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Academic year: 2022



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From the first quarter of 2001 onwards, results of the Visitor Expenditure Survey will be published in quarterly brief report in order to provide on time information on visitor expenditure.

Per-capita spending

In the first quarter of 2001, per-capita spending of visitors was 1,321 Patacas, increased by 16%

compared with the same period of last year. Per-capita spending of visitors from Southeast Asia topped the list, with 2,771 Patacas. Per-capita spending of tourists and same-day visitors were 1,787 and 372 Patacas, respectively, went up 16% and 27% over the same period of 2000.

Per-capita spending of visitors arrived by sea, by land and by air were 1,245 Patacas, 1,109 Patacas and 3,153 Patacas, up 5%, 60% and 33% compared with the first quarter of 2000. Per-capita spending of visitors from Mainland China was the highest for those arrived by sea and by land, with 2,612 Patacas and 2,285 Patacas, respectively. As for those arrived by air, per-capita spending of visitors from Southeast Asia spent the most, with 4,676 Patacas.

Table 1 : Per-capita spending of visitors by place of residence

1st Quarter 1st Quarter 1st Quarter 2001

2000 2001 By sea By land By air

Place of residence




Total 1 137 1 321 16.2 1 245 1 109 3 153

Mainland China 2 021 2 667 32.0 2 612 2 285 4 598

Hong Kong 795 764 -3.9 799 406 ~

Taiwan 776 886 14.2 1 545 470 1 940

Japan 1 343 1 070 -20.3 1 070 ~ ~

Southeast Asia 1 771 2 771 56.5 2 263 181 4 676

Europe 981 1 239 26.3 1 239 ~ ~

Americas 1 029 1 164 13.1 1 164 ~ ~

Oceania 1 301 789 -39.4 789 ~ ~

Per-capita non-shopping and shopping spending

In the first quarter of 2001, per-capita non-shopping spending of visitors was 709 Patacas, decreased by 5% over the same quarter of 2000. Spending on food and beverage took the largest share, followed by accommodation, they accounted for 40% and 34% of the total non-shopping spending.

On the other hand, per-capita shopping spending of visitors was 612 Patacas, an increase of 56%

compared with the first quarter of 2000. Spending on jewellery and watches took up 37% of the total shopping spending.

Official Statistics. Reproduction of this information is authorized provided the source is quoted.

Statistics and Census Service

Alameda Dr. Carlos d'Assumpção nº 411-417 Building “Dynasty Plaza” 17th floor Tel: 3995311 Fax: 307825 Printed in May 2001

E-Mail:info@dsec.gov.mo Homepage: http://www.dsec.gov.mo

Government of Macao Special Administrative Region Statistics and Census Service



No. 1


Although gambling expense is not included in the per-capita spending of visitors, 52% of all interviewed visitors reported that they gambled during their stay in Macao.

Table 2 : Visitor spending by type of expensea

1st Quarter 1st Quarter 1st Quarter 2001

2000 2001 By sea By land By air

Type of expense


∆ %


Per-capita spending 1 137 1 321 16.2 1 245 1 109 3 153

Non-shopping spending 744 709 -4.7 712 485 1 557

Accommodation 256 243 -5.1 239 142 690

Food and beverage 285 284 -0.4 278 211 656

Local transport 42 45 7.1 41 47 89

Outbound transportb 94 89 -5.3 111 34 11

Entertainment and others 67 48 -28.4 43 50 111

Shopping spending 393 612 55.7 533 624 1 597

Clothing and fabrics 77 126 63.6 102 102 537

Jewellery and watches 127 228 79.5 190 286 508

Chinese pastry, candies and food 102 125 22.5 129 99 178

Others 87 131 50.6 111 137 373

Column totals may not add up to the amounts as stated due to rounding.

a Excluding gambling expense

b Excluding air ticket

Graph I : Per-capita spending of visitors by place of residence

Per-diem spending

Per-diem spending of visitors was 1,048 Patacas in the first quarter of 2001, an increase of 3% over the same period of last year. Visitors from Mainland China spent the most, with 1,282 Patacas.

