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單位:地球科學系 姓名:游鎮烽

中華民國 100 年 03 月 29 日



NSC-Royal Society 協議雙邊合作計畫,計畫二為EDSRC-中科院西安 地球環境研究所青海湖流域採樣及考察合作計畫。主持人研究台灣河 流之侵蝕風化作用多年,近五年來已針對鍶和鈾同位素分析累積甚多 重要且有潛力的珍貴地球化學及同位素資料,並掌握高時序密度、長 時間尺度及大範圍採樣及分析等特色;英國劍橋大學-牛津大學「台 灣河流化學侵蝕作用」研究團隊三年前開始對台灣主要河流進行採樣 及鎂-鈣等同位素分析也從不同角度發現重要週期性組成變化,配合 此團隊在東南亞其他區域多年工作的成果,對溫帶區域化學風化作用 的重要影響機制,已有深入且獨特的新解釋和瞭解;結合台灣-英國 二團隊所掌握優勢條件,主持人到劍橋大學的訪問將可達事半功倍之 效,針對數據特色及物理化學意義進行面對面深入討論,具體寫成高 影響力文章,另一方面,主持人也將藉由此機會在劍橋大學學習最新 多頻道電漿質譜儀技術(MC-ICPMS),由其是針對鎂、鈣和鐵等同位 素及其潛力應用方向等。相對的我們也將全力協助英國友人在台灣野 外工作相關資訊取得及住宿或路線安排,並搭配不同取樣密度及時序 週期,針對最重要氣候或人為事件進行超高密度調查研究,可達相輔 相成效果。 本計畫與外國合作計畫之具體分工項目及內容:主持人將針對主


要元素、微量元素、鍶同位素和鈾同位素等議題進行採樣分析及撰寫 相關文章,尤其針對侵蝕及化學風化速率的推導計算,並集中研究颱 風對河流風化及搬運作用的重要影響力;另一方面,劍橋大學-牛津 大學團隊則針對與東南亞其他區域研究結果進行整合,並集中探討鎂 -鈣等同位素新示蹤研究,主持人將協助其野外採樣工作及資料收集 等,將參訪劍橋大學和牛津大學學習其在非傳統金屬同位素方面的新 發展。 第一次野外報告 一、目的 中國青海湖流域由於地質環境特殊並且無嚴重人 為汙染及干 擾,為研究侵蝕及風化作用的最佳場地之一,加上青海湖面積遼闊, 每年有數個月湖面為冰封鎖,對湖中進行的生物地球化學作用,鮮為 科學家所探討;又此封閉湖距離黃土高原沙塵暴源區距離甚近,可具 體研究終年沙塵量對流域化學及湖泊生地化的重要影響。金章東教授 對青海湖流域風化作用已有多年研究,到成功大學訪問期間更具體對 青海湖的水文及化學循環提出新的模型計算(文章送審中),並首次 量化沙塵對布哈河水化學的影響(GCA 審查中),及二次碳酸鹽沉澱 的重要化學及同位素證據。 二、野外過程 為深入驗證青海湖流域的生物地球化學模式,本人與金教授於是 研擬此次青海湖流域的採樣及設站計劃,由金教授於 4 月中旬先行返


回西安中國科學院地球環境研究所,具體籌組相關研究團隊人員與採 樣路線,收集站選地、沙塵、河水、湖水採樣及源區黃土剖面採樣等 工作項目;本人於 5 月 2 日參加為期 21 天的採樣及選站行程,野外 工作大略行程如以下附表,於青海湖實地考察前,我們在西安地環所 舉行一連串相關學術研究討論-邀約中國相關專家與會,包括肖應凱 教授、楊杰東教授、劉衛國研究員、武向坤研究員、賀茂勇博士、李 福春教授和美國牛津大學 West 博士等,也對地環所新建立完成的 AMS 加速器質譜儀設備進行二度參訪及相關 Be-10 應用討論,並實 驗到鄰近西安郊區的藍田黃土剖面採樣及討論可能新研究課題及黃 土剖面的高解析度資料等(05/02-05-09)。 5 月 11 日我們一行人員分租二部野外旅行車往青海湖前進,途 中並參訪中科院鹽湖所及青海大學,由於天氣驟冷,沿途積雪甚厚, 除與數氣象工作站及水文站洽談具體設站及合作事宜外,並在多處河 水及濕地實際採樣及討論可能水文模式,12-13 日在青海湖沿線進行 各式水文及土壤剖面觀察,並選定可能沉積物收集器設站點之處,並 討論可能收放季節及其他工作細節,14 日返回西寧並在鹽湖所舉行 一天碳酸鈣地球化學指標討論會及參訪裸鯉護育中心取得相關生長 曲線資料。15 日由西寧返回西安地球環境研究所,16 日-19 日在地球 環境研究所進行初步樣品篩選及測試,並於 20-21 日由地環所吳教授 陪同前往甘肅慶陽劉家坡及西峰黃土剖面進行系統性勘查及採樣,22 日與美國布朗大學 Steven Clemens 教授及地環所研究員數位共同討 論河川侵蝕風化研究及其與古環境變遷之關係,釐定將來合作主題。 大陸西安-西寧→青海湖-甘肅出差行程表 日期:98/05/02-98/05/23


