Experimental Cosmology in Taiwan
Paul Ho, ASIAA
Paul Ho, ASIAA
Sketch of Talk
• Astronomy at ASIAA
• AMiBA Project
• CFHT WIRCam Project
• Subaru HSC Project
• CMB power spectrum, SZE Cluster physics
• High Z Surveys
• Weak Gravitational Lensing
• GMRT Re-ionization Studies
• Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
• 31 ASIAA Faculty (22 Regular, 9 Research)
• 11 Adjunct Faculty
• 23 Postdoctoral Fellows
• 14 Visiting Scholars
• 13 Ph.D. Students
• 16 Master Students
• 3 Undergraduate Students
• 7 Research Assistants
• 38 Technical Staff
• 23 Administrative Staff
Working Language:
Working Language: English English Staff:
Staff: ( Australia), Australia), Canada, Canada, (China), France, India, (China), France, India,
SAO SMA : Array Completed, Upgrading
NTU AMiBA : 7-element Dedicated, 13-element underway NTHU TIARA; SIS Junction : 230, 345, 400, 690, 900 GHz NAOJ, PMO
NCU TAOS : 4 Telescopes Working; TAOS-2 YONSEI, SAO
ASIM CFD-MHD : 2-D Hydro Codes
CFHT WIRCam : Working well on Telescope
NAOJ ALMA-J : FEIC started; band-10
NRAO ALMA-NA: Approved; (FEHV?)
AMiBA Summary
• AMiBA is 1st CMB Telescope in Asia
• AMiBA is 1st Taiwan-Led Big Astronomy Project
• AMiBA is MoE CosPA Excellence Initiative
• Progress has been Very Fast (6 years)
• Project is Flagship of AS-University Partnership
• ASIAA Continues Strong Collaboration with NTU Physics and Electrical Engineering
• AMiBA is Operational, and currently Upgrading
• Science Objectives: CMB at l=800 to 8000
Polarization Power Spectrum and Structure High-Z Cluster Survey via SZE
Large Scale Structures via SZE
• Operations at 3mm ( suppress synchrotron, dust )
• 7-Element Dual Polarization Interferometer
• Funding: MOE, AS, NSC, NTU
Goals Set in 2005, after Project Reorganization
Goals Set in 2005, after Project Reorganization
Polarization Power Spectrum Polarization Power Spectrum
WMAP Samples to l = 500
AMiBA will sample
Polarization Consistent With Temperature Structures
Reionization Signature Seen
Sunyaev Zel’dovich Effect
10 10 ' ' 10 10 ' ' 6 6 ' '
X-ray X-ray X-ray
(Carlstrom et al. 1999)
SZE brightness independent of distance (z), SZE brightness independent of distance (z),
while X
while X - - ray/Optical/ ray/Optical/ Lensing Lensing signal of clusters gets fainter signal of clusters gets fainter
μ μ
Timeline of AMiBA
• 2000-2004 MoE “Excellence” Funding
• 2003-2006 AS “Key Project” Funding
• 2004-2008 NSC “Continuation” Funding
• 2000-2002 Design, Prototype
• 2002-2005 Contracting, Construction
• 2006- Dedication, Operation
• 2007- First Science Results
• 2008- Publish or Perish!