Per-diem spending of visitors arrived by sea and by land were 1,082 and 932 Patacas, corresponded to increases of 11% and 34% over last year. Per-diem spending of visitors arrived by air was 1,055 Patacas, a decrease of 13% compared with the same quarter of 2000.


H.K. Taiwan Japan S.E. Asia Europe Americas Oceania Others 0

500 1,000 1,500 2,000

1st Quarter/2000 1st Quarter/2001 MOP

Mainland China


Length of stay

The average length of stay of visitors was 1.3 days, an increase of 0.2 day compared with the first quarter of 2000. As for tourists, the average was 1.8 days, up 0.2 day over the same period of last year.

The average length of stay of same-day visitors was 0.2 day, identical to the result of last year. In addition, visitors from Mainland China, Southeast Asia and Hong Kong tended to stay one night or longer in Macao.

Table 3 : Average length of stay of visitors

Days Length of stay

Type of visitors 1st Quarter 2000

1st Quarter 2001


Visitor 1.1 1.3 0.2

Tourist 1.6 1.8 0.2

Same-day visitor 0.2 0.2 -

Characteristics of visitors

Around 60% of the interviewed visitors came to Macao mainly for “vacation”, other major purposes included “doing business” (12%), “visiting relatives or friends” (9%) and “gambling” (8%).

Graph II : Main purpose of visit

According to the occupation of these visitors, 32% of them was “legislators, senior officials and managers”, 17% was “clerks” and 9% was “technicians and associate professionals”. At the same time, 16% of the visitors was “without occupation”, such as housewives, students, unemployed and retired persons.

Vacation 60%

Business 12%


Gambling 8%

Others 11%

Visiting relatives / friends 9%




Visitor Expenditure Survey is conducted on a daily basis at different departure points to collect information on visitors’ expenditure, excluding gambling expense, during their stay in Macao. To facilitate the data collection process, the questionnaire is available in Chinese, Portuguese, English and Japanese language versions.

Method of sampling

As it is impossible to interview all visitors at different departure points, Visitor Expenditure Survey uses the systematic sampling method in selecting visitors, including all tourists and same-day visitors who are non- residents of Macao.

Table 4 : Sampling errors (per-capita spending)



Tourist Same-day visitor

Via 1st Quarter 2000

1st Quarter 2001

1st Quarter 2000

1st Quarter 2001

1st Quarter 2000

1st Quarter 2001

Global 21.0 37.8 27.6 53.6 11.0 15.0

By sea 22.3 37.5 26.6 50.2 17.0 21.1

By land 40.0 95.5 96.1 192.1 13.3 17.7

By air 185.4 260.9 213.9 273.6 10.7 52.5



Any person travelling to Macao other than that of his/her usual environment for less than 12 consecutive months and whose main purpose of travel is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within Macao.

Classification of visitors:

a) Tourist (overnight visitor): visitor who stays at least one night in a collective or private accommodation in the country visited.1 In addition, we have added in two criteria, they are:

1) visitor who stays more than 24 hours in Macao, or

2) visitor who stays less than 24 hours and does not stay overnight in Macao but with his/her arrangement made in a collective accommodation such as hotel, guest-houses, etc.

1 United Nations and World Tourism Organization, Recommendations on Tourism Statistics, 1994



b) Same-day visitor: visitor who does not spend the night in a collective or private accommodation in the country visited.1

Conventional symbols

~ No figure provided

- Magnitude zero

o Less than half of the unit employed

MOP Macao Pataca

Δ% Rate of change

Available information

Table 1: Characteristics of interviewed visitors, by place of residence Table 2: Average length of stay of interviewed visitors, by place of residence Table 3: Per-capita spending of interviewed visitors, by place of residence

Table 4: Per-capita non-shopping spending of interviewed visitors, by place of residence Table 5: Per-capita shopping spending of interviewed visitors, by place of residence Table 6: Per-diem spending of interviewed visitors, by place of residence

Table 7: Per-capita spending of interviewed visitors, by place of residence and type of expense

Table 8: Per-capita shopping spending of interviewed visitors, by place of residence and type of expense Table 9: Other characteristics of interviewed visitors, by place of residence

Table 10: Occupation of interviewed visitors, by place of residence




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