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Central schwannoma of mandible


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JOMFP: Vol. 13 Issue 1 Jan - Jun 2009


Journal of Oral and Maxillo Facial Pathology Vol. 13 Issue 1 Jan - Jun 2009


Intraoral schwannomas are uncommon and intraosseous ones are even rarer.

The intrabony lesions account for less than 1% of the central neoplasms.

According to the literature, there have been reports of 44 cases of intrabony neurilemmomas that occurred in either of the jaws. In theis case report.

we report a case of central schwannoma of the mandible in a 23-year-old female, who presented with a swelling involving the right body of the mandible.

Radiographs revealed a well defi ned, unilocular radiolucency with bicortical expansion. Histopathology and immunohistochemistry confi rmed the diagnosis of schwannoma arising from right inferior alveolar nerve. The lesion was treated by segmental resection and reconstructed with autogenous iliac bone graft.

Key words: Central neural tumor, neurilemmoma, neurinoma, schwannoma Address for correspondence:

Dr. Karthikeya Patil,

Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, J.S.S. Dental College and Hospital,

Mysore, Karnataka, India.

E-mail: patilkarthik@rediffmail.com

Central schwannoma of mandible

Karthikeya Patil, Mahima VG, Srikanth HS, Saikrishna D

Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, J.S.S. Dental College and Hospital, Mysore, India



Neurilemmoma, a benign neoplasm derived from Schwann cells was Þ rst described by Verocay in 1910. He called it

“Neurinoma” then. In 1935, the term ‘Neurilemmoma’ was coined by Stout.The intrabony lesions account for less than 1% of the central neoplasms.


A 23-year-old female patient reported to the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, with a chief complaint of a swelling in the right side of the lower jaw, of six months duration.

History revealed that the swelling had gradually increased in size since its onset. The swelling was not associated with pain, discharge or paraesthesia. The patient had noticed mobility of her lower right back teeth since 15 days.

On extra oral examination, a solitary, diffuse swelling was evident on the right mandibular body that was roughly oval;

measuring 2.5 cm × 2 cm, and the surface appeared smooth.

The skin was intact with no secondary changes. The swelling was nontender and hard.

Intraoral examination revealed a diffuse swelling in the mandibular right buccal vestibule, extending from the canine up to the Þ rst molar, measuring 2.5 × 1 cm in size. [Figure 1]

The surface appeared smooth and the surrounding area normal.

Lingual displacement of the Þ rst and second premolars was evident. On palpation, bicortical expansion was evident with an area of decortication at the region of the Þ rst molar on the buccal side. The swelling was hard except at the region of decortication.

Grade II mobility of the premolars and Þ rst molar was evident.

Aspiration of the lesion yielded scanty amount of frank blood.

The differential diagnosis for the lesion included odontogenic keratocyst, ameloblastoma, pindborg tumor, and nonodontogenic lesions such as central hemangioma, and central giant cell granuloma, as well as central malignancy such as an osteosarcoma.

Intra oral periapical radiograph showed a well-deÞ ned radiolucency extending from the distal margin of the Þ rst premolar root up to the mesial margin of the mesial root of Þ rst molar tooth, having a uniform internal density, with a sclerotic lining in the superior aspect. External root resorption and displacement of the Þ rst and second premolars and the Þ rst molar teeth was appreciated. Cross sectional occlusal radiograph showed bicortical expansion extending from the distal line angle of the canine up to the mesial aspect of the second molar tooth [Figure 2].

The panoramic radiograph showed a unilocular, well-

Figure 1: Swelling in the right buccal vestibule with displacement of second premolar

DOI: 10.4103/0973-029X.48752

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JOMFP: Vol. 13 Issue 1 Jan - Jun 2009


Central schwannoma of mandible Patil, et al.

circumscribed radiolucency, measuring approximately 3.5 × 4 cm, extending from the distal margin of the canine up to the mesial margin of the mesial root of the second molar tooth [Figure3].

