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Experimental Cosmology in Taiwan

Paul Ho, ASIAA

Paul Ho, ASIAA


Sketch of Talk

• Astronomy at ASIAA

• AMiBA Project

• CFHT WIRCam Project

• Subaru HSC Project

• CMB power spectrum, SZE Cluster physics

• High Z Surveys

• Weak Gravitational Lensing

• GMRT Re-ionization Studies

• Baryon Acoustic Oscillations



31 ASIAA Faculty (22 Regular, 9 Research)

11 Adjunct Faculty

23 Postdoctoral Fellows

14 Visiting Scholars

13 Ph.D. Students

16 Master Students

3 Undergraduate Students

7 Research Assistants

38 Technical Staff

23 Administrative Staff

Working Language:

Working Language: English English Staff:

Staff: ( Australia), Australia), Canada, Canada, (China), France, India, (China), France, India,



SAO SMA : Array Completed, Upgrading

NTU AMiBA : 7-element Dedicated, 13-element underway NTHU TIARA; SIS Junction : 230, 345, 400, 690, 900 GHz NAOJ, PMO

NCU TAOS : 4 Telescopes Working; TAOS-2 YONSEI, SAO

ASIM CFD-MHD : 2-D Hydro Codes

CFHT WIRCam : Working well on Telescope

NAOJ ALMA-J : FEIC started; band-10

NRAO ALMA-NA: Approved; (FEHV?)


AMiBA Summary

• AMiBA is 1st CMB Telescope in Asia

• AMiBA is 1st Taiwan-Led Big Astronomy Project

• AMiBA is MoE CosPA Excellence Initiative

• Progress has been Very Fast (6 years)

• Project is Flagship of AS-University Partnership

• ASIAA Continues Strong Collaboration with NTU Physics and Electrical Engineering

• AMiBA is Operational, and currently Upgrading



Science Objectives: CMB at l=800 to 8000

Polarization Power Spectrum and Structure High-Z Cluster Survey via SZE

Large Scale Structures via SZE

Operations at 3mm ( suppress synchrotron, dust )

7-Element Dual Polarization Interferometer

Funding: MOE, AS, NSC, NTU

Goals Set in 2005, after Project Reorganization

Goals Set in 2005, after Project Reorganization


Polarization Power Spectrum Polarization Power Spectrum

WMAP Samples to l = 500

AMiBA will sample

Polarization Consistent With Temperature Structures

Reionization Signature Seen


Sunyaev Zel’dovich Effect

10 10 ' ' 10 10 ' ' 6 6 ' '

X-ray X-ray X-ray

(Carlstrom et al. 1999)

SZE brightness independent of distance (z), SZE brightness independent of distance (z),

while X

while X - - ray/Optical/ ray/Optical/ Lensing Lensing signal of clusters gets fainter signal of clusters gets fainter

μ μ


Timeline of AMiBA

• 2000-2004 MoE “Excellence” Funding

• 2003-2006 AS “Key Project” Funding

• 2004-2008 NSC “Continuation” Funding

• 2000-2002 Design, Prototype

• 2002-2005 Contracting, Construction

• 2006- Dedication, Operation

• 2007- First Science Results

• 2008- Publish or Perish!

• 2008- Upgrade to 13-elements

• 2009 10-element operations (30x faster)

13-element operations (2x faster)


Site Development in Hawaii




Cost Large


AMiBA Installed on Mauna Loa


Integration on Platform 2006


A Nice Day in Hawaii 10.2006


AMiBA Named after Yuan Named after Yuan Tseh Tseh Lee Lee


AMiBA First Image: Jupiter

Noise rms =~ 1Jy/beam (in 12s, 42 baselines)

Synthesized beam FWHM (6’)

September 8, 2006

12 scans combined at transit Net integration = “12s”


( )

( [ )

( x 1 S u V u I r = FT r r

Dirty image Dirty image

Jupiter - 850Jy point source

End-to-end verification = hardware + software

(calibration, analysis



First SZE Detection towards

A2142 @z=0.09 (April 2007)

„ Estimated 3mm flux is about 300mJy, being consistent with the 30GHz observation by VSA at 1cm

About 6σ detection in 5hr x 2-Patch observations (2-3


P1 P1-P2


Checking Gaussianity, Contamination,

Noise Behavior


A2142 A2163

A1995 A2261

More Clusters


SZE and Dark Matter

Dark Contour:

AMiBA SZE Color Plot:

Gravitational Mass White Bars:

Gravitational Shape Distortions

85-94% cross correlation found between WL and SZE maps, indicating that the cluster plasmas are tracing the DM

potential fairly well.