日期 行程項目 參訪單位

98/05/02 台南→台北→抵達西安 去程

98/05/03 參訪地球環境研究室→潼關→驪山 中科院地球環境研究所

98/05/04 學術演講、參訪各實驗室 中科院地球環境研究所


Boron isotope workshop and discussion


98/05/06 Sr isotope workshop and discussion 中科院地球環境研究所

98/05/07 參觀 AMS facilities and discussion 中科院地球環境研究所

98/05/08 藍田 loess 剖面 AMS facilities 中科院地球環境研究所 98/05/09 安院士 lunch discussion 中科院地球環境研究所 98/05/10 西安鐘樓-鼓樓探訪 西安 98/05/11 西安→青海西寧 選站及採樣 98/05/12 西寧→青海湖 選站及採樣 98/05/13 青海湖→西寧 選站及採樣 98/05/14 西寧鹽湖所及青海大學 workshop 選站及採樣 98/05/15 西寧→西安 選站及採樣

98/05/16 Work in lab and discussion 中科院地球環境研究所


98/05/18 work in lab and discussion 中科院地球環境研究所

98/05/19 Discussion and thesis defense 中科院地球環境研究所

98/05/20 西安→甘肅慶陽→西峰 劉家坡 選站及採樣

98/05/21 慶陽→西安 選站及採樣

98/05/22 Steven Clemens discussion 中科院地球環境研究所

98/05/23 西安→台北→抵達台南 返程 三、工作心得 此野外採樣及設站之旅,工作項目多元且內容豐富,筆者收穫良 多,短短 3 周我們的野外旅程數超過數千公里路,造訪地點包括西 安、潼關、藍田、西寧、日月山、原子城、青海湖、布哈河、鳥島、 慶陽、西峰、查卡鹽湖及劉家坡等地;並於中國科學院地球環境研究 所及中國科學院鹽湖研究舉行數場學術演講及討論會,建立與中科院 地環所、鹽湖所、西北大學、西安師大、青海大學、南京大學及南京 農業大學等單位具體學術合作關係,並提出許多重要的問題為共同努 力以赴目標,如:(1)Mg/Ca、B/Ca 和 Sr/Ca 於古海洋重建的應用潛 力與限制;(2)高精度微量元素及硼同位素分析發展上可能遭遇的問 題;(3)溶解效應對殼體 Mg/Ca,B/Ca 和 Sr/Ca 的影響;(4)生物效 應對殼體化學之影響;(5)有孔蟲殼體 B/Ca 轉換至海水 pCO2可能 遭遇的問題及應用方式;(6)冰期-間冰期南海海水 pCO2之變化是否 與大氣平衡等。