• 2008- Upgrade to 13-elements
• 2009 10-element operations (30x faster)
13-element operations (2x faster)
Site Development in Hawaii
Cost Large
AMiBA Installed on Mauna Loa
Integration on Platform 2006
A Nice Day in Hawaii 10.2006
AMiBA Named after Yuan Named after Yuan Tseh Tseh Lee Lee
AMiBA First Image: Jupiter
Noise rms =~ 1Jy/beam (in 12s, 42 baselines)
Synthesized beam FWHM (6’)
September 8, 2006
12 scans combined at transit Net integration = “12s”
( )
( [ )
( x 1 S u V u I r = FT − r r
Dirty image Dirty image
Jupiter - 850Jy point source
End-to-end verification = hardware + software
(calibration, analysis
First SZE Detection towards
A2142 @z=0.09 (April 2007)
Estimated 3mm flux is about 300mJy, being consistent with the 30GHz observation by VSA at 1cm
About 6σ detection in 5hr x 2-Patch observations (2-3
P1 P1-P2
Checking Gaussianity, Contamination,
Noise Behavior
A2142 A2163
A1995 A2261
More Clusters
SZE and Dark Matter
Dark Contour:
AMiBA SZE Color Plot:
Gravitational Mass White Bars:
Gravitational Shape Distortions
85-94% cross correlation found between WL and SZE maps, indicating that the cluster plasmas are tracing the DM
potential fairly well.
Cluster Hot-Baryon Fractions from AMiBA SZE & Subaru Weak Lensing
Joint “ “AMiBA AMiBA + Subaru + Subaru ” ” data, probing the gas/DM distribution data, probing the gas/DM distribution out to ~80% of the cluster
out to ~80% of the cluster virial virial radius (r_200 =~ 0.8 * r_vir radius (r_200 =~ 0.8 * r_vir) )
First gas mass fraction
measurements out to large radii without assuming
without assuming the hydro-static equilibrium assumption.
When compared to the WMAP 5yr constraint on the cosmic baryon fraction, our CDM-based halo
model (black, cross-hatched) shows
that ~83% (+/-18%) of the baryons
are in the hot plasma phase of
AMiBA: “Multi-λ Study of Clusters”
Subaru Rc-band image
DM contours X-ray contours
X-ray image Rc-band luminosity
DM vs. Baryons in A2142 DM vs. Baryons in A2142
Weak lensing, X-ray, and optical study of 7-merging clusters of galaxies by
Lensing + X-ray + Optical + SZE,
probing the cluster physics
A2142 SZE vs Weak Lensing
A2142 at z=0.091 FOV = 1.8 Mpc h -1 Merging Cluster with two X-ray cold fronts At 5’ angular resolution SZE shows shape
consistent with Dark Matter distribution.
NW enhancement may
be overpressure of ICM
Hubble Constant:AMiBA SZE + X-ray
Angular Diameter Distances (D
A) for original data (o) and corrected
0~ 1/D
AImprove Electronics, Add 6 Rx’s
Expand Correlator, 1.2m Dishes
7 1.2m Reflectors Installed
7 1.2m Reflectors Installed
WIRCam Deployed on CFHT 2006
Wide Field (20’)
Images with 4 HgCdTd
Detector Arrays
CFHT 2008
Will continue to access CFHT at a minimum of 10 nights per year
Will continue to work with CFHT on AO, spectro-polarimeter projects
Search for the High-z galaxies
z Pushing the redshift limits of high-redshift galaxies are essential in:
9 quantifying the contribution of early star formation to cosmic
reionization9 characterizing the history of cosmic star formation rates 9 probing the formation mechanism and evolutionary path of
early galaxies
z To date most candidates at z>7 are selected in extremely deep pencil beam surveys with very small areas, but none has been spectroscopically-confirmed yet.
Dropout (or Lyman-Break) Technique
The populations and properties of z>7
galaxies are still poorly understood !
Probing the Dark Age
A Deep WIRCAM J Survey for z>7 Galaxies in the ECDF-S
Search for z’-dropout candidates at z>7 Field: Extended Chandra Deep Field-South 5X wider than published survey
ACS v & z’ band and IRAC data are public Contaminators (color-color diagram):
Galactic objects: blue area low-z galaxies: thin solid lines
Red area for z>7 z’-dropout candidates
Two excellent candidates are found ECDFS ZD1: J=24.92
ECDFS ZD3: J=24.42
Not seen in deep space-based opt data detected in all bands redder than z’
SED fittings give photo-z=7.2 Estimated stellar mass: 10
☉(not predicted by cosmological model)
z-dropout candidates (z>7 galaxies) found in GOODS-N
Proposing HST/NIC3 study to follow up on these candidates.