The incisional biopsy specimen showed an unencapsulated lesion consisting of bundles of spindle cells in Antoni A and Antoni B zones arranged in a palisading pattern, interspersed with small hyaline structures, the Verocay bodies [Figure 4, Figure 5]. The histopathological diagnosis was that of a Schwannoma. Immunohistochemistry was performed with an S-100 marker, which showed diffuse positivity in the tumor cells [Figure 6], which further potentiated the diagnosis of Schwannoma.

Treatment encompassed segmental resection of the tumor, with reconstruction using autogenous iliac crest bone graft, under general anesthesia, at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery [Figure 7]. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The excisional biopsy specimen was re- evaluated histopathologically, which conÞ rmed the diagnosis.

The Þ nal diagnosis was that of a central schwannoma arising from the right inferior alveolar nerve.


Neurilemmoma was Þ rst described by Verocay in 1910. He called it “Neurinoma” then. In 1935, the term ‘Neurilemmoma’

was coined by Stout[1,2] Intraoral schwannomas are uncommon and intraosseous ones are even rarer. The intrabony lesions account for less than 1% of the central neoplasms.[3,4]

According to the literature, there have been reports of 44 cases of intrabony neurilemmomas that occurred in either of the jaws.[3] Neurilemmomas of the jaw occurred in the age range of 8–72 years, with the average age of 34 years, and there is a deÞ nite female predilection.[3] The patient of the present case was a female aged 23 years. Amongst the jaws, the mandible is a favored site compared to the maxilla.[3] Mandibular

schwannomas are mostly localized to the posterior body and the ascending ramus and can also involve the symphysis region.[3]

Neurilemmomas are slow growing tumors. The most common clinical presentation is that of a swelling in the bone, followed by pain and paraesthesia.[5] Pain may be present when the tumor encroaches upon the adjacent nerves and paraesthesia may originate with lesions originating from the inferior alveolar canal. [6]

Radiographically, schwannomas of either jaw are well- demarcated, unilocular radiolucencies with a thin sclerotic border. Additional features such as external root resorption, cortical thinning, spotty calciÞ cation, cortical expansion, and peripheral scalloping can be evident.[3]

Additional imaging modalities such as ultrasonography, computerized tomography scan, and magnetic resonance imaging have been performed in the past.[7] The differential diagnosis, clinically as well as radiographically, should include odontogenic cysts and tumors, pseudocysts, and nonodontogenic tumors.[5]

Microscopically, schwannomas are typically characterized by encapsulation; nevertheless, unencapsulated cases have been reported. The tumor consists of bundles of spindle cells in typical Antoni A and Antoni B zones arranged in palisading pattern, interspersed with small hyaline structures called Verocay bodies.[8,9] Immunohistochemically schwannomas show positive staining for S100, CD 34, and Epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), only in the capsule. [2] Schwanomas exhibit both a benign and a malignant form. Malignant transformations of a benign lesion as well as primary malignant schwannoma have been reported.[10,11]

The recommended treatment for central schwannomas is surgical excision/resection, with periodic follow ups. The involved nerve can be resected to prevent the chances of

Figure 2: Cross-sectional occlusal radiograph showing bicortical expansion caused by the tumor

Figure 3: Cropped panoramic radiographic image showing the tumor extending from the right fi rst premolar up to the second molar [Downloaded free from http://www.jomfp.in on Thursday, April 30, 2009]


JOMFP: Vol. 13 Issue 1 Jan - Jun 2009


Central schwannoma of mandible Patil, et al.

Case report with review of literature. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2006;35:456–60.

2. Chrysomali E, Papanicolaou SI, Dekker NP, Regezi JA. Benign Neural tumors of the oral cavity. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Path Oral Radiol Endod 1997;84:381–90.

