analytical proach is reported in (Tsai, 1985). In this ap-proach, a sample is assigned to one and only one cluster according to the center of the cluster which is obtained by solving moment-preserving equa-tions. When the number of clusters is 2, 3, or 4, this algorithm can find the center of each cluster in a linear time.

3. The HBMP clustering algorithm

The HBMP clustering algorithm is a hybrid of the SCD approach and the clustering approach. It is designed to be threshold-free and at the same time require little computing time. It first measures the histogram differences between frames, which are then used as inputs to the clustering algorithm. The number of clusters is 3 instead of 2, since a two-cluster approach (Gunsel et al., 1998) may erroneously put frames into wrong clusters while handling boundary conditions; i.e., those frames in which SC is difficult to be detected. The additional cluster suggested in the HBMP clustering algo-rithm contains all ambiguous SCFs. A heuristic is developed to resolve those ambiguities.

As illustrated in Fig. 1, the HBMP clustering algorithm is composed of three phases: the feature extraction phase, the clustering phase, and the SC identification phase.

3.1. Feature extraction phase

In this phase, each frame is compared with its previous frame using the color histogram

differ-ence (bin-to-bin) and the chi-square test (Naga-saka and Tanaka, 1992). Frame dissimilarities are extracted as features. We consider the red–green– blue (RGB) color coordinates, along with the YCbCr color space. In (Joshi et al., 1998), it has been shown that luminance and chrominance in-formation contained in the YCbCr color space can be used for the SCD.

3.2. Clustering phase

In this phase, a moment-preserving clustering algorithm is used to group frame dissimilarities obtained in the feature extraction phase into three clusters: the SC cluster, the SSC cluster, and the NSC cluster. By solving the moment-preserving equations (A.1), the moment-pre-serving clustering algorithm derives centers z0,

z1, and z2 of the NSC cluster, the SSC cluster,

and the SC cluster, respectively. A detailed de-scription of the clustering algorithm is given as follows:

The moment-preserving clustering algorithm // The inputs are frame dissimilarities Xð¼ ðx1;

x2;x3; . . . ;xnÞÞ.

// The outputs are the SS, SSC, and NSC clus-ters. /* N ¼ 3 */

// X represents frame dissimilarities;

// mi the i-th moment (i¼ 0; 1; . . . ; 5Þ; /* 2N 

1¼ 5 */

// z0, z1, and z2the center of the NSC cluster, the

SSC cluster, and the // SC cluster, respectively. 1. For i¼ 0 to 5

2. Derive the i-th moment miof X using (A.2).

3. End

4. Find centers z0, z1, and z2, where z0< z1< z2.

5. Assign frame dissimilarities, xi, to the NSC

clus-ter, the SSC clusclus-ter, or the SC cluster according to its shortest distance from centers z0, z1, and

z2, respectively.

Since z0< z1< z2, the SC cluster contains the

SCFs which are easily identified; the SSC cluster contains all frames in which SCs are difficult to be determined; the NSC cluster contains frames that definitely are not the SCFs.


3.3. Shot change identification phase

In this phase, the SCFs are first identified from the SC and the SSC, and are used to segment video sequence into shots. Then, the centroid frame of each shot is selected as the key frame. The SC identification algorithm is stated as follows:

The shot change identification algorithm

// The input values are the SC, the SSC, and a video sequence.

// The output values are shots (key frames) 1. Label all frames in SC as the SCFs.

2. Select possible SCFs from the SSC cluster using heuristic.

3. Segment the video sequence into shots accord-ing to the SCFs obtained in steps 1 and 2. 4. For each shot, select its centroid frame as the

key frame.

In the second step, a heuristic is developed to resolve the uncertainty existing in the frames of the SSC cluster. As shown in Fig. 2, for every two consecutive frames in SC, SC(i) and SC(iþ 1), all SSC frames; namely, SSC(k) k¼ j; j þ 1; . . . ; j þ n 1, between SC(i) and SSC(i þ 1), are checked. An SSC(k) is declared as a SCF if its histogram difference satisfies the following inequality: H SSCðkÞ P param ½0:5 ðH SCðiÞ

þ H SCði þ 1ÞÞ ; ð1Þ where H_SSC(k) represents the histogram differ-ence of SSC(k); H_SC(i), the histogram differdiffer-ence of SC(i); H_SC(iþ 1), the histogram difference of SC(iþ 1); and param, the weight factor.