第二次野外報告 一、目的 中國青海湖流域由於地質環境特殊並且無嚴重人為汙染及干 擾,為研究侵蝕及風化作用的最佳場地之一,加上青海湖面積遼闊, 每年有數個月湖面為冰封鎖,對湖中進行的生物地球化學作用,鮮為 科學家所探討;又此封閉湖距離黃土高原沙塵暴源區距離甚近,可具 體研究終年沙塵量對流域化學及湖泊生地化的重要影響。金章東教授 對青海湖流域風化作用已有多年研究,到成功大學訪問期間更具體對 青海湖的水文及化學循環提出新的模型計算,已發表有 3 篇 SCI 文 章,並首次量化沙塵對布哈河水化學的影響(審查中),及二次碳酸 鹽沉澱的重要化學及同位素證據;另一方面,汶川大地震對泯江流域 侵蝕、風化和搬運作用的影響,也是全球矚目的種要科研問題,尤其 是災又後重建工程對自然循環的衝擊及影響時程與本計畫規劃重點 有重要關係。 二、野外過程 為深入驗證青海湖流域的生物地球化學模式,本人與金教授於 99 年起即著手計劃青海湖流域的採樣及設站事宜,99 年 4 月中旬金 教授先行於西安中國科學院地球環境研究所,具體籌組相關研究團隊 人員與採樣路線,收集站選地、沙塵、河水、湖水採樣及源區黃土剖 面採樣等工作項目; 5 月初期,中、英和台灣等數專家合組野外採 樣小組,對青海湖進行第一次實地考察,並對地環所新建立完成的 AMS 加速器質譜儀設備進行數度參訪及相關 Be-10 應用討論,又採 取黃土剖面、討論新研究課題及高解析度資料等;延續 99 年規劃, 2010 年 4 月中旬 West 教授及本人於西安會合並前往成都-汶川針對泯


江流域進行系統河沙及崩坍址採樣,供 Be-10 曝露年齡及侵蝕搬運研 究,將對汶川大地震後泯江流域侵蝕、風化和搬運作用的改變,尤其 是災又後重建工程對自然循環的衝擊及影響時程了解有重要貢獻,泯 江流域工作於 7 日告一段落,West 教授先行返回。5 月 8 日我們一行 人員約 20 人分乘三部野外旅行車往青海湖進沉積物收集器部放工 作,途中並參訪中科院鹽湖所、青海大學及數個水文站;洽談具體設 站及合作事宜,並進行仔細檢測沉積物收集器各儀器細節工作 9-10 日在青海湖沿線進行各式水文及土壤剖面觀察,並選定沉積物收集器 設站點於七星山周圍湖域水深約 25 工尺處,並擬定可能收放季節及 其他工作細節,最後惟因收集器聲吶釋放器細部問題,決定暫時撤回 西寧,擇期重新佈放。11 日返回西安並在參與 WHOI 黃瑞新教授”海 洋循環研討會”並於 13 日發表”海底中洋脊熱液系統演化”。14 日由西 安搭機返台,圓滿完成此行野外任務。 大陸西安-成都-汶川-西寧→青海湖出差行程表 日期:99/04/23 至 99/05/14 日期 行程項目 參訪單位 99/04/23 台南→台北→抵達西安 去程 99/04/24 地球環境研究室野外工作準備 中科院地球環境研究所 99/04/25 地球環境研究室野外工作準備 中科院地球環境研究所 99/04/26 野外工作準備及與 West 教授討論 中科院地球環境研究所 99/04/27 野外工作計畫彙報及討論 中科院地球環境研究所 99/04/28 西安-成都-成都水文局-都江堰 成都水文局


99/04/29 汶川-溫江-泯江流域 阿霸州水文站 99/04/30 汶川-映秀-泯江流域-臥龍崗 汶川水文站 99/05/1 汶川-紫坪瀑-都江堰 都江堰 99/05/02 都江堰-邑縣-懷遠-成都 溫江水文站 99/05/03 成都-汶川-桑坪 汶川水文站 99/05/04 汶川-桑坪-沙壩 汶川水文站 99/05/05 汶川-桑坪-溫州-黑水河-鎮江關 汶川水文站 99/05/06 溫州-咸陽-漢中 漢中平原 99/05/07 漢中-秦嶺-西安 中科院地球環境研究所 99/05/08 西安→西寧 中科院鹽湖所 99/05/09 西寧-青海湖-耳石採取 青海湖鳥島管理處 99/05/10 布哈河口-西寧 中科院鹽湖所 99/05/11 西寧-西安→地球環境研究所 中科院地球環境研究所 99/05/12 海洋溫鹽循環研討會 中科院地球環境研究所 99/05/13 海洋溫鹽循環研討會 中科院地球環境研究所 99/05/14 西安→桃園-台北 返程 三、工作心得 此野外採樣及設站之旅,工作項目多元且內容豐富,筆者收穫良