3. Chi CA, Carey J, Muller S. Intraosseous Schwannoma of the mandible: A case report and review of literature.

Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Path Oral Radiol Endod 2003;


4. Kowatsch E, Feichtinger M, Zemann W, Karpf E, Karcher H.

Extraosseous Schwannoma of the mental nerve clinincally simulating intraosseous. J Oral Pathol Med 2006;35:517–9.

5. Sadeghi ME, Koening JL, Clarck D. Intrabony neurilemmoma:

Diagnosis and management. J Am Dent Assoc 1998;129:


6. White SC, Pharoah MJ. Oral radiology principles and interpretation. 5th ed. India: Elsevier; 2005. p. 439–40.

7. Yamazaki H, Kaneko A, Ota Y, Tsukinoki K. Schwannoma of the mental nerve: Usefulness of preoperative imaging: A case report. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Path Oral Radiol Endod 2004;97:122–6.

recurrence.[3] Incomplete resection of the tumor can attribute to recurrence of the lesion and frequent follow up is essential.[3]


The clinical as well as radiographic features of central schwannomas closely mimic benign odontogenic cysts or tumors, which can easily be misleading to the diagnosticians.

A comprehensive differential diagnosis for such a lesion should always include a neural tumor, although it is rare.


Authors wish to acknowledge Dr. Lakshman and Dr. Madhuri Wadhwa, General Pathologists, for their contribution.


1. Baranović M, Macan D, Begović EA, Luksic I, Brajdić D, Manojlović S. Schwannoma with Secondary erosion of mandible:

Figure 5: Photomicrograph, showing spindle cells with verocay bodies (H and E, 40×)

Figure 4: Photomicrograph showing the bundles of spindle cells in Antoni A and Antoni B zones, arranged in palisading pattern, interspersed with the verocay bodies (H and E, 10×)

Figure 7: Tumor exposed surgically Figure 6: Immunohistochemistry with S-100 showing diffuse positivity

in the tumor cells (S-100, 10×)

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JOMFP: Vol. 13 Issue 1 Jan - Jun 2009


Central schwannoma of mandible Patil, et al.

8. Lacerda AS, Brentegani LG, Rosa AL, Vespucio MVO, Salata LA. Intraosseous Schwannoma of Mandibular Symphisis:

Case report. Braz Dent J 2006;17:255–8.

9. Shafer, Hine and Levy. A text book of Oral pathology 4th ed.

India: Saunders; 2002. p. 208.

10. Murphy J, Guinta JL. Atypical Central Neurilemmoma of the

mandible. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1984;59:275–8.

11. Ohnishi M, Tanaka Y, Tutui T, Bann S. Extensive malignant schwannoma of the mandibular nerve case report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1992;21:280–1.

Source of Support: Nil, Confl ict of Interest: None declared.

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distension of the mandibular body, ranging from the area of the second left premolar to the second right molar... a large multicystic lesion exhibiting sharply defined borders

Panoramic radiograph: Large well-defined, sclerotic margined, multilocular radiolucent lesion with “soap bubble” appearance extending from the lower right canine to 1 cm distal to

Measurements of canine, first premolar, second premolar, first molar and second molar regions were taken at following levels: cortical plate thickness at the level of the midpoint

‐ Radiolucency extending from the distal aspect of the root of the lower right 2 nd premolar to the mesial aspect of the unerupted lower right 3 rd molar, with expansion of

expansion of the alveolar ridge near the left deciduous mandibular second molar -Panoramic findings:.. A well-defined unilocular radiolucent lesion located in the left

Panoramic radiograph obtained before biopsy, showing an osteolytic lesion in relation to periapex of the first upper left molar and projecting toward the floor of the maxillary

Figure 1: Orthopantomographic image showing a deep caries cavity in the right mandibular first molar tooth, a radiolucent area in its mesial root, and subperiosteal new bone

We report a rare case of schwannoma arising from the sublingual glandular branch of the lingual nerve radiologically masquerading as sublingual gland tumor.. A 42-year-old female