Furthermore, to reduce error detection due to a local motion or noise, we assume that the phe-nomenon of having two SCFs adjacent to each other is not possible. This assumption is based on the finding that two SCFs side-by-side usually occur due to video editing. In (1), we assign param to be equal to 0.3. In fact, a fuzzy number instead of a constant could be used. From the computa-tional results, we notice that this assignment is acceptable. Also, in (1), the constant 0.5 is used to calculate the average of H_SC(i) and H_SC(iþ 1).

4. Computational results and analyses

The computational experiments were done by using an IBM PC with the Intel Pentium III pro-cessor and 256 MB RAM. The MATLAB toolbox for image processing is used to develop the HBMP clustering algorithm. For comparison, ZhangÕs algorithm (Zhang et al., 1993) and NagasakaÕs algorithm (Nagasaka and Tanaka, 1992) were simulated.

4.1. Performance metrics

Two performance metrics, the hit ratio (HR) and the fault ratio (FR), are used to evaluate the HBMP clustering algorithm. The HR and the FR are expressed as Nd=Nt and ðNmþ NeÞ=Nt,

respec-tively, where Nd represents the number of the

correct detections; Nm, the number of the missing

detections; Ne, the number of the erroneous

de-tections; and Ntð¼ Ndþ NmÞ, the total number of

the SCFs in the video sequence being examined. A well-performed video segmentation algorithm should have a high hit ratio and at the same time a low fault ratio.

4.2. Assumptions

In the experiments, the following is assumed: 1. For a gradual shot change, dissolve, fad-in, or

fad-out introduces only one SCF; pan or zoom does not produce any SCF.

2. Since an improper editing may cause several abrupt shot changes within two or three


uous frames, it is assumed that the time interval between two abrupt shot changes covers at least two frames so as to eliminate the effect of an im-proper editing.

3. The ground-truth shot frame is identified by manually examining the test sequence by five persons.

4. Since frame difference obtained by using histo-gram interaction and the bin-to-bin histohisto-gram difference are the same (Ralph et al., 2000), ex-periments are conducted only in terms of the bin-to-bin color histogram difference and the chi-square color histogram difference.

4.3. Test cases

The performance of a video segmentation al-gorithm is sensitive to the shot change ratio (SCR), where the SCR is equal to the number of the SCFs divided by the total number of frames in the video sequence. Since human vision requires at least 30 frames per second; therefore, we consider that the SCR with one SCF for every thirty frames; i.e., the SCR is greater than or equal to 3.3% (¼ 1/30), is high. We also consider that a video sequence without shot change for more than 10 s has a low SCR; i.e., the SCR is less than or equal to 0.33%. For completeness, different types of video se-quence; e.g., animation, soap opera, movie, adver-tisement, and sport are considered. Three test cases are chosen as follows: In the first test case, 14 video sequences are selected from movie, animation, advertisement, and soap opera. The SCRs of these test sequences are 0.35%, 0.42%, 0.54%, 0.67%, 0.76%, 0.85%, 0.88%, 1.35%, 1.39%, 1.66%, 1.91%, 2.24%, 3.40%, and 3.89%, respectively. Action movie and advertisement usually have high SCRs. On the contrary, romantic movie and soap opera have low SCRs. Each test sequence contains a number of abrupt shot changes coupled with a few gradual shot changes (on the average of 2.6 out of all shot changes). In the second test case, nine video sequences are selected from animation only. The SCRs of these test sequences are 0.5%, 0.6%, 0.78%, 0.93%, 1.58%, 2.37%, 2.5%, 2.96%, and 3.15%, respectively. In the third test case, 10 video sequences are selected from soap opera only. The SCRs of these test sequences are 0.11%, 0.24%,

0.34%, 0.54%, 0.61%, 0.75%, 0.85%, 0.86%, 0.96% and 1.06%, respectively.