多,短短 3 周我們的野外旅程數超過數千公里路,造訪地點包括西 安、成都、溫江、汶川、映秀、西寧、原子城、青海湖、布哈河及鳥 島等地;並於中國科學院地球環境研究所及中國科學院鹽湖研究舉行 學術演講及討論會,建立與中科院地環所、鹽湖所、西北大學及南京 大學等單位具體學術合作關係,並提出許多重要的問題為共同努力以 赴目標,對泯江在大地震過後的侵蝕風化狀態和搬運過程變化的研究 也可提供保貴新資料。 經過無私合作及三方參與研究人員的努力以赴,我們也獲得 豐碩研究成果(如附件)。 Selected publications:

60, Liu, J., Huh, C.-A. and You, C.-F. (2009) Fate of Terrestrial Substances in the Gaoping (formerly spelled Kaoping)

Submarine Canyon Journal Marine Systems, 76. 367-368, doi:

10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.08.005 (SCI, 2.255, 16/87 in Marine and

Freshwater Biology).

61, Chung, C.-H., You, C.-F.* and Chu, H.-Y. (2009) Rare Earth Element Distribution and Sr Isotope Geochemistry of the Kaoping River Catchments. Jour. Marine Systems 76, 433-443, doi:

10.1016/j.jmarsys. 2007.09.013 (SCI, 2.255, 16/87 in Marine

and Freshwater Biology)

62, Wang, R.M., You, C.F.*, Chu, H.Y., and Hung, J.J. (2009) Seasonal variability of dissolved major and trace elements in the Kaoping River estuary, Southwestern Taiwan. Journal Marine Systems 76, 444-456 (SCI, 2.255, 16/87 in Marine and Freshwater Biology). 63, M. Palacios Reich, C., Vargas, G., Luo, S., Cameron E. M.,


Leybourne, M. I., Parada, M. A., Zúñiga, A. and You, C.-F. (2009) Supergene enrichment of copper deposits since the onset of modern hyperaridity in the Atacama Desert, Chile, Miner. Deposita 44:497–504, (SCI 2.037, 5/25 in Mineralogy)

64, Houyun Zhou, Bo-Shian Wang, Huazheng Guan, Yi-Jen Lai, Chen-Feng You, Jinlian Wang, Huai-Jen Yang (2009) Constraints from Strontium and Neodymium Isotopic Ratios and Trace Elements on the Sources of the Sediments in Lake Huguang Maar, Quaternary Research 72, 289-300. (SCI, 2.457, 23/143 in multidisciplinary geosciences)

65, Chang, M.Y., Tzeng, W.N. and You, C.F. (2009) Otolith elemental fingerprints as biological tracers for tracking larval dispersal of black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli and yellofin seabream, A. latus among estuaries of western Taiwan. Advance in Fish Tagging & Marking Technology (American Fisheries Society) 66, Chuan-Hsiung Chung, Isaac Joe Brenner, Chen-Feng You (2009)

Comparison of microconcentric and membrane-desolvation sample introduction systems for determination of low rare earth element concentrations in surface and subsurface waters using magnetic sector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry Spectrochimica Acta, Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 64, issue 9, 831-842. (SCI 2.853, 9/39 in Spectroscopy)

67, Tung-Yuan Ho, Chen-Feng You, Wen-Chen Chou, Su-Cheng Pai, and Liang-Saw Wen (2009) Cadmium and phosphorus cycling in the water column of the South China Sea: the roles of biotic and abiotic particles, Marine Chemistry 115, 125-133 (SCI, 2.977,


5/50 in Oceanography).

68, Houyun Zhou, Yuexing Feng, Jianxin Zhao, Zhaoyu Zhu,

Chuan-Chou Shen, Chen-Feng You, Lina Zheng, Yin Lin, Huazheng Guan (2009) Deglacial variations of Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratio recorded by a stalagmite from Central China and their association with past climate and environment. Chemical Geology, 268, 233-247(SCI, 3.531, 6/63 in Earth Science, Geochem & Geophysics)

69, Kung-Suan Ho, Ju-Chin Chen, Chen-Feng You, Shih-Chieh Hsu and Ming-Huei Huang (2009) The first occurrence of suolunite in Taiwan: its physical properties, chemical compositions and genesis. Collection and Research 22, 1-13

70, C.-F. You*, B.-S. Wang, C.-S. Chung and K.-F. Huang (2009)

Determination of the strontium isotope ratio by ICP-MS ginseng as a tracer of regional origin, Food Chemistry 115, 387 (SCI, 2.696, 9/107 in food science and technology)