Cluster Hot-Baryon Fractions from AMiBA SZE & Subaru Weak Lensing


Joint “ “AMiBA AMiBA + Subaru + Subaru data, probing the gas/DM distribution data, probing the gas/DM distribution out to ~80% of the cluster

out to ~80% of the cluster virial virial radius (r_200 =~ 0.8 * r_vir radius (r_200 =~ 0.8 * r_vir) )


First gas mass fraction

measurements out to large radii without assuming

without assuming the hydro-static equilibrium assumption.

When compared to the WMAP 5yr constraint on the cosmic baryon fraction, our CDM-based halo

model (black, cross-hatched) shows

that ~83% (+/-18%) of the baryons

are in the hot plasma phase of


AMiBA: “Multi-λ Study of Clusters”

Subaru Rc-band image

DM contours X-ray contours

X-ray image Rc-band luminosity

DM vs. Baryons in A2142 DM vs. Baryons in A2142

Weak lensing, X-ray, and optical study of 7-merging clusters of galaxies by

Lensing + X-ray + Optical + SZE,

probing the cluster physics


A2142 SZE vs Weak Lensing

A2142 at z=0.091 FOV = 1.8 Mpc h -1 Merging Cluster with two X-ray cold fronts At 5’ angular resolution SZE shows shape

consistent with Dark Matter distribution.

NW enhancement may

be overpressure of ICM


Hubble Constant:AMiBA SZE + X-ray

Angular Diameter Distances (D


) for original data (o) and corrected



~ 1/D



Improve Electronics, Add 6 Rx’s

Expand Correlator, 1.2m Dishes


7 1.2m Reflectors Installed


7 1.2m Reflectors Installed


WIRCam Deployed on CFHT 2006

Wide Field (20’)

Images with 4 HgCdTd

Detector Arrays


CFHT 2008

Will continue to access CFHT at a minimum of 10 nights per year

Will continue to work with CFHT on AO, spectro-polarimeter projects


Search for the High-z galaxies

z Pushing the redshift limits of high-redshift galaxies are essential in:

9 quantifying the contribution of early star formation to cosmic


9 characterizing the history of cosmic star formation rates 9 probing the formation mechanism and evolutionary path of

early galaxies

z To date most candidates at z>7 are selected in extremely deep pencil beam surveys with very small areas, but none has been spectroscopically-confirmed yet.



Dropout (or Lyman-Break) Technique

The populations and properties of z>7

galaxies are still poorly understood !


Probing the Dark Age

A Deep WIRCAM J Survey for z>7 Galaxies in the ECDF-S

Search for z’-dropout candidates at z>7 Field: Extended Chandra Deep Field-South 5X wider than published survey

ACS v & z’ band and IRAC data are public Contaminators (color-color diagram):

Galactic objects: blue area low-z galaxies: thin solid lines

Red area for z>7 z’-dropout candidates

Two excellent candidates are found ECDFS ZD1: J=24.92

ECDFS ZD3: J=24.42

Not seen in deep space-based opt data detected in all bands redder than z’

SED fittings give photo-z=7.2 Estimated stellar mass: 10



(not predicted by cosmological model)


z-dropout candidates (z>7 galaxies) found in GOODS-N

„ Proposing HST/NIC3 study to follow up on these candidates.

– If null detections: an stringent upper limit of bright z>7 galaxies would be set.

– If positive detections: we will look for spectroscopic confirmations.