4.4. Results and analyses 4.4.1. Hit ratio and fault ratio

Fig. 3 compares the hit ratios of the HBMP clustering algorithm with those of ZhangÕs algo-rithm and NagasakaÕs algoalgo-rithm, for test case 1. As to the fault ratios, Fig. 4 presents the com-parison between the HBMP clustering algorithm, ZhangÕs algorithm, and NagasakaÕs algorithm, for test case 1. By examining Figs. 3 and 4, we notice that, for medium and high SCRs (=2), the HBMP clustering algorithm has better performance than ZhangÕs and NagasakaÕs algorithms; and the higher the shot change rate, the larger the differ-ence. This fact indicates both ZhangÕs algorithm and NagasakaÕs algorithm are sensitive to the threshold; but, the HBMP clustering algorithm is threshold-free. For low SCRs (50.75), we find that both the hit and fault ratios of ZhangÕs algorithm and NagasakaÕs algorithm as well are close to those of the HBMP clustering algorithm, since the threshold can be easily determined.

By further examining Figs. 3 and 4, we find that the HBMP clustering algorithm using the bin-to-bin color histogram difference obtains the best hit ratio among all algorithms tested. The fault

Fig. 3. Comparison between the HBMP clustering algorithm, ZhangÕs algorithm, and NagasakaÕs algorithm with respect to the hit ratio, for test case 1.


ratios of the HBMP clustering algorithm using the bin-to-bin histogram difference are usually lower than those obtained using the chi-square histo-gram difference; however, there are circumstances where chi-square is better. The reason is that the measurements derived from the bin-to-bin histo-gram difference are much bigger than those de-rived from the chi-square histogram difference. This leads to the phenomenon that more ambig-uous frames might be assigned to the SSC cluster when using the bin-to-bin histogram difference; consequently, increase the fault ratio.

Fig. 5 compares the hit ratios of the HBMP clustering algorithm with those of ZhangÕs algo-rithm and NagaskakÕs algoalgo-rithm, for test case 2. Fig. 6 presents the comparison between the fault ratios of the HBMP clustering algorithm and those of ZhangÕs algorithm and NagaskakÕs algorithm, for test case 2. By examining Figs. 5 and 6, we have the following observations: for medium and high SCRs, the HBMP clustering algorithm with the bin-to-bin histogram difference obtains the best performance in terms of the hit ratio; for low SCRs, the performance of the HBMP clustering algorithm with the bib-to-bin histogram difference is close to that of ZhangÕs algorithm and Naga-sakaÕs algorithm. The fault ratio of the HBMP clustering algorithm with either the bin-to-bin or the chi-square histogram difference is better than

that of ZhangÕs algorithm and NagasakaÕs algo-rithm.

Fig. 7 compares the hit ratios of the HBMP clustering algorithm with those of ZhangÕs algo-rithm and NagaskakÕs algoalgo-rithm, for test case 3. Fig. 8 presents the comparison between the fault ratios of the HBMP clustering algorithm and those of ZhangÕs algorithm and NagaskakÕs algorithm, for test case 3. By examining Figs. 7 and 8, we have the following observations: the HBMP clustering

Fig. 4. Comparison between the HBMP clustering algorithm, ZhangÕs algorithm, and NagasakaÕs algorithm with respect to the fault ratio, for test case 1.

Fig. 5. Comparison between the HBMP clustering algorithm, ZhangÕs algorithm, and NagasakaÕs algorithm with respect to the hit ratio, for test case 2.

Fig. 6. Comparison between the HBMP clustering algorithm, ZhangÕs algorithm, and NagasakaÕs algorithm with respect to the fault ratio, for test case 2.


algorithm with the bin-to-bin histogram difference obtains the best performance in terms of the hit ratio. In general, the HBMP clustering algorithm with the bib-to-bin histogram difference has a better fault ratio than both ZhangÕs algorithm and NagasakaÕs algorithm, but the difference is small.

4.4.2. Computing time

In all test cases, the computing time of ZhangÕs algorithm is in the order of seconds while that of the HBMP clustering algorithm is in the order of minutes. The HBMP clustering algorithm requires more computing time than ZhangÕs algorithm due to the clustering and the selection of the SCFs from the SSC cluster. This is an inherited trade-off between the efficiency and the effectiveness. But, in the case of video segmentation, the effectiveness prevails. Table 1 compares the computing time of the HBMP clustering algorithm with that of JoshiÕs algorithm (an iterative scheme). The com-putation time is measured in terms of the feature extraction time, the clustering time, and the shot change identification time. As shown in Table 1, the HBMP clustering algorithm is much faster than JoshiÕs algorithm (an iterative scheme). 4.4.3. Discussions Validity and applicability of Eq. (1). Eq. (1) is used to identify the SCFs from the SSC. In essence, Eq. (1) is a histogram-based heuristic. Its validity and applicability need to be further ana-lyzed. To achieve this purpose, we used the block-based algorithm (Shahraray, 1995) to resolve the ambiguity associated with the frames in SSC. Comparisons between the performance of Eq. (1)

Fig. 8. Comparison between the HBMP clustering algorithm, ZhangÕs algorithm, and NagasakaÕs algorithm with respect to the fault ratio, for test case 3.