71, Jugdeep Aggarwal (in alphabetic order), Florian B€ohm, Gavin Foster, Stanislaw Halas, B€arbel H€onisch, Shao-Yong Jiang, Jan

Kosler, Amir Liba, Illia Rodushkin, Ted Sheehan, Jason Jiun-San Shen, Sonia Tonarini, Qianli Xie, Chen-Feng You, Zhi-Qi Zhao and Evelyn Zuleger (2009) How well do

non-traditional stable isotope results compare between different laboratories: results from the interlaboratory comparison of boron isotope measurements, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2009, 24, 825–831 (SCI, 4.028, 4/70 in Chemistry:analytical)


Constraints on water chemistry by chemical weathering in the Lake Qinghai catchment, northeastern Tibetan Plateau (China): Clues from Sr and its isotopic geochemistry. Hydrogeology Journal, 2009, 17: 2037–2048. (SCI 1.10, 30/60 in water resources)

73, S. K. Aggarwal, B.-S. Wang, C.-F. You* and Chuan-Hsiung Chung (2009) Fractionation Correction Methodology for Precise and Accurate Isotopic Analysis of Boron by Negative Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Based on BO2 - Ions and Using the 18O/16O Ratio from ReO4- for Internal Normalization, Anal. Chem. 2009, 81, 7420–7427 (SCI 5.712, 1/70 in Analytical


74, Jin Z D, You C F, Yu J. (2009) Toward a geochemical mass balance of major elements in Lake Qinghai, NE Tibetan Plateau: A

significant role of atmospheric deposition. Applied Geochemistry, 24: 1901-1907. (SCI, 1.857, 24/64 in Geochemistry &


75, Jin Z D, You C F, Zhang F, Shi Y W (2010). Hydrological and chemical budgets of Lake Qinghai, the largest saline lake at the Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International, 218, 1-2, 151-156 (SCI 1.607, 58/63 in GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) 76, Alagarsamy R., C.-F. You, B. N. Nath and A. V. Sijin Kumar (2010)

Determination of rare earth, major and trace elements in

authigenic fraction of Andaman Sea (Northeastern Indian Ocean) sediments by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry, Microchemistry Journal 94, 90–97 (SCI 2.579, 21/70 in


Chemistry Analytical)

77, C. H. Wang*, Y. T. Lin, J. C. Shiao, C. F. You and W. N. Tzeng (2009) Spatio-temporal variation in the elemental compositions of otoliths of southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii in the Indian Ocean and its ecological implication Journal of Fish Biology 75, 1173–1193 (IF 1.226, 48/88 in Fresh water biology) 78, C.-H. Wang, C.-C. Hsu, C.-W. Chang, C.-F. You and W.-N. Tzeng

(2010) The migratory environmental history of freshwater resident flathead mullet Mugil cephalus L. in the Tanshui River of Taiwan. Zoological Studies 49(4): 504-514.

79, H.-C. Chao, Chen-Feng You *, Chih-Hsien Sun (2010) Gases emission in Taiwan Mud Volcanoes: Chemical Composition, Methane Carbon Isotopes, and Gas Fluxes, Applied Geochemistry, 25, 428–436 (SCI, 1.961, 21/75 in Geochemistry & Geophysics) 80, Bo-Shian Wang, Chen-Feng You*, Kuo-Fang Huang, Chuan-Hsiung

Chung, Nai-Jung Wan, Ching-Hsing Chiu (2010) High Precision Boron Isotopic Measurement in Coral Skeleton: Implications for pCO2 Variation in Surface Seawater, Limnology and Oceanography (revised)

81, Kuo-Fang Huang, Chen-Feng You, Yung-Hsin Liu, Ruo-Mei Wang, Pei-Ying Lin and Chuan-Hsiung Chung (2010) Low-memory, Small Sample Size, Accurate and High-Precision Determinations of Lithium Isotopic Ratios in Natural Materials by MC-ICP-MS, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 25, 1019-1024 (SCI, 3.435, 7/70 in