ACS i775 ACS z850 WIRCAM J IRAC [3.6]

„Joint CFHT program between Taiwan and Canadian (06A, 07A, 09A)

„Taiwan: 52 hrs in J

„Canada: 10 hrs in K (plus 70+ hrs in K

taken by the Hawaiian group)


Taiwan: L. Lin, C. Yan, Y. Cheng, S.


External: H.Yan, M. Dickinson, N.

Meger, A.

Pope, D. Koo, D. Scott, L. Simard


Red-sequence Cluster Survey 2

Covering 1000 deg 2

Using CFHT MegaCam (g’, r’, & z’) 10 4 galaxy clusters will be found

Survey Design Science Goal

Providing constraints in the w-Ω m plane Discovering 50-100 strong lensing clusters

Current Status

Supernovae 200 Supernovae 400 MAP (CMB)


Cluster mass function

(z<1.2, 1000 deg


, Tx>5Kev) 200 SNe + MAP + Clusters

Levine et al. 2002, astro-ph/0204273

International collaboration (Canada, USA, Taiwan, & Chile)


ASIAA Joins Subaru

Hyper SuprimeCam Project 10.08

1.5 degree FOV, 10 x FOV (Surpime Camera) 25 M USD Budget (Taiwan 5M) , 5 year timescale ASIAA: Detector Electronics, Shutter, Filter Exchanger Weak Lensing Tomography; z>6

Weak Gravitational Lensing: Cosmic Shear

Dark Matter Visible Clusters

ARL designing shutter, filter exchanger


Many Science Targets for HSC


z neutral hydrogen: most abundant element

z optically thin through out the universe

z line transition: gives 3D information

z visible from 0 < z < ~150, when Ts decouples from Tcmb

z ~20 < z < 150, Ts < Tcmb, 21cm in absorption

z 0 < z < ~15, Ts > Tcmb, 21cm in emission

21cm Cosmology

absorption z emission

~6 ~20 ~150





The 21cm universe

• Up to 10


modes to z=50 (Hubble/Jeans)


• Physics: Lensing, gravity waves, primordial NG, BAO, AP

• Astrophysics: EoR, galaxy evolution

• Experiments NOW – EoR : GMRT







Astrophysical -- probing the Epoch of Reionization (EoR):

Traditional observation can’t see anything before there were luminous matter

Can probe full ionization structure (Ly-alpha saturates except at the end of reionization)

Precision cosmology -- measuring cosmological parameters:

at high z, pre-reionization: linear, 10 18 modes; much more than the CMB (10 7 ), LSS (10 7 at z<1)

at low z, “ionized”: use HI intensity mapping to make an efficient redshift survey: Baryon Acoustic

Oscillation measurements; Lensing (T.T. Lu, O. Dore, U. Pen)

Why 21cm?


GMRT - Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope



150K - 200 K;

100 hrs observation


GMRT Current Status

Sensitivity forecast promising

Installed software RFI mitigation



elimination under investigation

Pulsar phase referencing


No polarized point sources


Upper limits on polarized foregrounds ~ 1K Foreground




BAO - Tool for Precision Cosmology


• HI BAO Experiment Prospects

• CHIME (Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping

Experiment); Cosmic Variance limited Hubble Survey


MANPOWER in Taiwan

No. of PhD working in Astronomy, Astrophysics & Particle Astrophysics in Taiwan

3 4 10 14 16 20 25

34 36

44 44 52

66 70 75 82 82

94 95

107 113

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

1970's1980~851986~90 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


Num ber of PhD

No. of PhD

Almost 10 times Growth in Manpower in the last 15 years

Strategy: Invest in Technology; Embed and Train Overseas, then Recover


• National Central University (NCU)

– Institute of Astronomy, 1992

• Academia Sinica (AS)

– ASIAA, 1993

• National Tsinghua University (NTHU)

– Institute of Astronomy, 2000

• Normal, Cheng-kung, Tamkang, Chiaoda

– Geology, Physics departments ...

• National Taiwan University (Taida)

Taiwan Astronomical Research 2008

Taiwan Oscillation Network (TON), Pan-STARRS, 2-m Telescope

(EAST), Compton



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