Fig. 7. Comparison between the HBMP clustering algorithm, ZhangÕs algorithm, and NagasakaÕs algorithm with respect to the hit ratio, for test case 3.

Table 1

Comparison between the average the computing time of the HBMP clustering algorithm and that of JoshiÕs algorithm Number of frames

in video sequence

Computing time (s)

Feature extraction time (A) Clustering and shot change identification time (B)

Total time (A + B)

HBMP Joshi HBMP Joshi HBMP Joshi

88 9.29 88.62 1.76 0.33 11.05 88.95

192 21.42 202.8 5.72 0.55 27.14 203.35

314 33.23 320.25 1.85 4.22 35.08 324.47

378 41.75 385.64 0.58 2.04 42.33 387.68


and that of the block-based algorithm are made with respect to a set of general video sequences and a set of special video sequences. As for the block-based algorithm, the block size is 8 8, and the feature is obtained via the luminance, Y, of YCbCr. The computational results are shown in Tables 2and 3.

By examining Table 2, we notice that Eq. (1) obtains the highest hit ratio and the lowest fault ratio among all SSC identification methods tested. Note that in Table 2, we also considered the two-cluster (without the SSC) approach for verifying the validity of introducing the SSC.

In Table 3, we tested the video sequences with lighting, smoking, objects moving across or near the lens of a camera, or many objects moving at the background. As for the video sequences with lighting and smoking, the block-based algorithm is better than Eq. (1) in terms of both the hit ratio and the fault ratio. However, as to the case of

many objects moving at the background, Eq. (1) is better than the block-based algorithm. Table 3 indicates that the block-based algorithm is suitable to the video sequences with noise.

In summary, we can say that Eq. (1) is good for the general video sequence and the block-based algorithm is a better choice for the video sequences with noise. However, a block-based algorithm usu-ally requires more computing time than a histo-gram-based algorithm. Moreover, how to select the threshold of the block-based algorithm is a very difficult problem. The value of ÔparamÕ of Eq. (1). Figs. 9 and 10 show that the assignment of 0.3 to param of (1) is reasonable. By examining Figs. 9 and 10, we have the following observations: for value 0.1, param has the highest (best) hit ratio; however, non-stable fault ratios; i.e., singular points appear at SCRs of values 0.67% and 1.66%; for value 0.3,

Table 2

Comparison between Eq. (1), the block-based algorithm, and no SSC with respect to the general video sequence

SCR SSC identification method

Eq. (1) Block-based algorithm No SSC (only two clusters)

Hit ratio (%) Fault ratio (%) Hit ratio (%) Fault ratio (%) Hit ratio (%) Fault ratio (%)

0.35 100 0.0 72.7 27.3 91.0 9.0 0.42100 0.0 53.9 46.2 61.5 61.5 0.54 100 8.0 100 8.0 92.0 38.5 0.67 100 10.0 100 45.0 95.0 5.0 0.76 100 10.0 87.5 17.5 95.0 15.0 0.87 94.29.6 82.4 17.7 90.2 9.6 1.35 97.5 10.0 77.5 25.0 90.0 15.0 1.39 97.4 15.4 66.7 35.9 82.1 18.0 2.45 94.2 39.1 76.5 41.2 69.1 36.8 3.40 90.9 25.6 49.1 57.1 70.2 32.3 Table 3

Comparison between Eq. (1) and the block-based algorithm with respect to the special video sequence

Video sequences SSC identification method

Eq. (1) Block-based algorithm

Hit ratio (%) Fault ratio (%) Hit ratio (%) Fault ratio (%)