Non-homogeneous Seawater Sr Isotopic Composition in the Coastal Oceans: A Novel Tool for Tracing Water Masses and Submarine Groundwater Discharge. JGR-Ocean (revised, IF 3.082, 18/153 in GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). 83, Mia-Ching Chang and Chen-Feng You* (2010) Sources of major ions

and heavy metals in rainwater associated with typhoon events in southwestern Taiwan" Journal Geochemical Exploration 105, 106-116 (SCI, IF 1.791, 27/75, in Geochemistry & Geophysics). 84, Bo-Shian Wang, Chen-Feng You*, Kuo-Fang Huang, Shein-Fu Wu,

Chuan-Hsiung Chung, Suresh Kumar Aggarwal, Pei-Ying Lin (2010) Direct separation of boron from Na- and Ca-rich matrices by sublimation for high precision MC-ICP-MS isotopic

measurements, Talanta 82, 1378-1384 (SCI, IF 3.29, 9/70 in Analytical Chemistry)

85, Miao-Ching Cheng, Chen-Feng You*, Fei-Jan Lin, Chuan-Hsiung Chung, Kuo-Fang Huang (2010) Seasonal variations of long-range transported dusts to a subtropical islet offshore

northern Taiwan: Chemical composition and Sr isotopic evidence in rainwater, Atmospheric Environment 44, 3386-3393 (IF 3.139, 27/180 in Environmental Sciences)

86, Yao-Jen Tu, Chien-Kuei Chang, Chen-Feng You, Jie-Chung Lou (2010) Recycling Cu powder from industrial sludge by combination of acid leaching, chemical exchange and ferrite process, Journal of Hazardous Materials 181, 981-985 (IF 4.144, 10/180 in Environmental Sciences)


isotopic analysis in nanogram natural specimen by Faraday mode DS-TIMS using a modified activator Geochemical Journal, (in press)

88, Bo-Shiam Wang, Nathalie F. Goodkin, Adam D. Switzer, Chen-Feng You, Konrad Hughen (2010) Temporal distributions of

anthropogenic Al, Zn and Pb in Hong Kong Porites Coral during the last two centuries (in press, Marine Pollution Bulletin)

89, Shein-Fu Wu, Chen-Feng You*, Min-Lin Shen (2010) Authigenic Barite formation in Methane-rich Sediments Offshore

Southwestern Taiwan (submitted)

90, Shein-Fu Wu, Chen-Feng You*, Bo-Shian Wang, Eva Valsami-Jones, Emmanouel Baltatzis (2010) Double-cells phase separation in shallow submarine hydrothermal system at Milos Island, Greece: Boron isotopic evidence (in press, Geophysical Research Letter) 91, Z. Jin, C.-F. You, T.-L. Yu & B.-S. Wang (2010) Sources and flux of

trace elements in river water collected from the Lake Qinghai catchment, NE Tibetan Plateau". Applied Geochemistry 25, 1536-1546.

92, M.-C. Cheng, C.-F. You*, F.-J. Lin , K.-F. Huang (2010) Source of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in rainwater collected from a subtropical islet offshore northern Taiwan. Atmospheric Environment 45, 1919-1928, IF 3.139, 27/180 in Environmental Sciences) 93, H.-C. Liu, C.-F. You*, C.-H. Chung, K.-F. Huang, Z.-F. Liu (2010)

Source Variability of Sediments in the Shihmen Reservoir, Northern Taiwan: Sr Isotopic Evidence, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (in press, JAES)


94, C.-C. Hsu, K.-N. Shen, C.-H. Wang, Y. Iizuka, C.-F. You, C.-W.

Chang (2010) Population differentiation and individual similarity of flathead grey mullet Mugil cephalus in Taiwan, submitted to MEPS

95, Z. Liu, C. Colin, X. Li, Y.Zhao, S.Tuo, Z. Chen, F. P. Siringan, J. T. Liu, C.-Y. Huang, C.-F. You, K.-F. Huang (2010) Clay mineral distribution in surface sediments of the northeastern South China Sea and surrounding fluvial drainage basins: Source and

transport. Marine Geology 277, 48-60.

96, Y.-J. Tu, C.-F. You, C.-K. Chang (2010) Effective Removal of Arsenic in Aqueous Solution Using Nano-Magnetic Spinel Ferrite Fe3O4 (submitted to Journal of Hazardous Materials)

97, Houyun Zhou, Alan Greig, Chen-Feng You, Zhihui Lai, Jing Tang, Yanyan Guan (2011) Arsenic in a speleothem from Central China: Stadial-interstadial variations and implications. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 1278–1283 (SCI 4.65, ES&T)

98, Kung-Suan Ho, Yan Liu, Ju-Chin Chen, Chen-Feng You, and

Huai-Jen Yang (2010) Geochemical Characteristics of Cenozoic Jining Basalts of the Western North China Craton: Evidence for the Role of the Lower Crust, Lithosphere, and Asthenosphere in Petrogenesis, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. Journal, v 22, 15-40.