– If null detections: an stringent upper limit of bright z>7 galaxies would be set.
– If positive detections: we will look for spectroscopic confirmations.
ACS i775 ACS z850 WIRCAM J IRAC [3.6]
Joint CFHT program between Taiwan and Canadian (06A, 07A, 09A)
Taiwan: 52 hrs in J
Canada: 10 hrs in K (plus 70+ hrs in K
taken by the Hawaiian group)
Taiwan: L. Lin, C. Yan, Y. Cheng, S.
External: H.Yan, M. Dickinson, N.
Meger, A.
Pope, D. Koo, D. Scott, L. Simard
Red-sequence Cluster Survey 2
Covering 1000 deg 2
Using CFHT MegaCam (g’, r’, & z’) 10 4 galaxy clusters will be found
Survey Design Science Goal
Providing constraints in the w-Ω m plane Discovering 50-100 strong lensing clusters
Current Status
Supernovae 200 Supernovae 400 MAP (CMB)
Cluster mass function
(z<1.2, 1000 deg
2, Tx>5Kev) 200 SNe + MAP + Clusters
Levine et al. 2002, astro-ph/0204273
International collaboration (Canada, USA, Taiwan, & Chile)
ASIAA Joins Subaru
Hyper SuprimeCam Project 10.08
1.5 degree FOV, 10 x FOV (Surpime Camera) 25 M USD Budget (Taiwan 5M) , 5 year timescale ASIAA: Detector Electronics, Shutter, Filter Exchanger Weak Lensing Tomography; z>6
Weak Gravitational Lensing: Cosmic Shear
Dark Matter Visible Clusters
ARL designing shutter, filter exchanger
Many Science Targets for HSC
z neutral hydrogen: most abundant element
z optically thin through out the universe
z line transition: gives 3D information
z visible from 0 < z < ~150, when Ts decouples from Tcmb
z ~20 < z < 150, Ts < Tcmb, 21cm in absorption
z 0 < z < ~15, Ts > Tcmb, 21cm in emission
21cm Cosmology
absorption z emission
~6 ~20 ~150
The 21cm universe
• Up to 10
18modes to z=50 (Hubble/Jeans)
3• Physics: Lensing, gravity waves, primordial NG, BAO, AP
• Astrophysics: EoR, galaxy evolution
• Experiments NOW – EoR : GMRT
• Astrophysical -- probing the Epoch of Reionization (EoR):
– Traditional observation can’t see anything before there were luminous matter
– Can probe full ionization structure (Ly-alpha saturates except at the end of reionization)
• Precision cosmology -- measuring cosmological parameters:
– at high z, pre-reionization: linear, 10 18 modes; much more than the CMB (10 7 ), LSS (10 7 at z<1)
– at low z, “ionized”: use HI intensity mapping to make an efficient redshift survey: Baryon Acoustic
Oscillation measurements; Lensing (T.T. Lu, O. Dore, U. Pen)
Why 21cm?
GMRT - Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope
150K - 200 K;
100 hrs observation
GMRT Current Status
Sensitivity forecast promising
Installed software RFI mitigation
elimination under investigation
Pulsar phase referencing
No polarized point sources
Upper limits on polarized foregrounds ~ 1K Foreground
BAO - Tool for Precision Cosmology
• HI BAO Experiment Prospects
• CHIME (Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping
Experiment); Cosmic Variance limited Hubble Survey
MANPOWER in Taiwan
No. of PhD working in Astronomy, Astrophysics & Particle Astrophysics in Taiwan
3 4 10 14 16 20 25
34 36
44 44 52
66 70 75 82 82
94 95
107 113
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
1970's1980~851986~90 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Num ber of PhD
No. of PhD