4 Shots with lighting 100 75.0 100 0.0

3 Shots with smoking 66.7 66.7 100 33.3

2Shots with objects moving across or near the lens of a camera

100 350 50.0 50.0

14 Shots with objects moving at the background


param has the second highest hit ratio and the best fault ratio. Nevertheless, the second highest hit ratio is very close to the highest one; for values 0.5 and 0.7, param has the third best hit ratio and the worst hit ratio, respectively. As to the fault ratio, param performs the worst. Apparently, param of value 0.3 has the most stable performance with respect to the hit ratio and the fault ratio. Gradual shot changes. For video sequences with many abrupt shot changes and a few gradual shot changes, the HBMP clustering algorithm works well with respect to both the hit ratio and the fault ratio. For completeness, we further ana-lyze the performance of the HBMP clustering al-gorithm in terms of the video sequences having a number of gradual shot changes. Five types of video sequence are examined. Types 1–5 video sequences contain one gradual shot change, two gradual shot changes, one gradual shot change plus one abrupt shot change, two gradual shot changes plus one abrupt shot change, and one gradual shot change plus two abrupt shot changes, respectively. For each type, three test sequences are simulated. For comparison, the ground truth was manually obtained and JoshiÕs algorithm (Joshi et al., 1998) was simulated. Table 4 com-pares the average number of key frames obtained by the ground truth, the HBMP clustering algo-rithm, and JoshiÕs algorithm. By examining Table 4, we notice that the performance of the HBMP clustering algorithm is close to that of the ground truth, and is much better than that of JoshiÕs al-gorithm.

Table 4

Comparison between the number of the key frames obtained by the ground truth, the HBMP clustering algorithm, and JoshiÕs al-gorithm

Video type Average number of key frames

Ground truth HBMP algorithm Joshi algorithm

1. (1 gradual) 2.00 2.00 2.00

2. (2 graduals) 3.00 4.67 N/A

3. (1 gradual + 1 abrupt) 3.00 3.00 3.00

4. (2graduals + 1 abrupt) 4.00 4.00 N/A

5. (1 gradual + 2abrupts) 4.00 3.67 5.67

N/A: not available (the algorithm failed).

Fig. 10. The fault ratios with respect to param of assigned values 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7, respectively.

Fig. 9. The hit ratios with respect to param of assigned values 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7, respectively.


5. Conclusions

In this paper, we proposed the HBMP cluster-ing algorithm for identifycluster-ing shots from video data. Some distinct properties of the proposed al-gorithm are: there is no need for finding a proper threshold as required by the SCD approach; its computing time is much lower than that of an iterative algorithm (the k-means or the fuzzy c-means algorithm) due to the moment-preserving clustering; and an exact solution (clustering) can be obtained, since there are no initial values are required in the moment-preserving equations.

Here we would like to mention the following areas of investigation which may merit further study. (1) Apply the HBMP clustering algorithm to com-pressed video sequences; e.g., MPEG 4 videos. (2) Develop a video indexing algorithm; subse-quently, couple with the HBMP clustering al-gorithm, build a video retrieval system. (3) Use other information, such as spatial or

tem-poral information, to improve the perfor-mance of the HBMP clustering algorithm. (4) Give a comprehensive study on using the

block-based algorithm to reduce erroneous de-tections due to a local motion or noise.

Appendix A. Moment-preserving clustering

In order to group n data samples, Xð¼ ðx1; x2;

x3; . . . ; xnÞÞ into N clusters, Tsai (1985) solves the

first 2N moment-preserving equations as follows: p0z00þ p1z01þ þ pNz0N ¼ m0 p0z10þ p1z11þ þ pNz1N ¼ m1 .. . p0z2N0 1þ p1z12N1þ þ pNz2N1N ¼ m2N1 ðA:1Þ mi¼ 1 n   Xi ðA:2Þ

where zi represents the center of cluster i; pi the

fraction of data samples in the ith cluster; mi, the

ith moment of data samples. Zi (i¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; N )

can be obtained in terms of mi (i¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ;

2N 1), and pi(i¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; N ) can be obtained

in terms of zi and mi. The moment-preserving

clustering algorithm has the following distinct feature: for N ¼ 2, 3, or 4, it can find the center of each cluster in a liner time.


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Fig. 2. SSC frames.
Fig. 3 compares the hit ratios of the HBMP clustering algorithm with those of ZhangÕs  algo-rithm and NagasakaÕs algoalgo-rithm, for test case 1
Fig. 5 compares the hit ratios of the HBMP clustering algorithm with those of ZhangÕs  algo-rithm and NagaskakÕs algoalgo-rithm, for test case 2
Fig. 7. Comparison between the HBMP clustering algorithm, ZhangÕs algorithm, and NagasakaÕs algorithm with respect to the hit ratio, for test case 3.



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