99, Hsu CC, Wang CH*, You CF, Tzeng WN. Study on migratory

environmental history of flathead mullet Mugil cephalus L. in the waters of Taiwan as indicated by otolith elemental

composition. Marine Ecology Progress Series (revised) 100, Jessop BM§, Wang CH§, Tzeng WN, Shiao JC, You CF, Lin SH.


Habitat use and inter-habitat movement of American eels (Anguilla rostrata) evaluated by two-dimensional profiles of otolith Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios. Aquatic Biology (revised).

101, 周玲、金章东、李福春、王佳惠、游鎮烽。青海湖裸鲤(湟鱼)



102, Kuo-Fang Huang, C.-F. You and In-Tian Lin (2010) Non-homogeneous Distributions of Seawater Sr Isotopic Composition in the Coastal Waters around Taiwan: Implications for Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Oceanic Water Masses. (In press, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems)

103, Kuo-Fang Huang, Y. Rosenthal, C.-F. You, H.-L. Lin and Y.-T. Shieh (2010) Reconstruction of Change in Surface Water pCO2 in Tropical South China Sea using Foraminiferal B/Ca Ratio. (In Review, Earth Plane. Sci. Lett.)

104, In-Tian Lin, Chung-Ho Wang, Chen-Feng You, Saulwood Lin, Kuo-Fang Huang, Yue-Gau Chen (2010) Deep submarine groundwater discharge indicated by tracers of oxygen, strontium isotopes and barium content in the Pingtung coastal zone, southern Taiwan. Marine Chemistry 122, 51–58.

105, Yuan-Mou Chang, Kent A. Hatch, Hsin-Lin Wei, Hsiao-Wei Yuan, Chen-Feng You, Dennis Eggett, Yi-Hsuan Tu, Ya-Ling Lin and Hau-Jie Shiu (2010) Stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes may not be good indicators of altitudinal distributions of montane passerines. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology (in press)

106, M. J. Mottl, J. Seewald, C. G. Wheat, M. K. Tivey, P.J. Michael, G. Proskurowski, T. M. McCollom, E. Reeves, J. Sharkey, C.-F.


You, L.-H. Chan, T. Pichler (2010) Chemistry of hot springs along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 1013–1038.

107, Hung-Chun Chao, Chen-Feng You*, Bo-Shian Wang, Chuan-Hsiung Chung, Kuo-Fang Huang (2011) Boron Isotopic Composition of Mud Volcano Fluids: Implications for Fluid Migration in Shallow Subduction Zones (in press, EPSL)



Program C: Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis Nan Kuo Ho (NTHU)—Program Chair. River Chiang (NCKU) Chun-Chi Lin (NTNU) Chung-Jun


B3-4 DEEP LEARNING MODEL COMPRESSION BY NETWORK SLIMMING Ching-Hao Wang (王敬豪), Shih-Che Chien (簡士哲), Feng-Chia Chang (張峰嘉), and Wen-Huang Cheng (鄭文皇). B3-5

11 釋 聖 嚴,《 明 末 佛 教 研 究 》;Chün-fang Yü, The Renewal of Buddhism in China: Chu-hung and the late Ming Synthesis (New York: Columbia University Press,

化學風化作用(Chemical Weathering) :係岩石被溶解、氧化及

Shang-Yu Su, Chao-Wei Huang, and Yun-Nung Chen, “Dual Supervised Learning for Natural Language Understanding and Generation,” in Proceedings of The 57th Annual Meeting of

• Zhen Yang, Wei Chen, Feng Wang, Bo Xu, „Improving Neural Machine Translation with Conditional Sequence Generative Adversarial Nets“, arXiv 2017. • Supervised

[13] Chun-Yi Wang, Chi-Chung Lee and Ming-Cheng Lee, “An Enhanced Dynamic Framed Slotted ALOHA Anti-Collision Method for Mobile RFID Tag Identification,” Journal